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you don't have a right to privacy if India Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 17:09:53 Id: 41f83f No. 7268
you don't have a right to privacy if you're an Indian citizen 1 no constitutional right Indian constitution does not give you a right to privacy (there have been multiple verdicts in favour of this argument in past) 2 *gulp* I ate this 3 .gov.in .... smh poojeet gobermint sites are run and configured by minimum wage WITCH slave in his wage-cage. there is sensitive poojeet citizen data on sites that is published on the internet as if it is the poojeet gobermints personal notice board. there is almost 4 generations(i.e since the independce of india) worth of citizen data freely floating on the interwebz because poojeets can't into information security. based on my experience with american sites, atleast they need you to create an account and then ask the permission from whoever is the data owner/agent to get your hands on the data. to understand the severity all you have to do is take a look at Chinese data dumps of .gov.in websites. 4 parampara poojeet populace at mass does not care about privacy and data security. a lot of Indians like to flaunt themselves and be the centre of attention. and a lot of them also like to jump on the new shiny thing when it comes to technology without thinking how it is going to affect their data privacy. this culture creates the perfect breeding ground for a privacy and data crisis. 5 developers! developers! developers! poojeet IT """stuartups"""" and corpos are a whole different ball games with their pathetic infra and atrocious to no attempt at securing their customer data. I have seen cases where poojeet corpos were dropped by their yuropian clients because they couldn't cope with the GDPR. 6 the poodhar card and its consequences have been disastrous for the Indian race your retina scan, fingerprint scan, address, contact info etc is stored in some TCS database in west-bengal and it gets ass-raped by chinks every two months. I wouldn't be surprised if the chinks have more Indian citizen data than the poojeet government itself. 7 mass surveillance and incompetency poojeet governments historically (no matter who's in power) have been pro surveillance (blackberry fiasco, telecom bills). fast-tag, UPI, aadhar card, student registries, e-kyc, push for electric cars, getting in bed with ISPs and various pro surveillance bills have made their intentions clear. these are dystopian technologies under the veil of convenience. but, keep in mind that all this data is stored by the *CURRENT GOBERMINT*s favourite IT babu and their dubious storage plants. and I highly doubt their competency at handling this data. 8 made in india... profit? in brootal india everyone needs to feed their, their malnourished kids and their extended family. selling data is a quick and easy way to earn moniesz. especially in a poor country like India where hunger is far more important than ethics and morality. your PG, requires you to give out you entire kundali, poodhar card and the number of people you slept with before renting you a room. I see many of them need you to register your fingerprints in order get a room nowadays lmao. the data sold to the data brokers. your society committe requires you to sign up for sketchy society management apps and makes you to perform the blade runner verification ritual before passing through the society gates. everything is sold to make a quick ruppee. your favourute goyslop cashier who refuses to give you a physical receipt and instead asks for phone number is made to do so to gather your eating habits to be analyzed and sold later. uber, ola customer support people have access to your contacts, start and end destination. it is sold to the sketchy call centers and third party cab services. your colleges, tuition classes, have your contact information, age, education data. they too sell the data to the other higher educational institutes, bootcamps, scam call centers, and course/naukari providers. even poojeet banks sell your data to scam call centers and other data brokers. the scam centers and third party cab services etc are run by goondas who'll literslly harass you if they can't get money from you. I wrote but later realised, and left out a very important point in this rant because I just don't want to let the beast out. it would be devastating if ANYONE with too much time in their hands and an intent to harass and doxx someone were to get their hands on it. aanyway its over if you're born Indian and have participated in any way, shape or form in the GREAT BHARATIAN SOCIETY. the carelessness and sloppiness is unreal. I'm honestly tired at this point. the worst part I feel is, it is no ones priority to protect and secure poojeet citizens data and privacy, and there's nothing I can do about it. I feel sad and angry at the state. but, the ship is sailed against pajeet privacy. it is better to be born an African black gorilla than a poojeet at this point really.
>>7361 Poojits dont deserve technology. None of them deserve it. Fucking retarded subhuman monkeys. I wish for a massive solar flare to wipe out intire worlds storage devices.
>>7361 If you have Indian parents then privacy is impossible.
>Chinese data dumps of .gov.in websites. where can you find this? have looked did not find any, >>7268
>>7381 look harder chamar
Its owari for india. New telecom bill is coming. Poojeet san please provide your poodhar to access interwebz kindly saar. This shithole is doomed.
>>7410 Provisions?
>>7413 Nah wait nigga. Chapter 2 says that telcom service provider must identify every user with their biometrics to central gobermint Chapter 4 """security""and poo poo piss shit is insane. 1. Central goverment is going to set standards for encryption, data processing and cybersecurity for all telcom service providers and everyone must conform to them kek owari 2. In case of emergency in "public" """ interest""" or an order from babus, telco SPs must intercept/supend/detain/provide to glowies every message transmitted from any person. "Message" is any stream of data 3. To provide """cyber security"""" central gobermint will collect and ANALyze data that is stored, received, transimitted or generated from telco network. I dont know about everything else. Sounds like legal poo poo fard. Everything else in this bill sounda like its writtwn by a redditor sheesh. We 'eets are cooked anyway.
>>7414 >>7413 Nothingburger. All this already happens. This is a legal justification to justify funds to make infrastructure to store, analyze and use this data. The biggest pain points will be aadhar and payment data. The rest is ordinary spying that already happens, with or without a warrant. Anywhere you go, this is the bare minimum that you have to deal with. Much better than UK still where police knocks your door for watching porn without a licence.
>>7422 True. I think for sim cards "they" already take your fingerprint and kyc document. Now its just that gobermint has mandated for everyone who provides service to identify their customers using customers biometrics to the central goverment.
>>7425 >expose the chinks lmao, based boomer retard
>>7422 This All your data is accessible to any government authority at any time with no requirement for court order. This just formalizes it. >>7425 >within a week, an NTA source said the agency's secrecy department, IT, and administrative staff "don't feel it's possible now" due to fears that organisations using the 'dark web' have completely hacked into NTA's security protocols and "have decided to expose the chinks this year". I'm still trying to deduce what's "not possible". >"They are not going to stop. The dark web is used by terrorist organisations. We are not sure how safe even our black box (where question papers are stored) is," said a worried official, indicating that NTA doesn't have the capacity to thwart such "organised attacks". <"buzzword bol deta hu technical sagar ke channel pe jo suna tha wo" It was the government retards/uncles who pushed for muh digital India/cyber this/"online" that. Now they realise what everyone already knew, that they're too incompetent to do anything with the infrastructure they bought. I couldn't care less if every person in the country got access to whatever 3/4 letter exam they're about to conduct. In fact, the more miserable the lives of the JEE people get, the happier I will be But by now they should really be thinking about going right back to printed question papers sealed in a security bag + OMR sheets. Yes they're also too incompetent for that, but then they will have to take responsibility instead of delegating it to muh haxxors on the dark web. Besides, taking a question paper physically is much more difficult than sending remote desktop request to their "black box" the admin password of which happens to be "Password@1234"
>>7427 > "Password@1234" TOP KEK and true. Exam leaks have been happening for decades. This coming to light at this particular time is for a reason. Regardless, the ex head of ISRO is looking into a complete overhaul. I am told that atleast CBSE has implemented its new skill based system, if any underage fag can enlighten us, of how it is in practice, that would be nice. Point being, we are looking at a complete overhaul of exam and education now.
>>7427 Tbh i think this is just another psyop to instill negative perception of tor and digital privacy/anonymity amongst boomers and retards >>7429 What are they planning?
>>7438 There is no plan yet. They were caught unaware. So next few years will be a series.of unsatisfying solns slowly moving to a good one Either way these exams are a burden on students and achieve nothing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whKCZPETHlI bye bye TOR-san Now that muh darknet scare is spread amongst average 'jeets, how long do you think until poomers completely ban it.
>>7446 Anything is possible If a minister can get torrents banned to avoid MMS leak then anything is possible.
>>7470 And I think they shut off internet in the entire state of Rajasthan during their state CET, read about it somewhere These people have too much power and the scare of muh paper leak for these exams is too much besides we've already seen in COVID times ki logon ko agar dara do, to log aapko gaand tak de denge if you tell them it's for their safety. The Indian doesn't think twice before trading his liberties for convenience and "security". If you tell someone you don't care if the exam questions are leaked and that no countermeasures should be taken that even cause a small inconvenience to anyone not taking the exam, he will likely call you selfish. Is it actually possible to ban TOR traffic completely?
>>7429 >Regardless, the ex head of ISRO is looking into a complete overhaul. From what I have seen, these "overhauls" mean absolutely nothing because they're carried out by the same people who made the old system, carry the same beliefs, do things the same shitty way and make the same old mistakes.
>>7471 >And I think they shut off internet in the entire state of Rajasthan during their state CET, can confirm. happens during other random exams too but they only shut the mobile data down, broadband and fiber works fine fucking retards
>>7471 >Is it actually possible to ban TOR traffic completely? yes, you can ban most of the exit nodes iirc, DPRK, China and Russia have done it in the past
>>7471 Anyone can kill anyone in India. Esp if you are poor. so any hope of security is important. It is depressing. But it is what it is. Unless the size of Indian economy increases, nothing will change. But if Indians want to vote for 8500 Rs a month or free water and electricity, then just expect more of the same.
>>7268 https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/roadways/highway-tolls-to-use-satellite-based-technology-soon-heres-how-it-works-and-other-details/articleshow/110802392.cms These babus are absolutely insane This what average latte slurping, macbook user, vegan, lumberjack beard, wide mouth 'eet has to say about this. >By far the most important thing to implement ..and must do it fast. Withthe advent of electric cars, roads will get clogged up very fast soon. People should accept the fact that roads belong to the govt and not the people. Road and parking usage should be charged. The govt can benefit from massive revenue sufficient to maintain these roads for safety n speed. >Advance road tax should be replaced with road usage charges collected by onboard fasttag system via google map >Its a small price to pay for mobility safety and convenience >>its for your safety bor >>gobermint owns the road bro >>dont mind the 50% tax bro >>STOP NOOOTICING >>JUST PAY UP THE MONEY ANTINATIONAL >>FAAKIN BLAADY LET ME WATCH YOU GOON >>YOU DONT HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE BRO OR DO YOU, ANTINATIONAL
>>7492 Your fault for voting bhajipao to power. They have some competent persons with them, but I've been calling gadkari names for years now because of his LinkedIn uncle cult-of-personality "mai kitna chatur hoon" "innovative", "philosophical" idealistic bullshit. You listen to any of his speeches you will realise he pats his own back with every word that leaves his lips. Not necessarily his fault, just building and maintaining good highways doesn't come with credit to put on your resume not does it pull in money. Implementing shitty ideas does. Whenyou linked this article I was hoping it was the one from 2021 or 22 and you were too retarded to check the date but it's unfortunate he still hasn't forgotten about it. If hes going to be in the cabinet for 5 years he WILL make this a reality. Bhajipao doesn't have majority in the LS. I hope to Bhagwaan the opposition neutered as they are still manage to pull some strings and remove Gadkari from the ministry. hope the NDA and the BJP themselves have some mutinous sailors with them. for just this matter alone do I say this. >PAY us to install a tracking device in YOUR car so you can drive on roads YOU already paid for so YOU can pay MORE money to US I resisted fastag for a long time, but eventually had to buy one because twice as much toll which was already very high. But I don't have it stuck on my windshield I just carry it whenever I need to and whip it out at toll plazas. I hope gadkari goes away before he has a chance to implement this
>>7472 I don't blame you for the sweeping generalization but the ISRO scientists are different than your average babu. They work with first principles, so when they reform something, it is from ground up. That said, with a paper like this, how can you ensure that principles or each institutes manager doesn't leak it ? There are ways, but the point is , how do you India proof a process ? >>7473 Too many fucking stories. A babu had a keep, she ran away. He get cell towers disabled so she couldn't navigate. >>7492 TOP KEK. Good example of problem looking for a solution. On the tax part, they have to recover the cost. Indians don't pay tax's but want benefits. I seriously think only tax payers and army men should be allowed to vote. Everyone else's opinion should be invalid. >>7493 His brain needs to be put to better use. We don't need so much progress. Just good roads first. Sadly he is one of the better ones. >Your fault for voting bhajipao to power. What is the alternative ? Vote RaGa and go back to stone ages with 8500 Rs of printed money in account ?
>>7495 >ISRO "soycientists" most of them are diversity hires(women and SC/STs) and would not be allowed into the fucking paki space program with their technical "skills" the UC scientists carry ISRO hard
>>7496 also, almost all of India's competent aerospace talent migrates to USA and EU ISRO gets the failures
>>7497 https://www.isro.gov.in/sites/default/files/bilingual_advt_for_website1.pdf https://www.isro.gov.in/sites/default/files/bilingual_advt_sci_engrsc_civil_ele_rac_architecture.pdf https://www.isro.gov.in/sites/default/files/advt_sciengrsc2018_detailed_for_web.pdf https://www.isro.gov.in/sites/default/files/bilingual_advertisement_for_recruitment_of_scientist_engineer_sc-2017.pdf BE001 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Electronics] BE002 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Mechanical] BE003 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Computer Science] BE004 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Civil] BE005 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Electrical] BE006 - Scientist/Engineer 'SC’ [Refrigeration & Air Conditioning] For ISRO first three streams are more crucial, they are recruited in Separate batch and last three streams in another batch. There is NO RESERVATION for BE001, BE002 and BE003. Reservation is applied on BE004, BE005 and BE006. Thank fuck
my point being, these commission babu soyentists are very likely to be diversity hires, and will bring their retardedness into the role
7500 GET
>>7413 as soon as the new telecom lawz were implemented, all 3 corpos hiked their price
>>7495 >That said, with a paper like this, how can you ensure that principles or each institutes manager doesn't leak it Technical solutions maybe. But if you can't find like 4 people with enough integrity who you can trust with something like this that's a big issue and it's better to shut down your entire operation because you're incompetent. >Sadly he is one of the better ones Infra wise yes but he bullshits a lot. It's all >tracking in cars (look how great and "techno-savvy" I am!) >look i built X km of highways in Y hours (a world record! look how great I am!) I would have given him some credit if he held the contractors accountable or at least reduced toll charges, but all hr ever talks about is getting more money from you and in return you can pat his back. >What is the alternative ? Vote RaGa and go back to stone ages with 8500 Rs of printed money in account I don't know. But the one this this government is good for is keeping musalmaans in check.
>>7499 Here is me spoon feeding you Dr. K Radhakrishnan, Dr. K Radhakrishnan is a renowned Indian technocrat, administrator, and leader who has made significant contributions to various fields, including space exploration, education, and politics. Space Exploration and Administration Dr. Radhakrishnan was the Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) from 2009 to 2014. During his tenure, he oversaw the successful launch of several space missions, including the Mangalyaan mission to Mars, which made India the first country to successfully send a spacecraft to Mars in its first attempt. He also played a key role in the development of India’s advanced launcher, GSLV Mk3, and the country’s human spaceflight program. Education and Research Dr. Radhakrishnan has a strong background in education and research. He holds a Doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has also served as the Director of the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) and the National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA). Politics Dr. Radhakrishnan has also been involved in politics, serving as a Member of the Kerala Legislative Assembly and the Lok Sabha. He is currently the CPI(M) Parliamentary Party Leader in the 18th Lok Sabha. Awards and Recognition Dr. Radhakrishnan has received numerous awards and recognition for his contributions to various fields. He has been awarded the Padma Bhushan, the third-highest civilian award in India, and has also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from ISRO. He has also been conferred with Honorary Doctorates from several universities. Other Ventures Dr. Radhakrishnan has also been involved in various other ventures, including the Avitis Hospital in Palakkad, Kerala, and the KIMSHEALTH Trivandrum, a multispecialty hospital in Trivandrum. Professor B J Rao Professor Basuthkar Jagadeeshwar Rao, also known as B. J. Rao, is a renowned Indian scientist and academician. He has held various positions in prestigious institutions, including the University of Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai, and Yale Medical School. Academic Background Professor Rao obtained his BSc from Nizam College and MSc from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He then pursued his PhD from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in the domain of Biochemistry. He did his post-doctoral work at Yale Medical School, where he served as a research scientist for about seven years before returning to India and joining TIFR, Mumbai. Career Professor Rao has had a distinguished career, serving as a Senior Professor of Biology at TIFR Mumbai and later as a Senior Professor and Chair of Biology at IISER Tirupati. He has also been the Vice Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad since July 2021. Awards and Recognition Professor Rao is a National Science Talent Awardee (1st in AP, 16th rank in India) and has received the Sir JC Bose award from the Department of Science and Technology. He is a Fellow of all three National Academies of India and has made significant contributions to the fields of Genome Biology and Cellular regulations and adaptations. Research Interests Professor Rao’s research interests include Genome Dynamics, Biology of Cellular Adaptations, and Computational Biology. He has published over 160 peer-reviewed international publications with high citations and impact. Current Affiliations Professor Rao is currently the Vice Chancellor of the University of Hyderabad and a Senior Professor at IISER Tirupati.
[Expand Post] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randeep_Guleria
>>7505 >>7502 Indian companies and businesess deserve the hhate they get. Being a closed market, they use all kinds of bullshit reasons to hike prices. GST reduced their expenses but they used it as an excuse to increase rates. >>7505 > But the one this this government is good for is keeping musalmaans in check. Sadly no. On this front I am not happy with this govt. Modi tried to appease them too much. Should have pushed UCC in 2nd term itself. In defense of this govt on Infra front, for the same money as UPA era, they have developed much more. So more money is going into actual construction and through my limited experience, the quality of roads is also good. That said, time will tell. Most importantly, there is no saving Indians from themselves. We are a corrupt despicable society in need of lot of cleansing. >>7496 Again, general sweeping generalizations. But not true. Yes, reservations lead to idiots in power. But to rise through the ranks non stop, you need both high competence and strong political skills. These guys, for sure have stepped on lot of heads and taken credit where they didn't deserve it.But they are anything but incompetent. >>7498 Even the reservation types in ISRO for now are quiet competent. Given that it is run directly by the PMO, the usual generalizations don't apply to ISRO.

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