Any site that doesn't operate like a normal booru is tricky. Sometimes you just have to babysit them.
I assume you are downloading through nitter, right? I
think the twitter API that nitter hooks into does not deliver tweets beyond about 3,000 tweets into the past, so if you are hitting that limit somehow, or if nitter has its own limit, that may explain it.
I have been getting reports recently that nitter has been giving '429 - server rources limited' or similar recently as well. This may be related, I am not sure.
I am not sure if the existing pixiv login script works right now, it has always been temperamental. If not, I think you'll have to use Hydrus Companion or similar to log in by copying your browser cookies to hydrus. Then pixiv will think your hydrus is you and it'll have access to private stuff.
Support here is not yet great. If you are importing from hard drive, they should import in filename order. If you are importing from a site, it will come in the order the site's parser pulls the URLs, which is usually good, sometimes reversed. The main problem is hydrus currently has integer timestamp for import time, so if two files are imported in the same second, they will sort randomly when you sort by import time. If this is what is hitting you, I apologise. At some point there will be a conversion to sub-second times, although a retroactive fix would likely be impossible.
I am hoping the eventual file alternates work will provide a nicer system than page tags. I agree they are clunky.