/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Vivian size content Tiny 03/13/2015 (Fri) 09:12:27 No. 82
Since this board started with her I'll post the rest of what I've got.

There's a thread for it over at >>>/vivian/1129 as well with a couple of greentext stories that look like they've been abandoned.
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and that's it including the image in the sticky
Holy fuck unf
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Found this as well.

Not the most anatomically correct drawing in the world but it's something.
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Doing some transfers because the thread has 404'd We must preserve our ancient history >if you win she puts you in her bra >if you lose she puts you in her sock Would you take the bet? >be Vivian's bf >decide to go to the arcade together >you see a DDR machine >you jokingly challenge Vivian in a bet >she has to play the hardest song in the game and perfect it >if she fails, she has to wear a fedora for the next day >if she succeeds, she shrinks you and puts you inside her shoes for the rest of the evening >she actually takes the bet >you are surprised, yet entertained >an unathletic couch potato like her will never be able to make it through the whole song without fucking up or quitting >game starts >Vivian seems confident >her legs keep getting faster >you realize she's actually getting through the whole song without making mistakes >you can barely see her legs during the game, yet you see flames on the button floor >you stare, mouth agape >game ends >"Whew… I bet you thought… I wasn't gonna make it… huff…" >you stay silent >you remember she drank lots of Mountain Dew game fuel during the day >you realize she managed to pull that feat off because of that >she sits down, completely exhausted >she takes her sneakers off to give her socked feet some air, sighing in relief >actual steam rises from the shoes, due to the extreme heat that built up inside them >smoke also rises from her feet >not sure if it's because of the heat or also because she didn't change her socks in days >the stench is terrible >you back off, frightened >she smiles at you >she shrinks you to the size of an ant >she drops you inside her fuming sneaker >puts it back on >you end up between her socked toes >you spend the rest of the evening enjoying the mixed smell of her sneakers, socks and feet
>>886 >the intensity of the heat inside that shoe is only matched by her terrible foot odor >every step she takes rubs you between the worn insole of her sneaker and her old sweaty sock >"Well shit, that DDR game really exhausted me. Time to go back home, m8. But first…" >she takes off the sneaker where she put you in >picks you up from between her big toe and index toe, where you ended up >she also takes the sock off >you see her wiggling the toes on that dirty, sweaty slob foot >you realize you are roughly same size as the sock fuzz between those toes and on her soles >before you can finally take a break from the smell, she quickly puts you inside the sock >she's ready to put it back on >you see her gigantic cheesy toes coming closer >you are now sandwiched between her dirty sock and her soft, warm, but putrid toes >her toejam is a mixture of moist toe sweat and sock fuzz >she puts her sneaker back on, ready to walk back home with you. >each step seems to make the stench even worse >combined with the pressure of her enormous, heated foot on you, this almost makes you pass out >finally at home >Vivian kicks off her shoes, then peels her socks off >her foot fumes stink up the whole room >she picks you out of her toes like she would do with a piece of toejam >you can finally breathe clean air >her steaming bare feet leave sweaty imprints on the floor as she walks >she prepares a bowl full of fresh water >she wants to have a foot bath for her tired feet >"You made it this far without fainting… maybe you're not THAT much of a scrub after all. I think you deserve a small reward" >you don't say anything, still dizzy from the whole ordeal >she dunks her burning feet in the water >their heat actually make the water sizzle >she instantly feels in heaven, pic related is her face when >she drops you in the bowl as well >you are now swimming near her submerged feet
>Vivian is bored and just killing time by browsing random boards that she doesn't usually go to >decides to check out /d/ and stumbles upon a thread that's weird even for that place >a guy is talking about how he's figured out a way to permanently shrink himself and he wants someone to take care of him after he does it >she's laughing at the absurdity of it as she scrolls through the thread when she suddenly notices one of his posts that sparks her interests: he says that he's planning on completely liquidating his assets and offering the cash to whoever decides to go through with it >more importantly he included some contact info and he's surprisingly close to where she lives >seeing this as a way to score some quick and easy vidya money she decides to shoot him an email >they exchange details and he goes over how it works, she just ignores most of that because it's obviously a load of bullshit >he says that he's going to mail himself to her once the shrinking process is done >finishes off by telling her that she'll get the money in a few days and he'll arrive in about a week >shrugging off the fact that she just gave her name and address to some random creepy guy she met on /d/ she goes back to her regular routine >the first surprise comes a few days later when Vivian is checking her emails and notices she's received a payment over Paypal >over $60,000 has been added to her account >still skeptical about the whole shrinking business she just chalks it up as the guy dying of cancer or something and he wanted to make a joke out of giving away his money >a couple more days and a lot of frivolous spending later she gets a knock at the door >it's the mail man as she expected, she's been seeing a lot of him over the last few days with all the online shopping she's done
>>888 >she gladly accepts the package and takes it to her room, hoping to unbox the last needed component for her new megarig >looking over the box she notices something strange, it's all shabby and crudely wrapped instead of resembling the fancy store boxes she's been getting all week >"This better not be another fucking dead rat." She says to herself as she carefully opens it up >what she saw as she removed the lid was way more shocking than any dead animal >there stood in the middle of the box, surrounded by soft padding was a tiny man, about 4 inches in height >"Holy shit he wasn't kidding." She quietly said to herself as she watched him stand up and begin to wave to her >"Hey there!" He greets her in a disturbingly friendly and casual manner. "I'm glad I made it here safe! I was a little worried getting delivered like this would be a little rough." >"Y-yeah I don't think the postal service was made to ship people around." Vivian says with a forced laugh. She still couldn't believe this guy had actually shrunk and mailed himself to her, and that he was acting so casual about it as well. >"If it's not too much trouble, could you help me out of this box?" He asks her. "I've been in here for almost two days and I really need to stretch my legs to bring some feeling back into them." >"Sure…" She says as she slowly lowers her hand into the box and lays it down flat next to him. He doesn't waste any time climbing on top of it and she lifts him up towards her face to get a good look at him. >it was incredible. she was actually holding a shrunken man in her hand. looking him up and down his features were pretty much what she was expecting from a guy who hangs around in /d/ threads trying to get with women; pasty skin covered by niche anime apparel, wispy facial hair and long receding hair tied back in a ponytail. Vivian wouldn't be surprised if she found a tiny little fedora inside the box he arrived in >still it's not like this stuff mattered when you compare them to his newest and most noticable feature, the fact that he was 4 inches tall and currently sitting in the palm of her hand >when she finishes examining the tiny man she gently places him down on her desk and allows him to walk around >"This is amazing!" He shouts after a few minutes of silently exploring the area around her computer. "I went into the box immediately after shrinking so I never got to explore at my new size until now. I gotta say this is something else." >"So what now?" Vivian asks with an awkward tone. They never really went into much detail about what came after the shrinking during their email conversations, or they did and she ignored it all because she thought what he was describing would never happen in a million years. >"Isn't it obvious?" The man responds, a hint of confusion in his voice. >"Well, not really, no." she says back with equal confusion. "To be completely honest I never really believed that you would actually shrink yourself." >"Oh, well…" He trails off and starts to scratch the back of his head. "I posted the offer in a /d/ thread so I kinda just assumed that anyone who actually showed interest in it would be really into the whole shrinking/giantess thing. I guess you just wanted the money, huh?" >"Kinda, yeah." She admits to him. "Like I said I never expected you to really go through with it." >"Well shit." He says bluntly. "I guess things were going to perfectly for there not to be a twist." >"Heh, sorry." Vivian responds. "Still I agreed to take care of you so I guess we're stuck together. How hard can it be to take care of a little guy like you? It's not like a hamster or something where they can't tell you want they want. And maybe I'll take another look at those /d/ threads to see what we might be able to do." She finishes with a wink.
>tfw Vivian will never unawaringly sit on your tiny form, the chub of her vast ass formed by the calories of drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos spreading over you and locking you right between her cheeks as she prepares for a long night of gaming >You will never be shoved into Vivian's cunt against your will >She'll never order you to stop squirming since it's ruining her vidya playing >You'll never feel her pussy milking you against her will for all the pleasure it can get >You'll never hear her shout "Fuck it" as she throws her controller across the room and starts masturbating uncontrollably >You'll never pass out as you hear her orgasming feverishly, her juices slamming against you like a tsunami as you pass out >She'll never scrape you out of her pussy >You'll never be too tired to scream or protest as she looks at you, glued to her fingers by her juices as she licks her lips >She'll never slide you between her moist lips, rubbing her fingers against her tongue >She'll never gulp you down whole >She'll never masturbate to the thought of using her body like a prison and death penalty, rubbing her gurgling tummy every now and then >You'll never get her addicted to the feeling of humans squirming in her stomach, punching her walls to try and get her attention >You'll never become a part of her as she begins planning more victims
>tfw Vivian will never unawaringly sit on your tiny form, the chub of her vast ass formed by the calories of drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos spreading over you and locking you right between her cheeks as she prepares for a long night of gaming >You will never be shoved into Vivian's cunt against your will >She'll never order you to stop squirming since it's ruining her vidya playing >You'll never feel her pussy milking you against her will for all the pleasure it can get >You'll never hear her shout "Fuck it" as she throws her controller across the room and starts masturbating uncontrollably >You'll never pass out as you hear her orgasming feverishly, her juices slamming against you like a tsunami as you pass out >She'll never scrape you out of her pussy >You'll never be too tired to scream or protest as she looks at you, glued to her fingers by her juices as she licks her lips >She'll never slide you between her moist lips, rubbing her fingers against her tongue >She'll never gulp you down whole >She'll never masturbate to the thought of using her body like a prison and death penalty, rubbing her gurgling tummy every now and then >You'll never get her addicted to the feeling of humans squirming in her stomach, punching her walls to try and get her attention >You'll never become a part of her as she begins planning more victims
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Still no Gilda Mars Love!
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>>899 >you will never be an even tinier anon inside of Vivian clothes, lining the inside of her bra cup while she plays vidya >giant gilda will never bother her with a simple poke, leaving you to wonder if the world is literally ending as you try to comprehend what's even going on >Vivian's secret arousal and sweat from Gilda's teasing will never threaten to drown you >Gilda will never carefully strip VIvian down and begin to lick her perfect body all over, leaving you trapped against Vivian's body in a sticky mess >or be an unlucky enough anon to get caught on Gilda's tongue, forever trapped in a cavern of infinite darkness and pink while she spouts retarded memes
>>82 The stories here are pretty alluring im sold on giant Vivian, need some neet giantess in my life, to bad im not at a level that i can make my own art or i would fill the thread with vivian butt, feet and armpit
>>932 >you will never be crushed by Gilda's giant butt >nor notice she's about to destroy a whole building with her weight, you will never feel that sense >or being stuck on Gilda's butt, why even live?
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Ded board, get your shit together and win the attention-hungry games, BO.
>>1426 >coming from cake boy rip I've tried man. Tried the first few weeks and got demoralized from never winning I guess I can try again this week though
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>>1427 Brother, if fucking /argentina/ won so can /gts/. If you don't participate, you cannot fucking win, it's not rocket science. Be patient, I'll see you on /sudo/.
What about the -tan's?
What happened to her? Will she ever come back? Is there even way to contact her?
>>1538 Who are you talking about?
>>1539 Vivian
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Here you go, fags.
Its GG's 6th anniversary, anyone got any new art of them?
Who was the faggot who made the banner of the two anons requesting Vivian picking anon's out of her pubes getting flamed? Seriously, that was a good request

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