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Dump your fitness related stories and progress here /Fit/ness and health general 05/24/2023 (Wed) 13:24:11 Id: d78b31 No. 1771
Exercise Diet General physical fitness encouraged General mental fitness advice welcome
>>6511 Can also be the other way. Colder body == calmer mind
>>6501 Getting hot here too and Canadian houses are terrible for staying cool. >>1771 Started working out again, had to pause because of school. Will post updates semi-regularly, but so far feeling pretty good with a daily calisthenics routine.
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need to go to a wedding reception in the evening there goes my calorie deficit again... I will probaby just have dal rice and then get chicken for muhh protein on the way back
>>6539 I tried this too. More dal single roti Works for a while Finally what got me was eating airline food Eating all those carbs and maida has made me sick Now on a fast of just liquids
Had to have sugar while travelling, now find myself craving sugar and carbs. But when I eat it, I feel like shit afterwards. Heavy and slow as well as hyperactive. Digestion also is recovering from all the airline meals. Coming weeks will be going back to healthy low carb diet. Starting with soups.
In a gym, you can predict the calories consumed using exercise. If you control your intake, you know exactly what is going in and out. In real life, you don't know what challenges you will face if your time is unpredictable. You might face social situations where you cannot control the food you eat beyond a certain extent. Or days come up where your caloric burn is much higher than normal and you would need to eat fast to make up for it. This needs a very different approach than the normal internet advice of counting calories, which imo doesn't work if you have a busy life.
>>6580 it's true you have to let go of your diet sometimes but one such day is fine as long as you recover the next day. >In a gym, you can predict the calories consumed using exercise. If you control your intake, you know exactly what is going in and out. this is why I always overestimate my caloric intake by a factor of 1.3-1.5, if I eat something that is supposed to have, per internet search, 300 cal, I count 400. And I don't subtract exercise calories. being hungry is actually painful, I could barely gather my thoughts when I started out because of my empty stomach now I easily get by on like 1100 cal (wide margin). could even go lower but cannot, because muhh protein Also does nutritional info about chicken include the bones or not? like, info for 250 g chicken is that 250 g at the butcher's scale or 250 g of meat only? >>6564 i only have lunch as a filler till dinner It's actually unhealthy because I'm not getting any vitamins and shit I think but until such time as I don't get symptoms I don't mind, and if symptoms do show up I'll take multivitamin pills. but it works. I get a lot of dal with the rice, it's tasty + it makes you feel fuller because of liquid content. Maybe I should stat drinking soylent too.
>>6584 Too tired so pasting this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGunZpKLb5o Situation is similar in India. No one gives a fuck about accuracy of Information and there is no punishment for lying. I just follow my own rough basic guide lines, so I am really fucking up my diet at the moment, but I am trying to get fit again. Wife is suck so I cannot get out. > Lunch as a filler till dinner Can you go into detail of what this means ? > Missing vitamins ? Indians these days seem to be eating Paneer+chicken+aloo meals only with actual vegetables ignored in big cities. I find this sad personally, but what can I say or do really.
>>6594 >Can you go into detail of what this means It means my lunch does not have any nutritional value at all and it's just a stopgap arrangement till I get to have dinner (chicken). Even if there is any nutrition in it I don't count it. Its main function is to help me hold out till dinner. >Indians these days seem to be eating Paneer+chicken+aloo meals only with actual vegetables ignored in big cities Outside perhaps Home cooking involves vegetables. Doesn't make much difference, protein is lacking in all of them (per gram or per calorie). Vitamins are good but aren't going to do much by themselves if the person they are in is a fat/scrawny fuck.
>>6603 I did this once upon a time due to my job. Infact, I just used to skip lunch entirely. It is fine as long as your dinner is not too late. > Lacking protein This happened after the British came and changed our crops entirely. I have books and notes about pre British cooking. It has much less spices than what we use now, very different oils and grains in general as well as mention of many species of rice and grains, some of which are lost.
>>6612 I read somewhere that it was only during the green revolution that wheat was popularised, and before that people were eating other grains like bajra and jowar. Not their fault they turned to a crop which can be cultivated easily and cheaply at a time when millions were dying of hunger. But it's easy to overeat these. I used to argue with my mother because she would make multigrain rotis (these are too brittle) apparently these are less unhealthy than normal wheat rotis. I regret everything now. I like rice because just a fistful of it swells up a lot, it's very cheap and you can cook it without fats. Has carbs if you need energy. Good for lunch
>>6615 Mass scale millets and grain growing was killed by Brits in favour of wheat. Else the local variations in dishes were much more. Green revolution killed the small pockets that were left. GMO killed local variants. Parts of MP, Bangladesh etc still kept some rice variants around, as did some small pockets in south India etc. Older south Indian cooking uses rice mixed with other grains, while north Indian cooking also uses very different mix's on grains in roti's as well as other dishes. I am using some of these methods in my own kitchen and it has helped me a lot. Now when I eat carb rich food, it makes me feel sick , even though it tastes amazing. It is also a lifestyle issue. We are eating a diet designed for a factory worker, while sitting on our ass all day. I feel like going on the shiv diet, one meal a day and 3 baths. Sounds way more wholesome than current lifestyle. The only thing stopping me is addiction i.e. body habitual to eating 3 times. So I am slowly deprogramming myself from using food as an emotional reaction and the physical habit.
>>6615 Rice used in Biryani before used to have this sweet intoxicating smell, that is where the name Basmati comes from. MP has maintained the Indian variant and Bangladesh has maintained the Bengal variant (also tastes nice). Similar for rice species. Outside Assam and Kerala, other places the variants are gone.
>>1771 any boxers/wrestlers/MMA fighters etc. here? I am a former boxer, and I made it to the CBSE nationals during my time. Couldn't go further as I broke my nose during a sparring session and started focusing on my education I'm trying to get back, now that I have free time and am looking for more people who are interested in combat sports. It's been a long time though I'd love to share my old experiences/nutrition/training regiments and learn from others
>>6653 I watch combat sports regularly and practice casually. Share away, I'll start posting fights etc.
Weight loss is going well but the kind of weight I'm losing i can't see it in the mirror, hope I'm not losing muscle. need to do serious strength training starting tomorrow. No, no gym yet, just calisthenics (I was already doing some but not nearly enough, yes I can do pull ups)
>>6681 hit a plateau on my journey. But still eating well. Eating carb heavy meals is no longer working for me. I do eat the occasional cake slice in office
>>6654 alright. Do you have any fighting experience? >>1771 Strength training for a boxer only needs to be performed twice a week, I recommend Wednesdays and Saturdays, but whatever works better for your schedule. Dumbbell Swing - 3 x 6-8 (each hand) Dumbbell Snatch - 3 x 6-8 (each hand) One Arm Clean and Press - 3 x 3-4 (each hand) Clean and Press - 3 x 6 Front Squat Push Press - 3 x 6 Upright Nieder Press - 3 x 8 (each hand, change to southpaw for the left) Nieder Press - 3 x 6 Weighted Step-Up - 3 x 8 (each leg) [try holding the dumbbells through the whole exercise, even during the rest period, until you're completely done with the exercise) Quality over quantity is important and often overlooked in strength training. Your goal here is for power and speed so complete each rep with full effort. You should be using 85-90% of your max load on each of these exercises, on certain days you should go more or less. Lessen the load a bit to around 70-75% if your goal is toward explosive/speed strength.
>>6737 Nope. Just casual. No rotational exercises? What was your boxing style?
I started tracking my sleep quality including heart rate variability around a month ago. At the start, + Very low quality sleep with lot of breaks in between + I go to sleep late with screen/podcast time before sleep + I eat late often, with a post dinner snack. I know this is bad but I do it anyway, the slave that I am to my cravings. I am horrified by the numbers. My HRV is so low. No wonder I feel like shit, so I fix habits slowly. The improvement shows itself in 1ms at a time. Each time I eat late, or indulge in bad habits, the progress is lost. It shows me, how my health is optimization of lot of small habits and that each mistake costs me a lot. Now I am horrified by the idea of buying that bag of chips, so I can eat it before sleeping.
>>6764 >started tracking my sleep quality including heart rate variability around a month How? Smart watch? Eating late actually helps me sleep better. It is only now that I eat before 8 o clock that I have trouble sleeping because empty stomach >Horrors of data True, ignorance is bliss most of the time. As for me I realise my mind prevents me from sleeping by breathing weird. It's not sleep apnea or any other disorder, it's me being too enthusiastic in my thoughts, beating up people and shutting down women in my imagination.
>>6771 >How? Smart watch? Yes. Though I don't use it as a smartwatch, I wear it to sleep and I wear it on long exercise sessions. It is not linked to my phone or account or anything else. > Eating late actually helps me sleep better. Common problem, this means your metabolism is healthy. Have half glass milk or few nuts before sleeping. > my mind prevents me from sleeping https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yog+nidra Find one that works for you. Also, see if you heat up a lot during sleep and that prevents you for sleeping. Adjust or change your bedsheet/mattress/fan location to get something ideal. > True, ignorance is bliss most of the time. I cannot eat a Rasgulla without guilt now after 19:00. I know exactly what it will do. On the other side, knowing exactly how much rest I had, prepares me for the upcoming day. For example, if I had shit rest (like today) then I will take it easy.
https://youtu.be/VQfHP5Injhg His channel now has some good videos. Few years ago I did not like his research, but since then he got quiet thorough. Sadly his sense of humour, language and presentation is cringe. But this tips are good.
Finally getting my grip strength back from the injury in December. Laziness is the main reason it's taken so long, btu very hopeful I can hit some high numbers before the end of Summer.
>>6877 My sleep regime is working. My HRV numbers are going up I need to keep this up. My heart rate is also healthier and not that of a 50 year old anymore.
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>>6877 How do you quantify grip strength? I want to increase it too. Using the mudgar (picrel) pumps my forearms nicely. I also do pullups and generally mindfully grip things tightly bht nothing dedicated for grip strength Also the mudgar is very fun. Might not be a hypertrophy exercise but makes you used to swinging weight around
Feeling the lack of sugar really hard today. Had a protein shake and it really helps with feeling full.
>>6886 I am currently using hand grips to test my grip strength, although there at least three types of grip strength - Static (How much you can hold) Crush (How much you can squeeze) Pinch (How much you can hold with your thumb and pointer finger) There are lifts for each of these to determine your strength. Although, grip strength is probably the most complicated type of strength to train. Mudgar is good, I've heard people rec it for shoulder joint health.
just started working out and i would i am that weak that i cant do a full squat properly yet and same for pushup, now problem is i did some squats today and roman deadlift with dumbells for starting workout today, so i feel some low pain in knees like similar we have in muscles after workout, so is it normal for someone noob like me or it could be concerning?
>>6938 Should not have happened actually Just monitor the pain it should go away soon. I sometimes get that kind of pain after running but it goes away after I allow a day for recovery Make sure you stretch and cool down properly and warm up with some dynamic stretching.
>>6940 yea i get it after lots of walking in kalej as there's elevation but it gets recovered in a day
>>6943 >>6940 Get your Vit D levels checked too incase you don't get enough sunlight.
Bopped hard Went for long hike and swim. Burnt over 2000 calories. But did not eat enough. Woke up super exhausted
>>1771 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-modern-brain/202402/the-surprising-benefits-of-weightlifting-for-brain-health On an unrelated note , you don't need to buy weights or go to gym. Body weight, buckets with water etc all work fine. Resistance bands are great as well.
Down with covid. Except its bad this time. High fever body pain and the works
Book on yoga for daily fitness type information, from diet to basic exercises. Most yoga books I find here are pretty shit or written for people, who only want to look cool and will never implement it.

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