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Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 01:01:46 No. 2377
Where do you stand on the political compass?
back to /v/interracial
What the fuck is authoritarian about "if she bleeds shes ready to breed"? Its just a factual statement.
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>>2451 >engaging with the niGGer me on the bottom right
>>2451 Imagine being such a midwit redditor that you can describe your politics with a single point on a 2 dimensional coordinate plane
>>2455 Dude you're a total Lawful neutral X3
>>2455 pedo no | yes based I'm a yes
>>2457 Am I a pedophile? Absolutely Do I like pedocock? 100% Will I tolerate niGGers? Not an anti's chance in an honest debate
>>2458 glad to hear it my fellow yes/baseder
I just nutted and I'm feeling p based about it.
>>2454 >engagement is a bad thing You know talking inside your head is much more convenient than this if you really believe that.
>>2455 It can describe how you fall on the spectrum of authoritarianism or libertarianism, and progressivism or conservatism. Theres nothing authoritarian about the claims in that image. Compare it to the libertarian claims, the progressive says "pedophilia is a sexuality" which is a liberal progressive thing to say as its changing formerly held views in such a way that it grants liberty to a subset of people. Where as "the government shouldn't decide the age of consent" is a very conservative libertarian thing to say as they want to go back to the time in which the government wasn't meddling in their sex life in regards to the age of their partners.
I actually wanted to make a meme like this but couldnt think of something for authleft.
>>2470 How about "we must ensure they're bred before they starve to death in order for the collective to survive"
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>>2377 SPOOKS
>>2473 Spooks are a spook.
>>2471 You know upon rereading this later I think its a bit too memey and want to be more on the nose here for the sake of making something out of this thread thats actually worthy of discussing because engagement is actually good. Sure just shitposting can be fun too but theres no substance there to make the thread greater than the sum of its parts. To elaborate on my quote a bit in case I did fail to convey my point with my jab at commies, its both progressive and authoritarian in that it seeks to change formerly held views in such a way that it strips the liberty of a subset of people to benefit the whole by turning women into breeders for direct control over population growth. I'm sure the reason why you don't see anyone making arguments like this is because the societies we're trying to appeal to in stopping the pedo witch hunt rely on libertarians to make that happen, not authoritarians. An authoritarian regime would just have a dictator who makes the decision and so theres not going to be any pedos out there on the internet arguing in a way that appeals to a dictator.
>>2377 Authoritarian Left: Pointless drivel to fill a box Authoritarian Right: Biological fact. Libertarian Left: Technically a fact, but I'd rather not be lumped in with the LGBT mantra. Libertarian Right: TRUE. A concrete "age limit" is retarded when people develop at different rates (or not at all, such as in the case of OP). Damn, I'm not sure which one I am. Can I copy someone else's answers?
>>2481 >Libertarian Left: Technically a fact "Technically" its a mental disorder like the gay used to be, theoretically it shouldn't be under the same logic that the gay no longer is.
>>2483 >it's a mental disorder
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>>2506 Based and Erika pilled
>>2377 funny pics on the right, still a fact and something that has been happening forever. الحمدلله
Every single one of them is right.
>>2643 no two of them are left
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>>2644 Jesus, I laughed.
>>2645 It's a good thing this isn't a little girl stock image or something vile like that.
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>>2646 indeed, gore is far superior to little girls
>>2647 stop being jewish at once
>>2662 squeamish littl bab you are the tot
>>2867 >t. kike
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>>2884 >projects >likes gore that's a kike for you
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>>2890 >projects Wait I'm the tot then?
>>2892 nah you're too much of a kike not cute enough either and also a manlet
>>2900 You need to believe in yourself, have more confidence. Not just outwardly, but inwardly.
>>2907 >t. kikelet
Authleft: PedophiIia is vaIid because it's vengeance against the rich assholes who hoard all the young girIs. Authright: PedophiIia is vaIid because the great ancient civilizations practiced it. Libleft: PedophiIia is vaIid because pedos are an oppressed minority. Libright: PedophiIia is vaIid because it's a very profitable market.
>>3320 Theres nothing authoritarian about any of that though, a libleft could just as easily say what the authleft is saying despite being apparent opposites when it comes to personal freedom.
>>2377 All of them. Pedosexuality if a God given right of mankind. Therefore anything that furthers its justification to the masses is correct.
>>3345 based legalize it
>>3340 >a libleft could just as easily say what the authleft is saying despite being apparent opposites when it comes to personal freedom. So just like everything else about leftists. Libleft is an oxymoron.
>>3355 weed is bad
>>3375 Its not an oxymoron, theres just nothing authoritarian about what the authleft and authright are saying.
>>3398 Either you're a delusional lefty or you're lucky enough to have never gotten in an argument with a lefty.
>>3387 no it's not but I meant child love
>>3400 Tests put me centrist leaning libertarian and yes I have gotten into arguments with authoritarian lefties who didn't even know they were. Doesn't change the fact that a diagram showing the differences between the political sides can't have a descriptor that can just as easily apply to both sides.
>>3408 That's because the differences don't exist. The left side of the compass might as well be two authoritarian squares.
>>3410 Are you saying its impossible for anyone on the progressive side of the political spectrum to believe in small government? That everyone outside of the right wants to be ruled by a dictator?
>>3420 "progressive" is just code for statist cultist obsessed with equality of outcome and other shit that's impossible in a small government free market type society, niggers would fail and trannies would die and no one would care.
>>3422 Yeah the authoritarian left are the ones that want government enforced diversity quotas and shit like that. But the libertarian left will fight for things like the right for women to give abortions and not have their bodily autonomy decided by the state. Abortion is obvious a progressive issue yet it doesn't require big government like you seem to think everything progressive does.
>>3429 >killing babies is progress you're thinking of kikes
>>3433 Yes, abortion was seen as an immoral act and no longer is, just as faggotry was seen as an immoral act and no longer is, these are progressive issues.
>>3435 killing babies is not like consensual sex actually nothing at all like it kill yourself
>>3436 Abolishing slavery was progressive, creating the age of consent was progressive, letting trannies cut their dick off was progressive, how you feel on these subjects is irrelevant.
>>3437 spout more nonsense
>>3440 You'd have to say something of substance first so I have something to work with but I'm not about to hold my breath on that.
>>3444 >random thing is label that's so substantial what does progressive mean to you why is 'being progressive' valuable? off yourself brainlet
>>3448 I can't believe I have to explain basic fucking political terms to you. Progressives think the way things are now aren't good enough and want them to change for what they believe is the better, conservatives want to maintain the status quo and not deviate from what has worked in the past. Is that not self evident to you? Also I never claimed that being progressive is valuable, where did that even come from?
>>3453 Your political lens is fucking stupid. Conservatives want to suck Israeli dick, progressives want to kill babies. Those are their whole platforms, catch up retard.
>>3456 And your political lens is painfully focused on america with no concept of whats going on in the wider world.
>>3457 Coming from a retard that actually uses progressive and conservative unironically.
>>3463 They perfectly describe the opposing ideologies in how societies should be run, I'd ask what you would refer to them as but I know it'll just be a totally vacuous statement that doesn't provide any value to the discussion so theres really no point.
>>3469 If you must be extremely asshurt about being retarded. It's not my fault.
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>>3422 You have got to be the dumbest gorilla nigger here
>>3564 Not an argument.
>>3620 Then here's the definition of the word "progressive": >Progressive ideas or systems are new and modern, encouraging change in society or in the way that things are done: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/progressive Abolishing the age-of-consent is a progressive idea. Dismantling the Federal Reserve is a progressive idea. Withdrawing U.S. support of Israel and crippling them with embargos is a progressive idea. "Progressive" does not mean "evil" or "leftist" or any of the things your political bias wants it to mean just because your political enemies choose to call themselves "progressive". Hint, most of them aren't "liberal", either. There's an argument, you dumb gorilla nigger.
>>4423 Not how it's used by anyone that matters, cope brainlet.
>>4423 the thing is, the very notion of progress is a spook, a total myth with zero basis in reality it's like how many people fallaciously think evolution is somehow progressing and working towards certain goals, whereas it's just a continuous process of natural selection there really is no such thing as progress, only change so no, none of those ideas are progressive at all they are called progressive by people who want to make it out as if there is such a thing as progress, and that their specific ideas are the progressive ones, but this is just a massively failed attempt at virtue signalling and moralfaggotry the other anon never said that he thought "progressive" meant "evil" or "leftist", and that's really just a pathetic straw man on your part, that anon just recognizes what I just said, namely that there is no such thing as progress, and that people who call themselves progressive or support what they call progressive ideas are delusional and/or deceptive
>>2377 >>2506 nice...
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Authleft: Lolis are oppressed and we want sexenings with hot lolis of christcucks and conservatives Authright: Sex with lolis is traditional and aryan. Agree or DIE. Libleft: Pedosexual is a valid sexuality. Libright: The age of consent is easily shown to be bullshit. Lolis can decide for themselves what they want without state/bydlo propaganda. Current wectern regime: We're jealous of pedos and white male nerds. We are going to hatefully oppress and imprison them while funneling white lgs to nigtoids and mudslime. We also won't attack the wealthy elite or white male teen pindicks for wasting lolis and ruining whole generations of them. We side with bydlo and white niggers against high iq, since high iq aren't self-aware and are outnumbered by #Metoo leftist pseudo-pretenders. If you don't want to annihilate the current regime described above there's something wrong with you.
>>4423 >Abolishing the age-of-consent is a progressive idea isn't that just going back?
>>6722 No, it isn't. All societies that could be by any stretched called civilized had the norm that you fuck someone sexually mature, but not before said maturity happens. You really think certain traditions aren't ancient?
>>6737 Historically illiterate retard. Marriages (non-arranged and arranged both) occured before puberty hit basically right up until feminists campaigned against it, greece had an entire culture around pederasty, and before christkikes nobody was ashamed of themselves over sex so children were free to experiment (as they do even today, because the urge is that strong).
The past 10000 years were all arranged toddler marriage and if you say otherwise you're a jew.
>>6737 in islam your partner has to be at least 9 to have sex but rubbing etc is allowed even with a baby obviously you have to be married to do those things but the point is by abolishing aoc we aren't getting more rights than people had in the past (and some still have) >>6742 they were rare but they happened. even if arranged child marriages were still legal they wouldn't be common now either
>>6749 >rubbing etc is allowed even with a baby Feminism is a cancer, Islam is the answer.
Libertarian Right.
>Where do you stand Right above the Jew's neck
>>2377 Top right. God said so.

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