/indiachan/ - indiachan

The containment board for inch rapefugees, intended for an uncensored discourse.

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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

मित्र 04/07/2023 (Fri) 04:14:39 Id: 7a686e No. 1199
Missing inch. It was the only place I could talk to apart from myself. Now it is all gone. I’m alone again. I hope I will improve my life and my father also said I should join gym.
No one replies here :(
What happened to inch who took it down its been gone for a couple of days now April 3 2023 or so
>>1201 Some niggga doxxed pooran, he got mad and pulled the plug. Niigga looks reallly subhuman
>>1199 Aaja pyaare, rape or pass khelte hai, bilkul purane inch ki tarah
>>1202 Who is pooran? Rusty?
>>1204 |state|
>>1202 man how does he survives in the US with that face?
>>1201 i thought mallus were supposed to look like chads? >>1206 jeebhangis truly have no knowledge of how the world functions
So are there any plans to resurrect Inch ? Is anyone else keen on starting a new board somewhere more resilient to doxx-enings. Now more than ever we need a board - will 8ch do or is this one massive honeypot?
>>1208 The way you all post, you don't have any requirement for an imageboard. Just create a subreddit kek
(173.45 KB 585x730 Avneet-Kaur-2-1.jpg)

>>1199 kuch karo yaaro, i am feeling very alone and want to kill my family.
do any of you hang out at https://cytu.be/ or some such similar site
>>1208 move to 8moe/india/ for now
>>1212 Okay cool. But whats the news on IPFS - have you seen anyone implement forums / boards with good traction there? All these traditional web based systems are susceptible to the same kind of bs inch went through. https://ipfs.tech/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4-B57Qt0cM Im willing to learn how to build a resilient system but I want to know if its even worth pursuing - like if someone already took a stab and its shit that kinda thing
>>1209 >rape, doxx and seapea doesn't need an imageboard Gatekeeping faggot cope. In fact your gay animetroon threads would fit right in at any subreddit kek
>>1215 >no engineering happens in india posts need an imageboard kek
>>1214 >>1208 >resilient to dox-enings this board is excellent for that as long as posts are not inchbhangi quality, many do threads are still up in the catalog. ipfs is de-centralized only if you have your own gateway, I doubt if anyone will use cloudflare's public gateway to upload rape threats. However, knowing the inchcels and their collective 25iq pool, it might not be far from the realm of possibilities. >>1209 tsmt these newchamars want muh anonymous haxx0r image boards but also want spacers and jewgram servers for anonymous spaces. seedha sub-editor banao na chamaro
>>1199 Oye rakul poster hai kya yahaa pe? Discord Id de de yaar apna kabse maang rahaa hu
So its an end, bye anons Forget resurrecting inch, don't even do it accept it or not - we're all unknowingly encouraging each other to do this chappal-making activity It was all coping for our failed life so move on Acha hua he pulled the plug
>>1220 self-aware inchamar? rare breed indeed. goodbye, anon
>>1217 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5T9lEP6h4I&t=233s The Florida International University Bridge Disaster 2018 > 100 year lifespan btw kek lmao
>>1223 Found a 4/g/ thread regarding this https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/92479493/
>>1224 Ourchan is unironically better, we should migrate there.
Look the thing is this. We are at that certain tipping point, the passage of which will see a ton of India-specific imageboards / forums / some hybrid form of messaging apps, forums and boards. I can totally see it coming. Its just that when that moment comes we have to atleast be ready with a core set of immutables, pertaining to the high level design of such fora. The kind of things that allow for bigger platforms to host incensive content without repercussions. How do a Breitbart or a Moonbattery or even a Dailymail or others manage to host content without issues? Why are they (relatively) respectable outlets, even if theyre hosting similar content? Why do they enjoy the protection of law wrt to free speech - if say someone were to intend to cause them harm? Some U.S. states treat doxing as Electronic Cyber Harassment. On the face of it imageboards look like they share little with those sites. But is it so? We may have to think bigger about all of this. And not do the same old bullshit thats been done for over two decades now. ( 4ch launched in 2003 )
Future online ( or even offline?!? ) discussion will have to incorporate pseudonymous identities for participants for any real frank discussion worth anything, to be had. Identities that are removed from your real in-the-flesh identity and yet that establish trust for the participants in the discussion. >> We start with three identity principles: 1. Uniqueness: establishing a link to a specific person. 2. Sameness: ensuring you are interacting with the same person over time. 3. Reputation: over time, reputation builds e.g. medical records, degrees, FICO, etc. (2/2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dur918GqDIw SFBW19 - The Pseudonymous Economy - Balaji Srinivasan https://twitter.com/balajis/status/1146585038672187392 https://twitter.com/Blake_Hall/status/1153002449868873728
>>1250 > India-specific imageboards / forums / some hybrid form of messaging apps, forums and boards. I can totally see it coming. Bullshit. Most Indian internet users are having the time of their life on the big websites like twitter, instagram Facebook etc, and some on reddit. There is no one who wants other specific forums. Rather, if you see the trend, you will realise that it is actually the opposite the world over, and smaller websites are losing userbase to the bigger ones mentioned above. besides indians do not know nor want freedom of speech of the kind imageboards practice. More than half the people you meet would support linking adhaar to Twitter accounts in lieu of security. >>1285 >Uniqueness: establishing a link to a specific person. 2. Sameness: ensuring you are interacting with the same person over time. 3. Reputation: over time, reputation builds e.g. medical records, degrees, FICO, etc. (2/2) So like reddit?
>>1287 Half of me thinks youre one of those status quo-reaffirming small-cap club fuckbois whos grasping at straws, the other thinks youre just naive and cant see the forest for the trees. Either way youre wrong. These are tumultuous times to put it mildly. I could just leave this at that and walk away - and Id still be right. Because I know I will be proven correct in a very short order of time. Dont equte performative harmony that you see on the world stage with real harmony. People are more and more restless & chafing to free themselves from the pervasive gladhanding & lies theyre fed, everywhere. > So like reddit? Watch the vid fuckwit
>>1287 >indians do not know nor want freedom of speech of the kind imageboards practice. The normie indians don't know or want freedom of speech. I want...
>>1289 i say what i see, tharoor. 4chan /desi/ is almost always dead. Most websites outside of the mainstream see modest success at best. the Indian side of reddit has only increased in size very recently, and a lot of it is chhapri underagefags, and it is full of people from Bangalore, Delhi, and Hyd., they just don't represent people not from these metro shitholes. And you would be stupid to think this place or other imageboards are any different. the simple fact is that as of today, indians don't have a need or want of talking to internet people because their social needs are usually fulfilled by talking to IRL people. Besides, easy as it may seem to you and me, reading a piece of text, thinking about a reply, and typing out a coherent sentence which people can actually read, understand and appreciate, is a very hard process for a large amount of population. people just can't into forums. >>1290 People in India just want the influence of their caste/creed/religion/political party to increase, hence the cast based voting. At the same time they wish for others to be oppressed. freedom weedom gaya tel lagane. People would sell their souls if someone told them the influence of their political party will increase
>>1311 I agree with most of your observations, almost all of them. But the point is never to capture all of Indias people, heck not even a large slice of it. Just the slices that matter - the ones that mean something to the countrys future. Thats still a large slice. Think about it this way do you think Obama got elected President coz every pocket of every podunk state, every sub-demographic of every flyover state and every shitheaded ethnic cluster in a country of 300 million plus was reached by his campaign / canvassing team? Fuck no. Not by a large margin. Youd never win that way. You ignore entire swathes of population, even before you fashion you spend the first dollar of your campaign warchest. Like a good chunk of that 300 million is struck off, on day one. Its only the the swing states that are heavily targeted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_state https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_state https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_state The rest can pretty much fuck right off lol. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/16/murtha.racism.apology/index.html http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/16/murtha.racism.apology/index.html http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/16/murtha.racism.apology/index.html John Murtha, a Penn rep and a supporter of Obama even advised him there was no point in campaigning in the western pockets of the state coz they were straight up racist and would never vote for him lol This applies to any country - even a small one with a lot fewer people. You always alienate some people no matter where you go. Most people dont want anything to do with your message. You just focus on your base. Thats how the world works. You dont convince 90 out 100. You prosletyze 10 hardcore believers at best, who then 'beat' the living daylights out of another 50 somehow, persuade them and make them vote for you.
>>1346 sounds like the topic of discussion is going to the politics side.
inch is gone again
>>3357 guess what'll be the new TLD for next inch
Each iteration of InCh seems to be worse than the last. 2021s iteration was good, I remember interesting threads almost daily. Lots of diasporafags, kanglus, chinkoid raids, even some Indians in SEA and a few pahadis. I like this one but it's so dead.
>>3397 There are jeebhangis on r/greentext saying they miss dot io kek
>>3405 Psychotic cock 69 is on /india/. He was shilling this place on greentextindia
>>3397 >>3405 >>3406 Is there any hope for chan revival ? Or should we just admit defeat to twatter ?
>>3430 Unless there is an admin who isn't one of the new ones, zero. Pooran literally made a reddit clone in imageboard avatar and refused to ban blackpillers and jee niggers on account of muh free speech. He didn't even make /a/, despite anime being one of the most reddit things ever, which is kind of ironic. And what is the chance of such an admin appearing? Practically zero >must be from 2021 inch or before so the website doesn't again turn into jee central >must have source of income to pay for hosting >must have enough time to do it for free >must live out of India (speech hostile nation) >must think running a kolhapuri chappal making forum is fun if such a person existed and had the means to be would have made a website in the past 2 years The last one is actually a big factor, and possibly the reason why most iterations of inch died. kabhi na kabhi the admin probably asks himself if it is the best use of his time keeping a website running for kids to throw casteist slurs at each other. Only a few white people will say yes.
>>3430 >>3431 You know, I am strangely happy that Inch died. Life has been better. This place is comfy, no reddit /discord drama. Good discussions Inch was shit. Why would you even want to revive it
>>3438 Inch used to be like this place in 2021 (I am a 2020 newfag). Inch 4? 5? was a good containment website. It didn't allow vpns so I don't even remember if I ever made a post there
>>3439 >>3438 Good fucking riddance man. Rusty and Puranavid's inch had relatively good moderation, even if towards the end I disagreed with removal of threads. The constant spamming got too much, I got banned so many times for basic bullshit. While people spamming cp and other shit, kept posting non stop. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted. Met some really good anons. I wish most of them the best in life.
>>3449 Glad it's over and hope it's over for good

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