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Version 338 hydrus_dev 01/30/2019 (Wed) 23:15:46 Id: 5b9262 No. 11493
windows zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v338/Hydrus.Network.338.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v338/Hydrus.Network.338.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe os x app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v338/Hydrus.Network.338.-.OS.X.-.App.dmg linux tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v338/Hydrus.Network.338.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz source tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v338.tar.gz The recent v335 was an important update. If you are updating from v334 or earlier, please go read that release post for your special one-time update instructions and update to v335 before you try this week. Once you have updated to v335, the process for updating to anything newer is back to normal. I had a great week. There's some bug fixes and neat new tag stuff. tags After talking to some users this week, I decided to knuckle down and improve autocomplete tag input. This has been in the works for a long time, but I have had trouble just putting the time in. So, the autocompletes for both file searching (on pages) and tag management (on manage tags dialog) now work asynchronously! They search in the background, letting you continue typing smoothly without hanging you up. Large and laggy searches are cancelled mid-job as needed. Hitting enter before results come in is much smoother and more reliable, so if you just want to add simple tags like 'green eyes' by typing them in and hitting enter, it is much easier and less janky. I am very happy with this change. Improving the core experience is something I want to do more. That said, I did this in a slightly rough way (I am wrestling with some terrible ancient code here), so there may be some bugs for certain workflows. If you discover you are getting false positives when typing fast or any other strange behaviour, let me know. This new system may want some different fetch timing settings, as well. All feedback welcome, basically. Also, any 'selection tags' taglist on a regular page now lets you right-click->select all files with (selected tags)! If you select multiple tags for your right-click, you can either select the files with all the tags (AND), or those with any of the tags (OR). This is pretty neat, so give it a go! misc Pages now have a 'sort by approx bitrate' in their sort dropdown. This does a very basic (filesize / duration) calculation (putting durationless files on the smaller end) and lets you prioritise bloated gifs and other short, high-filesize (i.e. easy and useful to filter) vids. Gelbooru changed up how some of their URLs work, so they suddenly started giving 403s for the hydrus default downloader. This release folds in a new parser that works again and a couple of new downloaders for gelbooru user favourites and pools. I fixed an issue that meant preview view duration was ofter being counted in the new file viewing statistics system even while previews were in hidden pages. full list - after talking with some users, put a bit of time into tag autocomplete wolkflow. both read (search pages) and write (manage tags) autocomplete inputs now operate ~asynchronously~, with the tag fetch working on a separate thread. tag jobs can also now cancel at certain checkpoints in the tag search process if overwritten by a new request. therefore, a variety of tag lookup scenarios _should_ be less painful. this change was executed in a semi-inelegant way, so please report if you encounter bugs from fast typing etc… - I also improved some of the "I hit enter before results were in" code as a result of this. not sure I have it totally nailed, so please give feedback on errors here - wildcard search tags now have an explicit '(wildcard search)' after their label - taglists that have an attached page of media (basically the 'selection tags' box and the 'active search predicates' up top) now have a right-click menu entry to 'select files with (all these tags)' and, if more than one tag is selected, 'select files with (any of these tags)'! This is pretty neat in action, so give it a go! - added a 'sort by approx bitrate' file sorting option that does a basic filesize/duration so you can filter out dense gifs and other short-but-big vids a bit easier. anything without a duration is shoved to the 'smallest' side - some of the file sort options now default to their respective 'biggest' first, see how you like it - folded in updated gelbooru file page parser (fixing the 403 errors that just appeared) and added searches for gelbooru user favourites and pools - if a gallery or watchable url ends up in the file processing queue (and hence fails), it now says the believed-to-be url class name in the error, which should help some false positive url class matching debugging - fixed a focused-file selection issue that meant preview viewtime was frequently counting in file viewing statistics even while a page was not currently in view - fixed the local booru review service panel, which wasn't fully deleting shares when the button was clicked - wrote a service object and basic server skeleton for the client api (basically refactoring the existing local booru code). client api now appears in manage and review services and can boot and present the normal hydrus browser welcome page at '/' - the client api and the local booru now have an 'allow non-local connections' checkbox! defaulting to off and on respectively - updated a wx-thread call function to more safely and universally deal with instances where the responsible window died before the call could be made - removed some old experimental crypto code that isn't used any more–pycryptodome is no longer needed to run the program from source - improved some misc client service code
[Expand Post]- deleted some old unused code - misc cleanup - updated to ffmpeg 4.1 on windows release - updated to sqlite 3.26 on windows release - updated to wxpython 4.0.4 on all platforms next week The Client API continued to go better than expected this week. If you explore manage/review services, you'll see the stubs of the new 'client api' service and can even boot a skeleton server. I'll work on a bit more ui and access code this week, and with a bit of luck, I'll actually have it doing something fun for v339.
the fuck is that image? modded game or someone being stupid with something like source filmmaker? also what's up with the exe version?
>The recent v335 was an important update. If you are updating from v334 or earlier, please go read that release post for your special one-time update instructions and update to v335 before you try this week. Once you have updated to v335, the process for updating to anything newer is back to normal. I did, I'm still not sure what I'm fucking up. I even tried the automated .exe for v335 but still nothing.
Hey lads, the first exe installer I put out earlier was broken–it wasn't updating four wx dlls in the base dir. The new exe link in the OP is now the fixed installer. If you got the 338 exe within about 50mins of the post going up and you can't run the client, please get the new one and try again. I am sorry for this problem. Due to a testing mistake, I missed it.
>>11495 Hey, did you get hit by my bad exe just now, as per >>11496? If you updated to this 338 just after my OP went up and your client doesn't boot, please try the new link in the OP, which is a fixed exe installer. If you are having trouble with the 334->335 step, what happens when you try to run the client?
>>11498 >Hey, did you get hit by my bad exe just now, as per >>11496? No, it was the 335 exe, before that I tried the 337, 336 and 335 zip. >If you are having trouble with the 334->335 step, what happens when you try to run the client? I run client.exe and nothing happens, when I check on the processes I can see that the process starts then instantly closed. It's either FUBAR or somehow regarded as a normal execution because it doesn't leave any crash logs anywhere.
>>11499 The 335 exe installer is supposed to perform the 'clean install', as described in the 335 release post, automatically. If your install directory has had some custom changes, it might have not removed everything it needed to. Something else might have gone wrong as well. If you have a backup, please roll back to it. If not, you might like to make one right now–copy everything in your install_dir/db folder to a usb drive with some space. Then try following the 'clean install' instructions for 'extract only' users in the 335 release post. Read it fully, but essentially you'll be manually deleting everything in the install dir except the 'db' directory and its contents (where your db and all your files are) and then extracting the new 335 onto that. If you are a Windows 7 user, you may need to some OS updates and the VCRedist 2015 to run the new build. If you still have problems, what version are you updating from? Is it fairly recent, like 330-334, or much earlier?
>>11500 >Read it fully, but essentially you'll be manually deleting everything in the install dir except the 'db' directory and its contents (where your db and all your files are) and then extracting the new 335 onto that. I tried installing it, both the zips and the exe, to a new folder just to be sure, same thing happened. >you may need to some OS updates That might be the problem. >Is it fairly recent, like 330-334, 334
>>11501 Ah, right. I think this is the chain you want: >>11260 Just install the updates seems to be the solution. A couple of guys had that. If you can't get Win7 updates for now, if you do another clean install and revert back by installing 334, you should be good to use that for now. Since 335 never booted, it never had the opportunity to update your db. Let me know if you discover anything new.
>>11502 334 is working. I'll try updating though. It's been so fucking long windows updater needed an update.
>>11497 My ex plays this game, it's Assetto Corsa
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>>11503 there's_your_problem.png
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>>11505 Finally got it to boot up, it was a problem with the updates. I tried installing them bit by bit so I wouldn't end up with useless updates, but in the end I had to install pretty much all important updates. I'm not sure if there's one update in specific that fixed it, or if all important updates were needed, but here's the last batch of updates I did before it finally ran.
>updated a wx-thread call function to more safely and universally deal with instances where the responsible window died before the call could be made >updated to wxpython 4.0.4 on all platforms nice, hope this clears up that broken context menus.
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Hello. The memory issue when regenerating autocomplete cache still seems to be an issue for me. After about 15 minutes, ram usage constantly increases until it maxes out and forcibly closes. I'm regenerating since I believe my autocomplete was borked in the past. If there's an alternative way to do this, please let me know, thanks.
>>11511 So you have to have wangblows 10 botnet updates to run this thing? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of staying on Windows 7? This software is effectively unusable then.
>>11505 >>11503 >>11511 Thanks for this. I am glad we got it sorted. >>11519 As I understand, the new python is built on a new VC++ compiler that has dlls/whatever that Win7 will have to update to get. There is more info here: https://wiki.python.org/moin/WindowsCompilers I don't know all the technical details though. I had thought it was just the VCRedist 2015, but it seems there is this update stuff as well. Thankfully Win7 isn't completely written off yet.
>>11518 Thank you for this report. I am afraid I have not yet done the 'breaking into chunks' work here to fix your problem. It is in my to-do list.
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So I'm suddenly getting the occasional FileMissingException error while browsing my collection. I closed Hydrus and check my drive with chkdsk and finding no issues. Then I go and look in the actual client_files folder if the file is really missing, and it's not! Well, it kind of is but not really. It exists as a webm file but Hydrus seems to think it should be a mkv file! It even has a medium:webm tag so I know that's what it's supposed to be. To be clear the file exists as [hash].webm but Hydrus throws an error saying [hash].mkv does not exist. What the hell is going on? FileMissingException
No file found at path + X:\Hydrus\dbs\db_hentai\client_files\f4f\4fc881551b39b7b9d01d4007ce2d27b584b5f50721a103f2cd73720163bb41ea.mkv!
File "include\ClientGUICanvas.py", line 415, in EventPaint
self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, self.GetClientSize(), init_position = self._current_frame_index )
File "include\ClientRendering.py", line 205, in __init__
RasterContainer.__init__( self, media, target_resolution )
File "include\ClientRendering.py", line 188, in __init__
self._path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 1068, in GetFilePath
return self.LocklessGetFilePath( hash, mime = mime, check_file_exists = check_file_exists )
File "include\ClientCaches.py", line 1141, in LocklessGetFilePath
raise HydrusExceptions.FileMissingException( 'No file found at path + ' + path + '!' )
>>11524 Got Hydrus 335 to run by installing all Windows 7 updates released before 2017 and running Ancile to supposedly deactivate the botnet stuff, might want to add that to the instructions. Here's a link to the script if anyone's interested. https://bitbucket.org/ancile_development/ancile/downloads/
>>11533 windows offline updater, and look for a list of suspect updates and hard block them, that way you have all the updates with none of the bullshit. and this is a good 2400% faster then normal windows update if I remember correctly.
>>11528 Thank you for this report. This is odd and interesting. My first guess is perhaps that file got reparsed at some point with newer code/ffmpeg, so while the db entry considers it more accurately now an mkv, the file structure does not. Do you ever do right-click->repare and regen thumbs on your movies? I had not considered this when I wrote this routine (I was thinking of frame counts and bad thumbs at the time). I will update the routine so it updates the file storage as well, and I'll see if I can get it to auto-heal retroactive extension problems like this too. I may not have time to do this today, but please let me know how you get on with this as I roll it out. If you would like to fix it immediately, you can just manually rename the file's extension in client_files. Afaik, that's the only problem here. If you believe the file really should be detected as a webm rather than mkv, and it isn't private, please post it here or email it to me and I'll have another look at my parsing.
>>11533 Thanks, I will.
>>11536 >Do you ever do right-click->repare and regen thumbs on your movies? Yes, in fact I did this on all my videos because I'm the guy who had Hydrus randomly generate broken green thumbnails for videos (which seems to be fixed now by the way, if not by you then perhaps because I got a new computer and switched from Windows 7 to 10). An auto-fix would be nice because it has happened to a lot more than just that one video. Is webm and mkv very close in how the files are structured? Because most of these were downloaded from gelbooru which lists them as webm. But I guess it doesn't really matter if the hash stays the same.
>>11540 Yeah, iirc, a webm is just an mkv with VP8/9 video and vorbis audio, I think. All webms are mkvs–they are a subset. I think the idea was to guarantee a limited mkv format that would work on all devices for HTML5 streaming etc… I could also have some of my ffmpeg parsing wrong here, or had it wrong when you did this reparse. I used to use an external library to figure this out, and now I compare ffmpeg output specifically. If you run the reparse again, maybe it'll flip back to webm! Anyway, should be fixed for tomorrow. Let me know if you still have any trouble.

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