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/hiki/ Satou 04/27/2020 (Mon) 10:28:20 No. 1 [Reply]
Global rules apply. If you aren't scared of leaving your place of dwelling you do not belong here.
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>>115 Discord. 𝗬𝘂𝗶#4582
>>96 Well I do online work, but the rest is true. I just hate society and don't care to do anything out in the world. It's not ego-distonic, outside the interest of the self; I don't feel conflicted about it. Sometimes I imagine owning my own property and making things in a workshop, but then I remember that in these fantasies I have unlimited money which is not realistic, so that's never going to happen for real. drinking -> no. bad unhealthy. causes fat and small artery death. smoking and e-cigarettes -> bad unhealthy. causes small artery death. drugs -> illegal and gives only transient feelings that don't last. girlfriend -> women are low IQ narcissist who since time in memoriam have been parasites that steal sperm, money, and opportunity from men. The ones who live around me are rude and fat and ugly. education -> school doesn't teach you anything that will make your life better. Old people born in the 60s and 70s had to go back to school because there degrees don't keep value but they are still paying off the debt from the first time they went to college after going back to school, so it's all a big scam to take your money by promising you the moon and putting you in debt. work -> work that has a linear relationship between hours of labour and money earned is not sufficiently profit efficient and will be replaced with robots in the very near future, so there is too high an opportunity cost wasting your time at a dead end job that's going to be automated away. parents -> shitty workaholics who neglected and abused me all my life. turns out all they wanted was an obedient pet that would give them the 'mark on the bed post' of having a kid without any realistic proposition of creating an independent functional citizen; my parent don't care that I still live at home.

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Anonymous 05/04/2020 (Mon) 22:43:03 No. 11 [Reply] [Last]
Is this board already dead? Are there no hikkis who found it?
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Yup, dead. Even the Discords for hikis are dead, dead everywhere. A sea of ruins. There's a hikki on zzzchan also mostly dead, only discussion there is two guys arguing about the rules of their dead board.
dead dead, super dead
dead dead dead :((((

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No motivation for posting Anonymous 02/04/2022 (Fri) 21:13:02 No. 129 [Reply]
something must've happened to my psyche back in 2016, I used to be very active in a lot of chans, and overall tried to contribute to threads I knew about but ever since that damned year I can barely bring myself to type a few words before feeling like shit. from 2016 to 2022 I've made 9 posts, not more. why did this happen?
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today I found a little maggot on my bed
Posting is fruitless.
>>129 I enjoy the chance to talk anonymously with real people like me and i will never tire of it. Even if fruitless and probably not good for my psyche, or anything else for that matter, i could never stop.

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Making money as a hikki Anonymous 07/20/2020 (Mon) 02:34:30 No. 57 [Reply]
I remember back on 8chan we had a thread like this (before the incident) Out of personal interest and what not and the benefit of other hikkis i think it'd be good to remake this thread. What are some good ways to make money as a hikkimori? Since we're in a pandemic how much more viable is work at home jobs now? Neetbucks/goodboy points yea or nay?
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>>131 That's just depressing. If i could get off my ass i probably would do it.
>>125 It's a religion. We have our own cannon. We have are own media. We are the beautiful ones. The human race is going extinct just like Calhoun's rats.
>>72 >>61 it's a sin to take blood out of the body.

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can someone help a brother out chihirofujo 05/22/2022 (Sun) 10:29:31 No. 134 [Reply]
i can't do my fucken calc homework and there's nobody i know who can do it any math geniuses here?

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Learning the Nihongo Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 01:45:34 No. 87 [Reply]
Anyone try learning Japanese? I pick it up and put it back down ever couple of months. Everytime I get a little further, but never to a point when it feels like it's worth sticking with for longer then a few weeks at a time.
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>>89 >Rosetta Stone better to suck it up and watch childern's videos on youtube https://youtu.be/K-nw5EUxDz0
I learned a little grammar from a Japanese app on the android store while it was free but now they charge a subscription so I deleted it. I'm on and off learning the kana and katakana using the neocities kana tool. Sometimes I can read enough kana to look up words from an image! It's been a few months now but I want to get back to learning it. Reading Japanese would be amazing and being able to hear it would be even more amazing. I think I'll get there eventually but I have more pressing things to do before I can fully focus on learning it.
I kicked off learning it with Genki textbook, you can shit on it all you want for conventional grammar explanations, but it's greatly tailored for total novices in the way that it hand holds you to level up to at least pre-intermediate (although it would be better to practice the language outside of the material in the book of course), took me about 3 month to cover all of the main studying course, the workbook, 300 something kanji (learned just to recognize them though, not to draw), and the reading/writing section, My anki card count had been at around 3000 by the time I finished. Now I'm 4 month in, and there's still nothing much to brag about of course, but I think I'm on the right track, I'm subscribed to many youtubers, bookmarked a lot of sites and forums that teach Japanese, and pirated a ton of scanned books and dictionaries and whatnot, there's so much content and lessons to go from, it's just a blessing living in the digital era and having unlimited time on my hands. I'd say learning a new language is a very fulfilling experience and a good change of pace from jerking off and shitposting all day in my neet life. I with full confidence say that I pretty much don't want anything else from my life other than Japanese, all the content that I like is being produced in it, all the things and people I'm interested in is in it. there's literally no excuse not learn it all day every day, if I only I didn't get sidetracked by being hooked up to some video games again in the last few weeks, but I'm sure this phase won't drive me off my goal of course, mastery of Japanese is the only thing I could call a dream, without which everything else would seem like a waste.

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Coronavirus thread Anonymous 05/14/2020 (Thu) 07:00:47 No. 31 [Reply]
How's everyone doing during the lockdown? Genuinely curious; there's an /x/-tier theory going around that the lockdown is some sort of ritual to extract life energy or whatever from normalfags, and that shut-ins are benefiting from it too because the yid cultists refer to themselves as "the Seperated Ones". My life HAS improved a good bit in recent months, and I've heard one or two others say they experienced something similar. Has anyone else noticed things change for the better around the time of the lockdown?
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>Has anyone else noticed things change for the better around the time of the lockdown no, i've only been getting a bigger and bigger headache as more normalfags stay in. i can hear more bullshit in my neighbors apartments then ever before and there is always non-stop complaining about this shit, constant boomer tier complaints about masks being the root to evil or some shit. fucking hell i wish the wuflu was a real fucking deadly pandemic so these fuckers would just die already.
>>31 I was struck by how the normalnigger memes I came across on Kym and the like reflected my real life. I saw them "living like me". I'm generally happier because I've been seeing a therapist and fixing the parts of my life I don't like.

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Claning Up hikisan 02/16/2021 (Tue) 09:33:17 No. 91 [Reply]
I'm a hikki and I live with my mother who has abused me all my life. She also owns a dog. She makes me walk the dog. Often the bog will go into my room and knock over the garbage can. My garbage can is really cheap and crappy. My mother wants to throw out the can; it's like she's just throwing me out to solve her problem. If she replaces the can like she claims it will take months and will be replaced with an equally inferior model can. I believe this new can is a story she is making up just to get her way and to torture me more. Meanwhile since the dog is so intent on knocking over the can I have decided to leave it that way. Furthermore I will no longer be using garbage cans of any kind and will throw my trash on the floor in no specific area. I feel accomplished with this plan. I don't have to give a shit and my evil mother can continue not to take the trash out and let the dog play in it until the bog eats something poisonous and dies. How is the dead dog my fault if the house is already a hoarder's nest and I can't refill the wiper fluid in the car because the fresh fluid is in the garage behind dog shit and other things that I will break my neck on trying to get to the light switch. All of which has been done by my hoarder abuser mother. Is anyone else giving up on having their waste evacuated from the premises? I fell like a cell in science call that's going to die of living in it's own filth. -- hikisan
Don't expect her to take responsibility for her own failings. I mean, of course she ought to, but she doesn't sound honest enough for that. She sounds like the type who'd blame you for something that isn't your fault. Anyway, if she's not going to look out for you, you need to look out for yourself. Don't let yourself get in a bad way because of her negligence. Also, as someone who did something similar once: if you let trash cover your floor, bugs will show up. (I don't know about you, but I hate bugs.) Is there any way you can arrange things so that the trash can can't be knocked over? Like, put it against a wall and place some big things around it, or use tape to secure it? I think there are also youtube videos about keeping dogs from messing with trash, but I've never lived with a dog, so I don't really know what'd work.

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Banner Submissions Satou 05/09/2020 (Sat) 21:31:00 No. 23 [Reply]
Looking for some more banners for this board. No real rules, just make it hiki related in some way.
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>>53 I'm not quite sure what you're asking slavanon but that's a nice drawing of satou. Post more of them if you feel like it desu.
>>53 Write a book so everyone can be as miserable as you.
>>53 >Что делать, если я русский? Изучять стихотворения Йосифа Бродский.

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