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0 years old Anonymous 05/30/2021 (Sun) 18:49:13 No. 5107
What's the ideal age of consent?
8 and up
0 for oral and outercourse penetration probably >7ish for safety and only if safe
When you can confidently interpret consent without reasonable doubt. If you are a social retard who can't understand non-verbal cues than you shouldn't assume something is consent because you might be wrong. If you understand what consent is enough that you can feel reasonably confident interpreting non-verbal consent then that's that. A single age is retarded because interpersonal development happens at a variable rate for different people. It should be when it can be communicated and understood between all involved parties.
>>5119 Though how that could be enforced as a law is something I'm not sure about tbh. Static AoC should be eliminated though.
Ideal age of consent is when you're ready for the possibility of pregnancy Legal age of consent? I don't know. People above the age of consent still get sexually used, exploited, so on no matter what that age is. I do not understand the nuances of this issue or how to address it.
>>5127 Well I think in the case of actual criminal behavior like rape, there are already laws against this for those who can consent according to the law. Why wouldn't these protections be extended towards children instead of just repeating them but in additional laws that are more restrictive. If anything, it seems like just extra paperwork for lawyers or whatever since both laws do the same thing?
>>5128 I believe one angle you can look at it is that by blanketly forbidding it, if you believe that the target group is much more likely to be exploited maliciously, reduces a lot of potential cases. A lot of people that use other people for sex do so with little sense of wrongness about it, and they hide and obscure what they're doing to make it hard to prove, and hard to make their partner be willing to come out about it. By making an entire category of people illegal to engage with like this, those that are abused are more heavily pushed to speak up about it, and the abusers can't as much obfuscate the issue. You can't convince people your sexual relationship with a child isn't abusive, and because of that, people abusing kids would have a harder time hiding it. At least, I think this is a way people look at the problem. If it were permitted, a lot of people that wouldn't use kids as sex objects now might feel they can get away with it, and kids probably need more of a push to speak up about being abused than adults do. Is this right? Is this effective? I don't know. I am not aware of the gritty details, research, and so on. You can make lots of counter arguments, I can probably think of at least one if not two. I don't think any preventative measure of harm can be without counter-argument. I can very much understand people being resistant to removing or easing the laws for fear of the crime that might happen as a result. Like I said, I don't know what the right way to address the issue is, or good the current methods are.
>>5128 true
>>5133 This is a good point, there really is no easy answer. Society needs to change, the question is where the best place to start is. Maybe the answer to that is based on what is most practical and not what is most optimal, though.
parental consent
>>5230 With the way fathers seem to be obsessed with their daughters chastity I imagine this would result in no sex at all except father-daughter sex and gay sex. Which I suppose is an acceptable state of affairs.
>>5231 parental and daughter consent is everything. no harm, all ok.
You are asking the wrong question. Female consent does not make sex good, nor does lack of consent make it bad.
>>5244 Rape is bad, anon
>>5245 Rape is a property crime committed against the man who owns the woman in question
>>5247 Very edgy anon, but why the actual FUCK would I want to own a woman? I don't even want to be near a granny and neither does any other sane person.
I think 13-14 would be a good age.
>>5267 months? true
NatSoc Germany had it at 14, so that.
>>5128 Many countries can't reliably prosecute sex crimes because they still have a population that, on-average, doesn't understand consent and participates in victim shaming. Age of consent is an attempt to patch up those issues for an arbitrary age demographic, but even that doesn't do anything if nobody will tattle on the crime in the first place. In order for age of consent to matter, the crime: 1. Must actually be found out by law enforcement. 2. Must not be possible to prove as rape otherwise.
>>5274 NatSoc is a meme though. It has some strong positives but it's my understanding that it requires constant total war to function properly and that is just as unsustainable as what we have now, if not less so. Maybe I am misinformed though, and since you didn't say Nazi I'll hesitantly assume you know a little more than me. >>5275 I think this represents a larger issue with the legislative policies in general, as well as the way law enforcement is done. Laws are put on the books that are too vague to apply, unenforceable, or impractical to actually prosecute. Redundant laws exist, old laws that are dumb and get ignored exist, laws that are only enforced when it's convenient to prosecutors exist, etc etc. It's all indicative of a broken, corrupt, bloated system that is coming apart at the seams in every aspect.
>>5275 >Many countries can't reliably prosecute sex crimes because they still have a population that, on-average, doesn't understand consent and participates in victim shaming. This is a ridiculous feminist lie and isn't true in any society. Rape is and has always been universally considered one of the worst crimes possible, and rapists are and have always been universally prosecuted, very frequently with death. Some jurisdictions have problems with actually being able to enforce their laws and keep their criminals in check, but in no society has rape ever been socially acceptable, and the blatant lie that it is or has been is ridiculous to anyone who stops to take even a brief thought about the subject. It is nothing but absurd feminist propaganda, since it forms the basis of their foundation myth, and without it, they'd lose a significant amount of their power.
>>5284 I think you mean European and maybe Asian (some of them) societies, once you leave that arena it's nonstop rape. Of course feminism as a jewish weapon against Europeans has always ignored the fact that much like slavery Europeans are just about the last people you ought to point fingers at. Refugees welcome, aka. please come rape me, but that absolute shitlord of a FUCKING hwhite male is basically a nuke on a hair trigger, and that's why we need to give our entire net worth to Israel - each and every one of us.
>>5311 No, even in those other societies, rape is not socially acceptable, and is punished extremely harshly. The problem is that those societies have a hard time enforcing their laws at all, and have a high rate of criminality. Then they send those criminals here.
>>5410 They don't have standards to make anything socially acceptable or not, they are retarded subhumans with no standards.
>5107 14-16yo AOC is ideal. Unlikely there are health complications or trauma in teens getting pregnant. The whole idea that teens are traumatized for mingling with adults is an urban myth only compounding by society shaming teens for being involved with somebody outside their age group. Teens ought to be treated as adults be allowed to get jobs, pay taxes, and get involved of relationships regardless of the age of their partner. Treating them as children will only set them back in their 20's and onward since they would had been spoiled instead of working hard and experiencing the adult world first hand. There is no such thing as innocence.
>>5433 too old
prob 8 and up. i don't mind any consent age but if i had to choose you get some girls wanting to experiment at 8
In my country, if dad likes you, you're good. Also women who act like whores get socially punished.
>>5906 Can you tell me which country this is? In my country dad is irrelevant because men are all evil, and women can do no wrong and are rewarded for being whores.
>>5931 this
Around 16-18, with obvious Romeo & Juliet laws ofc. /thread
10 with parental consent. 12 without.
>>7510 0 with parental consent. infinity without. i don't even sexually like under 10s but i want to start having sex after some time in a relationship when i'm sure i want to stay with her
Total abolition
>>7540 based
>>5276 >NatSoc is a meme though. It has some strong positives but it's my understanding that it requires constant total war to function properly and that is just as unsustainable as what we have now, if not less so. That is not inherent to NatSoc in and of itself, but of the schemes Hitler and his cronies had to resort to to get it established. Put super-simply, they bankrupted Germany with elaborate ponzi schemes to rearm and give the impression of being wealty, and had to resort to war to pillage other countries and get money to inject back in their economy.
(564.47 KB 1076x1522 infant bride.jpg)

babies are for marriage
Age of consent is already a pozzed idea. 1. All sex within marriage is legal. 2. All sex outside marriage is a misdemeanor. 3. Deflowering a virgin outside marriage is a capital crime. 4. A girl is ready to be married when her father arranges a husband for her. That is all. For those of you more interested in numbers, this means you can buy your child bride from a poor father. What's most interesting about this system is it's not for from God's take.
>>8869 >3. Deflowering a virgin outside marriage is a capital crime. *unless you man up and make an honest woman of her
>>8869 >>8875 opinions on baby/tot arranged marriage?
>>8875 That's called marriage. Not after sex, sex occurs at the wedding and the bloody sheet is displayed to prove she was a virgin. You deflower a virgin outside of marriage, you get the axe. That said, the law in the OT on rape (they didn't care about muh consent, rape mean deflowering an unmarried woman) is that the rapist and the girl must marry, and that the rapist will not receive any dowry. This would be my long-term goal, but we've got a virgin deflowering pandemic at the moment that must be brought to a sudden stop. The death penalty is very good for that. >>8876 I'm against it, but it's the father's decision. I would expect that most fathers are trying to marry their daughters off upon menarche at the soonest, and history backs this up. Incidentally, this is about when parents say their daughters stop being cute and become snarky and manipulative cunts. Are they innately driven toward acting out in hope of being married off?
>>8869 >All sex is a crime outside of marriage Is an extremely abusable law for the state to have on the books. Literally have any woman say "he had sex with me but I'm not married" and you can put any person in prison. God is supposed to be the judge, not the state, and hiding behind the bible to pretend you are being a traditionalist instead of a cucked bootlicker looking to hand over control of one of the most fundamental aspects of the human condition to a bunch of brain-dead bureaucrats and power hungry (((politicians))) is jewish behavior.
>>8877 Leave it to a purityfag incel to declare that people should be killed for having sex with a girl.
>>8877 >sex occurs at the wedding Interesting ceremony
>>8877 >I'm against it kike
18 or older birthday cakes only!
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:06:50.
>>8878 It's a crime for her. Did you take me for a simp? Also, the OT penalty for an adulteress was execution by stoning. Jesus abolished that, but it remains an incontrovertible cause for divorce, without returning the dowry or anything. It is a scandal and brands her eternally a whore, her father as having sired a whore, and her sisters as being unfit to be wives. It makes sense in a family-oriented society rather than the "individual and state" Sodom we live in now. >muh God's law isn't a law, it's just heaven points Read the OT. It carried penalties of execution, it is law. >state God's law is obeyed in defiance to the state. The state is not to be trusted to administer it; that's how we got here. >>8879 Seethe, Sodomite. >>8880 This is the traditional marriage ceremony practiced literally everywhere in the civilized west until feminism convinced people women's feelings matter more than God and tradition. If she doesn't bleed, you're not married. If you want to send a message, you can then pay the father what a prostitute would charge for a session.
It is against the law to be younger than 18. I do this for free.
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:06:27.
>>8883 >The state is not to be trusted to administer it The bible says the state's purpose is to administer it
Can't have children on the board! That's a non no!
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:05:54.
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:05:01.
Quick, don't think about people being less than 18 years old
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:04:31.
children aren't real, that would be illegal
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:03:53.
>>8890 cute
>>8894 it is illegal to acknowledge that children are real
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:03:25.
>>8896 3 is peak cute
It is illegal to acknowledge children are real
Edited last time by granny on 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:03:04.
>>8889 I forgot that the gaytext markdown I set on smolbox would not work on 8moe. I feel stupid.
>>8900 3 was peak cute you have to admit
>>8903 yeah

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