Hey, sorry for the delay. I am all caught up on IRL shit and hope to clear out all my messages today.
Thanks for explaining. I am not a big pixiv user, so I don't know much about it. I think I rolled out a new pixiv parser about three/four weeks ago when they updated their API. I generally cull my default parsers so they do not have lots of tags, especially site-specific ones, which I think is why you are not getting it any more.
The guys who put new pixiv parsers up on the github tend to me more enthusiastic about id tags and so on. This one does include 'pixiv id' and 'pixiv work' tags:
I think that is the one I used to make the new slimmed-down default.
Since you are more familiar with the advanced UI here, you can check what sorts of tags you get from a parser by going to
manage parsers and going into the parser itself and clicking 'content parsers'. Pic related, you can see what that github one tries to get.
The easy-png-import process is
supposed to completely overwrite what you are currently using with what you import, but if you want to check, check out
manage url class links again to make sure you are lined up with that new parser that gets the id/work tags. You can also do a test run in that
manage parsers UI to make sure it is getting what you want.
Then I suggest you open a big search for all files with a pixiv url but no id tag and then ctrl+a and
right-click->known urls->copy->pixiv file page urls , then open a new 'url downloader' page and set the
tag import options to get tags even if urls recognised and file and in db, and then paste all those urls in. It should catch you up with the missing tags without trying to download the actual files again.
Sorry again for my lateness and confusion here. Please let me know if you have any more trouble.