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I think tags and namespaces are mostly a question of use, different objectives will need different tags and namespaces.
I have two different Hydruses? I'm currently using.
The first is a porn DB, on this case I'm mostly interested in the girl and what she's doing.
How many dudes, how many girls, how many girls and dudes together (say there's two girls fucking a guy and one watching, that'd mean girl:3 buy gbr:2), if the pic is censored, and if so what kind of censor. Tags like characters (though I'll eventually remove male characters since it's useless in this case), series and creator.
Then lewd tags like sex: since those tags are always fucked up and I like to be more specific. Sex:sex means vaginal sex, sex:blow means dick in mouth, if she's just liking the dick that's sex:lick, then sex:oral is the parent that includes sex:blow, sex:lick and a few others. cum: tag is about how and where, pic related shows the girl after a bird pooped on them, so that's cum:post, I'll eventually tag them as cum:on pussy, cum:breasts and the like.
There's also characteristics, how clothed they are(if you can see the breasts/nipples, though clothing itself will be grouped into a huge fuck it clothes: tag), size of the breasts and ass, height. Race tag since it bundles up a bunch of characteristics as well.
Lastly there's more meta shit, like site: which I use for md5 tagging, so I won't waste time searching for the same pic everytime. dtype: 2d/3dcg/3dn(jav and nip porn)/3dw(everything else 3d)/3do(anything real that isn't a person) and ftype which is kinda subjective type:h means there's some kind of obvious lewd shit(sex/cum/implied sex), nonh means it's mostly fine ranges from cute shit to non lewd nudity, then there's semih which is the middle ground, anything from fully clothed chicks I thought were hot to fully naked doing everything but explicitly insinuating sex. Basically nonh is "I can't fap to this" and H is sex.
The art DB is simpler since I don't waste as much time sorting through it.
Basically what is the format of the file, what dimension is it(simply 2d/3dcg/3d this time).
Type is what the file is, type:resource means it doesn't explain shit and just shows you how the result looks, type:show means it kinda shows how you get it to look like it should and type:tutorial means it shows you how you get to that, explaining anatomy and shit.
Then there's the subject of the file and anatomy: tags to go into what it teaches, then each tag of anatomy: has it's own tags.
Say I want some reference for legs, type:resource anatomy:legs works. But if I want some tutorial on how the muscle goes over the bones, type:tutorial legs:bones.
Also, neither file is fully tagged.