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Discussion Thread Anonymous 05/10/2021 (Mon) 14:33:37 No. 115
Lets get some discussion going! It's been asked many times before but what experience made you realize you were a pedophile? What was it like for you coming to terms with that at first?
>>3588 I don't care
>>3587 Anna should kill himself, also all other hurtcore kikes should kill themselves.
>>3606 >pointing to the hurtcore kink >not the fact it's a guy called anna ha ha anna is a girl's name how embarrassing
>>3609 >kink more like jewish mental disorder if you want to hurt kids kill yourself blow your brains out eat a bullet walk into traffic lay down on the train tracks swallow poison slit your wrists etc. kike
>>3613 t. another anon with a girl's name how embarrassing
>>3613 Says the pedophile, who inherently wants to hurt kids.
>>3614 The fact he's named after Pavaga is a crime worthy of death itself, considering what a despicable kike he is. >>3615 Antipedo retard, pedophile literally means child lover. If you want to hurt kids you aren't a pedophile, you're a kike.
>>3616 Your definition of love is demented.
>>3617 Okay, mentally ill puritan.
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>>3617 Why? What part of it?
>>3619 demented means a behavior that is mad, crazy demented love, he's saying you're madly in love with kids are you going to disagree????
>>3621 ooh based tru
>>3619 Your definition of love includes loving CP, and the harm of pornography for both consumers and creators is self-evident. You don't love children, your dick does.
>>3623 >implying pedos are necessarily pro pornography Its just much more likely for them to be in a society that expects them to just turn off their sex drive as if its not the most powerful primal urge that humans have in order to ensure our continued existence. Ask the average muslim with a child bride what they think about pornography and you'll get an entirely different answer I'm sure.
>>3623 >the harm of pornography for both consumers and creators is self-evident. The harm of violent imagery for both consumers and creators is self-evident. Ban video games!
>>3625 violent video game pornography is the future!
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>>3626 this but unironically
>>3623 I don't look at CP at all. My dick does love lgs but so does the rest of me. Baseless assumptions, stated in the fashion of a retard as is typical of an antipedo. >>3624 This is a good post but it's not the only important point to make here. Pornography is a lot of things, I don't agree at all it has self-evident harm inherently. Lots of CP is being made by kids alone, more than ever due to omnipresent smartphones and shit. It's not equatable to like, kidnapping kids and forcing them or something. Sexuality is a two way street, and kids would express sexually without pedophiles even existing, because it is as inherent to them as it is to anyone else. It's not a bad thing, it's also not a thing you can stop. All of these retarded prohibitions antis put in place are as doomed to fail as prohibitions ever are and then some, it's a passing autistic tantrum before antis just lose outright for good and it's funny. Also it's interesting you choose to attack me as a support of child love in the process of attacking people that literally want to torture and kill children and other actually fucked up shit, anti priorities always totally fucked.
>>3628 as a supporter*
>>3625 Violent media doesn't ruin pair bonding.
>>3628 It depends how you define harmful and to who, in terms of societal harm pornography is one of the contributing factors to the plummeting birth rate and I think its safe to say thats indisputable. Though I agree with you that theres a total difference between some kid chatting naked on omegle and a pornstar thats taken thousands of dicks. To suggest their pair bonding are both ruined simply because they both made pornography is totally asinine.
>>3628 >I don't look at CP at all. Yeah sure buddy. Even if you're not lying, you're clearly not representative of the norm among pedos. The stupid ones are always getting caught, and the less stupid ones on this very board talk about the CP and child modeling sets they jack off to. The closest to "not being into CP" when it comes to the average pedo, is simply not being into hurtcore CP. >Lots of CP is being made by kids alone, more than ever due to omnipresent smartphones and shit. Still doesn't make it good or neutral. Solo vids are bad for their social standing and bad for the pair bonding of any viewers. >it's a passing autistic tantrum before antis just lose outright for good This is just delusional. Everyone thinks society will one day see the light of their particular belief set and not just continue being a chaotic mess of competing ideological soups. There will be no "day of the rope" for the right, no communist utopia for the left, and no abolishing of age of consent and CP laws for pedos. It's all wishful thinking.
>>3631 >plummeting birth rate I think this is a pro, not a con. Don't we have too many people as it is?
>>3632 >Still doesn't make it good or neutral. Solo vids are bad for their social standing and bad for the pair bonding of any viewers. Do you have a scientific source that states showing off one's sexual desires/need for attention is a bad thing? Not saying you're wrong--I have no idea. But I honestly can't see anything wrong with a girl trying to get attention by showing off her body. Women/girls crave attention in one way or another, and it's taught VERY young that an easy way to get said attention is to show off. (I blame social media). Also...are there really pedos who don't look at CP? What? Why is that? For fear of getting caught?
>>3631 >to suggest their pair bonding are both ruined simply because they both made pornography is totally asinine. A false equivalence. The same comparison holds true for a starting pornstar that has taken only a single dick in contrast to a turbowhore. Pair bonding isn't an all or nothing game, it's a gradual degradation. One cigarette isn't likely to give you cancer, but they're addictive and will give you cancer over time. The positive immediate response one gets from viewers when doing pornography is above and beyond that of social media in terms of psychological addiction, and with even worse social consequences even if the girl remains solo.
>>3633 Not when western ideology and culture will be overrun and eradicated by those who aren't tanking their own birth rates with social experiments. Muslims double their population every generation while westerners can't even replace theirs and have to import the foreigners who are still breeding in order for their to still be a labor force rather than a society that solely consists of retirement homes. As much as I hate the disgusting level of moralfaggotry thats become the norm in the western world I still wouldn't want muslims in control of it running it under shariah law. I feel like humanity is doomed to die out on planet earth if that were to happen as islam isn't too keen on technological progression.
>>3633 The overpopulation comes from turd world countries that then immigrate to first world countries. It's only first world countries that have plummeting birth rates. The great replacement is real, and there's nothing you or I can do about it.
>>3635 I fail to see how any cam whores pair bonding is impaired no matter how long they do it for, they aren't bonding with anyone. A sexual encounter between two people is an entirely different story.
>>3630 Can't you just pick one autistic crusade that's doomed to fail? Antipedo is already super retarded and fighting upriver against biology but adding porn too? Shit man, protest the weather next. >>3631 Porn existed and was widespread before it happened. It's more of a refuge against the fucked societal conditions than a cause of them, people not getting any are going to get off. Crazy bitches flipping shit on you and trying to legally milk you for gibs as an installation via the jew courts and media witchhunts, people losing financial stability for having a family and being taught to hate themselves and their own culture. It's not as simple as '.jpg of puss puss and now society collapses' since most people still pick sex over porn if they are in a position to get it. >>3632 >You're lying because my baseless assumptions are wrong Lmao. >you're clearly not representative of the norm among pedos Source? Based on? Asspull? >The closest to "not being into CP" when it comes to the average pedo, is simply not being into hurtcore CP In my experience pedophiles largely reject the hurtcore kikes, and there's zero equating the two things, plus this statement of yours is again totally baseless. >Still doesn't make it good or neutral You've done nothing to convince me it's bad, nor is it being "good or neutral" according to you a prerequisite to it existing, it still does anyway. >Solo vids are bad for their social standing Solution, don't demonize sexuality for no reason based on ancient kike lies and worldviews. >bad for the pair bonding of any viewers Don't buy it. >This is just delusional Thinking you are going to change human nature is delusional. >Everyone thinks society will oone day see the light of their particular belief set and not just continue being a chaotic mess of competiing ideological soups I give pedophilia higher odds because antipedo is a flash in the pan that isn't even older than feminism, being a product of it. Which is a kike movement for the record, and actually responsible for decreasing birthrates via what I have said above among other things. >There will be no "day of the rope" for the right Probably not. >no communist utopia for the left Definitely not since no commie is producing anything utopian, communist dystopia is already here. >no abolishing of age of consent and CP laws for pedos This is much more likely than either of the above, false equivalence. If you had said this about gays, and you would have, it would have been wrong. Antis are a meme that won't last, good for a laugh now but that's it.
>>3634 >Do you have a scientific source that states showing off one's sexual desires/need for attention is a bad thing? Do I need statistics to prove the negative social consequences of doing pornography? I'm sure they're probably out there, since there's plenty of anti-porn groups, but no, I don't have numbers, and I'm not sure what I'm talking about is easily quantifiable anyways. >Also...are there really pedos who don't look at CP? Dunno, probably a minority. >For fear of getting caught? Most likely. It's not like they'd have any effect on CP demand by not viewing existing CP, and once the video is out there, the damage is done.
>>3633 No, just too many niggers and chinks. Who also cause almost all of the world's pollution. We need more qt Aryan babbies.
>>3639 I don't see how you can be so blind as to suggest that pornography is just as widespread now as it ever has been, as if technological development hasn't influenced its ability to spread in any way. The rest of your post is just arguing against a strawman, I never suggested porn=societal collapse, I said porn plays a role in lowering birth rates because it undoubtedly does.
>>3638 I didn't make a statement on the pair bonding of solo porn, I just said it had negative social consequences, particularly in regards to reputation.
>>3642 I didn't say it was as widespread as now, I said it was widespread. I don't know why all antis seem to be retarded and unable to read. >I said this thing and it was right because it undoubtedly is but I have no proof okay retard.
>>3644 I got dubs, look. Antis wish they did, but they suck at that too.
>>3639 >Can't you just pick one autistic crusade that's doomed to fail? Why? >Antipedo is already super retarded I'm not antipedo, I just recognize what pedos call child love is really just lust and it shows through their consumption of CP.
>>3646 >Why? It just seems silly to spread your attention between two doomed causes. If I was gonna do one of them I'd hedge against the fact it's fucked with one that's at least somewhat likely to pan out. >I'm not antipedo >I just have adopted antipedo views k still wrong.
>>3644 I'm not an anti because I disagree with you, quit it with the tribalist nonsense. I'd say that suggesting pornography has no impact on how much fucking people are doing is the extraordinary claim that requires proof, not the fact that the millions of sperm that went into a tissue thanks to pornography could've gone into a woman instead without it.
Honestly if you are of the retarded opinion it's strictly lust and not a combination of lust and romantic love you might as well become an anti. >>3648 >My baseless claim requires you to prove I'm wrong Correlation isn't causation, you prove your own statements, not that you can since they're an asspull. Because someone nutted not in a female it's porn's fault? You realize you don't even need porn for masturbation to be a thing right? And not everyone breeds. Always has been this way, but birthrates only suffer after mass adoption of jewish anti-male anti-family anti-European propaganda.
>>3643 >some kid chatting naked on omegle and a pornstar thats taken thousands of dicks. >The same comparison holds true for a starting pornstar that has taken only a single dick in contrast to a turbowhore. You absolutely did make a statement on the pair bonding of solo porn.
>>3649 I also realize my statement is somewhat contradictory here as the correlation of the introduction of jewish propaganda and social engineering is itself being used to prove causation here, but deal with it retard. I can do what I want, faggot.
>muh pedos are all a step away from rape and the majority of them are probably jacking off to hurtcore at this very moment
>>3649 My claim is baseless? Open your fucking eyes. We have people jerking off half a dozen times a day driving their libido into the toilet thanks to the rise in pornography, I really cannot grasp how you could think this has no impact on their likelyhood of impregnating a woman. As if this new demographic of incels thats exploded in the last generation would still be masturbating all day every day without porn. As if they wouldn't actually make an effort in improving themselves to be attractive to women because blue balls is hell of a motivator.
>>3632 > Even if you're not lying, you're clearly not representative of the norm among pedos. Ironically, the perviest pedo I know never looks at CP and an asexual pedo I know looks at it monthly
>>3639 >Source? In my experience, pedophiles are largely okay with CP. >In my experience pedophiles largely reject the hurtcore kikes, and there's zero equating the two things I agree. Did you misread my post? >nor is it being "good or neutral" according to you a prerequisite to it existing, it still does anyway. I never attempted to argue it didn't exist. Are you just making up strawmen now? >don't demonize sexuality Whores have always been demonized for good reason. STDs and bad pair bonding. While these things aren't present in solo only work, the association with true whores isn't going away, ever, and neither will the negative social consequences of doing any kind of porn. The idea that you can make society just "stop being mean to camwhores!" is another pipedream about the world magically aligning with your views one day. It's not going to happen. >Don't buy it. Yes anon, it's true. Consuming pornography is bad for pair bonding. >>3647 >It just seems silly to spread your attention between two doomed causes It's not really a cause. I have no hope of convincing people of my beliefs on any appreciable scale. I'll still speak the truth though. >>3649 >and not a combination of lust and romantic love It isn't, by and large. >>3650 My point there wasn't that solo stuff ruined pair bonding, but that jumping immediately to comparisons of turbosluts isn't an honest comparison, since the damage to pair bonding of a single act is negligible. >>3652 Wrong. >>3653 >incels Loaded term. Implies they can't get sex even if they tried. Most don't try and don't touch prostitutes. If Frederick Brennan can get some, so can so-called "incels".
>>3655 >It isn't, by and large. based on...?
>>3654 >asexual pedo That's an oxymoron. You mean abstinent?
>>3655 When I refer to the demographic of incels you know exactly what I'm talking about, thats all the matters. There doesn't have to be some greater implication into their character to go along with it.
>>3656 My personal experiences, interacting with pedophiles online.
>>3640 >Do I need statistics to prove the negative social consequences of doing pornography? I'm just curious. In my experience, every girl I watch is happy both before, during, and after their "showings" regardless of how much or little they show. No coercion, no forcing them or convincing them or anything; most times it is their own idea. Heck, one streaming service (which I won't name) recently had a "points" weekend where viewers could reward points to streamers for various reasons, and some of the "winning" girls won because they were flashing for points. Their idea (in most cases). The points are worthless (as are most internet points), yet the girls were happy to strip for them. And then after the weekend it was business as usual, no harm done, just happy girls playing Roblox and shit like that, communicating with their "fans." I agree with the addiction/over-consumption of porn being bad, but CREATING IT...? Nah. Circumstantial at best, maybe, but I see nothing wrong with it being done in the aforementioned cases (happy girls doing things on their own). Plus I care about all the girls I watch. I don't know anything about "pair bonding" but I personally don't watch any "unnamed" girls that I can't communicate with on some level, whether that be watching their Tiktoks, streams, or pretending to be their age and hanging out in a chatroom with them. Nothing insidious, either; my intention is never to try and "get content." I just like getting to know them. Is that weird? Probably.
>>3658 >There doesn't have to be some greater implication into their character to go along with it. Then call them losers, or virgins. You can't just cut out the meaning of loaded slang.
>>3659 right
>>3661 Yes I can, just like calling some one alt-right here doesn't have to carry with it all the false connotations applied to it by the mainstream media.
>>3657 I mean no sex drive, no interest in sexual interaction, almost never horny, and not seeking a sexual relationship. Romance, yes. Sex, no. Some people are like that, and I personally reject the label being applied to me, but they accept it on themselves while fitting the criteria it entails
>>3664 i've never quite understood the use of the term they say they have no sex drive, yet some of them masturbate they're clearly getting off, aren't they?
>>3660 >not naming the streaming site that has loli streamers on it playing video games Where has this been all my life?
>>3666 I'd just prefer it to be less crowded, because crowds draw attention and attention draws moderation ;)
>>3665 There's some absolutely atrocious LGBT videos explaining it, and even worse twitter and tumblr posts, but the idea is a naturally very very limited sex drive. They can get horny, but it's subdued and uncommon. Even though the pedo in question looks at CP, they only masturbate a few times a year. I will not fight you on the matter if you don't want to designate incredibly low sex drive/interest in sexual relationships with its own label.
>>3660 >In my experience, the people who sell their smile and body for a living, are always smiling on camera! Wew. I know one in real life, since highschool. She has constant relationship issues. But she's always cheery doing her "work". I bet you think celebrities are genuine too, and not acting whenever on camera. >Is that weird? It's a "new" kind of parasocial relationship that people have been developing with online personalities. A kind of idol worship not too dissimilar to that of classic otaku stereotype.
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>>3668 >don't want to designate incredibly low sex drive/interest in sexual relationships with its own label this is what i have a problem with, yeah
>>3668 >Even though the pedo in question looks at CP, they only masturbate a few times a year. I haven't masturbated in over 6 years, and I consume cartoon pornography all the time. I don't consider myself "asexual", and I don't think simply "a low sex drive" ought to qualify one for the title.
>>3672 >>3668 Further, asexual should be a total lack of sexual attraction to things, not simply a low sex drive. Having a sexual preference, i.e. pedophilia, runs directly contradictory to that. Asexual pedophile is an oxymoron.
>>3672 That's how I feel, personally, and why I don't want the label on myself. I don't want sex with my partners and only tolerate the idea if they'll at least wait until marriage. Even then, I'm happy never doing it for the rest of my life. I have no interest in sex. That doesn't need a label for me, as I can sum it up with "I have no interest in sex". But, it's a term they use, and I've gotten used to the shorthand of it in conversations about pornography and sexuality. Fewer questions come up when I call someone asexual >>3673 What would be the exclusively romantic, non-sexual attraction to children then? If someone sees a child the best candidate for romance, no sex involved
>>3674 Pragmatic. It's how arranged marriages used to work.
>>3669 >>In my experience, the people who sell their smile and body for a living, are always smiling on camera! Good point, but like I said I tend to take a closer approach to most of the girls I admire than just parts of them flashing. I like getting to know the girls and collecting (an unhealthy) amount of things for each girl. Both N and NN, Social Media pictures, random information, etc.... I prefer to befriend all the girls (and steal them away from the hurtcore kikes; enjoy prison fetti fag)
>>3675 "I'm not a pedophile, I'm simply pragmatic. Leave me and my tot wife alone, sir."
>>3677 >implying arranged marriages with toddlers are pragmatic
The only thing the dune coons got right is the ability to have multiple child wives.
>>3676 Coincidentally I recently read some doujins about child stalkers >>3678 If you marry someone you love, that's pragmatism, >>3675 said so. Are you saying no one here could love a toddler? >>3679 Besides the legal side of connecting assets and sharing insurance and some other stuff, there's no real need for a marriage license, and do those aspects matter for child wives? Plus they're just property in the mudslime east.
>>3679 It wasn't even their idea though, it was a common practice. You'll find no denouncement of it among the various holy books because of that. Their holy book is just written in an extremely conservative way which is a double edged sword, sure they haven't succumb to the self-destructive social experiments that the west is like the age of consent for example but on the flipside they also refuse technological advancements making them live in the same degree of squalor that the people in the bronze ages who wrote the holy books lived in.
>>3680 >If you marry someone you love, that's pragmatism No its not, and arranged marriages don't even have a basis in love to begin with.
>>3682 Take it up with them, then
>>3680 >child stalkers I don't know what doujins are but I suppose this is an accurate statement. Not one done out of malice, though (if that makes it any better, LOL).
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>>3678 they are basedmatic this is my wife say nice things about her :)
>>3686 + marriageable + chubby, could survive a famine + bald baby cunny, very useful + smol feet + smol, yet entirely holdable hands + disproportionately large head, very cute + deep soulful eyes + rattle to keep herself busy + has ring on her at all times, very loyal to you + cute and perfect in all ways
>>3686 Don't worry everyone here has seen you post it half a dozen times already.
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>>3688 yeah well I'm in a committed relationship with her jealous? say something nice about her or shut up nigger
>>3691 You're in a committed relationship to being an insufferable cunt.
>>3692 yeah do something about it manlet
>>3686 i'd love to watch roo fit his massive pedoballs down that cunny
>>3695 Roo the joo is like 900 years old and his dick doesn't work
>>3693 The thread dies on the vine either way so I don't see how it matters.
>>3697 I was here before and you weren't seething then, maybe just stop crying. It's been days now of the crying. Say something nice about my cute baby wife, retard.
>>3698 built for hurtcore, faggot
>>3699 Kill yourself kike.
>>3698 You will get nothing but vitriolic hate from me for the entire time you're on this board, if you don't like it then don't out yourself.
>>3701 And you are? Nobody? Exactly.
Tots are based and for gentle loving only
>>3702 Thats how its supposed to be, if the BO didn't want his board overrun by people like you he'd be smart to enable forced anon to encourage the kind of behavior that imageboards are designed for. Not the kind of behavior forums or reddit are designed for.
>>3704 >Rulecuckery >encourage the kind of behavior that imageboards are designed for Kill yourself. You're worse than mark, totguy, and acidcuck combined and given divine sanction to shitpost endlessly. I look forward to the day totnig drives you to suicide.
>>3704 I'm posting anon rn you spastic newfag. The fact you are still asshurt proves the name thing isn't even relevant, I make you asshurt on posts alone. Toddler love based. Newfag tears cringe.
>>3705 How is forced anon rulecuckery? And why would you want this board to be totally divorced from imageboard culture in a way where we don't meld at all with any imageboard we find ourselves in? All that will do is validate the opinion that we're outsiders that aren't worthy of supplying a platform to because we aren't even a part of the sites community. The trannychans had this problem where they all namefagged and tripfagged and became a totally different beast that wasn't comparable to where it originated in any way anymore and as a result they're in a little insular dead altchan that consists of nothing but them. >>3706 I'm not saying forced anon would get rid of you, as much as I fucking despise everything about you that hatred doesn't justify just getting rid of it, what forced anon would do is discourage your kind of behavior. The "look at me I'm a special snowflake different from the rest of you anonymous people" attitude, its a sickness that spreads and I've seen it happen again and again.
>>3707 tl;dr buttrager Go back.
>>3707 He lacks self-awareness, anon.
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I for one like having the option to use a name if I desire it. Sometimes I like the name, other times I don't. When there are a lot of people talking at once it can get confusing. Also the imageboard culture is trash anyways. I'm all for as little censorship as possible.
Identity is based, newfags wish they had any individuality so they could sustain one.
>>3711 based tot chad dubs
>>3707 Too normalfag; didn't read I have no time or patience today to argue with newfag trash. That you're even attempting to argue this point with a genuine straight face, as you say the dumbest nigger gorilla reddit shit possible, tells me all I need to know about your experience (none) on actual imageboards or the validity of whatever worthless opinion you have. Get dabbed on by totfag, then go screech and cry your way back to whatever faggot forum you came from.
>>3713 Character assassination with no counter argument whatsoever, I expect that from him but not you.
>>3714 genuinely hurt lil faggot alert
>>3715 Hey maybe the sickness is spreading faster than I thought, if hes speaking as if his IQ is in the double digits tomorrow then we'll know for sure.
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>>3716 stop crying say something nice about my wife do you even like lgs or do you only like to bitch about nothing all day
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this is my wife
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>>3717 >>3718 me btw
>>3714 Do you put effort into conversing with ants? Wax poetic with the plastic wrap you take off your leftover dishes? You are a newfag retard. You cry for rulecuckery and then later whine when, to everyones immense surprise, the board turns into a shitty hugbox forum replete with powertripping hotpockets. Nothing will ever change your mind, because you are new and inherently disposed for cuckery and any argument against it sounds like unthinkable pandemonium, despite that that is the correct state.
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I was anomalous long before you neway newfag bet you dont even remember when hotwheels aka. wt moots made 4chan i was there and already the oldest oldfag at the time and still am so maybe shut the fuck up about chan culture when I basically created it
>>3721 say something nice about my wife faggot
>>3722 dubs
>>3720 You competely failed to demonstrate how forced anon is rulecuckery, its just a board state like text only or IDs. You talk about a "shitty hugbox forum" yet what you're advocating for results in cuckchan. Where no one is told to lurk more because that would be enforcing a hugbox so anyone can just act however they want with no repercussions in how the users treat them and oh look all of a sudden the site is welcoming to all forms of normalfags who proceed to shit the place up and drive out the original userbase. You're projecting your own newfaggotry onto me as if you were there to witness the culture shift on 4chan you would be on my side of this argument.
>>3724 You'd know all about cuckchan, retard.
Talk about tot girls or go out of my thread.
>>3718 >>3717 totanon confirmed sharing his wife, unironic cuck
>>3727 It was all my posts she is my wife
say something nice about her she is a cutie
>>3728 yet another anon claiming totanon's wife what a slut tot, passed around like a chew toy. She married giga cuck
>>3730 stay butthurt shes all mine say something nice about her
I just fapped to her again.
>>3732 And yet more people degenerately spurtin rope to totanon's wife, all while totanon is begging people to look upon her nude body with lusty eyes and tell him what they like about her He wants to jerk off to people telling him what they'd do to his wife What a cuck. Shameless cuck!
>>3733 Say nice things about her I cum to her daily.
She is a slutty tot but all tots are slutty
What an extremely cute tot. I bet she has an adorable laugh and a wonderful smile and is very friendly and playful because literally are tots are. Tots aren't my AoA but they really are fucking the cutest creatures in all of creation. Really every child from birth to hebe is literally fucking perfect and wonderful in some way. I can't understand why antis don't feel this way. Like I just don't get how you can hate a child. Even the ugliest most annoying shithead child still deserves love and attention just as much as the rest and everybody all over the world should dedicate their entire adult lives to making children feel wonderful and special and just generally awesome. For this reason I want to become a private tutor for children, to teach them cool stuff like computers and animals and math. Like really teach them, not that bullshit that they do in schools where they destroy their imaginations and force them to sit still for hours at a time with only get a tiny break. I want to give them lots of good feelings and treat them like human beings and give them wonderful experiences. I wish my life was better. I'm in a lot of pain and I don't know how to fix it. I want to fill the world with laughter and happiness and love because nobody should ever have to feel how I feel. When I wake up I hate that I'm still alive, and I'm miserable, and everything reminds me of how miserable I am. But children give me hope and make me feel better, especially specific children I've met. They put a genuine smile on my face. Not a fake one for pictures or one that only shows up when I'm at the bottom of a liquor bottle, but a real one. A real one that doesn't require chemicals or concerted effort. I love children, and children make me love myself. I don't know enough words to express it in the way I want to, but I love children in every possible way. I'm not a monster for that.
>>3736 >I wish my life was better. I'm in a lot of pain and I don't know how to fix it. If it's a mental issue, try unironically blogposting about it. You never know just where or when that random piece of advice that you need to pick yourself up comes from and here's as good a place as any.
>>3737 >>3738 I'm scared to get too specific though, on the minuscule chance that it will narrow down my real identity to a point that a real search for me could be carried out. That scares me more than most things. As far as what I need to do to pick myself up, I think I have a general idea. I'm sorta purposeless right now, and I'm not in a fantastic environment. I'm doing my best to change my circumstances by finding a job that lets me move easily, like a remote position that only requires I have access to the internet. I guess my immediate goals could be summed up with "stability and safety" because right now I wouldn't say I have either. After that, intimacy is something that I wish I had, since I think once I have a solid foundation I will be able to build naturally from there except for the social parts. Due to my mild autism I never really had any success socially, in any aspect. It's hard not to hate myself, even a therapist I had to see once told me "the common element in your problems is you, so that's the source. The root of the problem is who you are" and then he never really elaborated. I feel like I'm rambling whenever I talk about this kind of thing though, especially when it's about my autism and my experiences growing up. I feel like it's just incoherent or it'll become ammo for antis.
>>3739 Were you ever truly open with your therapist? I've never even considered a therapist due to their legal requirement in getting us locked away and the key thrown away if they determine we're a "threat to others" and theres no telling if the therapist will decide you being a pedo means you're an inherent threat to others. Its truly unfortunate how hard they make it for us, it sometimes feels like it was intentionally designed for the purpose of mental torture as you'd think if they actually cared about childrens wellbeing that they'd want the demographic that typically preys on them to not be on the brink of a mental break which would only put children at risk.
>>3736 >AoA Age of attraction? > I just don't get how you can hate a child Hate is probably a comical exaggeration, and it's more like "dislike and very much want to not deal with" That's how I am about kids that aren't mine and aren't nice Nice kids are adorable and wonderful And mine are 2000% kill to preserve the smile of without a second of hesitation. Which is interesting, the way that's so automatic and instinctive. It's an overriding drive, and feels unquestionably important in my soul, despite having very little interest in even having children prior. It really makes it hard to wrap my head around some of the things terrible parents do. Also adds to my disdain of abortions, but I still support those for minorities and immigrants. >>3739 >I feel like I'm rambling whenever I talk Very relatable
>>3740 I havent seen a therapist in a very long time. I don't trust doctors, particularly the kind that just throw pills at you when you say you feel bad. I have never seen a therapist when I recognized I was a pedo. I have been open with a few of them on some issues though and not one single therapist as ever come through. A great example is when I admitted to a female therapist that being touched made me feel extremely uncomfortable (especially with women but all adults) except for a very small group of people whom I trusted very much. She spent the next 45 minutes trying to covertly make physical contact with me. She initiated this by taking off her shoe after asking me to come up to her desk to sign some forms that would allowed her to release her notes to me, and gently pushing it against my shin. I didn't feel it because I wasn't paying attention, so I had no idea she even tried that. She used this to try to challenge me on my statement, and frequently tried to force me to make eye contact with her even though she knew very well that it made me uncomfortable. I have had many such experiences with many different therapists, and I hate and distrust all of them by default. >>3741 AoA is age of attraction, AoC is age of consent. I've seen mothers beat their kids over the head with a purse in public for whining that they were tired. Antis routinely demhumanize kids and compare them to animals or objects like that's a normal and okay thing to do. There are people who hate children, and it makes me mad. I would adopt or use a surrogate mother as long as it was legally impossible for her to fuck me over or interfere in my childs growth, but generally I find that my drive to protect and nurture is very intense when I'm around kids. Like I love kids, but theres a very distinct difference between being at my desk thinking about it and actually being near one. Like the compulsion to make them happy and give them a good memory and protect them from everything terrible in the world is very strong for me. Is that a paternal instinct? I don't know.
>>3742 >I don't trust doctors I like you, we're on a similar wavelength at least about doctors. Probably not much else >I'd adopt or use surrogate Adopt made sense to me since it seems like giving a wholesome home to a child needing one fits for you, but why surrogate? Do you not see any chance of having a fertile mate you form a life bond with? >is that a paternal instinct? I don't know about you, but my maternal instinct didn't exist before having a child to care for. Babysitting and just being around kids, any urge to be good to them is just basic human decency. Maybe it is your paternal instinct, always on high drive, or maybe it's just who you are as a person. I wonder if that distinction is meaningless.
>>3743 I don't know about anything else, I just don't trust doctors. There are a lot of reasons I would use a surrogate mother, the most major of which is that I don't feel attracted to adult females. The oldest I would really be interested in is maybe 13ish for girls, but I prefer younger generally speaking. I don't really think the distinction is meaningful, it isn't really meaningful to me. Having a convenient way to express it would be nice though, particularly in a way that doesn't give off pedo vibes.
>>3744 <convenient expression and no pedo vibes Paternal instinct works >no attraction to adult women Are you attracted to adult men? I can never keep track of which anon is which, but there's at least two super gays
>>3746 I'm very particular about what adults I am attracted to and I am primarily attracted to lgs. I think saying I am attracted to adult men is a gross over generalization in my particular case, so I would hesitate to use a label like gay because I feel I'm much narrower in my attraction. To be specific and go in order from most attractive to least attractive: I love lgs, particularly between 7-9 range but I can expand from that from 5 to 13ish but it depends pretty heavily on the individual beyond that core range. There is literally nothing I don't love about lgs. Following that are "adult men" but in a much narrower range. There is no real age requirement, at least none that I would bother to specify. The first and most important part is emotional in nature. I'm not gonna even attempt to be involved romantically with a man who isn't accepting of pedos or a pedo themselves. That is the first and most important filter. After that, it would be standard stuff about common interests and blah blah. I also have a bit of a racial preference for whites, but it's not really politically motivated. I think it's just in-group preference at work but this doesn;t apply as much to lgs. Lastly there are lbs, who I'm also very picky about. I'm not nearly as passionate about this aspect of my attraction as the other two, but I would say that I prefer them younger than my lgs and I'm more picky about their personalities and physical appearance. that feels sort of rambly and poorly explained but the general idea is: lgs > pedo/ally men > lbs and if it's not on the list I don't like it. The lower down it is the stricter I am with my preferences, but a lot has been omitted from above. I suppose I would be counted among the "super gays" though.
>>3580 Where do I find the officially translated and uncensored version of that nowadays? All FAKKU aggregates are dead (RIP hentai.cafe) and torrents are unseeded.
>>3630 Only a retard thinks it does. Masturbate. Now masturbate while imagining somrthing. Now masturbate while looking at an extra curvy piece of drift wood. Now masturbate while looking at dots of light. What's the difference you mongoloid chimp brained nigger? Oh, some poor stupid slut and stupid chads had to be exploited to make it? They exploited themselves and I give zero fucks about them. Why should I get upset over what they do to themselves?
>>3639 Thankyou for educating the retarded. All I know is Alex Jones said pedo was next back in 2015, and Alex has been right about a lot of shit. At this point I think he was right about this too. In the next 5 years we will see a "kid sexuality" movement, with at least one central figure (think Greta but for kids sexual rights). Don't quote me.
>>3752 Its already happening, why do you think twitter for example has such a large "MAP" community that are totally open and unapologetic about it? Though to be fair nambla did that ages ago too but those faggots jumped the gun so badly it wasn't even funny. Gays in general didn't even have equal rights yet and they were demanding the right to fuck little boys in the ass and to be part of the LGBT community. Like they expected gays on the cusp of finally gaining social acceptance to jeopardize it all for the sake of fucking kids.
>>3752 Incidentally people have been calling me Alex Jones for a while now, while I've been saying he's right about most things. >>3753 It was LGBTP first, faggots just backstabbed us when it was convenient. Don't help them revise history so the blame is on us for trying to get an equal share. Although gl is more important objectively.
>>3736 >What an extremely cute tot. I bet she has an adorable laugh and a wonderful smile and is very friendly and playful because literally are tots are. Tots aren't my AoA but they really are fucking the cutest creatures in all of creation. based and totpilled this is the proper way to say nice things about tots for people who have been confused by their inescapable, uncurable, permanent and all-consuming ass-ravaging that I personally have caused through nearly no effort on my part (due to my divine shitposting that will forever be embedded in that vein on your forehead that pops out when you get absolutely pissed) this is how you say nice things about tots.
>>3754 >It was LGBTP first Was it though? Or did we just really want it to be and tried to force it to be and they weren't having it?
>>3752 Pretty much already happening The best part? Tiktok teens are showing their support too and it's wonderful
>>3774 It was, pedos did all the work, faggots are useless.
(1.30 MB 1200x1600 pedoi 2.jpg)

post about tots in this thread and how much you love them I love tots most they are so cute and sexy and perfect kill all hurtcore kikes
>>4036 I love tots the most of all of us. fight me
>>4036 >>4048 samefag
(51.26 KB 400x600 nishi tot.jpg)

based BO anchoring other shit thread
>>4054 Too bad that has no effect on your inability to justify using babies as sex toys. You going to spam 600 posts in this thread too in order to get rid of this one?
>>4059 you are a lying kike who defends genital mutilation while decrying nepi love you deserve a bullet
>>4060 No I actually denounce genital mutilation for the very same reason I denounce you playing with their genitals in order for you to get off. Both are a violation of their will later down the line and to roll the dice in whether or not they're okay with it is in no way a justification. Just because someone might feel okay about being circumcised as a baby doesn't make it okay.
>>4061 but you equate them wrongly and you are an antipedo and it's for them to get off tots should be able to experience pleasure too antipedo indoctrination is not an argument against nepis, if you antipedos were dead there would be none so kill yourself
>>4063 If they want to get off they can, they have the means. Your problem is they don't really want anything at that age and you need them to want it in order to justify in your own mind that you aren't raping them so you just assume anything that feels pleasurable will be wanted by them when thats a dangerous false assumption that leads to justifying rape.
>>4067 >tots don't really want anything you objectify children more than anyone on here including even the hurtcore kikes who at least acknowledge they feel pain even if it's only because they want to cause it you just act like babies and tots are objects and lie that nepis do kill yourself kike
>>4069 Saying they don't have the mental capability for as complex of a desire as a sexual interaction between another person isn't objectifying them. Are you really so narcissistic as to believe that someone whos junk you played with when they couldn't even speak yet would grow up and think that the last person they'd ever want to be sexually involved with is someone like you and that if they could formulate that in their mind at the time they would've done everything they could to get away from you?
>>4072 cunny licks are not complex they like their cunnies being pleasured tot girls rub their cunnies on stuff babies have even been speculated to have been observed masturbating in the womb they like pleasure and tots can speak btw, you always lie about tots and you don't know anything about them lying kike
plus it's not objectifying them at all you objectify them by denying their individuality and desires and experiences I say they should be worshiped for being best girls and cutest and have tothoods entirely consisting of unceasing pleasure and happiness. you hate that because you are an antipedo kike
>>4074 Its more complicated than that when they grow up, you know when they actually realize the person that did those things to them is a disgusting 400 pound autist with the most insufferable personality ever and they had their hands and mouth over every inch of your body until you reached the age in which they didn't like you anymore and moved onto the next one.
>>4078 when they grow up indoctrinated by antipedos to hate sexual pleasure irrationally >400 pound autist lmao a couple hundred off stay asshurt though you fucking fugly kike niggermidget
I love tots and I would never hurt them. I'd fucking gut you like a fish if you mouthed off to my face though, kike.
>>4079 No, when they grow up to know exactly what kind of person you are and hate you because of it. I bet you wish their minds would just stay as simplistic as pleasure=good forever but they don't.
>>4083 wouldn't happen they'd hate you though since everyone hates kikes if they're forced to interact with them
antis lie and indoctrinate older girls too not that you'd care since you aren't a pedophile
just an anti lying kike that should eat a bullet
>>4088 based nepi chad hitler dubs kill selves hurtcorekikes/antipedo kikes
>>4086 >wouldn't happen Peak narcissism, as if its impossible for anyone to not like you.
>>4091 only antipedos and hurtcore kikes don't like me so no wonder you don't
>>4093 Or you just label everyone who doesn't like you as those things.
>>4095 That is his MO. It's just autistic sperging, ignore him.
>>4098 >ignore him But hes the only one trying and failing to justify what I think is an amoral act and shouldn't be associated with pedophiles as a whole in the same way hurtcore shouldn't be associated with pedophiles as a whole.
>>4099 you are the hurtcore kike tots deserve love
>>4100 Technically you're closer to a "hurtcore kike" than me as you have a willingness to hurt a child under the false assumption that nothing you could do to them is possibly bad, I have no such false assumption.
>>4102 cunny licks aren't hurt kys
>>4105 You don't have to inflict physical pain to harm someone.
>>4106 good thing it does the exact opposite of physical pain and also there is no other pain caused you lying jew
>>4108 First it was societals indoctrination that causes their pain and now there isn't actually a possibility for any pain at all apparently.
>>4111 Never has been from contact. Post-contact indoctrination isn't caused by cunny licks, antis are the problem.
>>4112 Can you give an example of a single society in which someone wouldn't feel violated by sexual contact when they were so young they had no hand in making the decision in whether or not it happened? Every society I can think of has an inherent necessary value for consent, and as long as thats in place people will feel violated by things done to them without their consent. Be it getting their dick sucked as a toddler or getting circumcised as a baby, both ignore their own agency.
>>2879 Source? Neither Jewgle or Yandex fetches any results
>>4115 you lie they can consent and thus your premise about not valuing consent is bullshit as is your already repeatedly failed attempt to equate pleasure to genital mutilation you kike
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>>4121 You can interpret that they've consented, and you can be wrong.
>>4124 You can deny objective reality and be wrong, and you do with religious fervor. Tots can consent.
>>4125 The objective reality of the matter is that you're flipping a coin on whether or not this person you're using for sexual gratification will be okay with what you've done to them. And just as its not acceptable to flip that coin as a justification for circumcising babies, its not acceptable to flip that coin in order for you to use toddlers for your own sexual gratification.
>>4126 Imagine painting circumcision as some 'just maybe later they don't like it' thing I doubt you could even stomach the obvious misery and agony that causes the boy at the time, even as a sick kike that hates babies.
>>4129 I'm more concerned about how a developed mind looks at the situation in retrospect than I am an undeveloped mind that has to undergo a torture it won't even remember shortly after it happens. For example If there was a painful procedure that had to be done on babies in order for them to interface with future technology when they grew up like an eye implant or something and none of the people that had it done to them objected to it being done because of how beneficial it is then I wouldn't be against it.
>>4130 You are literally defending strapping an infant to a table and cutting off the majority of his penis' most sensitive nerves in mindless subserviant obediance to bronze age superstition without anesthetic. You should be put to death.
>>4132 Only if there was no possibility of someone objecting to having it done to them after the fact which I think I can safely say will never be the case.
>>4133 Because it's a horrific torture that causes irreparable physical and mental harm. You equating that to cunny licks is the purest form of antipedo insanity.
Supporting circumcision is literally the most jewish thing I can possibly think of. Like how about we don't mutilate genitalia? I can't believe this is still a radical concept to people.
>>4135 This guy is the most vile antipedo kike, so full jew is appropriate for him.
>>4134 They're equatable in that both are a violation of someones will, if there was absolutely no possibility that someone you fondled when they were a baby would object to you doing that to them then I wouldn't have any problem with it either, theres just no way to guarantee that to the case just like theres no way to guarantee nobody will have a problem with being circumcised.
>>4137 No, no they are not equatable at all. Genital mutilation is not sexual pleasure regardless of which kind of indoctrination the kid grows up under, if they are bullied into irrationally hating sex by antis or bullied into irrationally supporting genital mutilation. One is still a pleasurable act they enjoy and the other is permanent irreparable physical harm you disingenuous kike subhuman.
>>4143 Nothing you said refutes the fact that they're equatable in that they're both a violation of someones will.
>>4144 Except they aren't, and the tots like one and scream bloody murder over the other. Kill yourself.
>>4146 Theres no way to determine if a baby is being circumcised against its will or sexually pleasured against its will because it has no will at the time, its the person who develops after the fact who has the will thats been violated by having those acts performed on them while they were a baby before they could decide what they wanted.
>>4147 >be antipedo kike >dehumanize children Also just ignore the screaming and crying and permanent genital/brain damage caused by circumcision. Paint the wall with your defective jew brain.
>>4147 He doesn't intend to have an earnest discussion, I don't know why you bother
>>4150 This coming from kikes that say that they can't tell if a baby likes having its penis mutilated despite the fact they'd puke up their gentile child matzos if they saw the 'procedure' and heard the ear raping cries of anguish that their despicable race of subhuman vermin have caused through their neurotic sex hating desert nigger death cults and the 'legacy' of them.
>>4148 You don't determine someones willingness to do something by doing it to them and then seeing how they react. A babies reaction to pain isn't a result of its unwillingness, its a result of the pain. >>4150 For the sake of the myriad of other people who seem to make no distinction between us and the person I'm arguing with. I won't be able to reach this person because they have a vested interest in it but I can still appeal to the ones that don't.
>>4152 There is no baby in history that welcomed genital mutilation, nor deserved to have such backward subhuman retardation enacted on them. The proper way to determine a baby's opinion on having their genitals mutilated is to shoot yourself in the head and blow your kike brains out. Contrast with pleasure, babies love it, so do older kids - anti indoctrination after the fact doesn't make it wrong, it makes antis child abusers.
>>4153 There is no baby in history that welcomed anything, they're acted upon by those who hopefully have their best interests at heart. If you could just ask them what they wanted and get a definitive answer there would be no debate here even regarding circumcision as only the ones willing to do it would do it.
>>4155 Babies are not objects with no wants and desires you demented oven-stuffing.
>>4158 Even among what little desires they do have you still have to interpret what they are, a baby crying could mean any number of things.
>>4160 I wouldn't trust a kike like you to interpret anything a baby wants, put the fucking forceps down rabbi.
>>4166 Then we have that in common because I wouldn't trust a baby fucker like you to interpret anything a baby wants either.
>>4169 I am a much better judge. They wouldn't want your kike ass around them for one. If it was my baby and you were near them you wouldn't be for long.
>>4170 >If it was my baby and you were near them you wouldn't be for long. Right back at you.
>>4171 Manlet jewboy (You) has low odds of survival either case.
>>4172 Judging from your morals thus far I have no doubt you'd kill someone in order to get at their baby.
>>4173 I don't think he would, but I think he fantasizes about it dual wielding katanas included
>>4173 Jew larvae aren't even babies.
>>4122 Thanks
Is it possible to be attracted to irl loli body type without being a pedo?
>>4271 >gamergaters search for the ultimate solution just change the definition of the word pedophile to be "one who isn't sexually attracted to children at all :^)" like that one genius niGGer said. Then absolutely dab on antipedos who like kids sexually, and made /hebe/ for the CIA.
>>4271 I'm sure it is, just find yourself a petite asian or something like that, they can look and have the body of 10 year olds despite being in their 30s or something sometimes
>>4271 I understand not wanting the label publicly, but at least be honest with yourself. It's OK to be pedo!
>>4291 from experience, irl loli hugs, kisses and naked cuddles can instantly make your entire week, hell ,maybe even month
>>4292 >irl loli hugs, kisses and naked cuddles can instantly make your entire week Can confirm this
>>4291 qt3.14 but children being happy is considered pornography here. Being sick monsters who love children and want them to be safe and happy, I cannot responsibly allow any content of healthy, happy children on this board! Plus it counts as CP, trust me im a lawyer.
>>4293 i said what i said and stand by it, but yes, cuddles, naked or not, very good for the soul
>>4294 >Plus it counts as CP fuck. now acid is legally required to report all my data to the fbi. >mfw
>>4298 good thing i saved before deletion and this one as well ofc
>>4298 That's why I use TOR. So that when I post clothed pictures of children aka CP I don't have to worry about Acid or the other Jews coming to claim it all for themselves
>>4299 >admits saving cp enjoy the party van
>>4301 worth
I go to read a few more pages of TPH and you all turn around and post another one. Shame on you. Don't you know that by posting those pixels you have irreparably harmed that child. I know because that's what society says is true.
>>4303 I wanna turn TPH into an audiobook
>>4304 Oh, you read "The Prince's Hand" too? I bet your sexy pedo voice will do it justice OwO
wasn't even a tot wasn't impressed
>>4305 I did, but not all the stuff is useful in there, some outdated and some doesnt account for things like searching for girls on insta, tiktok or snap, which is a bit safer than getting one irl off the fucking street or the neighborhood or something, but still some solid advice in general so yeah
>>4305 >>4303 >TPH >The Prince's Hand Hit me up with this good thing, please.
>>4308 fewnaggot it's not a story the jannies would tell you
>>4309 That's why I was hoping my friends would do so.
>>4310 Antis will come with a torch and pitchfork in hand. On topic posts only for now. No links to anything! Every 6th word we say is a new conspiracy, I swear.
>>4311 here's a link to a total shithole 8chan.moe
Antis are dumb anyways.
>>4313 antis made child love illegal definitive proof antis are retards
>>4313 You've given me a very silly idea. Top light-grey pieces are white, and bottom dark-grey pieces are black. To make a move save the image, and edit the board to move your piece appropriately. Post your work and declare your move in your post (grid labels along the sides). This board is turn 0, meaning no move has been made. White goes first, so any anon wishing to play can make the first move with the top light-grey pieces.
(255.81 KB 1200x1200 chess-board-turn0.jpg)

>>4315 I forgot the fucking image like a goddamn fool.
(263.81 KB 1200x1200 20210526_004317.jpg)

>>4316 b2 to b4
(232.58 KB 1200x1200 chess-board-turn3.jpg)

>>4320 f7 to f5
(212.20 KB 800x1118 76537059_p0.png)

Loli is not pedo. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
(261.11 KB 1200x1200 20210526_104635.jpg)

>>4330 Now this is an artist who has studied references! Based! >>4321 b1 to c3
>>4325 >>4326 not enough resemblance anyway ass isn't fat enough
if it was the real lera the ass would take up 90% of the image and your only complaint would be the fact it's taken from so far back as to deprive you of the 10% of your vision being filled with her ass
I think I might actually be losing it. I can't go into details about why but it feels like everything is falling apart. I can't sleep well, I'm paranoid, every other day I'm thinking that it wouldn't be so bad to slam my foot into the gas pedal and collide with the streetlight at 100+ mph. Nothing I do to cope helps anymore. Not my special folder, not my hobbies, not exercising, nothing. Now I find out that I need surgery, and the only person who can take me home while I'm high on anesthetic with loose lips and lowered inhibitions is my grizzled father (the biggest anti I know irl). The last time I remember feeling okay was when I was smashed a few days ago, but I can't afford enough alcohol to stay drunk long enough for it to matter and my normalfag anti of a father will try to stop me, I'm sure. What did I do in a past life to earn this?
>>4380 dying is gay fags die remember freddie mercury? dead alexander the great? dead oscar wilde? dead so don't kill yourself unless you want to look like a fag faggot now post pedocock
>>4381 UwU but don't I already look like a fag with your juicy pedopenis in my mouth~ OwO but even when I'm gayposting I can't help but notice I started crying without realizing, because I realized I don't have anybody to turn to for help~
>>4380 >I can't go into details about why Then what do you expect any of us to say or do anything about it? Are you just blogposting for its own sake?
>>4382 Is that based BO? I never would have said mean things if I knew it was based BO. I dunno how to help so I said the above retarded things instead.
>>4384 I'm scared some of it will be identifiable enough. I was told blogposting could help, and I also don't have anyone else to talk to except you guys about pedo stuff. I'll change some details around, since you insist. >My family is all split up, and due to financial situations I live with my dad and some extended family on his side. I am the youngest by several decades. >I have a contract job where I get paid on proof of work, and I just got fucked by a guy who claims he never got anything. He decided to say nothing about this for months until it was time to pay, leading me to assume he was receiving things he needed. >Both my parents hate me for being born wrong, which has been explicitly stated in the past, and have been getting more aggressive and are actively sabotaging me in my attempts to get the fuck away from all this madness. >My pet died recently, my only friend in the whole world, and I was mocked by my older (much older) granny cousin for about half a day for getting upset and having a funeral for it >I've been feeling much more isolated than usual from the world, and it's weighing on me, due in part because of certain developments involving you-know-what
Is that enough detail, obfuscated though it may be, to explain why I feel the need to drink myself into a near-coma and drive 150 mph into the side of a bridge. >>4386 I may or may not be BO OwO but in either case it's okay because you are just doing your thing~
>>4388 If you are BO then you are based and I love you, tbh. I hope you don't an hero, tbh. I know normalfags are like subhuman shells without any empathy and barely any theory of mind but if you off yourself, they win. Your asshole anti relatives seem to be soft encouraging it because like most antis they are nutless yet still want to dominate and control everything. This is my best guess anyway. I am the totchad tbh.
>>4393 I know you are totchad OwO because you write in a very identifiable way so I figured it was you after your first response~ They don't even know or have any reason to suspect I am a pedophile and yet the other day one of them looked me dead in the eyes with a blank expression on their face and said, verbatim, "pedophiles really don't deserve to live". Apparently the context was that a dateline rerun was on earlier or something. This is also not the only thing they are insane about. They just kinda like to shit on me in a figurative sense. If I don't kill myself I'm probably going to snap and kill them the next time they call me, a grown fucking man, "sport". My father once screamed at me for 3 hours when I was 12 for "hacking" after I installed linux for the first time and was fiddling around with the CLI. He also broke my door and put his foot through one of the stairs stomping his way down them after he was done. I'm thinking scotch. Lot's of scotch, and theres this nice stone bridge at a weird angle that will look natural when I collide with it without my seatbelt.
>>4394 >you write in a very identifiable way uwu >scotch Man that is a lame ass way to go for a based guy, especially over some shit he didn't even do wrong and that is entirely based and virtuous (basedophilia.) And over what seems like temporary circumstances re: finances, asshole relatives and what must be severe grief due to pet dying? I sympathize with that by the way as a big animalfag, normalfags treat animals like kids, except they treat them like objects whereas they treat kids like animals (and by extension objects.) I have no free resources with which to help you at the moment but my degenerate gambling lifestyle may one day yield untold riches and if it does I can adopt you and pay for your surgeries and exotic pets. But only if you don't yourself, because I can't lift you up from the grave in my big strong arms, only onto your feet again hypothetically. I mean it's up to you, I would be sad to know things that are unkind and uncuddly happened to you but you don't owe me anything and I'm not trying to say you do. A lot of my based friends have offed themselves because the world is false and homosexual, but it would be even faker and gayer if every based friend an hero'd. Also all of the niGGers would be happy because they are also psychotic soulless assholes that want to hurt good people they disagree with about something that doesn't even effect them. If it seems like I'm relying a lot on spite as a motivator to not yourself it's because I operate primarily off ego and spite, dabbing on antis by existing is pretty cool, not existing makes antis happy and they don't deserve to be happy because they are cunts.
>>4396 I've only ever had vodka, scotch, and beer. Of those 3, I have scotch immediately available because my father fucking loves it. According to him it's "a gentleman's drink" and so that's what I go with because I've had to teach myself how to be an actual man in every way that matters. I had to fucking google how to clean my pedocock at the library because I was banned from the internet at home after the linux incident, and my father refused to teach me a single thing about taking care of myself or being a good man besides "don't hit women" and "drugs are bad". This apparently also applied when the woman was attacking me with a kitchen knife, but thats another story. What's really driving me towards wanting to die, even if the feeling comes and goes, is that I feel like there is no escape. I am constantly belittled, verbally berated, and put down. My attempts to escape by normal means are frequently interfered with, and I am under constant emotional manipulation to stay because I owe my parents for being born. If I actually had the self esteem and courage, I do have all the materials I could possible need to just fucking vanish. I have enough camping skills to trek somewhere hard to to find/get to, and I have it all packed up and sitting in my car. I think about just standing up and walking out the door all the time. As long as I am alive I can make it work, I think. Doesn't matter about the loans, or the inevitable missing persons report, or the inescapable violent confrontation with my father. It'll be okay. I keep telling myself it'll be okay but it's getting harder to believe it.
>>4397 Man your family sound like total cunts, you don't owe your parents for the decisions they themselves have made and you don't deserve abuse at their hands. Especially not when they gave you such profoundly shit advice, drugs are great and hitting roasties is all too often justifiable. I'd definitely recommend just fucking off from your current location and trying something new somewhere else before suicide, even if you are afraid and think it will be hard it's better than something basically guaranteed to suck. Disappearing into the wilds I'm not 100% sure on because that shit is hard and I'm not Tedpilled enough to try it nor particularly inclined on a permanent basis, but you could separate with them and still find a new place somewhere in civilization as well, although the camping skillz might be useful if you need somewhere to base yourself prior to housing or some such (though a car is also good.) I dunno how to judge possible risks like violent encounters with your father, are you a smol guy? I beat the shit out of my dad once but it was before I would go to big boy prison so it probably isn't an advisable course of action. I would recommend avoidance before direct physical confrontations tbh.
It would be easier if I wasn't 100% yolo'd into things and could just adopt you and make you my based irl pedofren who has no debts and a new based daddy who never calls anyone "sport" because it's like fucking 2021 and not 1921. We could have adventures and I would buy you new exotic pets that we would treat like actual human family members and respect and nurture to a degree normalfags are incapable of. It might not be a far off prospect depending on how much you are willing to believe in the delusions of grandeur of some anon you barely know, for me they are very real and I can see myself robed in shining golden silk ruling from on high as the tot emperor even now, you by my side. If we did better drugs than shitty alcohol there's no telling how much more we could believe it. In lieu of that, enjoy my bipolar disorder and the products of it, or don't read this post (you blew this chance at this point though.)
>>4399 dubs
>>4400 two same numbers
>>4398 Me and my father are equally sized, and he is old and fat and slow. The difference, however, is that I am not entirely confident I can bring myself to actually hurt another person while my father has several decades of experience beating the absolute shit out of people significantly more intimidating than me. I've always been a very gentle person, and I've always done my best to be friendly, but being an autist and in my environment all this usually got me was a beating on the playground or a high-volume lecture on not being a fag. You see, I'm not actually a terribly violent person, despite some of my shitposting proclivities. I like physical affection and building stuff (like train sets and computers) and petting animals. However, my circumstances don't really allow me to survive as a gentle snuggly autist. For this reason I'm not confident I could win a fight with my dad unless I had some intense, immediately present motivation to do so. But this is really just a fantasy. My two avenues of escape are by car with my survival stuff and living out of that until I can get a job, or getting a remote job in the near future that will allow me to get a check (proof of income) and promptly move without a word to the furthest, most remote place I can get to that still has internet and change my name. My immediate family are complete cunts. We would be here all day if I told you all the fucked up things they did to me. >>4399 >>4400 dubs I want to belong somewhere very badly you have no idea. Once I escape my own personal little hell, I have a few cool plans I think I could reasonably execute on. Like using my knowledge of the pedo MO to find local pedos, educate them in opsec, and create an underground pedo organization. It could be like fight club, kinda, but with less shooting yourself in the mouth and schizophrenia. Then we organize enough people to buy controlling stock in a local influential media company and vote all our own guys onto the board and take over the top level executive positions. Then we use our influence to get our own people elected. Instead of changing laws overtly, however, we will instead build up our local defense forces and focus on becoming self sufficient while also trying to accelerate the collapse. Then, without firing a shot, new sovereign pedo-run country built and stable inside a couple of decades. I would, of course, be the constitutional monarch and the congress would be made up of pedo noble families. I would have many lg wives and a based pedo husband. Alternatively, we become an international organization of pedophiles dedicated to saving pedos from the law and children from evil antis and traffickers. We would also steal lgs from the elites and give them to the poor pedos.
>>4404 >I've always been a very gentle person based I'm kind of violent toward shitheads that fuck with me and a large man for you but I like petting animals though also animals typically like me because of ancient aryan nature magic considering your circumstances I'd personally opt for the fuck off in a car and just restart and get new job + situation away from their shit, because if you are engaged in substance abuse and suicidal thoughts over it already it's probably a bad fucking place. >pedohood >steals cunny from the rich and gives it to the poor based just don't die and keep posting here that allows for maximum flexibility in future /cow/ ops hmu later in the discord we'll smoke some purple diesel
>>4405 I don't know, I can't usually bring myself to intentionally harm another human being. I get very, very upset when I do it by accident and I lament that the english language and burger culture do not have and effective way to apologize beyond a very verbose "I'm sorry" The main obstacle in fucking off in the car is that it would only solve one problem. I would still have to pay some stuff off and so it's likely my credit would take a significant hit. It's kinda cringe to give a shit about money like that but at the moment I don't have the means to completely divorce myself from society to the point where I don't have to worry about my credit score. I do have a plan to get there and create an opening to get other people there too, but in order to do that I need an acceptable credit score and that means making my loan payments :( Drugs kinda intimidate me a little because my father tells me every other day that he will beat me until I need to go to the ICU if he ever catches me doing them. I've always wanted to try psychedelics though.
>>4408 >I can't usually bring myself to intentionally harm another human being I hear you, I meant physically fuck with me like attack me or someone else. Which has happened because I agitate too hard sometimes and in real life, and without trying you get some moron thinking he is gonna hit you because he got butthurt. I reserve the right to chimp out when attacked or witnessing attacks on someone I would protect, but I don't seek out violins. >debt/credit stuff Yeah I would try to not destroy your credit, the car thing if you could get a decent job quick enough to maintain paying though could work. But it's better to have shit credit and be alive than be dead with good credit, so it should be a balancing act with the bad shit. >my father tells me every other day that he will beat me for drugs This is as boomer as his sport shit. Especially when he drinks, like alcohol isn't a drug. What a fucking retard. >I've always wanted to try psychedelics though I have done a lot of those. I like them, don't do them in a bad place though or they might make it worse. I wish I could trip with you, it would be very convenient that we are both pedochads as it's not an easy thing to hide on sufficient doses when you spontaneously develop telepathic links to people and stuff. It happened to me once with a fringe-normalfag type and if he wasn't at least laid-back enough to be whatever about pedos (so not full normalfag) it might have been annoying. This is another reason I need to become ultra wealthy and adopt you.
>>3653 >We have people jerking off half a dozen times a day driving their libido into the toilet thanks to the rise in pornography We have people drinking themselves into a coma every night and destroying their liver. Clearly the problem is alcohol and not their own personal lack of self-control. We have people who weigh 900 pounds because they refuse to exercise and stop eating high-calorie food. Clearly the problem is the cheeseburger and not their own personal lack of self-control. Rinse and repeat. If you want to be against porn, be against porn for a good reason, such as that it's a Jewish-run industry that has a tendency to prey on the naive in pursuit of money that may or may not get funneled into enterprises such as the gun-control lobby. Dipshit.
What do you guys suppose a day-to-day routine would be with a lg wife or lb husband? Like it's easy to fantasize about the sex or the comfy cuddling and other nice parts but what about the logistics? They still would have to go to school, presumably. They would probably still need somebody in the role of a parent, if only to sign documents and other legal nonsense. Shakespere says drama is life with the dull bit cut out, so what are the dull bits of being married to your prefect spouse? On a side note, once they get old enough to bear children in the case of lgs, how would you handle explaining to a doctor why "your" 12 year old is pregnant? Do you befriend a doctor? Do you use a midwife instead and go old school at considerable risk?
>>4908 If I had a lg wife I'd be homeschooling her. Public schools are a big part of the reason why females are so especially awful today, I think. So I'd be dedicating a lot of time to teaching my lg wife and ensuring that she is a smart and loving lg. I'd also try to get her involved in some activities so she can make friends her age. Ballet, gymnastics and the like are something that I would like for her to do. I'd really just care for her a lot like any parent would, except for we'd do things like shower or take baths together, sleep together, have sex, have her wear lewd clothes for me sometimes, etc.
>>4911 The education system in most of the developed world has a lot of problems, even separated from issues of lg wives. There is a lot to be said on the topic, but I would extend your stipulation on public schools to all schools including private ones. The utter failure of the educational systems in our societies is a big reason we are barreling towards collapse at a breakneck speed. But in the case of homeschooling, how could you work to support yourself and your wife, having a healthy savings, and also work full time to bring in the necessary income for that? It seems like there wouldn't be enough hours in the day, even if you worked from home. Not to mention driving her to her extra activities, which is a good idea btw dance + gymnastics is good exercise and I think sports at young ages would also be a good idea. Music, art, anything that can be done in groups really works. But how would you manage your time and stay healthy yourself? Aside from a cool lover and a loving husband, you also need to be a strong father and a competent provider. That's no easy task even for the best of us.
Since the trusted adults in a child's life are going to typically be family, is pedophilia meant to be incestuous? Dolphins are sexually active with their young as part of how family units bond, iirc.
>>4911 based and homeschoool pilled >>4914 just have the money first and then spend all of your time on her >>4921 wincest is based
>>4921 The best thing to do is to raise your wife like your daughter from a young age. She will love you and be bound to you for life.
>>4926 Would you give your own daughter to another man so he can raise her?
>>4908 Depends on the age. I would be part father, part boyfriend/husband and part older brother/good friend depending on the context. For one i would of course want her to get a good education for example, i wouldnt want our sex life to be the dominant part of our relationship but also let her have her own interests and share mine with her. I'd teach her how to take care of the home but early on obviously i'd do pretty much everything and slowly teach her to take more responsibility, but for the most part i'd be good with just spoiling her a little and allow her as much free time and such as possible. Once she gets old enough, well i mean theyre old enough at 12 to technically have kids but i wouldnt try to convince her one way or the other, i'd say that when she gets a bit older she can decide for herself since i'd be ok with whatever decision she makes, no kids or all the kids, either one is fine.
>>4931 I definitely think striking that balance between roles is a serious challenge. There really isn't anything comparable in terms of difficulty, and it's an easy thing to mess up even with only one of the roles. On top of that, the stress of keeping it secret and providing for two in an economy built around dual income households is probably taxing. I think the key to doing it would be a rock solid routine. You need to get up at the same time every morning, employ every trick you can find about keeping your positive energy (make your bed, find time to exercise, etc etc), and get to work with a smile. Have a photo of your wonderful wife on you and look at it every time you start to get down about the work to remind yourself it's worth it. Be organized, be proactive, have a plan for everything. It's the little things together that make the building blocks for a solid foundation, and that's all the more critical with this.
I think realistically most people with a lg wife are going to have to consider using outside services, as no man is an island. Eventually, you are going to need a babysitter or a teacher or a doctor etc and unless you live in a small rural town and have your own ranch that you manage completely alone there will be a real risk of discovery. The ideal, if your plan is to have a life partner (as it should be), is to find a place where you can limit the exposure you and your wife have to the anti-world. The best place is either in a busy city where nobody will pay attention to you or a rural town where your closest neighbor is 20 miles away.
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It me, the anon marrying a pedo My fiancee is concerned about how things will go when we have kids. Thinking the kids will think they're weird, or they won't do a very good job, so on. it's pretty standard non-pedo parent worries, but does anyone have advice for what I could do or say to help them relax? I don't know if there's any special insight for pedos. I just went with my usual lack of worry I have, pointing out the practical hurdles, how we'll get through it, and that I'm not worried, everything just works out.
>>5237 You're fiance is a pedo who is worried about the normal stuff any prospective parent should be worried about? Whai can't you just tell them to relax?
>>5237 I don't know anything about having kids or about being married to a pedo (you lucky duck x3) but I would say that it really will come down to just doing it. Those worries sound like non-pedo normal parent anxiety to me. It will likely get worse once the children are imminently due to arrive, but based on what I've heard from parents that anxiety sorta fades in the face of actually just being too tired to think about it which in turn leads to just doing it like it's natural. It took me 1 week to learn to change diapers by instinct in under 5 minutes without even paying attention while I was working at a daycare. If anything, his worry is an indication that he really cares, which is natural for a pedo but a good thing nonetheless.
>>5331 Read the post for answers >>5332 I figured as much. I think it'll be fine.
>>4927 That might be a good idea, if the man truly loves her and has her best interests at heart.
>>5332 >while I was working at a daycare How did that work out?
>>5390 Theres no real story tbh. They were severly understaffed so I never even really had a chance to interact in a meaningful way with the children, all of which were pre-k and most of which were babies. I was doing the work of like 4 people most days, and at one point I was just left alone with no instructions with upwards of 2 dozen hungry, confused children. My primary function was distributing applesauce and preventing escape. I have no idea why, but toddlers can fucking CLIMB like nobodies business. There were 4 separate times one of them almost made it out a window. I love children but I think there is definitely a good reason nature made it so we usually only get one or two at a time.
>>5391 toddlers? more like basedlers
>>5392 Yeah toddlers can fucking move, you wouldn't think they could cause they are so small but they really take off like a rocket if you let them. The other thing is that they are way smarter than most people seem to believe. The little guys were fucking coordinating to distract me so they could escape. Like one of them would shoot off out the door and so I would go to grab them and bring them back and then as soon as I was out the door like 6 of them would sprint out and down the hall in the other direction. They really don't give a shit either, they'll go off on a full sprint buck-naked and laughing hysterically the whole way. Even with the stress of working that hard it was kinda fun chasing them down.
>>5393 I'm sure with those numbers it was hard but also envious because 2 dozen tots is a whole lot of cute.
>>5391 >>5393 Sounds like the perfect set-up for a totdom story
>>5394 >>5395 I'll be honest with you your brain just sorta shuts off at a certain point. Handling those numbers by yourself with any sexuality is a fantasy. Forget about virility, it's just an issue of the limit of human stamina. I mean, I'm not a nepi, but I think that it's likely that as soon as you begin cunny licks on one, two more will have run out the door, 5 will start crying (and 4 don't know why), one will be trying to eat a woodchip it took off the bed, another will ask you every 30 seconds for the bathroom (and if you take them they wont have to go), and the rest will be screaming so loud you can't even hear the tot you are working on. Every two steps you'll have a foot in a discarded dirty diaper, and there will be at least one blunt-force accident every 10 minutes. It would be a miracle if all the tots were horny for you all at once simply because then it would be easy to keep track of them all.
>>5396 It might be a fantasy but it doesn't stop me from fantasizing.
>>5397 Oh yeah absolutely. I think about having orgies with lots of little girls and pedo chads all over me constantly. All my favorite fantasies are like that too.
>>5396 Yeah I imagine if I was put in the position you were in it would be a lot different from fantasy. Even being a nepi I don't think I'd like to try to juggle around five or six wild toddlers all at the same time.
>>5399 >>5400 dubs but yeah it's a fun fantasy despite the reality of handling that number of people, regardless of age. Maybe it worked out if you had additional nepis, but I think no more than two tots to the man is realistically manageable.
>>5399 based >>5400 >being a nepi BASED totbro >>5401 every daycare should have at least 1 nepi for every 2 tots.
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>>5399 Wait, so you imagine yourself as a little girl? Based. I have been getting into that myself too, imagining having a loli body gets me rock hard. Would totally have an orgy with you
after the success of smolbox's grand plans come thru and it turns into 4/8chan on steroids and redefines the entire internet, gaining mass appeal to overcome all mainstream social media and converting everyone into pedos/nepis globally we should def have an orgy somewhere. oh wait nevermind that one guy got a post deleted now this is impossible, well we tried.
>>5405 it wasn't even deleted, he's just making shit up because he's mad >>5403 I don't imagine myself as a little girl, I'm just really gay for pedocock. Not normal cock, it has to be pedocock. I would only give sloppy blowjobs to pedo men desu. that being said, the fantasy of being a little girl is really hot too imo
>>5406 Cock is pretty based, I agree, but what it is for you that is particularly hot about pedococks? >that being said, the fantasy of being a little girl is really hot too imo It's really fun to imagine. I imagine myself as a slightly pudgy little girl with rosy cheeks. Maybe around 2-4 years old max. Though I like to imagine more tame stuff like dressing in frilly pink dresses or playing with dolls, I'd love to play with a cock with a body like that, lick his balls, sit on his lap, etc. Getting hard just imagining it
>>5405 The site hasn't even gotten off the ground yet and we've already lost most of the people who showed up here originally, but I'm sure pedos will really appreciate having a site dedicated to you faggots talking about each others dicks and how much you want to fuck.
>>5408 They will!
>>5406 I want to suck pedococks and tot cunnies. >>5408 hello again whiny retard
I liked talking about piles of chubby qt tots more than muh manufactured drama smolbox will be fun with more tot talk and less manufactured drama since all of the drama fags are loudly announcing they won't go there jk they are desperate for this attention so they will
>>5412 why?
>>5415 because pedos are based (note that pedo excludes hurtcore kikes who aren't pedos or human, and have tiny unappealing cocks) and tots are based
>>5416 based on what?
>>5417 being based
>>5419 yep
>>5420 what is the value of life?
>>5421 one nut
sucking pedo cock is GAY
444 get
>>5444 checked
>>5435 based gays it's pride month
>>5407 I think what makes me attracted to it is that I don't really feel a strong sexual attraction to someone unless I have strong bond with them. And because in a relationship with any adult person other than another pedophile, I would have to be my fake normalnigger facade instead of myself, I don't really feel a very strong attraction to them. I also find adult women gross and annoying and I hate it when they come near me. As for what I would imagine in the little girl scenario, I think it would be fun to be around 7 to 9ish and tease the absolute shit out of pedos in public. Flash them, sit on their lap and wiggle, give them the tiniest bit of view with my loose shirt, and make them squirm because they can't do anything to me in public. And then when they get me alone all my power evaporates and it's all the sweeter~ >>5435 I am very gay but not in a faggy way. I can't stand fags, who make it everyone's problem that they love men and whose core personality trait is being homosexual. They infect everything and shit up everything they touch, and they are always concerned with what everyone else is doing and telling everybody else what to do without doing anything themselves. Fucking insufferable faggots. >>5486 Pride month is cringe and for fags only. Sex is (supposed to be) a celebration of your love for your partner and a symbol of your close bond, so I celebrate how gay and pedophilic I am every time I make passionate love. I don't need a month to declare to the world that I like cock, because that's what fags do.
>>5497 >for fags only nope taking it back it's pedos first and fags second now what are fags gonna do about it? suck my cock? damn straight they will but I will not change my mind.
>>5553 first and second in what?
>>5497 >Flash them, sit on their lap and wiggle, give them the tiniest bit of view with my loose shirt, and make them squirm because they can't do anything to me in public. And then when they get me alone all my power evaporates and it's all the sweeter~ Absolutely based. It might be even more fun to tease people who desperately don't want to be seen as pedos, but it's just too obvious they secretly love the flashing and teasing
>>5574 It's only good if it's fun though. I can't stand anything being done to be genuinely mean. The whole hotness of it is that me, the little girl, is abusing the power I have in public knowing that my pedo partner can take it (even if just barely) and that later it's gonna flip on me. That it's mutual and with good intentions is important. Actually hurting people or making them feel genuinely uncomfortable is a turn off for me, though. I would love to also be the pedo in that situation as well too.
>>5578 >I would love to also be the pedo in that situation as well too. Same. I've seen some accidental exposure / lewdness by lgs in my day, but no actual teasing. That would be extremely hot. Even the accidental ones are.
>>5585 My constant dream is to have a lg wife that poses as or is my actual legal daughter, and we play such games from time to time. Unfortunately, it's very hard to adopt as a single person, but if I can just find a pedo man we can get married and even if my pedo partner isn't gay it would become much, much easier to adopt whatever our preferences are. Of course, there would also be all the other non-sexual stuff involved, but I consider that to be an implicit part of the fantasy. The set dressing to the sexual thing I imagine to placate my needs in the moment.
>>5591 Just illegally adopt a lg from a crack house. That's what I did and it worked well.
>>5557 importance gays get scraps and pedos receive full legal protections and widespread public praise and admiration for being pedos. It's already happening now, I set the wheels in motion and nothing can stop it.
>>5593 Good thing I'm both, now I'll get bonus scraps in addition to having the pleasure of servicing mighty pedo cocks >>5592 >illegally adopt a (singular) lg from a crackhouse >not making it your mission to do so for every child trapped in a crackhouse
>>5594 same
>>5595 >>5596 all me
>>5594 >not making it your mission to do so for every child trapped in a crackhouse I'd do it for any others I come across. Fortunately it's not that prevalent in my community (or they are better at hiding the houses these days? No idea). This was ~12 years ago, when she was 8. We've since married and started a family of our own (not to say that I'd try and marry every person I "rescued", but another illegal adoption wouldn't be ruled out--)
>>5597 If this is indeed real, could you perhaps share what the logistics of a "illegal adoption" are? I assume you just took the child from the crack house and nobody fucking noticed, the poor thing, but what did you do about her records? how did you get her medical care without having her taken away? How did you avoid the law noticing? I have so many questions on how one could make this work.
>>5598 I started the legal process and was declined, so I just "took her." Told the parents that the adoption had been approved and that I would be picking her up from school that very day, and if they wanted to fight it they could bring the police. They (of course) never fought it. As far as the government was concerned she lived with them. The parents never called to verify the adoption or ask for legal paperwork. She didn't have any other family who tried to claim her either. As for the doctors and police, no one really seemed to care or question anything. Her parents lost her birth certificate so that was a huge pain to try and get without parental consent, but when I got that (through lots of pestering), all other ID was easy to get.
>>5601 So here crackhead parents put her up, and then never even bothered to confirm it worked because their goal was presumably to get rid of her. Here I was thinking you just plucked one right off the street. Weren't you worried about what would happen if somebody decided to ask or question it? Wasn't there some kind of anxiety that the crackhead parents might one day try to confirm or that the government might go to check up on the situation? How did you go about building your relationship with her after that, I'm sure she wasn't in the greatest of places when you saved her.
>>5606 > Weren't you worried about what would happen if somebody decided to ask or question it? At first; mostly because she was very upset about the whole thing. But when we started to bond and she was happy I felt a lot more comfortable with it. Even if they did come and ask (have had nosy teachers) nothing really came of it. School guidance councilors would talk to her all the time (all through school, even years later) but there was no signs of abuse or anything like that to warrant any kind of investigation. But, if there was, I was prepared to leave the city at a moments notice with her; we talked about that often back then. Relationship developed naturally (well, it felt natural TO ME, anyways). I never pressed or pushed or even suggested anything until she was happy as that was my main concern. Just kind of got close physically; mostly cuddling for the first year and a half and then very gradual from there.
>>5607 I hesitate to call it a dream scenario because of how it started, but I am at least happy that you were successful in giving her a good home and loving relationship! I'm not very good socially but I get along very well with kids, but I don't know how I would address the kind of trauma I imagine she must have gone through. How to begin trying to make her happy and healthy from there is something I don't know.
>>5607 at what age did you fug her?
>>5609 >>5609 My family is very loving and they helped immensely in making her feel loved and included (something she never really got from her parents, though I know they do care at least at heart; her mother came to our wedding). I'm not all that good at being social either, but she somehow grew into a social butterfly (fits in perfectly with my hyper-social family). I should note that this is not America and I am not actually suggesting anyone do something like this. There are a hundred different ways the whole ordeal could have gone and most of them are terrible! I just got lucky, I think. >>5612 12.
>>5613 >12. Nice. Glad you got married and stuff. Living the dream, anon
>>5613 I'm also unclear about the laws in the US regarding marrying someone you adopted, though technically that wouldn't apply in your case. Or even the laws about marrying your own child. What laws would apply, maybe they can be looked up?
>>5615 I don't think you're legally allowed to marry anyone you have "guardianship" over, whether that's a parent or otherwise. So if the adoption had gone through then we'd not have been able to marry legally. I assume it's the same or similar in America (I don't live in a third world country...our laws are generally pretty similar, haha)
>>5616 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_incest_in_the_United_States Theres this, but I don't know if this also applies to adopted family members or non-blood family members. Kinda dumb you can get jail time for having sex with a family member though. Land of the free my ass.
In the capital it is apparently illegal to even "cohabitate". Christ I hate my country, why do they hate sex so much?
>>5618 kikestianity
>>5620 Sex negativity is a cancer on human civilization
>>5617 Damn, this is confusing. So in some states it's legal to marry a family member (different stages of incest...? Cousin third cousin yadda yadda), but illegal to have sex with them? I presume that doesn't apply if you marry. So if you want to have sex with your family member you have to marry them first? Or go to Rhode Islands (or Maryland if you only want to do butt stuff)? Glad I'm not a lawyer.
>>5622 Neither am I, but it would seem that only in places where they specify that adoptions are included would they be. For example, the alaska statute says "whole or half blood" and that would mean by definition an adopted child marrying you would not be incestuous by the law. As with most things in the US though the solution is usually to just not tell anybody about it. I said it already but land of the free my fucking asshole.
>>5621 yeah also every flavor of jew neuroticism, whether contained in their misshapen big-nosed heads or transferred via indoctrination and memes into those who should know better.
>>5623 Land of the Free If you're rich and white enough
>>5625 >being white makes you free in the U.S hilarious what kind of shitskin are you?
>>5626 Being white is not enough; you have to be rich AND white. Also, I am probably whiter than you as a non-American
>>5625 Not even remotely true, literally all of america is currently built around hating white people. Meanwhile drug addicts who hold pregnant women at gunpoint get deified for being so shit at taking care of themselves they fucking die while being arrested.
>>5627 Nah, you have to be rich and jewish. And no you aren't, that's pure cope. I'm a 197cm blue-eyed Aryan giga-chad mope, euronigger. Bet you're a Paki rape baby.
>>5627 Oh don't start, and really you need to be in with the jews. Rich white people get shit on all the time. When is the last time you saw a rich balck man get fucking destroyed by society for saying a bad word?
>>5630 >black man >man >Implying blacks are men >Implying blacks are human You mean niggers?
>>5628 Is that right? I guess all the American white supremacist stuff we hear on this side of the pond could be untrue. I haven't really looked into it much, though our American news is all pro-white anti-everyone else :thinking: >>5629 You got me by a few cm, but otherwise we probably look a lot alike ;)
>>5632 You wish, manlet.
>>5633 dubs
>>5632 Why do you think shitskins are a problem? they are fucking destroying everything. They burned down a city when a nigger in a fast food parking lot got shot for trying to rob the drive through and then murder a cop.
>>5635 Niggers killing cops is like the single most valuable contribution niggers make to society.
>>5635 I never said they weren't a problem. I said America hates them (which might be untrue, I don't know, but it feels that way to me). Basically me generalization of an American is Donald Trump. So if that's not the case then sorry
>>5637 They do it wrong though, because it makes cops sympathetic since they have to deal with niggers. If cops are gonna get smoked it should be the direct result of wasteful spending on incompetent investigations that lead to nothing happening. It's gotta make people say "why the fuck would they do that in the first place, what a waste of lives" and then it's easier to liberate pixels under the law.
>>5638 The zionist cheetoh isn't fat and stupid enough to be like an average american. White americans and asian americans hate shitskin americans for destroying everything, and asian americans hate white americans for letting them take the brunt of nigger violence.
>>5639 It would be cool if all of the cops and niggers just went out into the desert and had a big shoot out and killed one another to the last nigger and cop. It would benefit every other person that is alive if this happened. >>5640 >gookeyed slantchinks take the brunt of anything They haven't been useful since they were slaves laying rail.
>>5641 They make easier targets because whites are smart enough to hide out in gated communities and suburbs instead of concrete bug-hives, so niggers attack them more often
>>5642 I never said they aren't easy targets, just that it doesn't help humans to have them around any more than it does to have niggers around. Especially since the domestic chink population are mostly just spies for the CCP.
>>5643 The ideal situation is to expel everyone except hispanics and then just make a one-child policy for them and a two or more child policy for whites until you can survive the hit to your population to expel them too.
>>5644 >survive the hit to your population This is globalist kike nonsense, they aren't a part of the European population to begin with. And asking beaners to not breed like rabbits is simply retarded, you'd have to expel or kill them all anyway to make them not.
>>5645 >globalist kike nonsense >European I'm talking about US, first of all, and second of all expelling them would basically be the same as expelling all of our farmers. It's not globalism it's simple fucking math, if only white stay then there aren't enough people to operate our existing critical infrastructure. That means that either they have to stay until whites can breed enough replacements or the US has to import tens of millions of white Europeans and a good chunk of them need to know how to farm and even then expelling them immediately represents such a catastrophic loss of labor that there would likely be little reason to come to the US in the first place. Whether you like it or not, whites need to grow in population before they can make an ethnostate the size of the USA. Especially without competent leadership.
>>5646 Trade your browns for Canadian whites. I hear Trudeau loves importing brown people
As an aside, none of this is actually going to happen as things are anyway since the U.S post-coup is now a puppet of Israel and China at once (and was already a puppet of Israel prior) and does nothing to advance its own interests by their design. At best it could devolve into balkanization and civil war, there's some decent states seemingly opting against this like Florida and Texas and they are significant but hell if I know how that shakes out. It will have global ramifications, one way or another. At this point my priority is securing my own happiness and safety to the best of my ability, more than the demographic issues. You can't even save most ethnic Europeans these days as they are so subverted and indoctrinated as to count themselves among the subhumans and offer their children up to be slaughtered by them in their refusal to be called a racist. >>5646 European population as in ethnic European population, not as in population of Europe. No one needs beaners, their roles could be taken over and in a situation where all subhumans are expelled there is a significant decrease in need for farming to begin with. I'm from a very agricultural state and almost all of the old agricultural families around here have abandoned farming for it being unprofitable as hell due to the government's interference, if that impediment was removed the amount of ethnic European families farming would surely increase substantially. Just shut up, you dumb nigger.
>>5632 > I guess all the American white supremacist stuff we hear on this side of the pond could be untrue. Whites are the most oppressed group in the US.
>>5649 Modern Europe gets most of their U.S news from imported CNN (under different names.) It's why you always see them smugly spouting the typical marxist party line.
>>5650 Hardly surprising they're getting their news from (((Jeff Zucker))) &co.
>>5648 >is now always was >at best it could devolve it's inherently unstable and it will inevitably end in violence. you can bet your bottom dollar neo-liberal horseshit will end with it too, as everybody without practical skills or who lives in a major city gets killed or starves to death. Dark times ahead, invest in ammo and gasoline, and print out all your porn. >>5648 That's not how the math works out, unfortunately. Beaners and oter shitskins dominate every field of work that makes food go where it needs to, and even if the amount of food needed is reduced none of it will move properly. Famines are caused by logistics failures, not crop failures. >>5650 Europeans watch the news?
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>there are non-White pedos ITT Disgusting. DAILY REMINDER THAT WHITE LGS ARE FOR WHITE MEN
>>5653 for all pedos across time and space an ethnic hole for every race
>>5653 All lgs belong to White men.
But which part of the US should pedos take over once the US balkanizes? Since it'll be multi-way civil war what region should we aim for? I think we should aim for a region with a high white population and lots of farmland. My suggestion is the pacific northwest and alaska, plus a chunk out of canada but they won't care because it's all forest and natives for them anyway.
>>5651 What I don't understand is why they always feel the need to weigh in on U.S domestic policy when they aren't here and haven't been. I don't tell them how to run their irrelevant shitholes, nor do I care about their local politics. >>5652 >always was Read the whole post, retard. And no it was not, for most of U.S history Israel didn't even exist and we didn't interact with China. >Beaners and other shitskins dominate *are cheap slave labor in >every field of work that makes food go where it needs to And I locally get my meat and vegetables from farmers within a few miles of me, half of which I am related to, so I would be fine. >>5653 They can have their own little girls, they're ugly and smell bad anyway. Except the Asian lgs, we own those too. >>5656 The whole thing, of course.
And before anyone calls me out for implicitly defending bleaching the rice, just remember that the rice is nice, even if it's a vice. No one says you need to have little Elliot hapa abominations in the process, but if you do - the roastie menace could finally be brought to heel.
>>5657 Eurofags are typically extremely arrogant and think that just because they see drama about the US online and through kike-owned media, that suddenly they are experts on every aspect of American politics and history. In reality they think exclusively in stereotypes and are disconnected from reality. >They can have their own little girls, they're ugly and smell bad anyway. Except the Asian lgs, we own those too. Agreed. I don't want little negresses. Not sexy at all. Asian lgs are very based and sexy, and are definitely worth it along with Whites.
>>5658 It's defensible. Asian little girls are beautiful in their own way. I prefer White ones above all, but Asians are a not too distant second.
>>5657 First of all, whether you would be fine is not an indication of the rest of the country. Most people would just starve and you would eventually be fucked because farm equipment and electricity would stop showing up. Second of all, what kind of labor force they are isn't important because they do almost all the critical labor. It's like zimbabwe expelling all their farmers because they hate white people and then begging the UN for aid when everybody starts starving to death. Third of all, I agree that asian lgs are qt3.14s. Fourth of all, why would you take over a continent sized landmass full of people who hate you and want to rebel with almost zero strategic value when you can just use your one little corner to speedrun colonizing the moon and then just trap everyone else on earth by dominating space? Then you can pull in all the space minerals and economically mog everyone into being your slaves for the glorious pedo space god emperor.
Really I think the play for pedos should be >covertly meet up and recruit each other by staking out playgrounds and catfishing with fake instagram accounts hansen-style for an international secret society of pedos >move everybody to one low-population democratic area >buy controlling stock in media companies with our crowdfunded pedo-money and put our own guys on the board to secure our propaganda machine >everybody votes our own people into power in the government, government reforms to solidfy covert pedo oligarchy >aggressively strengthen local militaries until we can outcompete all neighbors >start the civil war ourselves instead of waiting, carve out our territory and watch our enemies kill each other >fuck off into space and take military control over earth orbit to stop anybody else from challenging us >become rulers from the moon and have lots of loving sex with lgs in low g environments flawless plan, I elect myself leader
>>5659 Basically. >>5660 Little European girls are sexier than Asian girls, especially European tots who are the sexiest beings on Earth. But Asians have a lot of neoteny going on and hold on to youthful appearances longer, which is nice. >>5662 It's a giant ass country with hundreds of millions of people living in it, no shit my situation is not an indicator of the overall well-being of the whole country. >you would eventually be fucked because farm equipment and electricity would stop showing up Who do you think even created all of this shit to begin with? Ethnic Europeans are never fucked, we improvise in situations where it's necessary and subsist. The fully unprepared, weak and dependent might die, but that would only help cull people that would never stuck around without a society of enablers to begin with. Niggers in Africa expelling Europeans who built the country they inhabit is nothing comparable, niggers in Africa were never capable of creating a civilization like Europeans are and can't sustain one. >colonizing the moon Already way ahead of you on that one, got my GME shares right here baby.
>>5664 Listen automation renders the point moot anyway, since we could just replace the shitskins with cute robots that look like lgs and then everything is fine. We should colonize the moon and then just randomly fire missles at shitskins for fun. They can't hurt us because their missles take like 3 full days to reach us and need to be super powerful while ours can just sorta fall and go way faster because of gravity.
>>5665 One thing I would personally not care to engage in is sadism targeting shitskins, that's too jewish for me. I would prefer we simply stayed apart and did not view them as alike to ourselves. There will always be conflict as long as we are interacting with them, almost always on their side trying to steal something from us, but beyond repelling that everything would be better without them.
>>5664 >especially European tots who are the sexiest beings on Earth A man of godlike taste.
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>>5666 trips that no hurtcore kike can use for nefarious posting >>5667 y-you too
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>>5668 Based taste in art too
>>5669 I wish this was smolbox so I could post qt 3D sfw tots instead but I do like that artist's cute tots.
>>5666 Instead of sadistic targetting we could just get rid of them clinically, like removing a tumor, once we are in a place where we don't need them to get raw materials anymore. I don't see a reason to allow them to exist as a perpetual nuisance at best and active threat at worst.
>>5671 We never needed them to get raw materials.
>>5672 Yeah it's just a matter of undoing globalism and retooling how our logistics work really. Worst case estimate, with a concerted effort, is that we are back to not needing them in 20 years. Probably much less but I'd say that's the worst case. From there it's a matter of deciding between simultaneously removing the biggest resource sink and pollution generator on the planet, or allowing a potential threat to persist. Not a hard choice IMHO.
We need to retool age of consent laws so marrying toddler girls is legal and so is giving them cunny licks.
>>5673 >It's 2050 >Humanity has eliminated all shitskins and saved the earth from climate change >They have begun colonizing space and everybody lives in comfortable but modest luxury >Having abandoned jewish democracy for based european constitutional monarchies, tots are given the highest quality treatment >All children are freed and allowed to engage in exploring their bodies without shame >The emperor of mankind has a child harem and a tot as his first loving wife >All men have free access to beautiful tot wives >The entirety of the new spacefaring human civilization is dedicated to making all children as comfortable and happy as possible
>>5676 man I wish tots should be worshiped
>>5675 Age of consent is unnecessary in a society that doesn't repress people sexually so much that they go insane and try to force themselves on people. I bet the roman empire didn't have as much rape as sandnigger religion societies do.
>>5677 Children are literally perfect and all of them should have guaranteed happy childhoods. This should be the end goal of society, altruistic and unconditional universal care for all children.
The technology exists to do it too, we just need to get rid of the obstacles in our path. I'll pick up a gun and fight for a tot's right to have her cunny licked with pride.
>>5678 Yeah exactly, so retool it by getting rid of it. >>5679 And non-stop sexual pleasure tbh, especially for tots.
>>5680 I would give my life and my tongue for the cause.
>>5681 >>5682 What does your ideal tot look like? Do you have physical preferences at all or is just all tots equally?
>>5684 Do you have a least-favorite kind of tot?
>>5685 niglets not cute or jewish because cursed blood
also too thin tots tots should be chubby
What kind of tots do you like based other nepi?
>>5683 A bit chubby, with brown hair and rosy cheeks!
>>5693 based and chubby tot pilled
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>nutted to tots again feels based tbh
I'll never understand why adults wear diapers. Babies and tots seem to hate having soiled diapers and I would assume like being free of them because it makes them more grown up (cute!) why would adults regress and enjoy shitting themselves? It fucking sucks.
>>5705 Have you tried it? You kinda sound like someone that tried it
>>5710 I've never tried it but I've changed diapers and met someone who had tried it. They tried it while I was in the room, which was how I found out. Fucking DISGUSTING.
>>5705 I have no idea.
Most awkward question your daughterwife could possibly ask you go
>>5723 >Daddy do you want to meet my boyfriend?
>>5723 There's a trolley running down a track toward several people bound and in the way. There is a lever beside you that will change the track, but in doing so condemn another person on the second track. Do you pull the lever?
>>5726 My heart would break desu >>5727 >>5728 There is a trolley full of classical literature running down a track towards 5 people, one of whom is black. After the 5 people is a really cool loop-de-loop. There is a lever beside you that can change the direction of the trolley but in doing so will condemn Ted Kaczynski to death. The track with ted also does a u-turn and launches the trolley at you and the gay pedoboi standing next to you. However, the gay pedoboi thinks the hobbit movies are good. There is a toddler on top of the trolley and no matter what you do they could easily fall off. What do you do?
>>5729 chase trolley and catch tot and kiss her
>>5683 Black.
>>5705 Diapers are nice, thick and crinkly. Not everyone who wears them messes them. I enjoy wearing them occasionally myself. >>5722 Based
>>5736 >based was meant for >>5697
>>5736 you never manage to surprise me, Mr. Nepi
>>5738 different nepi, asshurt spaz
>>5739 >>5738 both me btw
>>5738 I'm definitely a totchad but probably not the one who you're thinking of. I also browse /abdl/
>>5741 yeah he's thinking of me 24/7 since he's asshurt at me I don't like diapers only tots
>>5742 >>5741 >>5738 also all me
dubs for conservatives and wholesome afternoons
How do I accept that I like lolis and stop hating myself for it? Legit question. It's been years since I realized it but I still haven't gotten over it. I still feel immense shame and self disgust. I don't do anything bad or illegal but I still feel paranoid. Even posting in this thread makes me think that there's couple 3 letter agencies monitoring and tracking everything I do.
>>5745 I guess the place to start is looking at what specifically makes you feel bad about it and start reasoning out why those specific things either aren't realistically a problem or aren't problematic in the first place.
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>>5745 Just stop being a bitch.
>>5745 Start doing illegal things
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>>5745 Just realize that normalfag societal views are wholly irrational and arbitrary, and that you shouldn't give a damn what they say. This is how I think about it, and I have no problems with shame or self-disgust regarding my attraction to little girls. I think they are genuinely beautiful, and would never wish them harm, so I don't feel any need to hate myself. >I don't do anything bad or illegal but I still feel paranoid. Even posting in this thread makes me think that there's couple 3 letter agencies monitoring and tracking everything I do. I can relate here though. I wish I could get over this. Like you I have done nothing either.
>>5749 >posting a blurred out child MODS MODS MODS
>>5751 that's literally just a bunch of pixels driving a toy car you've never seen pixels before? the car is also made of pixels technically
>>5752 Pixels must be outlawed, they could be arranged in the shape of children
>>5753 that sounds like it'd be pretty cool to be tbh w/y with you famalam
>>5752 >that's literally just a bunch of pixels driving a toy car Japanese porn
>>5752 >>5754 >falling for bait
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>>5757 Someone's mad~
>>5760 aren't we all
>>5745 Part of it is just accepting who you are passively over time, and coming to terms with it. It's especially rough for pedo issues since there really isn't anyone to talk it out with face to face. Even my best IRL friend who I have known almost my entire life doesn't know, and I talk to them about everything. It takes a lot of willpower and genuine introspection to deal with a problem so big on your own. Despite everybody's posturing, even non-pedos who aren't normalfags at one point struggled to shake off learned societal values. The worst thing you can do is repress. Don't repress it. Find something that doesn't make you feel completely awful but pushes your comfort a good amount, and use it. Tell yourself while you are using it positive things, like "Releasing is healthy and using porn of what I find attractive is normal. I am not a monster." When you see a cute little kid, remind yourself that it is okay and natural to have your feelings and that thinking of yourself negatively over it is unhealthy and unreasonable. It can also help if you talk about your attractions. Tell us about how you feel, and what gets you going. We are all friends here.
>>5781 My best friend knows tbh, not the best best friend if he didn't. I'm not that guy btw.
>>5782 How did you tell him, and how did he react? I trust my friend but I'm still terrified of letting anybody know?
It's becoming the best time of the year, lads. The temperatures are going up, and the lgs of the world are beginning to wear their cute summer dresses, their shorts and swimsuits. I've already seen some stunning ones out and about. Even the lgs at the stores aren't wearing their cuckmasks as much, so I can finally see their beautiful faces. Feels based. Have you anons seen any cuties lately?
>>5797 I saw the cutest little girl who ran up to me in the store to say hello! Her mother was apologetic (I'll never understand why people apologize for their child "disturbing" others, I love it) but her bright smiling face made my entire week. She was wearing the cutest little sundress and was very excited when I told her I liked her sunhat. Precious little cutie.
>>5798 That sounds really cute, I would remember that forever if that happened to me, I'm a bit jealous! How old was she, do you think? It's interesting that she chose to run up to you out of all people, maybe you gave off a vibe congenial to cute little girls. The best I've seen recently is a little girl on a pink tricycle with her dad following close behind her. She was going across the street with him really slowly as I was trying to turn my car. She looked like she was having a lot of fun and looked very cute in her matching pink helmet. Her dad waved at me apologetically but I really enjoyed it
>>5799 My suspicion is that I was giving a friendly vibe and was near the toy isle. I'm bad at judging but I think she was probably around 7ish? maybe a late 6. She was holding one of those writing practice books she took off the shelf and she didn't have those aspects of speech younger children have (where they say "uh" and "um" very often, and speak slower and have a bit of uncertainty with what words exactly they want to say). She also was about the right height too, I think. God she was so cute though. She even gave me a wave as her mother dragged her away.
>>5800 >She even gave me a wave as her mother dragged her away. Haha, I love that. Even that alone would win my heart
>>5801 It's a lethal move though. It's the kind of thing that makes me stop thinking so much about the danger. Little girls stop my fucking heart man. What a perfect little angel. Was your little girl learning to ride a bike or just having fun? Sounds like a cutie with her matching stuff and everything
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>>5802 Oh I know, some of what these girls do is so cute that it's almost painful since you can't really reciprocate. I don't know if it's coincidental or not but they know exactly how to pull the heartstrings, and I'm not even talking in a sexual way here. >Was your little girl learning to ride a bike or just having fun? Sounds like a cutie with her matching stuff and everything I think she was just having fun! She was riding something like this, so not even really at the point where she has a real bike with training wheels yet. When I stopped to make my turn and the dad waved at me, he got her off the crosswalk pretty quickly. I wish I could have seen her peddling around a bit more. I love watching little girls just casually have fun like that, it makes me happy. And she was super cute. Really fair skin and bright eyes. She might have had little knee pads on as well, but I'm less clear in my memory there. I hope she had a good little ride around the neighborhood though
>>5794 It came up while we were playing video games once but I don't remember exactly why, he was surprised but that's about it. He's a hebephile/epheb type though I later also found out so that's probably partially why. >>5804 She sounds qt.
>>5804 What a good dad though, getting her away from potential danger so she can have fun with impunity. That's what I wish more adults did, instead of punishing their children for being children as you so often see, or just ignoring them entirely until they cause a problem for the adult. >>5807 I doubt my bestie is of a similar sexual persuasion. Then again, they seem to really care about me and went into psychology, so it's possible that they have an open mind regarding me.
>>5810 I got really lucky with him, he's super based. I mean as based as a hebe/epheb can be obviously, nepi would have been more based.
>>5819 If I found out my friend was a nepi I would legitimately be overjoyed. Imagine not only being best friends with a pedophile without realizing, but one of the rarest and most based kinds of pedophile to boot. My next move would be buying a lottery ticket.
>>5824 I am a nepi so let's be friends. :3
>>5825 OwO let's be really good friends, what should we do together as friends?
>>5825 Sure, leave your name and address and I'll come meet you
>>5827 trade cheek kisses >w< >>5828 being based isn't a crime yet
>>5829 >////< can we snuggle too
>>5830 yus VwV
>>5833 I wanna put my head on your chest and listen to your nepi heart beat x3
>>5835 uwu it beats faster when I see a qt tot
>>5837 OwO I wanna kiss you while a cute tot explores your giant nepi penis desu~
>>5839 based but lewd #TwT#
>>5842 OwO pedo friends do lewd things together x3
>>5844 L-like what else L-like...hug?
>>5848 Like letting me service your bulgie wuldgie OwO
>>5853 ♂w♂ that's gay only if I can service yours too
>>5856 I service yours with my pedo mouth and then you service mine with your nepi tongue and then I sit on yours with my gay pedo butt and there are cute little girls everywhere also x3
>>5858 I want you to sit on my nepi tongue tbh but pp too :3
>>5860 :333 pp in butt makes my pedo prostate go WOW
>>5862 pedos are almost as sexy as tots tbh
>>5865 children > pedos >>>>>> normal people >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> garbage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> antis
>>5867 vased and oilled
>>5869 little girls covered in oil make me fucking diamonds pedo cocks in all my holes also make me diamonds, but slightly less so
/interracial/ is gone
>>5872 it's true, it's not on the board list anymore. Is it just not indexed or has it been nuked? Whats the story? Are we next on the chopping block or did they do something to earn that reaction?
>>5871 imagine smooth oily tot skin and try not to nut >>5872 good riddance now we just need to get rid of mark acid gaymergays /v/ /b/ 8chan.moe all the kikes hotwheels jim watkins moot google the middle east britain etc.
>>5875 antis are included under all kikes btw
>>5877 dubs
>>5875 >britain What's wrong with them (other than being full of Indians)?
>>5879 What isn't?
>>5880 (I'm failing to come up with a reason here) Guess you might be right
>>5879 The British
I nutted to tots again. r8
>>5883 Based. Did the same a few hours ago
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>>5889 based on tots, obviously
>>5890 based
>>5807 At one point I had a handful of friends that knew (including a female one). Everyone was real cool about it. As I've gotten older though I've convinced them it was an edgy phase. You can't rely on people to stay the same. Not saying your friend will change and betray you, but it's safer to be self reliant. None of my friends have done me dirty but you just never know.
>>5892 >being friends with a female >trusting a female with sensitive information Only date desperate 5/10 single moms. You know why.
>>5911 it's always interesting seeing incel posts
>>5912 What's incel about it? Grannies are gross, but dating one makes for good camoflauge. Desperate single mom is unlikely to split of her own volition, generally unavailable and easy to placate, and has (this is the important part) kids which is the real aim. Free access to children with whom you can develop a relationship with. And all it costs you is a little kiss with a granny once in awhile and some dinners.
in theory Dwarf Fortress would be trivially easy to mod the ability for people to marry children as it stands already, dwarves can become lovers or marry at age 12 and up though I think it's the same for elves and humans I think goblins are born post-pubescent, age doesn't matter, but i dont know
>>5958 what would be considered pedophilia for an elf? would an elf that lives for thousands of years who falls in love with a twenty-something human woman be a nepi (from the elf perspective)? Is a human dating an elf the same age as them considered a pedophile? In fact, if aliens were to make first contact and it turned out that they had vastly different growth patterns and lifespans than humans, how would sexuality apply (assuming the aliens were sexy)?
>>5959 sexual maturity would probably not take that much longer than humans, for a long lived species. Could even be faster. Culturally, though? Anything could happen. "You're only 30 years old, you hardly know the world, you cant make decisions like adults can" in DF, elves never die of age, only other causes like disease, starving, injury, so on. Same with goblins. I think both races are pedophiles. Elves believe in cannibalism as a good thing too, which is why humans often go to war with them Goblins kidnap kids to raise in their pits and indoctrinate as soldiers when they're too old to be sexy.
>>5960 my initial assumption was that a long lived species would have a similar arc to humans, just slower or "stretched out". a few quick searches showed me though, because apparently most animals are sexually mature by their mid teens (including tortoises!) However, longer lived species have much slower metabolisms, and as such have much fewer children. This is why household pets have big litters, and whales have one child at a time. A creature that never dies of old age, therefore, must have a very, very long gestation period and have only one offspring at a time. To grow a population to urban levels under those conditions, it seems to me that pedophilia would be a necessity, since you would want women to be almost perpetually pregnant. Or maybe I'm just retarded and none of this makes any sense. Who knows? I sure don't.
>>5961 It's not a perfectly consistent thing. A lot of it is more about body mass than length of a life. Don't tortoises have a bunch of offspring at once? There's a lot of factors that go into this, but there are practical limits to how long these can take. As for elves in DF, they can give birth as soon as puberty, which I think is 12. All races can marry and reproduce at puberty (though it's highly unlikely since they need time to develop relationships. Only married couples make kids. Maybe lovers too)
>>5962 I've never played dwarf fortress, is the time scale really such that raising children is feasible. You mentioned goblins and other races, but I would assume you can only play as a dwarf? Would you compare it to something like rimworld or crusader kings, where there is a strategy core and the character of the game is that you can do fucked up things? Or would you say it's more like it's own thing, or a typical fantasy RPG?
>>5963 In Adventurer Mode, the only one I personally play, you can play as any of the main races (human/dwarf/elf) plus every civilized race (goblins will only count if they have been raised in another nation, not the demon king's territory), plus all world-specific wilderness races. This can be owl people who merged into a human population hundreds of years ago or lizard men that only live in small tribes in caves (in which case, you start as an Outcast, with no knowledge of the world or industrial possessions) So, lots of creatures to play as. They even consider letting the player be non-sapient races, like giant spiders or dragons. At the moment, a form of this is added in curses that can turn you into an animal for days or weeks depending on the god. (there's also werebeast curses) but I'm blabbering, none of that matters. Fortress Mode is what people know. You only have Dwarf to play as without mods. I would compare it to rimworld, or rather I'd compare rimworld to Dwarf Fortress. I like DF more. In fortress mode, you have the time scales to raise kids from birth to adulthood. Probably not all the way to death, but you CAN. You'd just probably lose first, or they'd die of some tragic event. Dwarves live 120-150 years. It's hard to keep them alive all the way to the end. There's a lot that goes into this game, you can do things many different ways, and there'd be a lot to talk about with any method you want. >you can do fucked up things? in either mode, yes. Including assaulting an elf child, ripping off her clothes, and cuddling her until she falls asleep from exhaustion of trying to free herself. The game can track things done to every limb, every appendage, even the nails on the fingers and toes. You could be a frickin weirdo and run around tackling kids, wrestling their socks off, and sucking their toes I don't know why you'd do this, but you can.
I like when >>>/c/ is right ahead of hebe 'cause then it says chebe
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>Turkish Prof. Dr. Muttalip Kutluk Özgüven said ''12-16 year old girls have perfect sexy bodies and ask any doctor, this is the ideal age to give birth to the first child" >Sabri Balaman, the host of the program, did not warn the professor who said that 13-year-old girls are at the most suitable age for getting pregnant. >Prof. Özgüven's words, which received a great reaction on social media, are as follows: "There is no such thing as a superman, but there is a thing called superwoman. And this is between the ages of 13-16, ask any doctor you want. 12 is okay too. She has tremendous regeneration ability, her body is super sexy. This age has been determined as an ideal age to give birth to the first child. Kek
>>5966 I'm not sure I believe you that vanilla dwarf fortress allows you to be a toe suckling hobo but I'm gonna go ahead and check this out. I hope you can create a harem of elf children and have many fantasy happa babies with your loli wives.
>>6151 Without mods, you can't recruit children to follow you in Adventurer Mode. You also can't be a child. Nobody has any interest in modding that one in so you can't fix that. You can't have children in Adventurer Mode. Fortress Mode is the only way to have marriages/lovers and childbirth. But you can assault kids and use X actions part (weapon, limb, appendage, mouth) on X body part, which means you have a lot of weird and silly things you can do which might not be good in combat but it'll let you do it anyway. My first murderhobo character bit toes many times until they'd tear off, then let the person live (in fear) I stopped doing murderhobos since it's super silly fun only in short bursts.
>>6152 I don't think that mods are so bad, but I prefer strategy games more than RPG games. A slow paced game of deliberate action is more my style, over frantic shooting and sword swinging and spell slinging. Grinding is okay, but sorta gets boring after awhile if the gameplay loop isn't engaging enough (like in pokemon, where the gameplay loop is the grind).
AIDungeon 2 was peak pedo game until the rulecucks ruined it because "text is cp" unironically. Lot of new AIs in the works that will probably take that role over, once the necessity breeds enough innovation to make them competitive with the language model AID2 was using (past tense because the censorship also made their algo retarded and useless, punishing everyone else as well.)
>>6166 Is there an archived version of AID2 that didn't get cucked out of being useful?
>>6167 The most powerful language models, no as it was closed and remotely hosted. You can use some less powerful models locally with stuff like clover-edition though.
>>6172 Will it be the same as AID2 at peak pedo gaming?
>>6178 No, the best model they had (Dragon) before this recent censorship was otherworldly in how stronk it was. The local hosted ones are like 1/10th the size and pretty stupid, upside is it's at least free and 100% local so no fuckery. Theoretically a local model could be better than Dragon though, it's just a matter of time (and you will probably want a modern Nvidia GPU for CUDA to use it when it happens so it doesn't take forever to generate replies, this also helps with the local editions that exist now.) Several projects are in the works after AID2 shit the bed, some farther along than others, Clover-edition hadn't been getting updates but now is for instance. Dragon was so nice though, holy fuck, god damn motherfucking son of a bitch normalfags that want to literally place the reins of human creativity and fantasy in the hands of censorious retard mormons who make a fucking text adventure game. Those dumb fucking sheep should be blood eagled.
>>6166 I know AI Dungeon but not about this aspect of it. what happened with it?
>>6269 looking this up i am majorly out of the loop here. ai dungeon was hacked a month ago https://github.com/AetherDevSecOps/aid_adventure_vulnerability_report does this have something to do with it? I didn't even realize people used ai dungeon that much, and the guy says that 30% of adventures were nsfw you can publish adventures apparently as well somebody... please... bring me into the loop
>>6272 >Latitude develops gaem >gaem is gud >text advemture >ai gud, very smatre >Latitude mormons literally >filter 'rape' months and months back, to 'respect' something or other >'lol that's fucking retarded, it's fucking text you retards' - the community (sans reddit, who love unnecessary censorship, and presumably the gamergays who are redditors) >everyone continues playing gaem, latitude plays off censorship like a big joke and it's ez to circumvent with special characters/synonyms anyway >introduces Dragon, new AI model that kicks ass! >haha dragon is expensive to run :) my fellow goyim let us charge you a small fee >Dragon sub only >Subs now cost more >alas there are people using this text adventure game for things we explicitly advertise it can do (aka. they said 'a game where you can do ANYTHING!!!!') >ban furries, ban pedos, automatically flag for inspection all stories that reference numbers under 18 and a boatload of other dumb shit, up to and including watermelons, horses, just WEIRD SHIT >massive outcry 'fuck you latitude' - the community >latitude: we have to take a stand against text so lol we're losing our entire customer base overnight and no one can stop us >also there was that hack where it turns out their servers are insecure as fuck and they probably leak data all over the place >people tried to talk sense into them for like a month then gave up because the retards did nothing but be silent and virtue signal intermittently >like 15 days later they change a minor UI element of AI Dungeon with patch notes and just pretend the shitstorm of the century didn't just happen >most of the community unsubs, delets account, 1 stars them on jewgle play and multiple new AI projects start in addition to new development on old AI products born of necessity because the people WILL coom >the remainder are Reddit-tier retards saying 'pedos shouldn't be allowed to fantasize!' for upvotes and alleging text is literal child porn!11!11! - all of these people should in any sane world be put down, or at the very least not allowed to shit up the internet The AI changes and censorship also made the AI totally retarded and inefficient, which is probably by design because for non-subs you got a certain number of actions before you had to pay, so some kind of jewry bordering planned obsolescence levels of jewry in action here where the product that was free is now expensive and strictly inferior. >Does any of the above actually matter? It was really fucking nice when Dragon was new and uncucked (bar the one filter, which again was itself retarded) It was like a magical interactive erotica generator, that could outdo your average author and cater to your most esoteric combination of prestigious fetishes and tastes. We need an uncucked local version of it to save humanity.
>>6275 >servers unsecure nobody just tried to grab the source cod, uncuck it, and make lots of money by stealing the entire audience? Seems like the bold but obvious play.
>>6278 it would be nice and this would be possible if OpenAI was actually open instead of a microsoft shell company
>>6278 This >>6279 They don't actually have the AI in-house, they contract use of it from OpenAI the gigakikes.
>>6280 So they don't even have an actual AI?
>>6275 thanks for the rundown, i had no idea any of this shit happened of course i find out ai dungeon is an interactive lewding machine right after it gets cucked out of existence fuck my life >we have to take a stand against text literally. wat. censoring made up text for moral reasons has got to be the most retarded thing ever
>>6282 They license the model they use from OpenAI and feed actions to it, they're basically providing a framework to access OpenAI's model albeit a terrible one now for reasons listed above. >>6283 It's the second most retarded thing ever, the most retarded thing ever is endorsing the censorship and defending it because you want to virtue signal about hating muh evil textpedos. Like we needed more reasons to treat anti normalfags like subhuman retards.
so how was your day today
>>6331 like every other day
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>fiancee visits /hebe/ and recognized me posting here
>>6374 kek, tell us more. Which post of yours did your fiancee pedospouse recognize and what did they do?
Well I figured out I like candy pretty young. No one yelled at me about that. I liked having orgasms too. Boy was that a mistake. I had an orgasm once and everyone in the room melted like they were covered in acid. Thats how I knew it was the wrong thing to do because it physically killed everyone and caused great suffering. I still give candy to kids but orgasms are out of the question. I like to keep them caged up like a dog, completely ignorant, and as asexual as possible. This is the only way we can protect people from melting into a pool of goo. Now if we could only figure out how to push the driving age to 25, then we would keep kids really safe and retarded.
>>6375 any posts related to me marrying a pedo and also the posts about the pedo movies (Piccole Libbra, Hard Candy, etc) we've been watching together It makes them happy that I ask pedos how to make my pedospouse happy But it does feel awkward on several levels. The fact I'm identified as an anon, and the fact I don't actually remember almost anything I post so I don't know exactly what they'll read.
>>6377 >Remember jacking off to hard candy >Imagined fucking her in the pussy >Feel bad now knowing she turned into a dude >Shouldve been raping her in the ass Feels bad man :(
>>6377 >Those feels when you have to ask what gender a 12 year old is and guess what hole they want it in
>>6377 I imagine it would be weird to suddenly be de anonymized like that. I don't really talk to anybody because I much prefer interacting with the voice in my head and text on my screen, but it seems like a difficult thing to navigate. Have you tried intentionally making posts to troll them? Get creative with it, maybe make a really long form pun.
>>6380 Always let the girl come out first. There is no mercy for guys. I knew a girl that used to fuck around with underage boys all the time. She kept trying to get me to talk about girls but I wasn't into it because she kept fucking niggers. I dont want aids and herpes soup so I just kind of fucked off from all that.
>>6383 holyshit
>>6384 what was it
>>6385 New CP I made yesterday Get it while it's hot guys I'm like 65% sure cat rape violates global rule 1 after looking it up, so I'll play it safe
Edited last time by granny on 06/10/2021 (Thu) 02:55:24.
>>6387 that's a video of a guy raping a cat in a drawer
Are videos of people raping cats illegal?
>>6393 in lots of places yeah but nobody really gives a shit, you can easily find zoo porn on the clearnet
Can someone please repost
>>6425 i would but i don't wanna annoy the board owner
>>6425 You got a pretty clear idea of what you missed. A guy had a cat held still in a drawer and was fucking it penis in pussy heh sex
>>6428 more details, cat was screaming
how are you all doing today?
>>6450 >>6450 >be me >came across a decent nn pedo board a few weeks ago. >appears to have been nuked last night. Other than this inconvenience, I’d say alright.
>>6946 which pedo board was that?
>>6946 Which board?
>>6953 >>6951 >name dropping a pedo board Idk if that’s allowed, chief.
>>6960 You're on one, dipshit.
>>6960 >things being allowed matters
>>6962 >>6961 Bet. It was Cutie Garden.
>>6972 and nothing of value was lost.
>>3478 Just to be clear, sunglasses are not for staring at the sun. You should never look directly at the Sun, with or without sunglasses.
>>115 I don't really feel pedophile? I feel "My-ex-gf-phile" 8 years ago, when I was 15, I met this 12 year old girl in Highschool, she was an emo retard, cute emo retard, I joke around with her because of that, half bully half playing with her. Turns out she fell in love with me for years and left all the edgy bullshit because of me. 4 years later she asked me out, I was 19 and she was 15. We would go on dates and have sex for around a year, she was sweet, cute, pure, well-mannered and joyful, smiling and making funny noises, cute jokes and telling me she only wanted to be with me. We dated since then for 3 years until feminism took her over and decided I wasn't so radical for her, like I would point out some flaws of radfems and she would get mad at me, so because of her political views we broke up, it wasn't the same anyways, the cute smiling person I loved wasn't there anymore. When she was 16 she was really into lolis, she would dress like one, really retarded shit, but I would just play along. I didn't like lolis or the idea of dating her, but I ended up really loving her and the way she loved me, so I accepted lolis as part of her. So now that we broke up, I miss the old days. For me, a 16 year old made my life so much colorful, happy and cute until she grew up with me and everything turned grey and depressing. I don't think I want "a minor" or "lolis" in my life, I want "my retard gf when she was 16" But I now I should keep moving forward and forget about this, the pandemic makes everything more difficult so I watch the stuff she would have liked back in the days, that's why I'm here. Even if I could date a small girl, it's still isn't my autistic pink emo smiling ex gf, sounds really difficult to find someone like that, so I don't think I'm into smalls kids, just her memory and how simple were those days. But I guess if I would find someone like her I would like to date her, independant of her age, but a 25 year old woman who dresses in all pink and does childish stuff does sounds a bit creepy
>>7308 Sounds like you just want a braindead trophy wife but aren't rich, so you can't have one. People who live under the boot can't act like that.
>>7311 What makes you think that? I don't feel that either? I think I just want someone happy and joyful
>>7312 The world isn't a happy place, so the only happy people are the delusional and sheltered.
>>7313 Maybe, but at least I know I desire it, but I don't actually want it Like a fantasy, life is more complicated than that and I'm glad I happen to experience something sweet like that, I have to move on
>>5883 Diapers are not sexy.
>>7751 People are so degenerate in clownworld they need this explained to them
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>>7751 >>7752 It's not the diaper that's sexy, it's the tot in it.
>>7755 what are you some kind of pedophile
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>>7756 no siree bob
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>>7751 Diapers are extremely sexy. They accentuate a ticklable belly and let girls wet themselves(very cute) without making a mess. Also, a little girl who likes wearing diapers obviously feels neglected. Anybody who isn't struck by the urge to spoil a cute diapered little girl, isn't human. Then there's the intimate aspects of diaper changes. Laying a girl down in a submissive position, removing her diaper(undressing her), and cleaning specifically her most private place, before rubbing some skin protection products on her and taping her up in a new diaper. Even wetting the diaper can be intimate. After a few years of using the potty, girls start associating the potty with privacy and safety. When you put them back in diapers, they'll associate you with privacy and safety every time they wet themselves around you. If a girl goes out of her way to hug you so that she can wet her diaper in your embrace, then you know she's deeply attached.
>>7760 I dislike that what you are saying makes logical sense.
>>7760 I don't like diapers, worst part of tots. They look cute in them but only because they are tots, diapers on anything else is cringe. And if a tot has to piss, I have a mouth, no need for the diaper.
>>7762 Can you explain to me what is happening in the picture? The tot is peeing on the ground, but what is her left (our right) hand doing? I don't understand what I am looking at or the wider implications of this gesture.
>>7763 her hand is on her thigh the wider implications are frankly boundless
>>7762 Tots should wear cute panties. If she has to pee, her husband has a mouth, and everyone knows little girls don't poop, that is Jewish propaganda. No need for diapers
>>7763 Fistbumping me as I hold m'ladies shorts. >>7764 never even noticed she had hands or thighs til now huge revelation >>7765 pilled
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>>7765 Okay, but for people who live on Earth instead of Narnia, diapers are obviously the best option for making your little girl feel cute and spoiled.
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>>7767 not even a baby false advertising pic related it's a baby and my wife
>>7768 A baby is any girl who can still be saved from whoredom with love and care.
>>7825 But a baby that is a baby is the best baby and the best girl.
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Yet another benefit of extended diapering is that diaper changes help a little girl(or boy, I guess) get accustomed to having their genitals handled, which counteracts the shame and fearmongering of society. They learn to just see it as something that's fine for a trusted person to do.
>>7982 Can't you also just do this by handling their genitals frequently, thus creating a sense of normalcy for trusted people to do this?
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>>7984 Having a lead-up makes the experience easier to digest than just random fondling. When they're first diapered, they'll have it in their mind "okay, I'm going to wet this eventually, then I'll need to be changed, which involves being touched", and that will sit in their brain the entire time they're wearing a diaper. At least, for when they're conscious of the diaper; they can still forget. But they'll remember it every time they pee, and it will be harder to ignore the soggier their diaper gets.
>>7984 Yes, but that wouldn't satisfy his fetish for shit
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I don't get the diaper thing.
>>7994 Diapers are cute, crinkly and give a loli a big thick butt and maybe even a bit of a waddle. Pics related are the peak of eroticism for me.
>>7994 Diapers are cute, crinkly and give a loli a big thick butt and maybe even a bit of a waddle. Pics related are the peak of eroticism for me.
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>>7995 >>7996 I don't mind seeing them on a cute baby or tot but they don't appeal to me on their own, but still, more power to you.
>>7997 It's definitely the conjunction of the loli / tot with a diaper more than the diaper itself. I love them without them, but a diaper is like the cherry on top.
>>7999 honestly as long as you love tots regardless I would suck your cock you based mfer
>>8013 Not him, but I'd rather suck your cock instead desu
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>>8014 very based
im a healthy man in my late 20s and i have some cunny stories(teen/hebe gf) id like sharing, protonmail or whatever contact me through furry_fandom@live(.)se and ill be your penpal
Any pedobros that ever jacked off to CP? Did you ever get caught/in trouble for it? I don't even know the terminology of what is candy/hard candy, but I really wish I could jerk off to CP freely without it being illegal, even if loli is good, I really wanna see the real stuff.
>>8812 My attorney has advised me not to answer this question on the basis the answer might incriminate me, agent
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