/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Loli thread Tiny 06/01/2015 (Mon) 04:07:23 No. 227
Post what you got Considering how many of these images are getting deleted from other sites we gotta put em somewhere, right?
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>>3570 The gist of it is: "Adult women are twice my size and are mean bitches so I'm pissed off and resorting to doing this with a friendly preschooler but even she is bigger than me."
>>3712 Is that baby Korra? It doesn't look like it from the thumbnail
>>3785 Jesus Fucking Christ that's hot, I would murder for a doujin detailing that scenario- hell, a VN.
(1.86 MB 3900x4800 Frances.png)

>>3788 Suppose to be, but I agree. Not really the best
>>3790 Baby Korra is actually really cute, they nailed her design, that pudgy tummy is perfection.-It'd be funny to have a pic of her holding some tiny person, or her giant holding someone in front of her face and saying "I'm bigger than you, you gotta deal with it!"
I despise Korra, you gotta deal with it.
>>3792 I mean sure, I hate the show and the character we see for most of it, but baby Korra is adorable
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This made retarded schizos on Twitter and Discord mad af. You can guess why.
>>3795 It was a fun day, but the end result was expected. Good template though.
>so is this how greentext works> just testing for later maybe.
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why is this thread bumplocked?
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>>3806 This someone's OC or something? All the art styles are different.
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>>3808 "princess daisy" account on twitter but she(?) was banned
Looks like Fuyuno Mikan is dipping his toes into animation- haven't seen any with lolis yet or I'd post them here, but here's hoping he makes some soon.
what do you guys like to see in a loli crush/vore story?
>>3812 Well not death, so I'm not the best one to ask about that, but I'll answer anyway. If I want to fucking murder the lolis in the story, I consider that a failstate. I want to have them be dominant, be a little tyrant, disregard the tiny's personhood, but when it just becomes unnatural sadism my dick goes soft and my brain goes "fuck her I hope she dies". It's why I can't into AlloyRabbit's art.
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>a 9ft tall magical elf princess will never think you're a cute little monkey-human
YES! More minigts lolis!
>>3816 Nice to see a fellow appreciator- while I like them properly giant of course, minigiantess is underrated- doubly so for lolis, since it really emphasizes their size. Due to still physically growing, they don't have an adult's proportions, so even though they may only be as tall as an adult, their overall mass is more than double his regardless.
>a loli fairy will never turn the tables on you with a size modifier stat penalty
>>3816 I made these two as a part of a set im too lazy to finish. The world needs more mini-giant lolis

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>>3820 Nice. Does anyone have that loli giantess SFM video with the "lollipop" music?
>>3821 I dont have it; all I can do is remember it was a Walking Dead giantess vid with a the girl in a yelow dress sucking on a lollipop with Clem on it as the song plays. I think at the end Clem is stuck to the screen?

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