If you are looking to get into coding something big, this sounds like a great project to go for–it worked for me! I can't speak about your personal situation, but my experience in doing this has been a lot more stress and failure than I expected. The actual code isn't too complicated, but dealing with mistakes and unusual situations (like this week, I had to deal with an issue where searching for '6+girls' on gelbooru with other tags fails because the tag separator is '+', so the combinations needs to be '6%2Bgirls+skirt', which adds a finicky extension to shit I thought was already sorted) is an endless battle. The gulf between 'I have an idea how this could work' and 'hey it works and people like it' is a sea of frustration. I am also not good at collaborating or generally talking to people, which has been a problem on and off.
Figuring out a workflow where I don't go crazy and can keep banging my head against a keyboard every week has been a large part of keeping the project together. I thought it would all be mathematical problem solving, like my programming classes in college, but as I am the only project member, it was instead that and ten other jobs. It takes hours and hours of research, planning, answering feedback, parsing obscure stackexchange articles on conflicting linux .so files, chasing up english-as-second-language bug reports, fighting off overambitious feature requests, and then actually putting text on screen to get stuff going at a v0.1 buggy state. And then, when you have a shaky prototype ready for others to try, you get thanks for your work (which feels great) and multiple bug reports and feature requests (which are all valid and absolutely appreciated but all fundamentally mean more stress for you). Reading your post at
>>10128 , I would recommend you try to make a very simple working model and ui first, and then iterate on that. Breadth first rather than depth first. I am not sure what your 'haven't really developed shit before' actually means–if you have never touched an ui library before, I recommend you start extremely basic, like 'Hello World!', and consider symlink-directory-structures once you have a bit more experience with the technical side. If you have never written a line of code before, I would recommend scaling way back and trying to solve a much simpler problem.
I made hydrus precisely to fix my own problem of managing files, so I think doing a similar thing is the right project to aim for. If you like what you are doing and get use out of it, then you will keep pushing when it sucks.
Although I am being a bit down here, I don't mean to suggest that hydrus is not worth it for me. I love working on it. Life is nothing without struggle, and I am overall very happy with what I have created, even if there are a thousand more things that need fixing. Have a browse through some of my code if you like and see if you enjoy working on getting a prototype going. If you can last through the first two weeks of excited adrenaline and then the next four weeks of establishing a proper workflow, you might have found something fun. Feel free to email me if you would like general advice on anything.