/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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(128.60 KB 921x790 Purple Bunnygirl.jpg)

Butts thread Tiny 07/06/2015 (Mon) 15:46:44 No. 397
Post giantess butts (no male or futa butts allowed) Scat has to be spoilered
(608.44 KB 2000x2000 1434489968368.png)

(764.89 KB 850x1200 Saber.jpg)

>>422 the hell?
(333.84 KB 724x1024 Yuki building crush.jpg)

(1.48 MB 2453x3507 Reina unknown artist.jpg)

>>423 She's sitting on Wily's castle
>>425 I swear I have a soft spot for any art involving characters from that game
This pic is great, but >that sidemouth Isn't pogojo better than this?
(1.70 MB 1920x1080 1435566297665.png)

don't let this board die yet
(32.68 KB 708x708 1446066549482.jpg)

(127.50 KB 486x676 MM5_6.jpg)

>almost all butt content involves people being crushed or otherwise sat on We need more stuff where the tiny guy gets to have fun with such a huge ass rather than being smothered by it.
(2.16 MB 3978x2652 480398420382.jpg)

(360.77 KB 1500x2500 3281038102983410.jpg)

(837.86 KB 1600x1640 4820849320934.jpg)

>>397 There wasn't nearly enough mega in this thread.
>>575 Too bad Ochiko's butts are 70% shit. (And no, not his scat work, those asses are trash)
It works!
(381.02 KB 1920x1080 Strike witches (Lynette butt).jpg)

(165.86 KB 713x900 Elf buttcrush.jpg)

>>846 You're damn right it does … what's "it"?
>>578 they are hit and miss for sure, but the scale he makes them so big (the girl in general) i dont mind a flat sleek butt if its the size of a contintent
(3.45 MB 5000x5000 220415.png)

(149.48 KB 1024x576 7.jpg)

(648.32 KB 850x1202 13.jpg)

(139.66 KB 724x1024 14.jpg)

(1.76 MB 3000x2712 Example of Scale (4).png)

(121.63 KB 900x729 May.jpg)

I want this thread to be active again. I WANT MORE ASS DAMMIT.
(1.58 MB 2194x1600 Mt. Lady (12).png)

(311.71 KB 850x910 3.jpg)

(352.19 KB 804x1091 15.jpeg)

(203.21 KB 1035x744 16.jpg)

(238.18 KB 717x1012 17.jpg)

Hell yeah man
(1.85 MB 2736x3078 Akane Isshiki (red shorts).jpg)

(942.23 KB 2048x3456 Akane Isshiki.jpg)

(1.49 MB 3988x3413 Pokemon office lady.jpg)

(137.34 KB 900x729 skyla_wins_by_pogojo-d5d4v3x.jpg)

>>1232 >>1234 Holy fuck is this place getting alive again? Also >not posting God's gifts to sizekind yet
(99.08 KB 1280x960 1493079702577.jpg)

(4.84 MB 2500x3067 Mimori the Giantess Klutz3.jpg)

>>1484 She actually makes some decent stuff when she wants to, at least in terms of asses.
(1.42 MB 1448x1080 NARUE-EXPANDED-BUTT.gif)

>>1491 She's a shitty artist, and her art is shit.
(70.69 KB 609x900 D_fPlXAUIAAkKJI.jpg)

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(598.30 KB 1583x2048 D_KIm4uW4AYLcjN.jpg)

(103.31 KB 1200x929 D50xHl3UYAYjVwz.jpg)

(217.80 KB 2048x1536 D4bjds6UEAE57ns.jpg)

(513.31 KB 1771x1875 image0-28.jpg)

(230.25 KB 1489x2113 D8naWeVUYAMox5J.jpg_orig.jpg)

(42.25 KB 656x567 D77lh7uXoAAmYY-.jpg)

(90.66 KB 675x1200 D709dVmVsAARYYN.jpg)

(21.46 KB 360x253 D-Tw8I6U8AI6wiC.jpg)

(20.32 KB 360x246 D-Tw8roUYAEsSdF.jpg)

(1.65 MB 1500x1393 E5FYm_fVIAEHZzQ.jpg)

(281.50 KB 1500x2000 E5QkJ7yWUAEeC37.jpeg)

(248.67 KB 1600x2000 E5z-PmvX0Akmejz.jpeg)

(369.86 KB 2048x2048 E5YkQBnWYAQq61r.jpeg)

(490.23 KB 1240x1754 01010358321.PNG)

(585.91 KB 1242x1032 748492923718266592.jpg)

(223.47 KB 1280x1270 002_1462348962.sheela_calliebutt.jpg)

(221.72 KB 1280x1575 _VslEC.jpg)

(224.10 KB 1280x1575 _Vs.jpg)

(180.10 KB 1240x1753 _54091423_p0_1240x1753.jpg)

>>3197 I love giant asses and upskirts
(45.73 KB 739x415 eNK833832js13v.JPG)

(47.57 KB 570x538 FWB72eI11830.JPG)

(50.93 KB 516x594 De7336218h171eeg18.JPG)

(324.74 KB 1490x1685 C06hja-uwQp81819.JPG)

(46.96 KB 465x659 D3eJUE822948D.JPG)

>>3198 Upskirts are my favorite

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