I wrote that parser. It's a png because Hydrus lets you export them as .png files for easy importing. If you're that worried just copy and paste this:
[58, "sankaku gallery page parser fixed", 2, ["sankaku gallery page parser fixed", "b29f9b48f7c6374d12e7d4cbb527f16fd3c725946dd6479c0684e5e0e1dea15f", [55, 1, [[], "example string"]], [], [26, 1, [[30, 4, ["Next page from rel link", 7, [27, 6, [[26, 1, [[62, 2, [0, "div", {}, 22, null, false, [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, "example string"]]]]]], 0, "next-page-url", [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, ""]], [55, 1, [[[1, 7]], "parsed information"]]]], 0, false, [6, 50]]], [30, 4, ["Thumbnail URLs", 7, [27, 6, [[26, 1, [[62, 2, [0, null, {"class": "content"}, null, null, false, [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, "example string"]]]], [62, 2, [0, null, {"class": "thumb"}, null, null, false, [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, "example string"]]]], [62, 2, [0, "a", {}, null, null, false, [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, "example string"]]]]]], 0, "href", [51, 1, [3, "", null, null, "example string"]], [55, 1, [[], "parsed information"]]]], 0, false, [7, 50]]]]], ["
https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/?next=3794306&tags=krystal"], {"url": "
And I suppose a parser could be designed to work in such a way it makes a shitload of network traffic to get you IP banned from a booru, honestly, mine might because sankakuchan hates people using their bandwidth yet has the most expansive collection of images imo. Also it's not too hard to make a image file into a malicious script, that used to/might still be an issue on Linux, it just requires you to execute the file which isn't really a concern with Hydrus.