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Version 339 hydrus_dev 02/06/2019 (Wed) 23:23:04 Id: 7c3464 No. 11548
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKrVC4lTJVE windows zip: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v339/Hydrus.Network.339.-.Windows.-.Extract.only.zip exe: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v339/Hydrus.Network.339.-.Windows.-.Installer.exe os x app: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v339/Hydrus.Network.339.-.OS.X.-.App.dmg linux tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/releases/download/v339/Hydrus.Network.339.-.Linux.-.Executable.tar.gz source tar.gz: https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/archive/v339.tar.gz I had a good week. I fixed some bugs and finished one part of the Client API. client api (This is only for advanced users for now.) The Client API is now ready for some experimentation! Although most of this work has gone much faster than I expected, the last step of actually writing the server commands along with some half-decent test code and help documentation is proving a little slower. This week rolls out 'set up API access' and 'add urls' functionality. In the coming weeks, I will roll out 'add file', 'add tags', and 'search files' commands. The basic (under construction) outline is here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/client_api.html If you are interested in writing a script to talk to the Client API, please have a play with the new service under manage services and review services and see if you can get some fun going. I am interested to hear your feedback and to help if you run into trouble. misc I messed up several things last week, thank you for the quick reports. The bugs with ratings service sorting, the manage import folder dialog, and setting a UPnP port on the local booru/client api are now all fixed. I also added a button to the ratings' review services panel that allows you to delete ratings en masse based on several file categories. If you have wanted to clear all the ratings for your deleted files, check it out! full list - client api: - wrote some ui to handle client api permissions adding and editing - wrote a 'catch a permissions request' mini-dialog for external api permissions adding - wrote api calls: - GET - /api_version - /request_new_permissions - /verify_access_key - /add_urls/get_url_info - POST - /add_urls/add_url - and made a new 'client api' help page to describe in detail what these do - wrote fairly comprehensive unit tests for the new client api - refactored a bunch of 'hydrus network' specific stuff away from general server code that the client api now uses - neatened up 401 vs 403 error handling across the program, and replaced some clientside error handling that was inelegantly borrowing these network errors - deleted very old prototype file/thumbnail client server fetch code, which was no longer in use
[Expand Post]- . - misc and bug fixes: - added a 'clear ratings' button to the ratings service 'review services' panels. it can clear out ratings for deleted, non-local, or _all_ files - the '3 downloaders are working, is it ok to close the client?' message is now folded into the 'confirm client exit (auto-yes in 15s)' dialog. this merged dialog will still appear for users who have the regular confirm client exit dialog turned off (and still auto-yeses in 15s) - the file url downloader now reports 'downloading file' and 'importing url' text status separately - fixed a typo bug from last week that was breaking asc/desc ratings service sorting - fixed a typo bug from last week that was stopping manage import folders from opening - fixed a typo bug from last week that was breaking setting upnp port on the local booru/client api service management panel - the advanced file reparse-and-re-thumbnailing routine now correctly moves a file to its new extension if its mime changes (e.g. png->apng, or webm/mkv distinctions) - the client file manager now silently detects and auto-repairs instances of missing files where the file actually does exist, just with the wrong extension - fixed a url parsing issue that was normalise-mangling url classes with no path but some query parameters - the network engine now uses utf-8 decoding when no specific encoding is set (previously ISO-8859-1) - fixed an ffmpeg video parsing bug when the video included Shift-JIS metadata. it should work for other unusual encodings as well - maybe cleaned up some menubar management code - the filename tagging dialog now uses a notebook for service choice, like the manage tags dialog, rather than the janky old listbook - fixed a py2-to-3 issue with the admin-only 'is server currently busy' check while a backup is running - improved some dialog button event handling. it may completely fix the 'trytoendmodal' issue some users run into - improved some JSON db serialisation error reporting code, trying to pin down an issue several users have seen with session save - improved thread-safety of serialisable objects as they serialise - misc improvements and cleanup next week More Client API stuff. I did 'add urls' this week because it was the simplest. I think I can do 'add file' and 'add tags', and we'll see how much of 'search files' I can do as well. I had meant to try out some high-resolution support for the OS X release this week, but it kept getting put off. I realised I had missed it again just now and tried to slip it in, but my first attempt did not go perfectly. Rather than try to rush it together in the last moments of the week, I have decided to instead give it another go for 340. Sorry for the delay!
Updating from 336 to 339 worked mostly fine, but when attempting to open a random file (not that large either), after running in ~15 minutes, it crashed with an segmentation fault (SIGSEGV). Running source on antergos linux. I'm guessing it has something to do with the wxpython upgrade some updates ago.
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I'm just here to say thanks for all the work you are putting in. Awesome. Even if I am sadly not the kind of autist to download boorus meaning it's probably not really a 'file manager'. I use it regardless, thanks! Will the audio for videos and general image viewer buggines be fixed.?
I'm yet to update to V339 from V335, but reading the changelogs some changes made me happy. >- duplicate content merging now applies to pending as well as current tags I had some dupes I was trying to clean but I noticed pend tags weren't merging, so I just gave up lol. >- taglists that have an attached page of media now have a right-click menu entry to 'select files with (all these tags)' and, if more than one tag is selected, 'select files with (any of these tags)'! This paired with 'Open selection in new page' and 'Remove selection from view' sounds golden. >- added a 'sort by approx bitrate' file sorting option that does a basic filesize/duration so you can filter out dense gifs and other short-but-big vids a bit easier. anything without a duration is shoved to the 'smallest' side Been thinking of searching for such files but doing it manually is really not optimal. The change to python3 makes hydrus feel much faster. Also the autocomplete optimization sounds great. Thanks for another release!
Tabs are now failing to close. AttributeError
'PagesNotebook' object has no attribute 'TestAbleToClose'
File "include\ClientGUIPages.py", line 1782, in EventMiddleClick
self._ClosePage( tab_index )
File "include\ClientGUIPages.py", line 907, in _ClosePage
Is it a known issue that webm downloads now get ignored with "Unknown filetype!" error? Here is an example file url that produces the error when I paste it into a url import tab: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/7525386 I'm running the Linux binary on Ubuntu 18.04 with KDE Plasma Desktop. (More about the minor issues that causes later, lol.)
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You done goofed. Pages of pages aren't closing anymore. Everything else seems to close just fine though. I was just using v338 and it was working, so it's something with this version.
>>11556 >>11552 SHIT Thank you for this report. I will have this fixed for next week. If this is very inconvenient for you, there are no db updates in 338->339, so it is possible to roll back to 338 this week. >>11554 I am afraid this works on my machine here. Can you post the full error trace (should be right-click->copy notes in the file import status window)? And what version of ffmpeg do you have under help->about? Do any mp4s work, or just webms are broken? If you have an mkv to test with, is that ok? If you download the file to your desktop using your browser, open a terminal and go: ffmpeg -i (that.webm) What does it say?
I have asked about this before, and I believe you said it couldn't be done current, however I found out a new thing and i'm wondering if you can do anything with it. on startup, I have every single one of these categories smushed to the right side, and a big fuck off area for the name of the thread, and I wondered about if there was a way to have it more evenly distributed, possibly having values stored along with the way the ui is set up in that sash position. well I just updated today, and I double clicked the blue circled line by accident, and it moved the thing perfectly, it did this for each one when I clicked them. is there any kind of a button or function that could use this to do them all at once on a page, or all at once for the entire program?
>>11557 I got pretty blackpilled about this 'page of pages' bug and the shit from 338. Little bugs keep happening due to normal mistakes. I can't expect to get rid of stupid errors by wishing them gone, so I am going to write a proper ui test suite to make sure this common stuff typo-breaking doesn't slip into releases any more. Keep the reports coming, thanks lads.
>>11549 Thank you for this report. I am afraid there aren't many super easy answers here. There seems to be some instability remaining in some Linux flavours due to some part of window manager, GTK, wx, or my code not working well together. My best advice is to try running from source, but that isn't working for everyone either. When you installed wxPython, did you build it yourself or get a packaged wheel, like this?: pip3 install -f https://extras.wxpython.org/wxPython4/extras/linux/gtk2/(best match for your linux) wxPython I had bad luck with GTK3, so I build for 2 now. I know some window managers cause more or fewer problems as well. wxPython 4.0.4 came out last month, iirc, so if your wx is older, you might like to try getting the new version. If you can pin down behaviours (in the past it has often been specific dialogs opening and doing a certain action) that seem to increase the likelihood of certain crashes, happening between 1-60 mins before the crash, that would be helpful to me in narrowing down any objects I am not destroying or handling correctly. I had thought I eventually fixed all these in the long time ago wxPhoenix update, but there could still be a couple more out there.
>>11550 Thanks, I am glad you like it! The current in-client video player is all mickey-mouse shit I threw together. I don't have any experience with audio, which is why it doesn't do any yet. I would very much like to add it, if it is technically reasonable for my python/wx situation, but the project will be a 'big' one. I am currently working on the Client API as my big job, and I'll add OR searching after that, and then I'll throw up another big list of big jobs to work on next for people to vote on. Can you talk more about the image viewer bugginess you've had? It might be something just you are getting, or something I haven't noticed yet, and that I can fix quickly. Although some stuff like zooming in to big files is janky and memory laggy, and again will likely have to await another 'big' job so I can rewrite the rendering pipeline.
>>11551 Thanks! If you end up doing tag select followed by other actions, let me know how the workflow goes. I've been thinking there isn't a good connection after the select step, so you get "which thumbs got selected? oh, right, there, now I'll right-click on it". When the number of files selected is 3/700, it is unreasonable to chase them down for an action. Iirc, there's a default shortcut of ctrl+m for 'put focus on media (thumbnail) panel', so if you want to remove, you might get away with 'select files with x' and then ctrl+m, +r for a quick action.
>>11562 I am not sure about doing them all at once across the program, but I will start on column width memory and selection memory once I am finished with replacing the old list objects still in the program. I have 17 left to do. I am sorry for the annoyance–I find the bad auto-widths frustrating as well. I haven't had a good time with the stock wx ListCtrl.
Advanced tag operation, copy current and pending tags from local tags to PTR doesn't seem to do anything. What gives?
>>11557 "Unknown filetype!" is all it shows when I select copy notes. I tried this mp4 file and got "File did not appear to have a video stream!": https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/7530098 Now here seems to be the real problem. The about window says "FFMPEG: unknown". The version I have installed should be the default from the ubuntu repository. When I run it in the terminal it says "ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1". When I check the file with it, it says: "Input #0, matroska,webm, from '1c148da01b4512090e9e7e0a54f27789.webm': Metadata: creation_time : 2019-02-07T09:14:03.000000Z ENCODER : Lavf57.83.100 Duration: 00:00:10.05, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 3031 kb/s Stream #0:0: Video: vp8, yuv420p(progressive), 1280x720, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 14.93 fps, 14.93 tbr, 1k tbn, 1k tbc (default) Metadata: ENCODER : Lavc57.107.100 libvpx DURATION : 00:00:06.040000000 At least one output file must be specified" Looks as expected, I assume.
>>11548 Not sure whats the deal but 399 has a major performance drop from 338. The program was 1.2GB Ram for the same thing as 300MB Ram in 338 and it was laggy. I rolledback back to 338 and everything's normal again performance wise. It did give me a warning about the db being 339 but program as 338 though.
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Can the tag dialog be fixed on linux at some point? I've had it for at least half a year and it's fairly annoying that I have to use the keyboard to select system tags and can't access some of the filters at all
>>11548 Question, does the db backup also backup subscriptions and the like? If not then how would I go about that?
>>11576 Thank you for this report. I will check this today.
>>11579 Thank you. I assume you are using my built release? The way PyInstaller packages/freezes the build means the environment and PATH of the process is a little odd under Linux. In order to call your system's external ffmpeg, I have to move some things around for the child process call. Did this used to work for you? Maybe changed with the py3 release in 335? If you hit network->data->manage upnp, do you get a similar problem, or does it (after a few seconds) load your upnp mappings ok? (I am assuming here your router is happy with the mapping call, but even then I think you'll get an error saying like "Router doesn't support upnp" rather than "Weird shit happened with the upnpc executable". If that works, then it looks like your client can talk to exes with fixed paths, so the temporary solution here is likely to just download a Linux static build here: https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/ And literally put the 'ffmpeg' executable in your install_dir/bin folder. Whether that works or not, I have written a new ''help->debug->report modes->subprocess report mode" mode to report more information about your path and subprocess arguments for tomorrow's release. Please attempt to do an ffmpeg import in v340 and see what environment info it gives. This may include private info, so please blank out personal stuff or just email it to me. Furthermore, do you know where your system ffmpeg is? Is it in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, or somewhere else?
>>11579 Oh yeah, and that ffmpeg output is correct. Everything is fine there–hydrus just can't find the exe atm.
>>11583 Thank you for this report. Yeah, mine is running about 800-1GB after running all week, but a restart only needs 273MB. There's nothing that obviously stands out to me that I've changed, memory-wise. Maybe the menubar stuff. I don't think I even updated any libraries. Is the memory bloat you see from a fresh boot of 339, or does it grow over time? I forgot to try this myself on my above restart, but if you hit help->debug->data actions->clear image rendering cache, does that cut much from it? Also, can you try hitting help->debug->data actions->print garbage? It'll dump a whole load of shit to your log under your install_dir/db directory–scan what it dumps for privacy and then please post it here (or email it to me). Now I am in py3, I'd like to add a proper memory profiler this year, but until then, the garbage log may highlight something.
>>11596 After a bit more poking around, I think regular garbage collection wasn't running for some reason. I'll do some more work on this today, it may be related to another issue.
>>11587 Thank you for this report. Just to check, this is non-Windows, right? Did you happen to migrate an install from Windows? I have had the worst luck trying to get the floating version of the autocomplete to work on non-Windows for these sorts of focus issues, so Linux and OS X installs start with it always in embedded mode, like how the 'manage tags dialog' works. Please hit options->gui->always embed autocomplete dropdown results window and let me know if that works better.
>>11599 Thank you, it's working now. I almost was about to post that it still wasn't working but the client crashed when I was about to take a screenshot and it started to work after the restart.
>>11599 Oh, and to add to your question: I indeed have migrated from Windows long time ago. I just tried a fresh install and it defaults to that setting, so the problem was just outdated defaults. If I wasn't pantsu-on-head retarded, I would've checked if it was working on a fresh install first. Sorry for wasting time.
>>11603 I reinstalled 339 and havent noticed the memory spike as bad as before but it is locking up and stops responding pretty often so i still end up having to restart anyways for any downloading. the program still works for main archival and search though.

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