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Indiachan's alternative bhach is a glowie-pot Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 06:00:23 Id: 185b25 No. 7403
The new alternative of indiachan that is bharatchan is a glowie-pot. Recently the owner dyaush has banned use of VPN in that website. I have tried several different VPNs but could not post there. Looks like he is forcing everyone to use their real IP addresses to post. God knows what he will do with all those IPs. It's looks like a real trap to me, firstly make everyone addict to imageboard culture and later on ban primary layer of safety.
>>7403 Why would you want to use it ? Its the same threads over and over. The people using the website themselves don't reply to most threads. Except 1-2 boards, all else are dead.
>>7403 I dont trust dyaus at all. He was very involved in trying to doxx puranavid. And bharatchan came within 6 months after puranavid quit. Pretty sus desu.
>>7423 I don't touch that website without TOR. Anyway, the quality of posts is the trash of Reddit. It is sad. I really wished we could have used online forums to talk and grow. But we never get over shit flinging or trying to doxx each other, while being absolute failures in their own pursuits.
>>7430 Its not even an imageboard. I think admin nigga wanted to create a forum similar to reddit or 9gag but knew it wouldnt fly against any of them. He then slapped youtsuba theme on it and named it bharatchan. Hence why it had login in the first place and why there is no post limit on board and why posts dont get bumped off boards. Gujju nigga couldnt even stop scamming and using muh """patriotism""" even in imageboard space.
>>7501 jannies are either reluctant to kick out underage bhangis (they fear their board will remain dead without them) or they are actually parts of the newfag wave themselves and welcome them with open arms.
>>7506 Thus the website eventually turns into reddit.
>>7501 Is it Jetha ? I had used the previous instance of Bharatchan. It needed an account but was actually good and even had the anti Urdu filter built in. But it was more of reddit 2.0 , trying to be something more. Then new Bharatchan came and well as some anon said, it is not even Reddit but instagram. Oh well, if this is what young Indians want to use their precious time and bandwidth for.
>>7506 Probably underage themselves given the retarded moderation.
>>7512 teri ma ka rape randike
>>7423 >He was very involved in trying to doxx puranavid. Huh, really? How do you know And what else info do we have of Dyaush
>>7501 >Hence why it had login in the first place and why there is no post limit on board and why posts dont get bumped off boards Literally reddit without upvote downvote system
>>7515 Isnt it khatri ?
>>7515 he wasn't I uploaded the dox to doxbin(and found the nikhilsd.com website) and the only person I took help from was a burgerflag anon who leaked the original info from telegram https://doxbin.net/upload/Indiachanownerpuranavidaakapuranavidakainchjanny
>>7519 I meant dayush though. I always thought its khatri
>>7403 dayush used to shill his website on twiiter that's how I got to know about bharatchan I don't know where his account went

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