>When society is completely controlled by one ethnicity over others, THEIR SPECIFIC UNDERSTANDING OF MORALITY is enforced upon the rest, to the DETRIMENT of all others. FOR EXAMPLE, every single society in history OTHER THAN THOSE CONTROLLED BY JEWS has made it illegal to charge interest on debt. Anyone want to claim that USURY isn't a fundamental difference in culture?
Honestly, I don't disagree with this point, I disagree with the idea that your morality is necessarily tied to your ethnicity. Like yeah, your morality is definitely influenced by your cultural and ethnic background, but you are acting as if groups are completely unanymous despite their individual differences. There were jews which integrated into society normally and didn't cause problems, same with blacks and same with asians and any other ethnic group. I don't disagree that there are cancerous cultures, and if you believe that jews have a cancerous culture... fair enough, but people do not act always in accordance to the way they are raised. After all, people DO come out of the fourth stage of moral development into the fifth. Hell I think that many cultures are cancerous, including Chinese, German and to some extent Japanese culture, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all of the people act accordingly.
>How about rabbis going on record claiming that there IS no objective sense of morality, and therefore a hypothetical culture in which personal theft is considered normal is "just as valid" as a culture which considers it a crime?
It's not just jews that claim that there is no objective sense of morality anon. The death of God isn't a new thing, and the idea of relative morality dates back to ancient times.
>Do you imagine that, DEVELOPMENTALLY, things might be a whole lot different there than in Western culture?
I don't even disagree. I just think you're going too far with your assesment of jews. As I said, you are acting as if being raised as an ethnic person of a certain culture completely defines you, when that is simply not true. Hell I can give you examples of people who did go against their culture when it comes to jews.
>1. sequester themselves from non-jews
This isn't really specific to jews, but yeah Jews are very nationalistic. But at the same time, that mostly comes from their history seeing that they've been under occupation for such a long time, they desperately wanted to keep their own identity. You can claim this is genetic, but this seems pretty normal for people which were under occupation for long time, hell I come from a country that was under occupation for a long time and due to it developed a similar sense of nationalism.
>2. purposely do not integrate
Once again, not specific to jews and pretty normal for other nations which wanted to keep their national identity, and it's not even always true. There are jews which did integrate.
>3. purposely do not practice the same culture, as it would dilute their nurturing
It's basically the same point.
>4. purposely do not intermarry, as it would dilute the differences in their genetics
Although a fair point, I can't take this as proof of there being a different set of moral and cognitive development with them, everything they do seems pretty typial of any other nation is similar circumstances.
>5. purposely do not speak the same language as their environs
Once again, not specific to them as many nations acted the same way when either occupied or not having their own nations. Once again, not always true.
>6. purposely do not send their children to non-jewish schools so that they don't even know what gentile culture is
Not always true
>7. are raised, from birth, to believe that ONLY THEY ARE HUMAN and that everyone else are just animals who exist solely to serve them, and therefore that all crime laws--including murder--don't apply when it's practiced against a gentile
Yeah, that's cancerous but honestly once again, not specific to them. Many nations through history did this, and the effects of that were exactly the same if not even worse. I agree that this is cancerous part of their culture, but my main point is that this is nothing extraordinary when compared to other ethnicities.
I don't see any reason for why jews should be different, because jews behavioraly act exactly the same way as any other ethnicity, with the exception being that they have a cancerous culture. But they aren't even the only ones, so I have no idea why there is so much focus on them, and why they are treated as so different. Obviously, humans raised in what is basically a cult will act in cult-like manner, but that does not mean that every single person who is born into a cult agrees with the ideas of the cult, or has some natural, biological predisposition towards the cult. There were plenty of examples to the contrary.
>That's why we remember Freud and not his non-jewish contemporaries, even though Freud has been (grudgingly) admitted to have been a lunatic and a fraud in modern day.
Freud hasn't been used in psychology for years anon and psychology is older than Freud. Psychoanalysis appeared mostly because people couldn't yet establish what psychology was to be and psychoanalysis was one of many ideas of what to do. Hell, even it wasn't completely horrible because it brought ideas of Carl Gustav Jung for example, which although have a lot of problems, are quite helpful in some of their concepts.