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satyameva jayate

endchan.net/india Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 11:51:09 Id: ca6e8b No. 3803
>>3803 wow yaar
>>3877 Stop bumping this chamar. Every single user here knows about your board.
>>3878 someone else is shilling it everywhere, you retard t. admin
>>3879 It's a fun little board that definitely needs a few more users. You need to start shilling it in better places.
>>3880 shilling it in random boards with no indian userbase just attracts trolls and spam, I don't want to turn it into inch 2.0.
>>3882 Shill it on r/jeeneetards and r/samaj
>>3884 that reminds me, should i just range ban jio? it will take care of most underage faggots
>>3886 It wouldn't matter. They're happy in their little sewer they don't bother with other websites and imageboards.
>>yeah, please. they are nuisance.
>>3886 Yes please do this
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>already posts about muh exams
>>3803 Shit interface, shit site. This place is probably the best among alt InChes. The 8kun one is filled with ads.
>>3938 >t. Mobilejeet born post 2005
>>3939 I'm not on PC 24*7 unlike you. Also, do you have the list of all india imageboards? Someone posted it on indiachan, I forgot to save. The censorship there is becoming insufferable.
>>3940 Lurk before posting. You'll find the boards being shilled and you'll also be familiar by the time you discover them. Also learn to take banter without getting angry and defensive
>>3940 >The censorship there is becoming insufferable. heh I'm biting this. Anyway start with 8chan.moe/indiachan/
>>3942 Dhanyevaad bhaiya. Now give me an example, like what should be a banter on what what you posted.
>>3943 Why don't you faggots merge the two boards? Power-hungry chutiyas.
>>3938 use this link if you want a better interface: https://magrathea.endchan.net/india/catalog.html also, since you sound like someone who doesn't lurk and wants to be spoonfed, don't make low quality,inch tier threads on my boards. >>3945 both the boards cater to different use cases, /india/ is supposed to be comfy but there's censorship here, with no /pol/ tier posts allowed. /indiachan/ is supposed to be a board which allows end users to express their thoughts with minimal censorship, everything is allowed as long as it's within the rules. t. admin
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>>3950 magrathea is a planet that makes custom planets for super rich merchants of the universe, in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy they are the ones who make earth as per supercomputer deep thought's design.
>>3967 so it really is a simulation all in vishnu's dream
>>3943 are you dead, annoying dutchvpn poster/bullspammer? I miss your posts and sunday threads
>>5805 What an interesting coincident, I was just browsing through some inch screenshots to post on /indiachan/ just now.

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