/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Loli thread Tiny 06/01/2015 (Mon) 04:07:23 No. 227
Post what you got Considering how many of these images are getting deleted from other sites we gotta put em somewhere, right?
(128.39 KB 700x1015 red haired loli (hiding).jpg)

(222.86 KB 850x1200 Loli swimsuit city.jpg)

(108.82 KB 700x1015 Swimsuit loli city.jpg)

(97.06 KB 688x999 Violent loli.jpg)

(38.34 KB 495x700 A grand feast.jpg)

(149.72 KB 907x1280 Is he gonna go in.jpg)

(115.23 KB 907x1280 Sitting on her knees.jpg)

(89.64 KB 688x999 Cruel loli destruction.jpg)

(57.35 KB 600x870 Loli sock imprison.jpg)

(142.81 KB 700x1050 loli city destruction2.jpg)

(120.21 KB 700x1015 Loli comic2.jpg)

(77.32 KB 566x800 Certified pussy inspector.jpg)

(485.70 KB 1060x1380 Red-haired loli swimsuit boss.jpg)

(74.67 KB 678x956 Demon loli.jpg)

(80.56 KB 700x1015 Loli forehead marking.jpg)

(141.76 KB 1091x960 Playing with boatss.jpg)

(127.59 KB 1007x1219 Shower time.jpg)

(76.66 KB 383x750 IU11qz4rgp.jpg)

More damn it, I demand more!
(1.46 MB 1200x1600 Fucked up Uru Guru.jpg)

>>246 Oh thank god I thought I was the only one here
(219.30 KB 800x1119 Loli in city.jpg)

>>247 Fuck forgot to spoiler
(195.06 KB 637x900 Perverted brother comic1.jpg)

(191.19 KB 637x900 Perverted brother comic2.jpg)

(205.26 KB 637x900 Perverted brother comic3.jpg)

(219.27 KB 637x900 Perverted brother comic4.jpg)

(224.84 KB 637x900 Perverted brother comic5.jpg)

(681.75 KB 970x1875 unknown artist (planes).jpg)

Anyone know the artist for this? Or know anyone who might know?
I'll be surprised if I don't get put on some list for posting this one
(1.23 MB 1080x1529 MM13 (loli1).png)

>>258 and of course it doesn't post
(1.12 MB 1080x1529 MM13(loli2).png)

(1.07 MB 1080x1529 MM13(loli3).png)

(1.25 MB 1080x1529 MM13(loli4).png)

(2.08 MB 2220x3106 Pushed in.jpg)

Is anyone still here?
>>263 Yes.
>>263 yup yup
(759.75 KB 768x1280 Uru pls (loli).jpg)

>>264 >>265 I cant give up when so many people are depending on me I shall post more!
(1.10 MB 1000x1414 Loli (some dude on pixiv).jpg)

(195.16 KB 1125x1150 Meh loli.jpg)

(481.50 KB 1023x1500 Pink hair loli.jpg)

(102.73 KB 340x499 Loli city destruction.jpg)

Idk why but Ochiko's lolis feel kinda meh to me
If anyone has any idea who the artist was for the last 4, please tell me Would be really nice
(124.02 KB 706x1000 Aroused.jpg)

(61.65 KB 556x800 Fun times for all.jpg)

(114.05 KB 907x1280 Climbing the belly.jpg)

Fuyunon has an absurd amount of well done lolis
(157.51 KB 907x1280 Pretty far up there.jpg)

philosophers of ages past long established that loli tomboy bully is the best possible size content 8chan won't let me post images for some reason so here's a story about a loli bully http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3877
(331.28 KB 708x820 Flip flops (younger girl).jpg)

Anybody here?
(185.49 KB 659x966 CC Sakura (loli).jpg)

(281.93 KB 900x1100 LOLi.jpg)

This board so slow T_T
>>289 I show up daily to check out new vids in the videos thread and post if I find anything new, but agreed. I wish there was more frequent content though.
(222.66 KB 1024x1031 g4stg76776089gdf223445568.jpg)

(65.11 KB 400x600 Sock trap (loli).jpg)

We aint dead yet boys! (unlike the people in this image)
(540.17 KB 768x1280 Uru loli guro.jpg)

(192.85 KB 1000x700 1434940666677.jpg)

(265.49 KB 970x1315 1411448995098-3.jpg)

(404.94 KB 1200x1600 1411601841163.jpg)

(477.21 KB 1720x1230 1413281659608.jpg)

>>325 Now that I notice, that one's kind of debatable. I can delete if necessary.
(55.85 KB 566x800 Breastheld.jpg)

>>327 No need to do at anon, this place much content as possible
>>335 needs as(s)*
(222.96 KB 849x1200 siro5.jpg)

>>274 Late as fuck response, but these are from I-Raf-You's games. I'm pretty sure the one in question here is called "when a mimosa blooms" and also happens to be one of the only ones with an engrish translation
(102.20 KB 537x694 i'm good (1).jpg)

>>268 >wolf effect urotsuki >mega
(198.30 KB 480x533 1429493667316-0.jpg)

(175.32 KB 480x533 1429493667316-1.jpg)

(182.61 KB 480x533 1429493667316-2.jpg)

(206.68 KB 480x533 1429493667316-3.jpg)

(199.04 KB 480x533 1429493689332-0.jpg)

The artist is master1200.
(201.27 KB 480x533 1429493689332-1.jpg)

(190.64 KB 480x533 1429493689332-2.jpg)

>>287 Woah, this one is a pretty creative concept! Hope she gets bigger so her womb is actually museum sized~
(328.14 KB 544x416 loli.png)

(96.25 KB 700x988 2a21d28a.jpg)

I'm a sucker for huge lolis
(359.31 KB 1050x1083 Ochiko_304.jpg)

Crap wrong one. my bad
(286.50 KB 1280x3296 kaijutorachan_021.jpg)

(1.92 MB 1510x1883 runa-ru.jpg)

(2.15 MB 1510x1883 runa-ru2.jpg)

(98.42 KB 581x720 Loli unknown.jpeg)

(767.25 KB 1200x1600 Translated watersports loli.jpg)

(1.28 MB 930x1300 Super D-naught girl (loli).png)

(118.14 KB 620x908 loli vore.jpg)

Bumping for new life to be brought back to this place
>1 pedo who got banned by HTT carries life long trauma that will never be healed >he escapes to size >I come along and post giant males because its not a giantess general >he cracks and adds giantess to the general years ago >He claims size/gts is his safespace for pedophilia >a few years later administration changes and now he gets banned for sharing his sickness It's been a wild ride but I'm glad you pervs are trapped in this little tartarus and not free to terrorize the citizens of earth.
>>863 sorry that people cant just be secure and honest with them selves
>>863 What the fuck?
(1008.76 KB 2448x3888 uru kanna.jpg)

>>868 where does uru post new stuff ?
>>870 On patreon
(1.02 MB 1200x1920 4_lolibuttcrush.jpg)

Do upshot POV images count even when they're not intended as giantess?
>>1062 why not, if you're unsure and have a bunch you can even make a new thread.
(835.56 KB 800x1184 177349-observer_k.png)

(498.48 KB 900x1200 Hiono miko thing.jpg)

>>1062 Yeeee >>1063 Basically what this dude said
translation from bubbles left to right: "Hehehehe, its impossible for little people~ (songnote)" "Do you want to fondle my tits?" "Are you okay?"
(455.29 KB 1200x675 pov3.jpg)

>>1062 Most of them aren't intended to be, but I still consider it as macro.
(295.18 KB 640x800 64494243_p4.jpg)

(298.25 KB 640x800 64494243_p5.jpg)

(527.62 KB 1600x1143 173946.jpg)

(1009.09 KB 1600x1064 168757.jpg)

(946.40 KB 1968x1159 1503693305700.jpg)

(563.30 KB 1451x919 64681746_p0.jpg)

Is this a good place to ask for any toddlercon images?
>>1252 Specifically giants, of course.
>>1253 I suppose so. Not really much of that exists though. I'd have to find some. There might be something by Ochiko that's close but… most people draw lolis above toddler age
>>1254 Ochiko, I've seen some of his work, he usually goes a bit bigger than I prefer, "giga" or as I like to say, "retardedly huge". I appreciate the fast response, if you do find anything, please let me know!
(1.67 MB 1646x1029 1504570602604.png)

(983.20 KB 2379x3392 henreader pov.jpg)

This is best loli gts thread please keep this going it is amazing
This is best loli gts thread please keep this going it is amazing very good work
(530.75 KB 3507x2480 Being_eaten_by_Angel_0.jpg)

(1.13 MB 1746x2454 gigapiniman.jpg)

(492.96 KB 900x1560 tamaki.jpg)

(215.86 KB 816x1248 007.jpg)

(275.50 KB 1280x1810 011.jpg)

(441.56 KB 1280x1810 012.jpg)

(341.37 KB 1280x1810 024.jpg)

(392.21 KB 1280x1810 030.jpg)

(65.96 KB 600x1088 1514944327093.jpg)

(1.42 MB 1351x1661 47ef44hi3ed0.jpg)

(1.21 MB 1920x2160 1484440419504.jpg)

(1.19 MB 1920x2160 1484440449974.jpg)

(581.21 KB 1308x1875 1484440503171.jpg)

(459.73 KB 1353x2408 1426745878074.jpg)

(1.76 MB 1452x2571 1457457290824.jpg)

(1.47 MB 1700x2435 1457670822876.jpg)

(1.58 MB 1980x2291 1479450214489.jpg)

(1.61 MB 2136x2472 1479450875159.jpg)

>>1396 >giant reddit potato Made me laugh >>1402 >>1403 Ya can't just post something amazing like this and not give the sauce or artist anon
(756.00 KB 2480x3507 Being_eaten_by_Angel_1.jpg)

(1.24 MB 2480x3508 micronemagazine17.jpg)

Microne Magazine Vol. 17
>>1436 Ah, Microne 4 I believe had one of the best giantesses ever. I feel lately Microne is kind of losing it lately, especially since no one translates it anymore.
(262.97 KB 1280x1811 09.jpg)

(312.11 KB 1280x1811 10.jpg)

>>1438 Does i-raf-you know how big his english speaking crowd is? If he did then he'd probably hire someone to translate his comics. I'm surprised to see that there's already 49 Microne Magazines, I remember when MM1 came out.
(560.10 KB 1024x1331 Looming.jpg)

>>1439 I don't know, though I thought i-raf-you was a group, not an individual. No idea though, don't mind me. I've skimmed his latest work due to the lack of lolis. Giant little girls are criminally underrepresented.
(496.62 KB 1741x2872 55301214_p1.png)

(719.13 KB 2000x3000 55301214_p0.png)

(1.65 MB 2480x3507 Being_eaten_by_Angel_2.jpg)

(2.62 MB 2020x3933 1520723153912.jpg)

>>1465 Ah, you found those too? Pretty good stuff.
(1.45 MB 1987x2922 1523933030335.jpg)

(1.31 MB 1316x3400 1523933062073.jpg)

>>1477 What's the name of this OC again?
>>1485 >>1396 Gilda Butt Smash!
(109.43 KB 1280x1090 Cjd23OMUYAA25rb[1].jpg)

>>1488 >Gilda gets the first hitler dubs of the board not sure how to feel about this
(312.53 KB 678x855 SUIKA.jpg)

>>1490 Too late, praise her glory!
(61.39 KB 550x718 DZ9PhGiU8AAJkfG_orig.jpg)

(50.99 KB 600x743 DaXVldYUwAIiI_6_orig.jpg)

Tsushima from Kantai Collection, drawn by Utopia
(777.37 KB 2167x2111 SamBday.png)

(1.31 MB 1980x3058 1474009389961.jpg)

(1.26 MB 1763x2552 1474009454702.jpg)

(1.59 MB 1782x2700 1474009521702.jpg)

(247.75 KB 715x1000 37524140_p0.jpg)

(1.65 MB 2480x3507 Being_eaten_by_Angel_3.jpg)

(1.31 MB 1800x2900 70099998765423.jpg)

(541.37 KB 707x1000 ClipboardImage.png)

(347.79 KB 566x800 ClipboardImage.png)

(280.31 KB 495x700 ClipboardImage.png)

(973.94 KB 915x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(969.11 KB 907x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.02 MB 907x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.22 MB 915x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(542.46 KB 566x800 ClipboardImage.png)

(309.46 KB 566x800 ClipboardImage.png)

(804.39 KB 888x1243 ClipboardImage.png)

(863.09 KB 888x1243 ClipboardImage.png)

(884.49 KB 915x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

(764.14 KB 888x1243 ClipboardImage.png)

(203.20 KB 495x700 ClipboardImage.png)

(1.02 MB 1000x1399 ClipboardImage.png)

(961.84 KB 1000x1399 ClipboardImage.png)

(813.99 KB 907x1280 ClipboardImage.png)

Fuyunon is a amazing artist
(1.01 MB 849x1200 Dguo-dKU8AAFKbF[1].png)

(88.95 KB 597x761 DfyS3pvUcAAl9JX[1].jpg)

(67.31 KB 627x521 Dfkt_rDU0AINmwZ[1].jpg)

(477.95 KB 750x1150 giantess.jpg)

(147.42 KB 1061x1500 reference1.jpg)

(145.95 KB 600x800 good nuff.jpg)

Hey, I've heard of a site that was dedicated to giant kids, run by a SarahMF, does it ring a bell with anyone?
(313.92 KB 1584x631 1531691386229.jpg)

>>1626 sounds intredasting
>>1628 That pic looks like the person who did Emi Eri. Not normally into feet, but that guy makes them look good.
(322.00 KB 900x1200 154.jpg)

(1.42 MB 1910x1920 Hat_Girl_GTS.png)

>>1632 You mean Pogojo? That artist does so great work.
>>1655 Pogojo, that's the one, I think. Is he still active? He does some tasty fuckin' lolis, and speaking of, Does >>1654 have a larger picture, or related pics? It looks like a part of a comic or something, and I got to see the giant kid holding onto that unfortunate woman's hair.
(462.55 KB 800x1270 uru.jpg)

Uru image from pixiv.
(3.54 MB 1800x1205 Gilda Butt Expanded.gif)

>>1551 DAT ASS
(294.36 KB 888x1243 LxvdJY4B8Qiyoc0Quum7eiow.jpeg)

(325.76 KB 888x1243 ryhz1E7pr055Q7KDlWeSRYgZ.jpeg)

(364.86 KB 888x1243 r8Wc0XUnUmtKcFdNK9aGoeGY.jpeg)

(265.83 KB 888x1243 S7HrZ1GEpRxDhfqcnisP4pyk.jpeg)

(319.93 KB 888x1243 U8mHW01lkjLUeDfcEAtt1oAx.jpeg)

Translations pls
(211.35 KB 518x725 DK72K5qAgn7F1Zv8PwYahUha.jpeg)

Something that doesn't exist, but desperately needs to is giant Kodomo no Jikan girls, or a shrunken sensei in their hands. Not just a picture, a full doujin, 20 pages of Rin, plus 10 more with the other girls getting a turn.
(105.00 KB 629x1000 Do5pZgcU8AEVNDu.jpg)

(87.06 KB 518x800 DpT-tEXV4AAEhYY.jpg)

(936.95 KB 1490x2146 x1.png)

(908.94 KB 1494x2180 x2.png)

(850.42 KB 1494x2179 x3.png)

>>1716 Did you know these existed, anon?
>>1716 >>1767 There's also a bunch of older Alloyrabbit pictures.
>>1768 >>1767 >>1716 This is the last that I could find.
(355.63 KB 950x597 Belly Town2.jpg)

(641.85 KB 920x978 Gilda Mars's Rampage2.jpg)

(2.39 MB 500x842 Nom-Bullies2.gif)

(494.23 KB 870x870 Gilda Mars Eats the World2.jpg)

>>1684 >>1396 >>1485 >>1488 >>1551 For Gildafags, the more you bully her, the bigger she gets.
>>1655 Damn I wish there was any stuff of giant Hat Girl
>>1768 I did manage to find that one, but thank you for posting it here! It looked almost official, and saucenao said as much, but when I tried checking the manga (second time, read it to finish what the anime started) I couldn't find it. >>1767 >>1769 Thank you kindly. There can never be enough giant lolis.
(4.32 MB 4364x4345 70161750_p0.jpg)

(551.23 KB 1754x1392 70325500_p0.jpg)

(498.60 KB 1754x1392 70325500_p1.jpg)

(712.07 KB 2195x1738 70234454_p0.jpg)

(829.60 KB 1758x1392 71250004_p0.jpg)

(457.84 KB 634x900 manga i wanna read.jpg)

(195.08 KB 781x1000 ok pic.jpeg)

>>1781 I never know how much I needed hat girl lewds, thanks for that. >>1805 >>1808 Oh, this is why lolis (and shotas) make the best giants, being bullied by someone who is younger and was formerly smaller than you is fucking unf to the maximum.
(245.00 KB 1100x900 fet2.jpg)

>>287 I wonder why no one posted part 2 of this.
>>1815 I wanted to read that manga too; wasn't it only sold as physical copies or something?
(288.09 KB 634x900 manga i wanna read2.jpg)

>>1820 I really don't know, I was able to find frustratingly little on it due to not speaking the language. One thing though that I've learned is that there is a lot of porn out there that I will never see on account of people simply never scanning it, and that makes me sad.
>>1822 I found the artist and the distribution, but not the manga. https://www.m-fo.com/creation/doujin/20150126064956.html
fairy that changes size https://nhentai.net/g/208253/ and eventually gets bigger than the guy
(1.22 MB 1239x889 71956949_p0.png)

(1007.88 KB 887x1233 71971703_p0.png)

this but smol
umm anyone got any giantess kanna i swear i have seen some somewhere
i swear i have saw them
>>1867 >>1868 I have no idea what it is exactly you're looking for, but please don't shit up threads with multiple request posts.
(303.24 KB 800x1232 237403.jpg)

(291.11 KB 800x1232 237405.jpg)

(364.97 KB 1000x1386 261722.png)

(424.59 KB 1000x1354 261726.jpg)

(159.52 KB 750x1184 261729.png)

supersatanson made another loli growth comic but it might be gone from the net now unless someone saved it
http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=7289 loli giantess story a different one than the one posted earlier
(80.07 KB 969x744 66903005_p0.jpg)

(131.54 KB 708x1000 bonding on the beach.jpg)

(274.10 KB 1000x1000 look what I can do.jpg)

Artist is Miton, found on Pixiv. Most of their stuff is bbw, and older girls, but what lolis they draw are pretty good.
>>1929 Yeah, those are really good >>1927 Here's some of MangaFan's old stuff, but have a warning, some parts have giant males in them. https://web.archive.org/web/20100611155714/http://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/shrinktotiny
(98.39 KB 969x744 66903005_p1.jpg)

(129.45 KB 507x717 game girl.jpg)

(864.56 KB 1100x1500 in case he deletes this one too.jpg)

(1.63 MB 1600x2859 good uru.jpg)

Gonna drop what I got hoping it'll encourage others to do the same. It's been too long just having a trickle of content.
(234.82 KB 940x1327 hide and found.jpg)

(190.14 KB 1000x781 little girl big trouble.jpg)

(230.05 KB 694x1000 naughty collector-chan.jpg)

>>2016 Now I gotta ask again though, does anybody have giant toddlers/babies? You know when you say "Am I the only one who…?" and the answer is no? There's no way it's right in this case… Right?
(201.35 KB 792x612 71190178_p0.jpg)

>>2017 kasumikills had some on his pixiv but deleted them recently
https://nhentai.net/g/262059/22/ contains scat vore gore and piss made by little mantis
(3.80 MB 2961x4880 1550967966399.jpg)

(3.55 MB 3417x3573 1550967999233.jpg)

(2.04 MB 3410x2148 1550968039968.jpg)

Thinking of writing a story about being shrunken down while babysitting your playful little cousin. What color should her panties be?
>>2051 Loli is OP
>>2051 any light color with cartoon bears that look like they're eating you when you're rubbed into her
(98.23 KB 800x800 perils of playtime.jpg)

(96.53 KB 600x960 uru loli.jpg)

>>2051 >>2053 Cartoon bears is good, can't go wrong there. Rainbow panties though, Mangafan did a story with a rainbow-panty-wearing loli, but did almost nothing with it, so I feel cheated.
Alright, the story is done! I made a few alternate versions, so here they are. Basic version: https://pastebin.com/my0JTBZb Brap version: https://pastebin.com/7HhfvnyS Ketchup version: https://pastebin.com/Nkj3j5FY Brap + Ketchup version: https://pastebin.com/YtAkmRzg
(342.35 KB 840x1200 72555228_p2_master1200.jpg)

>>2057 Nice! I'm assuming Ketchup is gore, so I didn't look at that, but you did leave off on a titillating spot for the Basic version. Would love to see more, you did a really good job with describing scale, and I personally thank you for going with such a young loli, right up my alley.
>>2057 very good
(2.89 MB 2892x5540 1552854098218.jpg)

(2.84 MB 2892x5474 1552854135312.jpg)

(1.48 MB 2480x3508 73395396_p0.jpg)

(814.63 KB 880x4022 Lolicomic01.jpg)

(368.20 KB 800x1956 Lolicomic02.jpg)

Consume me with your small, untainted craw.
>>2064 That first picture is so good. Too bad his pixiv account only has a couple images with this theme.
(225.45 KB 800x800 D2fswA7UkAEjCz6.png)

(224.98 KB 800x800 D2fswlkVYAAKqx1.png)

(442.84 KB 800x800 D2fsy3iU8AAHM_h.png)

(447.06 KB 800x800 D2fszZDUkAATzGH.png)

>>2065 Whose Pixiv?
(417.25 KB 2295x1498 Sakuraloli.png)

>>2057 That was pretty good, maybe I'll try my hand on a big loli story too.
>ywn be a dust mite herder in the belly button cavern of a chubby loli who forgot she even put you in there
(43.77 KB 432x674 gelbooru giant loli 1.jpeg)

(21.13 KB 352x499 gelbooru giant loli 2.jpeg)

(170.81 KB 719x622 1555190544324.png)

This kind of pic drives me nuts. Getting reached towards, like a toy.
>>2089 this uru pic is one of my favorites >>1314
(1.41 MB 1698x2248 giant loli 77.png)

(802.22 KB 1080x1080 babysitters giant loli 3.png)

(752.76 KB 1080x1080 babysitters giant loli 2.jpg)

(751.26 KB 1080x1080 babysitters giant loli.jpg)

(117.84 KB 1024x1024 D4dTeb-UEAAhNMc.jpg)

i found a site that leaks patreon only stuff this is to go with the post above https://yiff.party/928833
(208.38 KB 1483x1105 vore lolis gts.jpg)

(1.08 MB 1280x905 giant kanna vore.png)

(429.25 KB 852x1924 giantess delivery comic.jpg)

(233.02 KB 1210x1354 giant loli miku 2.jpg)

(179.17 KB 1280x720 giant loli miku.jpg)

>>2110 How much more is there? you have to make an account to view anything.
>>2113 not many
(405.99 KB 898x1200 74438501_p0_master1200.jpg)

(580.45 KB 1036x1450 1.jpg)

upping the quality of this thread again https://nhentai.net/g/270625/
the first few images aren't showing up is it the same on your guys end it shows up here https://web.archive.org/web/20150716031632/https://8ch.net/gts/res/227.html
(837.86 KB 700x933 0001.png)

(512.96 KB 999x740 0012.png)

(1.19 MB 1242x1488 0033.png)

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(527.01 KB 600x800 0035.png)

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And that's all from me folks!
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>ywn be the loved pet of a big elf girl
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(3.37 MB 2690x4998 who's flat now.jpg)

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holy shit i found a shitton of giantess pan (from dragonball shit) just type giantess pan on deviantart orrr https://www.acgts.gdn/pictures/dbz/index.html crtl f pan https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1001178-Giantess-Pan
>>259 >>260 >>261 >>262 Does anyone know if the artist of this work, he wrote it under the name Nakai, has done anything else? This is just one of the fucking best loli size doujins ever done.
(625.72 KB 1180x940 48575192_p0.jpg)

(389.48 KB 850x743 dakkanna.jpg)

(345.70 KB 1280x1811 How deep the rabbit hole goes.jpg)

(86.35 KB 850x637 Peephole.jpg)

>>2278 Where did you find these? >>2280 Also hey man… The bumps are nice, but please don't link anymore writing.com stories; They're usually shit, and what bit of decent interaction there may be is buried beneath mounds of trash shat out by barely-literate retards. A full-on, competently written story is welcome, like that Jenny I blew up my Sister one posted a little while ago, but writing.com is just trash near all of the time.
>>2281 some people have a fetish for bad writing you know
>>2266 Source on 5th pic? Can't find it with reverse image searches.
>>2291 furaffinity user: summerheat
(296.98 KB 350x427 dont know sauce.png)

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twitter 5ummerheat
Heyyyyy, I ended up writing another story. This one isn't as explicit as my last one and one of the giantesses isn't a loli but hopefully you guys might enjoy it. Her panties are black this time. https://pastebin.com/CV01BgiG
>>2319 I really like how you establish that the diminuans are morally superior but are helpless anyway as she flaunts her underwear and makes unfair demands etc… please write more in the future
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Please keep all porn posts size-related if possible. POVs that are close enough are acceptable as well, but for the quality of the thread I will clean up material that don't quite make the cut in mu opinion. Thank you. If you feel differently, feel free to voice your opinion and I'll take it into consideration. I try to be as laissez-faire as possible. This place allows almost everything, but it is a giantess/size focused board above all else, not a vanilla board.
big elf girls
>>2319 That's some good shit. Anyone else know some other good Loli focused stories that aren't tied to something like writing.com? I've seen some other pastebin stuff but don't know how to find any of them now.
(23.30 KB 400x400 barlio.png)

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>>2438 That doujin was the biggest cock-block in all of existence and I will never not be mad about it.
masha and the bear a tv show has a giantess loli episode (no it aint lewd) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlGfyc-qP_c
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>>2443 >no giant anti-bully loli
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>>2459 Where did you find that MUK picture? I can't find it on his Pixiv. Already tried saucenao and reverse image search.
>>2460 fantia

(76.02 KB 888x1243 High dive.jpeg)

>>2459 Ok wow I am pleasantly surprised, that art is solid, very very good, but when it said loli dragoness, I have to admit I was thinking more like Kanna Kamui
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>>2461 Is there a lot of Fantia exclusive content? Any chance you could post them?
>>2465 unfortunately I think that's the only one and the rest is non-size
>>2463 >Gigantic cancelled JUST
(265.61 KB 1450x2048 sniff.jpg)

>>2465 I don't know who turned Muk onto giant lolis, but goddamn does that man deserve a medal. >>2467 I know bro, it hurts.
(2.41 MB 1200x1600 Little_Brat_02.png)

(8.54 MB 2400x2400 Glumdalclitch_in_Lilliputgmp.png)

(1.89 MB 1200x1600 Freshly_Zapped_g.png)

(1.53 MB 1200x1600 New_Little_Brat_02gimp.png)

Have you heard about Vorifax? Here are some of his renders with loli giantesses. It seems that he's not posting young content for quite a time. But most of his giantesses are baby-faced even if he said that they're 18 years old.
(609.14 KB 888x1243 5tYy18yFt7QFZ5xzFmYeTXwZ.jpeg)

>>2471 probably because of patreon rules, I miss the old stuff. rare fuyunos: https://anonfile.com/D1C6a02dne/rares_7z
(625.72 KB 1180x940 48575192_p0.jpg)

(865.95 KB 803x1200 Alice.jpg)

(100.25 KB 1024x924 chibiusa_s_new_sailor_moon_toy.jpg)

>>2471 That and it's complete and utter shit writing-wise. Good to see one of the first people back is garbage-stories anon.
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(376.57 KB 850x1198 all the fallen loli gnomes.jpg)

Just sharing shit because whynot
Hey i found something interesting it has patreon access. It's called yiff.party. https://yiff.party/patreon/221372
https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1904884-Shrunk-at-an-all-girls-K-12-school https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2072091-My-Familys-Fetish-Curse/map/15 hard to find in the 8chan archive that one is https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1693289-A-Size-Changing-Adventure/map/1111221 same as above only ones from their i am putting here https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2023292-Shrunk-by-a-kid https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2086461-Shrunk-by-Your-Big-Little-Sister https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/645479-Shrunk-by-your-littlei-mean-BIG-sister https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2093813-Not-So-Little-Sister may be in the 8ch not sure https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?utf8=✓&work_search[query]=giantess+loli https://pastebin.com/search?q=giant+loli https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2158980-Having-Fun-With-Sizes https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1905321-Sneaking-Into-An-ALL-Girls-School http://mg-sg.pbworks.com/w/page/5824827/Big Little Sister Redux by Greapos https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1927463-A-Different-Kind-Of-Giantess-Story https://www.deviantart.com/loli-loligts-world https://nhentai.net/search/?q=giantess+lolicon https://nhentai.net/search/?q=lolicon+shrinking https://nhentai.net/search/?q=minigirl+yuri+lolicon http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=8652 https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ペド 巨大娘/artworks?s_mode=s_tag https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/巨大娘 ロリ/artworks?s_mode=s_tag https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/巨大娘 ロリ巨乳/artworks?s_mode=s_tag https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/macro loli/artworks?s_mode=s_tag https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/678542-Pokemon-Giantess https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1878983-pokemon-shrunk-by-iris/map/11513 https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1704487-Pokemon-shrunk-by-misty/map/1 https://www.google.com/search?q=giantess+lillie+story+pokemon&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU861AU861&oq=giantess+lillie+story+pokemon&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.10114j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2077236-Undertale-Growth--Shrink/map/11432 https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2023292-Shrunk-by-a-kid https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2156057-My-Hero-Academia-Expansion-Quirk https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1621512-Planet-of-the-Giant--Kids https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1933968-Girls-With-Goddess-Powers https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1719903-Shrink-by-kids https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1819832-the-power-of-size-change-growthshrink/map/1 https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1986056-Fun-with-a-Size-Ray/map/15533222 https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1600414-Dexters-Lab-GTSShrink-Story https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1805839-Shrunken-at-home-with-Shemale-Sisters odd it is https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1353593-Oh-No-You-Shrunk-By-Your-Sisters- https://www.wattpad.com/582112913-pokemon-the-yandere-gigantism-in-alola-chapter-1 https://www.wattpad.com/search/giantess lolicon https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1949215-Babysitting-my-sister/map/12 i have collected many a story during my hiatus
(4.87 MB 1829x1611 tkbaja_by_i_zorak-dcb59x5.png)

(117.99 KB 849x1498 1a.jpg)

What do you guys think about OCs? Here's one of mine, Abigail.
beeg i need more wholesome loli taller than brother.
>>2488 >Have adorable/annoying little sister >Looks up to you(literally) >Always pesters you for playtime, which she always welcomes with an extraordinary burst of energy >Enjoys piggy back rides as well as any other type of carrying >Sometimes sneaks into your bed when she's had a nightmare >Starts growing very large come age 7 >By 7 1/2 she's up to your chin >By 8 she's a head above you >Longs for the time when she was smaller and could be easily transported by you >Try to recreate the positions multiple times but she weighs too much for you to adequately carry >"It's okay anon. Now I can keep you safe and comfy." >Now she treats you like an oversized teddybear
(816.59 KB 1856x1713 3.png)

This guy writes good big pokeloli stories: https://aryion.com/g4/latest.php?name=Grimmahr (log in to see all stories) another one https://aryion.com/g4/view/584898
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(1.36 MB 2220x3106 gsXnlCPQdXXtvYuMB9EROj3k.jpeg)

>>2495 meant to post this as the second link https://aryion.com/g4/view/564416
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>ywn be a human substitute teacher in the land of haughty magical elves
>>2057 Such a shame there was never a continuation.
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>>2505 What would you want to see?
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god i wish that were me
(459.55 KB 2480x3484 1606847034461.jpg)

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>>2511 It definitely felt like it cut off just when things were getting good, so a bit more playtime with Cassie would be nice.
>>2903 First pic is a sexy scenario Good outfit too.
(1.60 MB 2250x3000 4151397.jpg)

>>2290 Anyone got his shit saved? Fuck people who delete it all with zero warning
(80.86 KB 371x500 61sna3pvgbL.jpg)

Anyone have scans of this? Surprised I've never seen anyone mention it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpsT1YdXqXc
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(1.06 MB 1200x1920 EvezwL1VIAEI_2G.PNG)

https://8kun.top/gts/res/227.html huh a mirror like a reflection i wonder whats inside it
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(1.37 MB 3740x1800 Besties.jpg)

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>ywn get raped by giant futa lolis
(205.55 KB 1707x960 a822fec3fc49d4c4.jpeg)

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>>2773 We need more Hilda giantess
>>3029 >>3030 I can hardly tell what's going on
(535.26 KB 1280x1811 1.jpg)

>>1439 there is up to 60 now
>>3025 More like the second one?
>>3083 God yes, normally those pics with text accompanying them are cringe, but that one is so fucking hot
(622.43 KB 1602x1500 Disappointed.jpg)

>>3083 >>3084 Grimmahr
The lack of new pictures makes me sad- though it seems this entire board is slow, not just this thread; in fact, this thread seems to be the busiest of them all.
SFW but still adorable.
(1.12 MB 1034x1324 frog.png)

(1.29 MB 1564x2360 kode.png)

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(324.54 KB 921x2047 EknQIyoU0AEhiBc.jpeg)

(669.71 KB 1720x2048 EZi7Pc8WAAIaYmu.jpeg)

(102.79 KB 637x900 EgrVfbSX0AEVj5c.jpeg)

(115.27 KB 857x1121 EuDd3u2VgAAEcQZ.jpeg)

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Does anyone know the source of these? I can’t find the artist.
(364.44 KB 1641x1223 EoeSDJxVEAEeT7_.jpeg)

(267.25 KB 1448x2048 E0IbRVSVoAAY-l9.jpeg)

>>3217 Its from an artist named VoilaVoilou, who's pixivs seem to be scrubbed/deleted, maybe they were censored off pixiv or something but that name might pull something up on other sites 2nd pic is an excellent POV btw, great sizey implications
(1.25 MB 920x1300 57900185_p0.jpg)

(1.21 MB 920x1300 57900185_p1.jpg)

>>3218 speaking of POVs >the giant tomboy loli will never discover your nest
>>3219 That ant's antennae working as censorship on the first pic lmao
(56.61 KB 448x684 1723.JPG)

(44.26 KB 460x667 2719.JPG)

(38.28 KB 474x647 3719.JPG)

Anyone know a renderer named Spookytaco07? He was on DeviantArt making giant loli renders (stories out of them) but then out of the blue one day nuked his shit and disappeared, was wondering if anyone may have saved his work
(865.14 KB 3000x3762 ExFGLB8WYAYdpId.jpg)

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>>3248 I didn't think it was possible to ruin dynamax pokekid Eevee, but then you posted that.
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>>3253 Good artwork and POVs Intense looms
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Does anyone have the webm of the 2D loli rampage clone where she is climbing a building and eating people, or more info about it? If you have it please post it.
>>3255 Ew, how the fuck does THAT smell?
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>>3272 You're in a loli gts thread, probably smells like flowers and delicious loli juice
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Any of you guys know where I could get a giant loli comm? I know Yilx could but I want to try someone else
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Well i have found something a dude called silverprovidence seems to be commissioned cute clothed giant lolis
Welp time for an idea recycled from the dead 8kun one. someone get the hat in time nude mod or the panty shot mod and make some pics with hat kid with this knowledge here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZC3_b4_OgA https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?threads/a-hat-in-time-upskirt-an-asset-replacement-for-hat-kid-bow-kid.11974/ https://allthefallen.moe/forum/index.php?threads/a-hat-in-time-birthday-suit-a-nude-costume-for-hat-kid-bow-kid-and-mustache-girl.11229/ see how this goes and if any good pictures could be made with the knowledge of combining mods and size changing commands for hat kid.
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>>3320 Here's some I made in New Hat City and had the Kaiju Hat. The Hat does make Hat Kid bigger, but the "changesize x" console command works better
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>>3320 >>3332 A few where Hat Kid finds her formerly big pillow pool isn't as deep
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>>3320 >>3332 >>3333 And some extras
>>3334 amazing great choices in locations and i forgot about the kaiju hat which honestly this was a neat idea and your execution is prolly better than anything i could come up with or do tbh i wonder if other games console commands could be combined with loli mods for big lolis. this has gotten me thinking because i know skyrim has some but thats 3d and needs more cartoonish or anime tbh. Though there is a neptunia mod that adds its chars in anime style and all. it requires legendary edition though iirc. and the command i believe is setscale. I think i may have expanded my brain to unbelievable proportions.
>>3335 Just remember that you're limited by the in-game results. Due to level geometry, Hat Kid clipped into the floor often and the model disappeared if she slid at too big a scale
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futa loli edit x2 scale comparison
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>>3346 Muk is fantastic, I'm glad he's doing more he's one of my favorite loli artists alongside Fuyuno Mikan
In the mood for gigantamax'd pokekid eevee anyone else in the mood or have a collection of it to share?
>>3352 This board's pretty dead I'm afraid. My suggestion is going to pixiv and searching for it there- but expect a lot of renderings.
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I want to live on the body-landscape of an aristocratic girl!
>>3370 Same, but you couldn't find a prettier girl?
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>>3371 At least the mouth artwork is impressive
>>3370 Source?
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There is already a lot of new content. Time to revive this forum.
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So uh, this place is dead- where'd everyone migrate to?
>>3431 This place was always low activity, people probably just went off and did their own thing I'm the board owner and when I (or someone else) posted here frequently, people would naturally come Unfortunately I'm pretty busy these days and don't have the energy and time I used to to prop this place up, ever since .net died its been pretty rough on the username, this place being no exception If you want activity, just post more and maybe advertise the place a bit I don't think people "moved" anywhere as a group, they just did their own thing since it's not like this place was ever booming, people come in because they're interested, might stick around, might leave, might come back When it's active, people come, when it's not, they go elsewhere Its a strange place
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>>1387 >hey onii-chan, let's wrestle! If I beat you you have to do anything I say~ kay?
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>>3438 Source for the second picture?
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>>3451 It's all gtstamago
>>3455 Thanks
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>>3459 Nice, these two are really good. Love the supplication in the first, but living clothing is fantastic as well
>>3461 Thank you, I got them as a part of a commission from Aogami. Living clothing is underrated in general and I like how he drew everyone naked
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>>3464 I like these two a lot, especially the first because it's so "measured" I'd say. So often it just goes off the deep end with the whole "me big u tiny me squish unga boonga coom" But in that one she's punishing him for being a chode, but promising if he plays along to restore him and even save some cake Second one is nice too in that, admittedly as much fun as an uncaring parent scenario can be, it feels "realistic" as far as a shrinking scenario can be. Looking to save money, but not legitimately making her eldest child into a doll for her youngest. Sorry for the autism
I wrote a commission based on this comic. I'd put it in the futa/trap thread but there's more focus on loli so whatever https://archiveofourown.org/works/42304776
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Loli Chi-Chi is best Chi-Chi
>>3490 Chi-chi was fucking great as a loli, perfectly chubby- that gif among those pics shows it best. Did you commission all of these?
>>3491 I made the GIF one, both Loli and Adult ver. The buttcrush one was a collab I worked with GTSTamago: https://twitter.com/GtsTamago/status/1579967953038368769
>>3492 Oh nice, even better! Excellent taste in lolis, I remember having to battle a boner while at my friend's house reading the part of Dragon Ball where Chi-Chi first shows up, absolute god-tier loli. It's a shame Toriyama didn't draw many more than that
>>3493 She was pretty cute and cool, her bikini armor of course is pure fanservice, here some more GTS and non GTS Chi-Chi refs: https://sta.sh/225pya1yrmag?edit=1
>>2019 sauce?
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>>3536 Very cool
>>3545 What a fat fucking ass Perfection
>>3547 Funny how those asses look squishy, but they're made of metal. Fiction logic.
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>>3548 Its fine by me tbh, maybe just the inside is metal and the outside is something cushiony (like how mattresses work) Plush, soft asses are nice
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I'm not a great artist but I figured the thread could use some OC.
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>>3554 Delicious, no pun intended, scales like that are fun Thank you kindly anon, hope you post more
>>3556 Thanks for the kind words, anon. Have a Honey I Blew Up The Kid redraw I did for practice.
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Last one for now
>>3559 >>3558 >little sister with tiny big brother W-wew. This is one of my favorite scenarios, period, its almost unfair how fun, lewd and exciting the dynamics are; it works with all kinds of lil' sister personalities tbh I hope you continue, especially with such ideas
>>3554 Nice, hope to see more
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>>3563 >>3562 Thanks, hope you enjoy these ones
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>>3564 You have good ideas for scenarios.
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>>3565 Holy shit I would kill for a translation of that middle one, that's way too many kanji for me to even try to take a crack at it.
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A classic one
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>>3564 >>3559 >>3558 >>3557 >>3554 Loving the art. Keep at it. If you want any help or whatnot. Id be more than happy to chat with ya on the discord. Anyways here's some stuff i did.
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>>3577 Hey Trayx, make more loli pls! You haven't uploaded anything in a while eh?
>>3577 Oooh. Very nice. What's your ID?
>>3579 #7137
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There's a non-lewd size manga coming out where some adventurer gets captured by a loli dragon who is, of course, giant compared to him. It's called Rolo-chan or something to that effect, but I don't think anybody's translating it.
>>3589 Who's the artist on the 4th image?
>>3590 Who did the second pic, and is there more? It looks like there should be
>>3593 Oh. Thanks for not posting the rest of that.
>>3593 Roll's face terrified me here

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>>3578 Sure thing
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if "do you want to build a snowman" was code for:
>>3604 Nice! I like how Elsa could humiliate his small penis with her bigger clit.
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Anyone know the artist FOJY? They did a lot of 3D renders that actually looked pretty good, especially of lolis. They had a fuckload of art on Pixiv, but I just learned it's all been deleted- anyone know if they jumped ship to another site?
>>3627 They're NUJY now on pixiv and all their loli stuff is scrubbed off. The same characters but now aged up into grown bratty women. Pixiv most likely told them it was too much and had them take down their account
>>3637 Goddammit, that sucks ass- hopefully they can be convinced to post more loli stuff on a different site.
>>3638 Sent them a message on pixiv asking if they would be willing to put up an archive of some sort for their old works, they told me they don't intend on putting up that content anywhere anymore. Sucks for sure, they had some great stuff put up there.
>>3639 All we can do is hope they eventually post elsewhere, or if some absolute god saved all their work and decides to upload it to the panda I'm kicking myself for not at least saving the ones I would frequent, but the pics were massive, and they had been up for a long time
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>>3640 Here is the only one I saved for some reason and it's fitting lol
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Planning to draw a giantess Sol Segura in a bikini buttcrushing a city based on Massive Cali video. BTW "Protegiendo los Sueños de Sol" is a better version of "Oye Primos".
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Why is this board so dead? Where did everyone go to for GTS content?
>>3649 >DeviantArt policy change there is nowhere else left but here at this point
>>3649 Probably twitter and cuckchan /d/
>>3651 Cuckchan does have like 12 different size threads right now, most of them superfluous at that. Even so, I don't understand why this board has just up and fucking died entirely- cuckchanners sperg at giant lolis, and trying to learn about size vidya from them is either like pulling teeth, or they tell you the same games everyone already knows
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>>3652 Even on red boards, Loli/Shota is banned
>>3655 I'm aware, but they sperg regardless- it would stay up in threads (so long as it wasn't an outright loli/shota thread) if no one reported it- shota does, for example in the giant male threads because no one spergs over it
any chance someone managed to save Artboy329's stuff from DeviantArt?
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>>3571 Got any more of these saved?
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From a nytimes article on elementary school bullying loooooool
>>3623 any translation?
Anyone got any loli or sochi storys where it contains growing?
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>>3685 Here's a great one; slow growth but each chapter has her bigger and bigger so you can get your fill. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43720501 I wrote a few but they're also futa so keep that in mind https://archiveofourown.org/works/42304776 https://archiveofourown.org/works/39901581 https://archiveofourown.org/works/39249780
I just Found out about the game anasteema's tea party it has a giantess loli in it and was developed by the circle behind succubus prison (the tags and game seem wholesome tho). I'm mad it's been 5 years no partial translation or patches just some specific scenes here and there specifically(none of the character we want). also it apparently had the guy behind kobayashi's dragon maid did some cg's (Cool-kyou Shinja). Them also doing cgs in mgq checks out so.. they get around. https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ249418.html Dlsite link here's some pics of the character
>>3690 Yeah, not only is it not translated (apparently WolfRPG is really hard to do so or something) but I can't even find and DLs for the game in JP, because of the loli a lot of sites won't host it, which is really obnoxious
>>3683 OK so I want to preface this by stating first that I really appreciate someone trying to get more toddler/baby giantesses in the world, but that said, I think a better AI generator should have been used
>>3696 Novelai is what i used but not easy find good free ones with expansive data but I won't mind hearing suggestions Also i mainly enjoy text writing ai like open assistant and chatgpt but both are censored and would be nice for a ai writer where i gove the gist and it writers the whole thing Don't help ones i find only semi when i want the full story ai done
>>3688 Can i request one Cause I've been looking for a loli story where she really small and slowly becomes macro in nothing but a diaper which she has a naughty kink of making diaper bigger maybe experiments like a smoke stack she puts in diaper as it balloons As she grows she moans for bigger
>>3691 Im mad that their furry game gets picked up for translation(came out after). two beasts or not to beast.. fuckin mad. Seething even. we lost our opportunity due to covid presumably. https://twitter.com/tokinokogiri/status/1246092482615504896?lang=en canned "indefinitely for now" translation due to covid https://twitter.com/fakkugames/status/1719835856519741888 Two beasts being picked up. Sigh.. an opportunity stolen from us and ofc the furries get their game translated far quicker.
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i think I'll make this my main place for giant loli content: https://baraag.net/@Trayx Of course I'll still post here.
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>>3705 Don't have the game, but I remember having the image collection from that. I'll look for it if your interested.
>>3706 According to the site it's just a digital novel, I'm not sure if there are any choices or multiple endings. Id really appreciate a imageset though, thanks!
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Just imagining being a tiny daddy with a gigantic daughter.. I want it so bad
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>>3704 Great!
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here are all the loli models I got for koikatsu if you want to request some size antics from any of them just give the number. ex. KK_316438 looks good If I'm not lazy I'll do some
>>3712 Remove Korra from this list, and it's fine
>>3712 KK_318666
>>3712 Wow, there's a lot of cuties there I think kk_302146 might have a good interaction with the jacket- I've always loved the idea of a tiny taking shelter beneath a cute loli's winter clothes while she's playing in the snow, sweltering in her body heat as he snuggles her, nonverbal thanks for sparing him the fatal (to a tiny) cold outside. Really though, most all of them are adorable, it's hard to pick
>>3713 lol wasn't it not loli Korra? Or you just hate Korra? >>3714 done
>>3711 Thought it'd have more of that white-haired loli. Thanks though, I appreciate it!
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>>3715 next best thing, happy new year >>3717 Yeah sorry
>>3712 I think KK_299652 is pretty sexy, she's a mini giantess and having an orgy with a few guys crawling over her to get her off while she sucks off one like a ice pop
>>3719 Super cute, thank you again!
>>3720 here ya go >>3721 np
>>3712 What about a low angle shot of an ant-sized tiny clinging to an unaware KK_302094's panties? She could be walking or just focused on something else.
>>3723 here we go
Sid Chang Extra
>>3716 Nice. Yeah, I hate Korra. I choose to not deal with it.
>>3727 That's fair. Personally, I thought her toddler form when she regressed in the spirit world was pretty cute, the animators really nailed her tubby tummy.
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>>3712 KK_299723 POV about to stomp on a person, car, city ect.
I need a few of those cards turned into models I can use for myself
(3.06 MB 2400x1350 scout.png)

>>3734 done
Fucking nice. Should you just start a new thread doing this though?
(2.93 MB 2400x1350 scout3.png)

>>3737 huh..... i guess so granted i might make it more for all the gts renders i do.
>>3712 KK_321271 or KK_154082 Walking through a city street KK_321481 shoving a car in her mouth
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>>3739 here ya go
>>3712 Maybe kk_298563 cleaning something, while a tiny- maybe even her master- is in the front of her panties. An aware piece though
>>3741 Appreciate it. Thanks bud!
>>3743 Something like this?
>>3745 Inside is what I was thinking, that was my bad- nice pic though
(1.93 MB 2300x1300 cleaningpantsu.png)

>>3743 something like this?
(3.87 MB 2757x2474 02 (16).jpg)

(1.87 MB 1993x3000 GDiQBMyXcAAEGIy.jpg)

Well the thread got a bit more active since Trayx arrived. I'm happy about it thanks Trayx. No art requests just some thanks.
>>3749 all good
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>>3691 I found the game honestly pretty wholesome.so far if you dig hard enough you should be able to find a copy. still mad no translation tho having to bust out textractor and press c and then z to get text to load into it correctly. also gallery save in case you get the game: and a picture for your worries also sometimes pictures obtain movement in game so it probably looks better in game.
>>3751 Clarifaction Ulmf has the gallery save.
>>3751 I mean I've searched every site I know, I checked f95zone, ULMF, and lah.li and found nothing- if you know a site I'd appreciate you sharing
>>3637 And now NUJY has been deleted, goddammit lmao. I was in contact with them this time, I should have had the foresight to ask for an alternative means of contact
>>3753 kimochi.info is where i found my copy bit messed up but it works. a second one with voices apparently exists but is one of those annoying asf "multi-part" downloads a link to it is in the f95 thread(page 2 to be specific) just gotta dig around in the bedta link. for the voice one rapidgator area iirc. if someone could turn the scenes into high quality gifs or downloadables(with modified machine translation) it'd at least be a content boon for the rarity that is what we are here for.
>>3755 took a while to download but the f95 2nd page hentai bedta(use rapidgator) link works a lot better and it's got the voices too.
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Anyone know if there's any art for this new giantess? There's tons of size scenarios in a handful of these shorts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iqVnWPt2lE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kLYRKvRUcE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ott6T6vfY8 It's a little amazing there would be something like this nowadays considering how well known fetishes like giantess and vore are nowadays.
>>3757 The gumshoe one was pretty fun. Nothing I'd wank to, but it has a good sense of scale and power, which comboed well with the innocence
you know it seems like activity slown down a lot since it got bumplocked or maybe im going crazy due to a lack of interaction here lately
>>3757 This makes me wonder, are there any instances of size in cartoons and movies (not hentai or porn) that have gotten people to jerk off and if so, what was it?
>>3761 You gotta consider anime falls under that cuz it's technically just japanese cartoons. But i mean considering rule34 is a factor people can prolly get off to anything potentially out of spite or specifically because it's weird anything could be porn if you are insane or perverted enough essentially.
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>>3764 I'm talking raw, unfiltered, from-the-tap faps. Jacking it to the media itself, seeing the movie/show's size incident and playing it back until you blow.
>>3766 Again i literally said "anything could be considered porn if you're insane or perverted enough" or people doing it out of spite or specifically because it's weird. besides cartoons is prolly where a good chunk of us size degenerates got the size degeneracy from.
>>3767 Yes... And I'm asking if anyone's fapped to it and what specifically... Do you understand? I'm looking for cartoons with size episodes and scenes, and looking to have discussions about them. I'm not asking if someone's just jacked off to that, yes or no, then no further inquiry.
>>3768 Archies weird mysteries Attack of the 50ft veronica
Made a super quick edit of an image I found. Didn't even have to remove the background, since it was already blue
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>>3761 For me it was Honey We Shrunk Ourselves and also Ant Bully
>>3775 Never saw either of those, myself- which parts did it for you? I remember The Invisibles I think it was called, didn't fap to it but I had the biggest crush on the chick
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>>3779 Where'd you find this? Are these three panels all there are?
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>>3570 The gist of it is: "Adult women are twice my size and are mean bitches so I'm pissed off and resorting to doing this with a friendly preschooler but even she is bigger than me."
>>3712 Is that baby Korra? It doesn't look like it from the thumbnail
>>3785 Jesus Fucking Christ that's hot, I would murder for a doujin detailing that scenario- hell, a VN.
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>>3788 Suppose to be, but I agree. Not really the best
>>3790 Baby Korra is actually really cute, they nailed her design, that pudgy tummy is perfection.-It'd be funny to have a pic of her holding some tiny person, or her giant holding someone in front of her face and saying "I'm bigger than you, you gotta deal with it!"
I despise Korra, you gotta deal with it.
>>3792 I mean sure, I hate the show and the character we see for most of it, but baby Korra is adorable
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This made retarded schizos on Twitter and Discord mad af. You can guess why.
>>3795 It was a fun day, but the end result was expected. Good template though.
>so is this how greentext works> just testing for later maybe.
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why is this thread bumplocked?
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>>3806 This someone's OC or something? All the art styles are different.
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>>3808 "princess daisy" account on twitter but she(?) was banned
Looks like Fuyuno Mikan is dipping his toes into animation- haven't seen any with lolis yet or I'd post them here, but here's hoping he makes some soon.
what do you guys like to see in a loli crush/vore story?
>>3812 Well not death, so I'm not the best one to ask about that, but I'll answer anyway. If I want to fucking murder the lolis in the story, I consider that a failstate. I want to have them be dominant, be a little tyrant, disregard the tiny's personhood, but when it just becomes unnatural sadism my dick goes soft and my brain goes "fuck her I hope she dies". It's why I can't into AlloyRabbit's art.
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>a 9ft tall magical elf princess will never think you're a cute little monkey-human
YES! More minigts lolis!
>>3816 Nice to see a fellow appreciator- while I like them properly giant of course, minigiantess is underrated- doubly so for lolis, since it really emphasizes their size. Due to still physically growing, they don't have an adult's proportions, so even though they may only be as tall as an adult, their overall mass is more than double his regardless.
>a loli fairy will never turn the tables on you with a size modifier stat penalty
>>3816 I made these two as a part of a set im too lazy to finish. The world needs more mini-giant lolis

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>>3820 Nice. Does anyone have that loli giantess SFM video with the "lollipop" music?
>>3821 I dont have it; all I can do is remember it was a Walking Dead giantess vid with a the girl in a yelow dress sucking on a lollipop with Clem on it as the song plays. I think at the end Clem is stuck to the screen?

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