>Same reason why soyny shouldn't ban Senran Kagura
But, Marvelous can take the series and put it on other devices, so what's wrong with Sony banning the games?
>any prevention of the a market from being available to anyone or for anyone to make profit off leads to the state of vidya that is today
But, you have some platforms like the Dreamcast, the Wii, and the Vita that have literally
ZERO restrictions when it comes to what games you can install on those platforms, yet those systems have yet to see a "real" game developed for them without a license from the console manufacturer.
>They did and we called them out for it.
And, that didn't do anything.
The "outcry" against the SNES
MK didn't change Nintendo's mind that they should change their policys. What changes their mind was Sega selling more copies of the game on the Genesis and Sega CD by having the game uncensored on their system. And, in the case of
BMX XXX, the game was terrible from the start and no one bought it, regardless of the uncensored content on the Xbox and GC version.
>which fuels my point on how it's bad business
How is it "bad business" for companies to decided where they prefer to sell their content at?
>Now what happens when Nintendon't and Valve both begin to do the same shit Soyny has done as well?
People will move to Xbox, GoG, Itchi.io, Zoom, or any of the dozens of other platforms and stores that exist.
>Where will their games go if every platform began to follow behind
They make their own, which is how games
USED TO BE sold back in the 90's. How do you think iD made money when they first released
>For the same reason twitter, google, facebook, etc. shouldn't.
That's a different circumstance because you agreed to their terms that allows them to cancel you for any reason
AFTER the fact. What's happening with storefronts is different as you're bringing your product to a store
FIRST, and the store is deciding if they want to sell your product or not.
>There are a fuckton of Linux computer vendors
That I did not know. Now, do you also know about the fact that you can by a non-Google phone called a Pinephone?