Hey dev, mobilefag here. Got a quick demo up and running. I've put in the ability to manage accounts (in case you have several different hydrus clients/access keys) and a browse page which just grabs some files from the /search_files endpoint for the time being. Glad to see the progress being put into the client api!
I'm going to have to do some lurking when it comes to understanding the importing/scraping features seeing as I don't use them at all. However I figure it's important for other users and it's a part of the api so I want to include it as well.
One thing I noticed when toying around with the client api was searching using namespaces seems to be wonky.
-namespace:* does not work in client api
-namespace: does not work in client api
namespace:* does not work in client api
namespace: DOES work in client api
As you can see, negating does not work at all, and non-negating searches only work without the star (even though in the program itself either are fine). And are "system:" namespaces available for this endpoint? I tried "system:rating for Quality = rated" (A numerical rating service) for example and got nothing
Anyway some features I'd really love :
- A tag search endpoint! I feel this is a must for me before I'd consider release. I need to be able to query for what tags are available, so that I can power an autocomplete search in the app. That and be able to list/manage tags in their own page.
- Pagination support for search endpoints. If I could send an items_per_page, and page parameter to fetch items chunks at a time that'd be great
- Sort support. The app has a great sort feature that's currently absent from the api. it would be nice to be able to sort by image size, random, etc.