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Remember to follow the Rules

The backup domains are located at and TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.


R: 100 / I: 54 / P: 1

Rules and Meta

Welcome to /h/, where we post hentai. The rules are, >1 : No 3DPD >2 : No BLACKED >3 : Irredeemable content and furshit should be spoilered >4 : Irredeemable content will be deleted outside of any designated threads >5 : Irredeemable content includes, but is not limited to: Scat, Farting, Guro, Vore, Snuff, Hyper, Bara >6 : Threads explicitly about girls shall not have yaoi. Futa may be allowed spoilered with a warning so long as it is not dumped en masse and it is not futa on male >7 : Keep a standard of quality. Incredibly poorly drawn art will get warnings escalating to bans if posted repeatedly May 11th, 2023:The board is now under new management. Rule 4 will not be retroactively applied to existing posts, but existing posts in violation of the rule may be spoilered Banner suggestions are welcome and highly encouraged. 300kb max and there needs to be /h/ in it somewhere. October 12th, 2023: Shortly after updating the rules, as would be expected, there have been posts pushing these rules to see where the line is. Black on black and non-explicit blacked were posted today. After some thought, I've decided rule 2 should be expanded and clarified. No dominant black males. None. No black supremacist porn. If you want to see African men fucking white women, black women, furries, horses, robots, or just jacking off, you can go somewhere else. March 15th, 2024: Added rules 6 & 7. These rules will not retroactively apply for deletion, but spoilering may be retroactively applied to existing posts. Added hyper and bara to irredeemable content. My definition of hyper is more strict than many as I think the term has been watered down to merely mean "disproportionate" to the current generation of anons. I'd like to note, rule 5 is not actually a rule and cannot be violated, as it is an explanation of the details of two preceding rules. The rules page is fucking stupid and instead of letting you simply type anything in one large box, you get multiple boxes that are assigned "rule #" regardless. It's fucking stupid. The global rules don't follow this retarded format, why must local rules?

R: 2 / I: 6 / P: 1

Banner Thread

All accepted banners will be posted here.

R: 204 / I: 914 / P: 1

Petrification/Freeze thread

A thread for the petrification of cute girls and stuff.

R: 65 / I: 302 / P: 1

Only pick the ones you truly believe are better than the rest or things you find interesting. Be it a comic panel or a manga/anime snapshot. Official, non official, western and eastern. All in the name of good tastes. Let's see how shit yours is, anon

R: 72 / I: 350 / P: 1


I like really really small girls, even if they're not lolis.

R: 203 / I: 891 / P: 1

I eat ass ケツお食べる

A thread for perfectly round drawn asses I'm opening the thread to organize my folder and delete the ones i think aren't as good. If possible, add who the artist is. NO AI stuff

R: 304 / I: 1327 / P: 1

Monster Girl Thread

You know the drill, post monster girls. The scarier the better. Kemono too but no furry.

R: 49 / I: 235 / P: 1


Post girls with extra appendages, eyes, mouths, anything. Big preference for extra arms. Discuss girls with a little extra where it counts and why that makes them extra special. Arachne, centaurs, taur variants, nekomata, multitail foxgirls, and tentacle girls such as scyllas don't count unless they have further extra bits than what is standard for such monstergirls.

R: 78 / I: 173 / P: 1

Video thread

Time for some webms/mp4s. Post 'em if you got 'em NO GIFS

R: 24 / I: 85 / P: 1

Loving Sex Thread

Post things that doesn't just make your dick erect, but your heart too.

R: 15 / I: 60 / P: 1

Thick Thuft Thread

Post non disgusting bushy girls

R: 181 / I: 801 / P: 1

Brown Girl Thread

Gyaru's, Tans, Blacks, and anything else with a shade of brown that ain't an elf.

R: 315 / I: 1291 / P: 1

Futanari Thread

A thread for dickgirls, shemales, and all other sort of hermaphrodites. Check the image for reference.

R: 65 / I: 280 / P: 1

Mecha and Android Girls Thread.

Didn't want to flood the monster girl thread. With too much mecha so I made this thread. Post all the machine girl porn you've got.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Comitek 104

What upcoming works are you excited to lose your fluids to?

R: 32 / I: 130 / P: 1

Sexually suggestive

Because your brain is the lewdest artist.

R: 42 / I: 163 / P: 2

Clown Girl Thread.

Dumping ground for clown girl lewds.

R: 30 / I: 135 / P: 2

Tentacles Thread.

A little strange that this thread wasn't made despite how much of a common cliché tentacles erotica is in hentai. Share whatever you've got that isn't futa.

R: 139 / I: 599 / P: 2

Oppai Loli and Shorstacked Thread.

A thread for well endowed cock sheaths.

R: 51 / I: 157 / P: 2


Most difficult medium to reverse search

R: 76 / I: 271 / P: 2

Dump whatever mature, Milfs,and Gilfs lewds you've got, no 3D.

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 2

is child hentai allowed here ? if yes, can anyone post some ?

R: 147 / I: 74 / P: 2


Anyone know the full text here? Is it an English version of some of the moonrunes on this cover?

R: 125 / I: 268 / P: 2

Hentai Share & Request Thread

Request and deliver sources and download links of hentai content in this thread to keep everything organized in a single place. For art/drawing requests you can use /h/'s >>841 & >>1209 draw threads or create a new one here. This thread will also double as a share thread similar to /co/'s where you can share hentai related material with other anons. Note for requesters: Use search engines like SauceNAO and Yandex or search the title in exhentai before making a request. There's a high chance to find what you want with them. Note for sharers: Due to the small size of the board, direct download links are preferable to torrents since torrents are less seeded. Is recommended to use services like MEGA or Catbox to share your content.

R: 31 / I: 108 / P: 2


Thread for henn thai crops.

R: 187 / I: 889 / P: 2

Pokegirls thread

Post your favorites. It's time for some serious business.

R: 26 / I: 23 / P: 2

Hentai Game Recommendation General

Looking for hentai games where the player can corrupt and control girls and mold them into willing slaves. I highly enjoyed playing the PinkTea games, Altos and Herdone's The Headmaster and Custom Reido, but I still found them lacking in a certain ageplay regard. I don't need the slave girls to be full-on-l*li but really want to play a game where my character acquires control of a young girls sexual development, using her innocence to corrupt her in a sex-education/groomy kind of way. Post Recommendations or comments asking for other Games down below!

R: 119 / I: 511 / P: 2

Videogame characters

Just post some porn of VG characters

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 2

What's the fucking weirdest or most degenerate doujin out there?

R: 52 / I: 214 / P: 2

Cartoon Smut Thread

Cross post from >>>/co/2073 Post /co/ smut based on your favorite childhood cartoons. No anime.

R: 22 / I: 74 / P: 2

Yuri Thread

Because yuri is pretty nice.

R: 134 / I: 80 / P: 2

MMD lewds

Despite all the clipping I've come to love these 3DCG anime girls dancing and stripping. I primarily find videos on Iwara, but Iwara is SHIT. Slow as fuck speeds, even just loading pages sometimes, not the videos. No real tagging, just largely useless general categories. The fucking filter by date option doesn't even have things in order by date, but by reverse alphabetical order of the months. You can't search by artist, only by title, though maybe you could follow people if you bother to make an account. It's been like this forever. Why the fuck is this shitty site so popular? How does anyone find what they're looking for on this site? All the videos are too large to post and would look shitty if I were to take the time to compress them, so here's one by Zankuro that someone else compressed. I'll just post links for others. This one is dancing with timestop and then "stuck in the wall" fucking. Don't really care for the latter, but what I do really like is the girl continuing to dance in spite of the lewd shenanigans and incorporating her resistance to them into the dance, such as kicking over the fans when the opportunity presents itself in the routine. One of my favorites. Nothing is actually exposed, but it's incredibly lewd. Miku is forced to dance under some sort of contract, regardless of what is done to her. She only breaks routine in order to prevent being actually exposed, and the pulling of the panties done here is something I haven't seen anywhere else. Not a fan of hypnotism, as the girl's reactions and state of mind are very important to me, but this is short and she's unhypnotized towards the end. I like the way the cocks got rubbed on her face and how they were worked well into the rythm of the routine. Another one where the girl continues the dance while things are done to expose her, but she resists and attempts covering herself when exposed. Yet another where the girl continues to dance while things are done to expose and lewd her, but she resists. In this one though, she gives into the lewd halfway in. A dance where Kizuna Ai is lewd and works the lewdness into the routine. A dance where the girls are both sluts, get fucked, get pregnant, and continue dancing while pregnant, which is something I haven't seen anywhere else. Unfortunately, they're not longer pregnant at the end, which is gay. EDIT: Use to navigate Iwara

R: 45 / I: 19 / P: 3

Organizing your pronz

My porn/hentai folders are a complete mess, with single folders acting as a container for thousands of different files and separations that don't improve anything. How do other horny anons sort their junk in a reasonable way that lets them find things with ease?

R: 48 / I: 221 / P: 3

Sacrilegious Smut Thread.

Naughty Nuns, Sinning Angels, Hoejabs and other holy beings being lewd & Sexy.

R: 5 / I: 7 / P: 3

Koikatsu/Illusion games

Let's get creative. Show us what you can do in these games.

R: 24 / I: 18 / P: 3


Ha, NIGGERS are banned.

R: 126 / I: 491 / P: 3

Trap Thread

Simply put, anime traps

R: 44 / I: 211 / P: 3

Dildo Mask & Gag Mask

A new fetish kickstarted on 2D lewd communities during the coronavirus lockdowns.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3

Leila Malcal (Code Geass)

410 images link

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 3

Auditory arousal

No, not ASMR. You know how some shows like Made in Abyss have songs sung by the character VAs, or at least a singer imitating them? Made in Abyss does that, and I can't help but imagine Riko, Reg, and Nanachi singing directly at my dick so it feels the vibrations of their angelic loli/shota voices. Better yet, singing as best they can with my cock in their mouth so the vibrations of their vocal chords transfer directly into my cock and balls. Anyone ever felt something like this about vocal music? Surely someone has for as popular and lewdable a singer as Miku, right? I know this is niche, but I'm sure someone somewhere else has experienced this feeling and desire. However recently, something strange began to happen. When I listen to Riko's theme, the first 55 seconds of it, something about it just encapsulates what is "Riko", at least pre-adventure Riko, in a way that makes me want to fuck Riko really really badly. It's bizarre to find some piano and violin to be arousing. I'm not sure there's many other people out there who have experienced something like this. Does totally non-vocal music get anyone else's dick hard? What have I done to myself? How have I conditioned myself this way? I have the songs as FLACs, but they're too large to post, so here's some yewtube links.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 3

Vomit Hentai

Post the best vomit hentai you can find. The more vomit, the better.

R: 8 / I: 5 / P: 3

Artists self-censoring

And I Imean blurring genitalia but rather artists who used to draw younger looking characters now intentionally drawing them older. I am to guess that this is all due to legal reasons, right? Tamagoro's LITTLE BITCH PLANET which is probably my favorite doujin of all time is also one of his last great loli works, every other later entry in the LBP series has the female characters looking less and less like lolis and more like just flat chested pettanko shite that I can get anywhere else. This pisses me off so fucking much. I also notice artists who draw characters more veloped in the lewd pages than in the cover, which just feels like baiting the reader.

R: 101 / I: 457 / P: 3

Feet Thread


R: 29 / I: 119 / P: 3

Artist Blacksaikou

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3


>520+ galleries in my backlog >Okay, I have some free time, so let's go through them one by one starting with the shortest >Knock out anywhere from 2-10 a day in between other daily chores >Doing well, got down to about 400 >Find something really good, so have to add everything else in English by the artist to the backlog >Backlog jumps by 2-20 galleries >Stuck in a loop around 380-400 galleries in the backlog >Still not even reading anything above 30 pages How do you do it, bros?

R: 46 / I: 179 / P: 3


NTR thread for pics and discussion and so on. No blacked/niggers, keep that shit in /interracial/

R: 22 / I: 87 / P: 3

2D female thread

this site is just another decrepit wreckage of what was formerly 8ch very sparsely populated by newfag zoomer squatters but i decided i wanted to bless you by posting some 2d females that wasn't evil degeneracy so here you go

R: 4 / I: 4 / P: 3


Thread dedicated to the Re:Zero girls, particularly Rem because she's so lewd. I want to rape, breed and then333 marry this slutty oni! But all girls are welcome.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 4

loli/shota thread

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4

Bisexual male

Someone recommend me hentai where a guy fucks a girl along with some effeminate faggot. I need more of this shit. Loli/shota and otherwise, all is welcome.

R: 3 / I: 14 / P: 4

Cute and sexy girls in overalls

Post em

R: 10 / I: 39 / P: 4

Madoka Thread

I'm gonna dump my favorite magukas

R: 11 / I: 6 / P: 4

Hentai News Thread.

Sharing news in regards to hentai OVAs, Animations, Lewd artist and other info worthy stuff involving 2D/3DCG smut. Dump all info, links, archives and other crap you've got. Final Fantasy VII Remake has fully nude mode in 4K available in Nexus Mods. Murakami Teruaki Style OVA Sei Dorei Gakuen 2 has been released to the wider web. https://sukebei nyaa si/view/3583097 Archived Link of Gifs of the OVA.

R: 18 / I: 29 / P: 4

Draw Thread

Haven't seen one here that is rather more general and for any potential fetish or character Like any draw thread Make any request you want, providing references and detail Do not repeat or bump your own request Make use of anchor posts Be patient and don't be a asshole

R: 25 / I: 91 / P: 4

Sprite Art/Pixel Porn thread

Post lewd sprite art preferably of the animated variety, but static is fine too.

R: 50 / I: 135 / P: 4

Sukkanen Fordic

This artist draws what I would clearly see as a loli, but posts the girl on social media with no repercussions from the anti-loli crowd by labelling it as cuntboy porn. Since anons on /loli/ might dislike me posting "cuntboy" shit there, I'll dump everything I have here. I can't remember what social media site I pulled these from.

R: 122 / I: 551 / P: 4

Oblivious exposure

This thread is dedicated to girls showing off their lewd bits without even knowing it. A subgenre of accidental exposure that isn't tagged anywhere.

R: 44 / I: 131 / P: 4

Strength Difference

Contrast a (relatively) petite, curvy woman with a physically stronger party that's fucking said woman. Anything goes as long as it's not 3D or furry(the last image I put more as /monster/ I suppose?).

R: 17 / I: 9 / P: 4

So how many of you have their fetishes spill over IRL? I'd love to have an orgy with my (theoretical) wife and teenage son and daughter.

R: 5 / I: 20 / P: 4

Rape/Mind Break

Love their expressions.

R: 30 / I: 124 / P: 4

Azur Lane

A thread for ship girls.

R: 52 / I: 215 / P: 4

Casual nudity (with an excuse)

Girls casually exposing themselves for, at least the appearance of, non-sexual reasons. I only really have the most common reason, it's too hot, but any other reasons are welcome. I thought I made this thread already or at least discussed the subject somewhere on the webring, but I can't find it, so I'm making a thread here. No, bathing doesn't count. My folders are sorted into three categories. Those with electric fans, those with paper fans, and those with no fans. Since electric fans are most common, they are subsorted into fan and greatest exposure is focusing on the upperbody, lowerbody, or both. Now dumping.

R: 10 / I: 35 / P: 4

I like lewding foreheads. I thought I already made this thread ages ago, but maybe that was old 8chan, so here it is again if I did.

R: 3 / I: 9 / P: 4

Navel/Bellybuttons thread

Just in case anyone's interested. Or not.

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 5

Sadpanda / Exhentai Assistance & Resources General

Access & Basics: (Blank page is the new panda, delete appropriate cookies) Wiki: DOWNLOADERS ARCHIVE MANAGERS TAG AND GALLERY SCRIPTS VIEWERS [Deprecated] OTHERS Provide presence-passing galleries to help officiate these tags: Report mistaggings to get them cleaned up faster: H Resources: [Deprecated] H Releases: [Deprecated]

R: 3 / I: 15 / P: 5

Great Big Boob Artists

LOAD even likes Big Boobs Artists. Here are some.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 5

Looking for small, kinky/bizarre "Indie" porn/hentai games. Especially ones focused on slave training. No big, hosted, 4 Elements Trainer type of shit. I want niche, disgusting porn games made my schizo/aspo forum dwellers. What's a fucked up hentai game you like? Which would you recommend?

R: 19 / I: 25 / P: 5

H-manga & Doujinshi Review and Reccomendation Thread

I have several thousand favorites on the panda. I rarely ever give anything 5 stars though, and often I'm not very objective with it, it depends greatly on my mood. I'll be going through everything I've given 5 stars and recommending them, possibly reviewing them, one by one. [MARUTA] Gogo wa Koucha Yori Kan Koohii De | Canned Coffee is Better than Tea in the Afternoon (Kanojo Zokusei -Kimi Zoku-) [English] {Taihen Zombii} Maruta, as far I've read, specializes in tomboys with modest breasts. His art is high tier, censorship very limited, and the stories have a relaxed atmosphere from the art style and a realistic feel to the way characters interact. In this story, a tomboy and her boyfriend are having trouble doing the deed, it just hurts too much. They're keeping their relationship a secret, but seeing other girls fawn over him at school makes her run off in jealousy. He follows her and decides that maybe outdoor sex will get her wet enough for penetration. It works wonderfully, and they grow ever closer. They decide they're going to make their relationship public and he tells her how he blew off the other girls to chase after her. Censorship consists of very small, clearly transparent black bars. The girl is wearing boyish panty briefs and no bra because her breasts aren't very big. 10/10, left me with warm happy feelings inside.

R: 16 / I: 72 / P: 5

Scantly Clad Outfits & Underwear Thread.

Skimpy outfits covering primarily cover the breast and crotch. Bikini Armor, Swimsuits, Lingerie and so on. It's kind of surprising this thread hasn't even been made yet, low activity aside. Challenge Mode: No nudity. Show as much skin without being completely nude. Minor wardrobe malfunctions aside.

R: 11 / I: 6 / P: 5

It's really nice this board is more active.

That one drawfag here again. Mods can delete this post but I just wanted to say it's nice to see this board becoming more active. /d/ on halfchan sucks ass.

R: 47 / I: 71 / P: 5

Can we have a loli thread? Didn't find anything against it in the global or local rules.

R: 7 / I: 25 / P: 5

Favorite and Popular Smut artist.

Post and talk about nsfw artist that you like. What do you like about their work, anything outside their lewds you like about them, and so on. Pic related is cinnabus, I like how she draws her characters as kind of being somewhat shortstacked along with her artstyle in general. It's rather unique compared to what've seen from most western artist. Has a kind of "cute" and sexy appeal to me.

R: 75 / I: 371 / P: 5


Is kuppahime the biggest meme online cartoon porn boom ever? Does anything else even compare to the enormous amount of quantity and quality catalyzed by a simple lewd joke. What factors led to this unusual phenomenon, whereby it became so popular even all the normalfags I knew talked about it? Obviously Mario is incredibly popular and well known globally, but there was never any porn boom of its canon characters even approaching this level. I have a large collection to dump, and decently sorted. I'll announce the category I post from in each post and take requests for further dumping from that category. If I just dumped it all, I could fill the whole thread multiple times over. Kuppahime solo light skinned bikinis and swimsuits

R: 11 / I: 11 / P: 5

Fetishes You Don't Understand the Appeal of.

I don't get why people can enjoy fetishes like hyperinflation. I can somewhat understand boobs but often it goes into ridiculous degrees where it's more comical than appealing. Other fetishes include cbt, Coprophagia, and mask fetishism. Pic related.

R: 3 / I: 11 / P: 5


Post anything involving food/cumming on food. Please, I need it

R: 61 / I: 240 / P: 5

Transformation & Form Change General.

Anything involving changing of forms, states, corruption, bimbofication and general appearance alteration from mild to unrecognizable. Dump whatever form changing smut you've got.

R: 64 / I: 288 / P: 5

Sexual Slavery

I have a thing for girls being chained and forced to do whatever you want. Not enough bondaged muscular girls. Post any slave pics you have. Collars, chains and leashes appreciated.

R: 6 / I: 13 / P: 5

Recommended latex/leather artists?

Anyone know of any good artists that focus on latex or leather? Sen - 有魚 -

R: 15 / I: 23 / P: 5

Characters that lack porn

ITT: Characters that either have so little porn or literally none. Pic related is Cai from Gravity Rush 2. An evil shota that deserves to be "punished".

R: 58 / I: 238 / P: 5

Edit Thread

Post you're edits. Anything from cropping to high effort goes.

R: 23 / I: 28 / P: 6

HMVs, PMVs, NSFW MV's (MMD,SFM,etc) & FapHeroes

Post them all here, including clips of collaborative compilations, bonus for linking sauces of HMVs (and sauce for hentai clips used) Only rule is no BBC, take that shit to /interracial/ or /2dblacked/

R: 4 / I: 4 / P: 6

Portals Of Phareon Thread.

What is portals of Phareon? Portals of Phareon is an 18+ Tactical Turn based RPG with a Big focus of recruiting and breeding monster girls. You can breed hybrid monster girls, choose between three different character types at the start of the game with different endings, explore different area where you can collect and manage resources, train monster girls to improve their stats, or sell them off, and various other complex mechanics. Other features include: >Dating & Recruitment of NPCs >Base construction. >Optional Arena Battles >Camping during expeditions to perform various tasks >Gallery for events/Characters >Achievements >Currently six unique boss monsters >Morale System that can bufff or debuff characters based on personality >New Game+ (infinitely scaling difficulty, raising caps for most things) Disclaimer:Has futanari & almost no males. Starter guide link: Portals of Phereon Wiki Link: Download Links V0.16.0.1 Windows: Linux: V0.16.0.2 Currently no Linux or 64 bit version, Windows only. 32 bit version:

R: 3 / I: 7 / P: 6

Girls as collectibles

Its a really specific fetish, but I recently got weirdly enamored with a setting where girls, (or some special all female race) can be turned into some smaller form and collected, I like cards the most but theres very little of that. The one big thing that I think would make a scenario perfect for me is making it so when you possess a girl in their smaller form, you can do lots of fun things with them, like fuse them together, mabye summon them with other cards to items to change how they manifest. Maybe you could summon them with a nurse outfit card to have them pre-dressed for you, or with a petrification card to summon them as a statue, idk. Really this is the one time where I think a fetish would be best as a hentai game and not just straight porn.

R: 77 / I: 333 / P: 6

Tomboys thread: Trickle Down Tomboys

The sweatier they are the better.

R: 35 / I: 166 / P: 6

Bimbo/Slut Thread.

Busty, Curvaceous, and often airheaded. Dump whatever bimbo lewds and slut wear smut you have.

R: 46 / I: 216 / P: 6

Delicious Brown Elves

A dark skinned elves thread. Pale dark elves need not apply.

R: 2 / I: 9 / P: 6

Because sharing is caring

R: 8 / I: 37 / P: 6


A thread dedicated to PROMOTIONS of the anime/ manga franchise Bleach. (Other Kubo girls also welcome)

R: 20 / I: 48 / P: 6


Megaten series. Keep Persona series in other thread

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 6

Why are girls' butts censored in manga but not boys'?

R: 7 / I: 22 / P: 6

(no) Homo Thread

A thread for those who don't mind if balls touch. This thread is for those who like sausages but aren't into the ultrafeminine traps at >>/54 or the girls with dick at >>239 NO BARASHIT. MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD FOR THAT

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 6

Video/Hentai Sites with Accurate Tags.

Anyone know of any decent video/hentai site with accurate tags? Im talking about tags outside of the generic "big boobs" or "rape"; stuff like "pregnant", "birth", "inflation" and "loli". You have some places that host series like Shoujo Ramune but refuse to acknowledge that its lolicon. While other sites have Inyouchuu Shoku: Harami Ochiru Shoujo-tachi, but never acknowledge it has birth, inflation, or even pregnancy scenes; at the rarest I've only found one place that has "unbirth" listed. Yet a majority of them refuse to acknowledge "loli" at all. There's always places like Sankaku and Gel, but I'm looking for a video site just to watch and not have to worry about the mountain of other material those sites also host Ill be making this thread both on /h/ and /ero/ for maximum coverage

R: 27 / I: 133 / P: 6

BBW and Squishy Tummy

Chubby girls are the best Chubby yuri and belly grabbing is what gets me going most

R: 18 / I: 72 / P: 6

Pantsu Thread

ITT Pantsu

R: 72 / I: 354 / P: 6

What it says on the tin.

R: 15 / I: 30 / P: 6

Weird/Shameful Things You've Fapped to.

Any weird shit you didn't typically like that couldn't help but fap to for some reason or had a session compromised due to a scene from a comic, video, or OVA that you accidentally came to? I fapped to a parody comic of Ridely Scott's alien that involved vore and transforming into sexy parodies of xenomorphs which would be fine in of itself it it weren't for the fact that it was a vore comic that had (surprisingly non graphic) snuff were character that get vored immediately get turned into digestive material by both the xenomorphs and the androids. I managed to enjoy it somehow despite the fact that I didn't like that characters get killed of in a while not gory disgusting way.

R: 9 / I: 8 / P: 7

Hentai animation and Lewd Animation Discussion Thread

A general discussion thread for hentai OVAs and porn animations in general. >What are your favorite artist/brands >Favorite Genres of porn >Types of fetishist you likes >Things that you hate in porn animations >What's sites do you visit

R: 42 / I: 50 / P: 7

Petrification Drawthread

I need practice drawing and I'm sure you all want some free sketches, so if any of you are interested in getting statues of characters you like go ahead and drop a request. I'll do other stuff but petrification and similar stuff will be favored.

R: 22 / I: 53 / P: 7

Valentines Draw Thead Chocogirl Celebration.

So, one of my favorite things about valentines day is all the choco tf that gets posted, so I wanted to start a joint drawthread and also just chocolate themed art thread. feel free to post other chocogirls here too. or just girls covered in chocolate. also, I'm still going to look at choco requests from the original drawthread too so dont worry dudes Also, If anyone cares I think I'm gonna name this mascot "Goldie", unwilling representative of 8ch /h/

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 7

Pic/s below are your new curse.

Basically, just a thread where you describe a transformative curse that affects the next person to respond to the thread. So to start: You're cursed to become a random /h/ user's familar. You become a being made of pure magical energy, and will automatically transform to suit the desires of your new master. You must obey every order your master gives you without question, it could be something as simple as going on a grocery run, or fantastical as transforming yourself entirely. He can even dismiss you when you're not needed, and you will blink out of existence entirely until your master summons you again. On that note, when not following any orders, you can only stray about 30 feet away from your master before blinking out of existence as well. After your master dies, you and your master will transform into a small golden trinkets, that when touched by another person will cause you to become their familar. (This will hopefully slowly spread a bunch of familiars all over the world to the point where everybody has at least one)

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Either penis goes bouncing/moving or ejaculating Janny Edit: Would merge to futa thread but fuck you

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Nostalgia thread

ITT we post our first or earliest hentai memories

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Why is everybody's taste on this board absolute dogshit

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>>182 >>183 >bestiality >niggers >>226 >>227 >disgusting obese, blubbery whores >more bestiality You people have the worst fucking taste. This board sucks.