/hellkorea/ - South Korea. Man-Hating Country

South Korea. The world's lowest fertility rate. A country that treats its soldiers like garbage. Misandric. No future.

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The country with the lowest fertility rate in the world. Unpatriotic 04/03/2024 (Wed) 07:28:19 No. 2 [Reply]
As a man living in South Korea, the current gender war is reaching new extremes. The monsters that made South Korea into the country which has 0.65 fertility rate still treat men as potential offenders and rapists, and the soldiers who serve their country as meat barriers, killing machines, and slaves. They treat soldiers who suffer full-body burns because of mistake of demining as ugly monsters, and make fun of the army as if it were a camp or a vacation. They have tarnished their honor with mockery even in their condolence letters for soldiers, telling them they died well without showing the least bit of gratitude for their sacrifices for the country. They are treating babies like parasites, while at the same time threatening the nation with the possibility of childbirth as a weapon. Men are disgusted by such crazy women and either get international marriages, do MGTOW, or leave the country that despises men and settle in other countries. Reconciliation between the sexes is no longer possible, and men are acting solely for their own happiness, money, and freedom. https://gall.dcinside.com/neostock/4392054 https://gall.dcinside.com/dcbest/184300 https://gall.dcinside.com/dcbest/38027
1 post and 1 image omitted.
Their sense of superiority has already reached the sinful realm of pride. They are egotistical psychopaths who focus only on their own stress and have no empathy for the suffering of others. Their behavior is so powerful that even politicians are pandering to them for votes. The broadcasting and newspaper industry, which is dominated by older, single women, only publishes news that suits their tastes, and has remained silent about the nearly decade-long sextortion of men, the distribution of genital photos, and the distribution of gay pornography of male children. The men of South Korea are now fed up with this, and it has led them to a growing antipathy towards women, pushing them into black pills and MGTOW. Men's disgust with the institution of marriage has reached a fever pitch after seeing unfavorable custody and property division laws, resulting in a birth rate of 0.65.
Truly, it is Worst Korea.

The korean women's communities' reaction to the traffic accident near Seoul City Hall(2024.07.01 ~ 2024.07.02) ant 07/02/2024 (Tue) 08:44:21 No. 48 [Reply]
They said they were glad that only Korean men died. They also mocked the victims of this incident. sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/Luna02/comments/1dth06v/

이곳을 알게되어 기쁘다! Unpatriotic 06/19/2024 (Wed) 17:51:51 No. 46 [Reply]
이런 개꿀딱 사이트가 있었다니 주갤,무출갤,탈조선갤러들 너무 반갑다!

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Army also outraged by controversial taunt...“Congratulations on the death of a trainee” Unpatriotic 06/07/2024 (Fri) 17:33:18 No. 43 [Reply]
Army also outraged by controversial taunt...“Congratulations on the death of a trainee” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66z5ru2QwiI A post mocking the recent death of a trainee in the 12th Army's military discipline (얼차려) has been posted on WOMAD (워마드), a 'male abuse' community, causing controversy. As of the 7th, a post on WOMAD reads, “Congratulations on the death of trainee ○○○. The post, which was posted at dawn on the morning of the 30th of last month, the day of the deceased trainee's funeral, included a schedule of the trainee's funeral proceedings, a picture of the funeral casket, and a photo of the deceased trainee. The author mocked the deceased trainee by writing, “I hope you two can talk to each other in the afterlife,” referring to Sung Jae-gi, the head of the men's regiment who died in an accident while performing a throwing performance on Mapo Bridge in 2013. In response to the controversy, the Army demanded an immediate end to the defamatory behavior and a refrain from posting slanderous comments. “We deeply regret the mocking posts related to the martyrdom of our soldiers, as they are a serious affront to the honor of the deceased and their families,” an Army official said. “This behavior must stop immediately and we strongly urge you to refrain from posting such derogatory comments.”
In Korea, for some unknown reason, there are a lot of male hate groups and sites. A site called Women's Generation(여성시대) has more than 840,000 members, and a site called Zzuppang Cafe(쭉빵카페) has 1.5 million members. There's Hygall(해연갤), which distributed male child gay pornography, and Tdgall(투디갤), which is similar to that, and there's a site called Theqoo(더쿠), which cyberbullied a male police officer into committing suicide. There are so many that it's hard to list them all, and I'm sure there are at least a few million members of these male-hating sites.
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WOMAD has previously posted numerous photos of knives pointing at the back of adult men's heads and male infants, defaced communion, burned the Quran, posted photos of aborted and dismembered male fetuses covered in blood, and made the disgusting statement that “putting larvae on your face will make your skin better.”

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THE COUNTRY ITSELF IS A GIANT KOREAN WOMAN. Unpatriotic 06/04/2024 (Tue) 18:14:19 No. 42 [Reply]
THE COUNTRY ITSELF IS A GIANT KOREAN WOMAN. 国自体が巨大な韓女だ。 الدولة نفسها هي امرأة كورية عملاقة. Самата държава е гигантска корейска жена. 这个国家本身就是一个巨大的韩女。 Samotná země je obří korejská žena. Selve landet er en gigantisk koreansk kvinde. Het land zelf is een gigantische Koreaanse vrouw. Riik ise on hiiglaslik Korea naine.

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[Letter from a south korean soldier's mother] Son, son, if a war breaks out no korea 06/01/2024 (Sat) 12:06:56 No. 41 [Reply]
Please, you must escape. This country isn't worth sacrificing your life for. Only those who deserve it should receive it. Even if the military or anyone else tries to gaslight you, don't think about your mom, dad, or family. Please, just survive. I beg you. Politicians who, out of fear of others' opinions, can't even offer a word of condolence to your fallen comrades, the powerful figures who prioritize the mental stability of the perpetrators. There is no need to protect noble people who used all their power to exempt their children from military service. Because you are everything to this mother. Without you, the world would cease to exist... 넌 꼭 토껴라 이 나라는 너가 목숨바쳐 지켜줄 가치가 없다. 받을만한 자격이 있는 사람만이 받을 자격이 있단다. 군대가 뭐라 가스라이팅시켜도 엄마, 아빠 울가족들 생각지 말고 넌 꼭 살아남아라. 부탁이다. 눈치보느라 고인이 된 너의 전우에게

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The atmosphere in Korea has become very bad. Unpatriotic 05/27/2024 (Mon) 16:56:10 No. 40 [Reply]
A man-hating site with about 850,000 members, mostly unmarried 30-something hags, was caught trying to bury sex crimes against Korean men, children, and the U.S. Forces Korea by bringing up other cases where men were the perpetrators years ago. Statistics show that more than 90 percent of Korean journalists are unmarried women in their 30s, raising suspicions that there are ties between politics, media, and women's civil society organizations. Growing hostility among men toward the Ministry of National Defense for attempting to cover up two recent military deaths. In the first case, a grenade explosion killed a soldier, and in the second, a female company commander killed a trainee who had only just joined the training center for talking at night, forcing him to train in full military gear in the sweltering heat. In Korean internet communities, men are increasingly disgusted with their country, saying that "the country itself is a giant K-women," and are increasingly seeking to disassociate themselves from Korea by working abroad.

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韓国の雰囲気が非常に悪くなっている。 Unpatriotic 05/27/2024 (Mon) 14:35:14 No. 39 [Reply]
未婚の30代のおばさんが大半を占める約85万人の男性嫌悪サイトで、米軍と自国男性と未成年者を対象とした性犯罪に関する記事はほとんど出ず、数年前に男性が加害者であった別の事件を持ち出して隠蔽しようとする情況が発覚。 韓国メディアの90%を超える割合が未婚の30代女性という統計もあり、政治、メディア、女性市民団体に癒着関係があるのではないかという疑惑が絶えない。 最近2回連続して起こる兵士の死亡事件について隠蔽しようとする国防部に対する男性たちの敵意が強くなる。1つは手榴弾の爆発で兵士が死亡した事件で、もう1つは女性中隊長が規律を確立するため、訓練所に入所したばかりの訓練兵を夜中に騒いだという理由で、猛暑の中、完全武装状態で無理な訓練をさせて死に至らしめた事件である。 韓国のインターネットコミュニティでは「国自体が巨大な韓女だ」と、男性たちは祖国に対する嫌悪感が激しくなり、外国に就職して韓国と一切縁を切ろうとする動きがますます大きくなっている。 미혼의 30대 아줌마가 대부분인 약 85만 명의 남성혐오 사이트에서 미군과 자국남성과 미성년자를 대상으로 한 성범죄에 대한 기사는 거의 나오지 않고 몇년 전에 남성이 가해자였던 다른 사건을 들고와 묻어버리려는 정황이 발각됨. 한국 언론의 90%를 넘는 비율이 미혼 30대 여성이라는 통계도 있어 정치, 언론, 여성시민단체에 유착관계가 있지 않냐는 의심이 계속해서 나오는 중. 최근 2번 연달아 일어나는 군인들의 사망 사건에 대해 은폐를 시도하는 국방부에 대한 남자들의 적개심이 강해짐. 하나는 수류탄 폭발로 군인이 죽은 사건이고, 다른 하나는 여 중대장이 기강을 잡겠다고 훈련소에 들어온지 얼마 되지 않는 훈련병을 고작 밤에 떠들었다는 이유로 무더운 날씨에 완전군장 상태에서 무리한 훈련을 시켜서 죽게 만든 사건이다. 한국의 인터넷 커뮤니티에서 "나라 자체가 거대한 한녀다"라며, 남자들은 조국에 대한 혐오감이 격해지고, 외국으로 취직해서 한국에 일절 연을 끊으려는 움직임이 점점 커지고 있다.

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[South Korea] Death of a new recruit, 1.5-kilometer 'In Full Gear' running, and push-ups... against regulations Unpatriotic 05/27/2024 (Mon) 09:56:21 No. 37 [Reply]
https://n.news.naver.com/article/056/0011728975 According to the KBS report, the deceased recruit walked two laps of the barracks in full military gear, and then collapsed while running in full military gear as commanded. The combined distance of walking and running is estimated to be about 1.5 kilometers. “It is reported that he even did push-ups while in full gear, which weighs more than 20 kilograms,” a military official said. From the current information we have, the cause of the recruit's death is believed to be heat stroke, and it was a female company commander who pushed the recruit to his death. South Korea is currently facing a manpower shortage, with more than 95 percent of young men are forced to conscripted into the military service, and even men with disabilities or very weak bodies being forced into the army. Now, the country is preparing to send orphans into the army. South Korean internet public opinion says, “Female officers are trained less than soldiers, and they are usually on desk jobs, so they see male soldiers as objects to take out their anger on,” “After all, he died because he was a man,” and “They don't know how hard it is to train because they don't train like male soldiers.”

Unpatriotic 05/25/2024 (Sat) 08:02:56 No. 36 [Reply]
Why are the 84 million members of 'female version of Room N' called 'Celestial Dragons'... A look at their past behavior... https://n.news.naver.com/article/009/0005308668

Unpatriotic 05/21/2024 (Tue) 04:35:10 No. 35 [Reply]
‘여성판 N번방’ 방통위는 “위법” 카카오 “회원 신고 없어 제재 불가”(Despite Korea Communications Commission warnings, Kakao has refused to sanction ‘women’s version of Nth room’.) https://biz.chosun.com/topics/topics_social/2024/05/19/YBDBESYLQZCSRKQCSXTQDJBZ7E/

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The “female version of Room N” controversy: Double standards and legal issues Unpatriotic 05/17/2024 (Fri) 08:06:29 No. 34 [Reply]
https://themindwords.com/en/the-female-version-of-room-n-controversy-double-standards-and-legal-issues/ South Korea’s largest women-only community, with 844,000 members, has been mired in controversy over the “female version of Room N. On May 15, 2024, Maeil Business reported the story, stating that community members shared details of men they met on dating apps that matched them with foreign men inside the cafe. Posts shared in this community included real-life photos of foreign men exchanging information with lewd comments about their appearance and genitals. Among them were minors. Members of the group even created a list called the “Big Data Who’s Who of U.S. Military Men,” which they claimed to be an encyclopedia of American military personnel.

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韓国最大の女性専用の男性嫌悪サイトで、米軍、韓国人男性、未成年者を対象に大規模の性犯罪が起きた。 Unpatriotic 05/16/2024 (Thu) 15:02:07 No. 33 [Reply]

韓国最大の男性嫌悪サイト。10年以上も自国男性と米軍の個人情報や性器写真を流布していた。 Unpatriotic 05/16/2024 (Thu) 04:49:38 No. 30 [Reply]
女性時代(여성시대)と呼ばれる約85万人の会員を持ち、30代以上のおばちゃんたちが利用するコミュニティサイトで、一般人や軍人の個人情報を10年以上にわたって密かに流布し、お互いに共有し、男性に対するセクハラをしてきた。 3回以上、その件について公論化しようとする試みがあったが、マスコミはすでに未婚の30代女性が絶対多数を占めており、政治家も彼らの味方であったため、何の記事すら出てこなかった。 そのサイトは住民登録のような個人情報で加入することができ、サーバーが韓国にあったため、このような性犯罪は摘発できたはずなのに、何の措置も取られなかった。このような異常現象に対して、男性たちは、女性団体と政府、マスコミ、公権力が団結して意図的に沈黙していると考えた。 兵士と自国の男性を奴隷、生贄と考える韓国に希望を失った男性たちは、国内メディアではなく、海外サイトに情報を発信し始めた。たまたま、被害者がアメリカ人男性であったため、今になってその事態を取り上げた記事が一つだけ出てきた。 https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1cqk7hk/alert_soldiers_in_koreas_personalprivacy/?sort=new https://n.news.naver.com/article/009/0005303826
韓国には約500個以上の女性団体と女性部という政府機関が存在する。マスコミも未婚の30代以上のおばさんが占めているので、自分たちの好みに合った記事だけを掲載し、自分たちに不利な事件については何の記事も書かず沈黙することが多かった。 彼女たちの庇護の下、極端に男性を嫌悪する団体もいろいろと生まれてきた。休戦中で、2年間の軍隊生活をし、予備軍と民防訓練までして最低時給すらもらえない哀れな男性たちにどんな悪感情があるのかは分からないが、その男性嫌悪者たちは韓国全体に大きな悪行を犯しており、男性を潜在的な加害者扱いし、兵士たちを殺人機械、肉壁、奴隷扱いした。男が被害を受けたり、死ぬときはよく死んだと笑い、男子の胎児は中絶すべきだとか、幼虫や寄生虫のように扱った。
出会い系アプリで出会った男性の個人情報や性器写真を無断で拡散することもあるが、彼女たちは男児や、未成年者の性器写真もこっそり共有している。以前、"해연갤(海外芸能ギャラリー)"という男性蔑視サイトで活動するおばちゃんたちが男児ゲイポルノを共有し合い、それを見た男がFBIに通報したこともあった。 彼女たちは、男たちが2D絵で性欲を発散するのを阻止しようとするくせに、実在の男性アイドルを対象にエロ小説を書いたり、漫画で描いたりして、彼女たちのコミュニティやTwitterで拡散している。

여성시대 = A man-hating criminal site with a bunch of unmarried old ladies over 30. Unpatriotic 05/15/2024 (Wed) 12:06:13 No. 29 [Reply]
For more than a decade, a men-hating South Korean community site has been spreading private information and genital photos of South Korean men and U.S. soldiers. https://naver.me/FFSFcOuQ https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/1cqk7hk/alert_soldiers_in_koreas_personalprivacy/?sort=new

South Korea. One of the countries with the most whores in the world. Unpatriotic 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:01:49 No. 21 [Reply]
They don't sell their pussy for a living, they sell it for vanity and luxury they can't afford.

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