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satyameva jayate

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 18:41:22 Id: 9c2a52 No. 6756
I wish I could go back in time to live my teenage years sitting in from of screen again
>>6756 I woke up with this realization, that there will never be another WWF. I never saw much , sometimes at friends house, other times at parties where the guests wanted to talk and let me sit in front of TV. Later my friend torrented matches and gave it to me. It inspired me to try the moves with my friends. The shakesperian drama was amazing. My friends who had cable, would tell me the weekly story. My imagination would enhance the match even more. Years later, there is nothing that fills this hole in my life. Watching muscular men fight each other.
>>6756 TV was comfy. But the most comfy thing was common programmes. You would talk and discuss things that everyone watched. That was amazing. Now everyone has a personal bubble. No one makes an effort. It is considered creepy and abnormal to make an effort to connect. Digital world is dehumanising. I consider it adharmic to follow the norms in such a world.
>>6760 >>6759 Man I miss those days. I miss the soothing summer breeze, make your own ice cream mixes, hopes and dreams I had to future, and how raw and fun everything was. Maybe its just my nostalgia goggles but everything seemed so better in the past compared to how bleak everything is nowadays. Something about current world just doesn't seem right.
>>6762 >make your own ice cream mixes never did that my grandma made some homemade icecream sometimes, and honestly, it sucked ass I always ate icecream from the market
>>6762 Time makes you forget the bad And only remember the good. You were young, so small setbacks and stresses were the biggest sorrows and stresses of your life. Small things in school felt like unbearable problems etc. >>6762 >>6766 > own ice cream I lived in such a shitty town/village that there was no ice cream. Had my first at Kolkatta airport. My brother felt like his tongue was on fire, dropped it and started crying. Have come a long way since then.
>>6762 There was this beautiful place in my youth. Endless fields of grass, always a breeze flowing and only one single house. That place was so beautiful it was unreal. Then fucking builders built a shitty apartment building there. Similarly, there was a beautiful pond in Bihar that I lived near for a short while. Water as blue as the sky and clear. Recently saw that Patna chapri's discovered it and started doing their reels and tiktoks. I want to slaughter them all.
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>>6759 >there will never be another WWF Man I was such a hardcore fan (still am kinda). But modern day wrestling has been pretty shitty with few exceptions. Yesterday was this year's royal rumble and it was just okay. First 2 seasons of Lucha Underground is the only true pro wrestling kino in recent history.
>>6762 I remember having fun nearly everywhere despite family situation being rather grim. For a year I lived in a place where there was no power nearly 12 hours a day, but I (in like kindergarten I think) found peace in playing with the candles we lit It's not like we didn't have a computer, we did, and I used to use it, but it wasn't the entirety of my existence >>6776 Same They started constructions on what was all just vast expanse of land It used to sadden me to no end to go there again. I avoid going there now
It was a regular school day, i was probably in 1st or 2nd standard, walking to school in heavy rain. After reaching school, the peon was sending everyone back as the school had declared a holiday because of the rain. Drenched up to my waist, I had to walk back home. Reached home, changed my clothes and watched bongo on doordarshan while eating mushroom curry and dosa from my lunchbox while it rained heavily outside. It was still hot. The mushrooms were sourced by my grandmother from the nearby jungle (we used to live in a borderline jungle). This is one of my favourite memories. >>6775 >Had my first at Kolkatta airport My first memory of a samosa was home cooked by my mom when I came back from school. Ate it while watching shinchan on TV. This was during the time when we had just bought a new TV, DVD player and an LPG stove.
>>6795 über based. I love Mushroom sabzi. Never tried it with dosa. DD was nice. I had a crush on some chick in this program https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qdnlv7oZNiM > Floods Had a similar memory, flood situation. Had to leave school, drawers with papers floating around. Teachers panicking. Got my sibbling and a neighbourhood chick and figured my way home. Was treated like mini hero. Got hot bournvita milk and cream biscuits. Time passed, that chick got hormones and turned into an arrogant prick. Used to look forward to this show every year https://yewtu.be/watch?v=zG6ETU3-W4I I really hope there is a DD revival with wholesome programming. The VHS distortion and pops and cracks are really nostalgic for me. I only knew this kind of picture quality, 144p was the TV resolution, no complaints, it was atleast color.
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>>6778 This Lucha underground looks really really good. Thanks. I am going to look out for this.
>>6778 Best tag team match I've ever watched. Can't remember the last time NOAH crowd popped so hard, that too over a rookie wrestler. >>6799 Here's your reminder
>>7230 Thanks. I played Epi 1. Downloading some epi's on my phone and will check them out. I like the DIY low production a lot. Holy shit mixed sex's matches and they aren'T fucking around either. Prince Puma has got some really cool moves, I started with the Jhonny Mundo vs Prince Puma fight. I feel like there is a lot missing, but I will pick up the stories. I missed this. New WWE doesn't cut it. Maybe I should also just start watching UFC Again. But pirating is a pain compared to Youtube.
>>7234 >I feel like there is a lot missing All you need to know to start watching is that vampiro and konan are Mexican legends. Commentary does a good job of explaining the rest. Also the first 3-4 episodes will be slow and kinda bland because they're just establishing the characters and the atmosphere.

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