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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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Random nightime thoughts and reflections 2.0 मित्र 04/23/2023 (Sun) 11:36:06 Id: 64f4ef No. 1485
Old thread got pretty big with lot of off topic stuff. So starting a new one. You can continue here from the old one.
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Went to a festival after ages with another fellow old fag. Other old fags knew the code, all black, don't get too friendly etc. Young kids had all the trendy hipster clothes, haircuts, lot of chicks, doing polka and techno dance moves, just made me uncomfortable. The feeling was mutual too. They were weirded out by us old fags. 3 days and nights later, I was nursing a headache and just tired. My ears were ringing despite the best hearing protection money can buy. Feels like yesterday when I could handle any amount of physical exertion without any problem. Now it just feels heavy and hard. Like the fat anon, I am going to have to work very hard to undo this feeling. It won't fix the social part, but I would like to fix the physical part.
>>1485 hello anons, ● prelude: Let me inaugurate this thread with my week#3 report. I setup a tripcode just in case someone larps as me. As much as I hate namefagging, I have to do this to make sure my real progress makes it to someone who actually needs to get inspired by the journey. will stay anon on all other threads though ● progress report and change in goals: alright so I've lost another 3 kilos in this week, and I think this is the best I've felt physically, post covid. I've set a new goal in mind now, and that is to reduce my body fat % to <=10 by the end of the year. It seems possible since I just need to be around 80kilos for my height(188cm), to achieve it. ● my diet: same as the last week, with 0 changes. had a cheat day today(sunday), and ate out with my brother since he was in town. I'll still copy paste it here for convenience: 1. low cal protein shake(with homemade protein powder)+lots of fruits ~350kcal for breakfast 2. a low calorie sabzi(without oil, usually bhindi,tofu or boiled potatoes)+ 3 rotis(multigrain,without ghee) ~500kcal for lunch 3. the same protein shake with a different flavour+ light,low calorie snacks sometimes(bhelpuri or 3 slices of brown bread with peanut butter) ~450kcal for evening snacks 4. Fried rice/6idlis + sambhar/low cal sabzi+4 rotis ~550kcal for dinner ●exercise routine: increased the swim time to 40min/day with an HIIT routine on 2 days a week. the swimming pool was closed on saturday due to parshuram jayanti, so I got an extra rest day. swam 400m in those 40min, most of which was occupied by recovery and cooldown breaks. As for cycling, i didn't really have the drive to do it everyday since swimming in the morning tired my muscles out, but still went for 30min/day of slow cycling for 5 days. ●injury updates: my quad seems better, I can cycle without discomfort now but still get occasional bursts of pain while doing intensive exercises. I stretched my stomach muscles and probably got a bad cramp while doing a situp, that area still hurts if I bend backwards after 2 days. My teres minor was also very sore after a few days of swimming. I guess these injuries are to be expected for a sedentary retard like me. and yeah, I developed a bad cold and have a very sore throat. hopefully that goes away since I hate common colds. ●end remarks: sorry for making this sound like a high school essay, but I really don't know of any other efficient ways to make my wall of text readable. Hopefully I can keep going this week. I'm trying to keep my goals short-term, since I read somewhere that it is more effective to stay on track. I'll try to post progress reports every Sunday. thanks for reading, and start self improving , मित्र |
>>1491 Honestly impressive progress anon. Few uninformed takes from me 1. <10% bf is unhealthy for your brain long term. I could be wrong on this, but I have seen many of my friends who did it go dumb. > but I really don't know of any other efficient ways to make my wall of text readable Heading - Point 1 - Point 2 Etc. I wish image boards had proper markdown formatting similar to Github. Your post is inspirational to me, to change my lifestyle as well. Doing a massive cleanup of my room right now.
>>1492 >1. <10% bf is unhealthy for your brain long term. that's not true, the essential body fat % for men is 3% and 10% is quite healthy and maintainable. going lower than 8% causes side effects like concentration problems and testosterone deficiency. >I could be wrong on this, but I have seen many of my friends who did it go dumb. that's probably because they were too busy spending time in the gym and obsessing about abs while ignoring their normal routine. >Heading >- Point 1 >- Point 2 >Etc. yeah, that's what I did this time, and I echo your sentiments about markdown. >Your post is inspirational to me, to change my lifestyle as well thanks anon, that was the post's intention. >Doing a massive cleanup of my room right now. great, small steps lead to big changes in the long term. I used to feel very lazy while getting out of the bed in mornings partly due to my room being shabby. I think that a positive environment breeds a positive mindset. good luck मित्र, hope you lose some of that fat too.
Life is long term game, you cannot estimate how random life is. You can deserve that win you have, or you were purely lucky. Same for your bad luck. It can be purely random or just your incompetence. What is important to be in situations where change is possible. Not just away from the bad, but also from the good. >>1494 You might be right about the body fat part, I would still be content with less than 20% honestly. > great, small steps lead to big changes in the long term. I used to feel very lazy while getting out of the bed in mornings partly due to my room being shabby. I think that a positive environment breeds a positive mindset. Its tougher. My job is fairly heavy, not as bad as my old role. But it does help a lot.
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Whom you choose to marry or date Your long term friends These are the most important changes.
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Ages ago when I was going through bad times, a person I looked upto just said to me that it will get better. He had no need, he was too famous and accomplished to care. I did not tell him anything either, but I guess he could see my sorry face. But that kept me going long enough to see time change for me. What makes life good for rich people is, they can survive bad times. But poor people end up sacrificing their health to survive such times. I have risen financially, but I have not internalized the optionality that wealth gives you.
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>>1485 Honour means never doing something/doing something unconditionally. For ex Not sleeping with someone for 500$, 10^6 $ or 10^9 $.
Finally done exams yaros, will be posting soon.
>>1491 slight update: the cold turned into a viral fever which kept me bedridden for the whole week. the fever is gone now but so is my strength. and the cold is still present, cant stop coughing and sneezing. this is a big setback to my progress I need to work on my immune system, I get a cold every 2 months and it always turns into a viral
>>1538 There is an infection spreading here that seems to be a COVID variant and is infecting everyone. >>1536 Looking forward to your posts anon.
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>>1485 planted a few mango trees today. I plan to plant 25 trees/day in random parts of my city for the next 1 month. protect the trees, anons.
>>1566 Desktop posting not working for me. But this is a topic close to my heart. We are going to end up where china is now if we dont stop.
>>1566 I wanted to answer you properly. But cant type much on phone.
Get /out/ मित्रों
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>>1485 Can post from my laptop again. Great. I don't know how people use their phones for anything other than very short messages. I cannot even imagine gaming on a small phone screen. Went /out/ after a long time, physically I am still very weak. But felt great. Germans and Europeans, destroyed their forests to produce fire, now they have fake forests, with lot of mono crops, resulting in pollen menance. India is doing the same, with church led groups playing a big part in it too. I have lost interest in history and social sciences, I got interested in it because school education gave me only propoganda, now that I know enough of the truth to move forward, my interest in it is dead. There are many others far more well read than me, who are dedicated to it full time. Time to get back into science.
>>1580 Have a lot of thoughts to post, but I'll try and condense them, hopefully they're readable. - Black Americans are the blue print for GAE's end goal, conscious or not. - Anti-India sentiment was created by the British and inherited by the Americans when India pursued a non-aligned foreign policy. - Germanon mentioned this awhile ago, but I think careers are not important anymore. I would rather be less successful and truthful to myself than wildly successful and a charlatan. Some other ones too that I'll post later. Been doing a lot of introspection lately, so a lot of my thoughts aren't necessarily applicable.
>>1594 Expanding on Black americans - Dependent on welfare and broken families, culture is just signifiers to products and commodifiable experiences.
>>1494 10% is on the lower end of whats maintainable. Most people claiming 10 are usually 12. I know a few bodybuilders irl that cut and it really takes it out of you. >>1594 Also meant to post that I'm slowly changing my opinion on the farmers protest.
>>1596 Do expand on the farmers protest part please.
>>1595 >>1595 A lot of Indians also do this, though less obvious than blacks, but we have our own termite class. I am glad they left for USA, USA deserves them and they deserve USA. >>1594 > - Anti-India sentiment was created by the British and inherited by the Americans when India pursued a non-aligned foreign policy. It started in the dhimmi class that the Persian created in Delhi, British perfected it into a weapon that has caused the most damage of all the wrongs done to us. >>1594 If you can earn enough to get the basics right, then having more freetime to develop yourself and your family is more important than more money. More money hardly adds any value except for more servicing of your feelings. >>1596 I am going slow with trying to reduce eating and body fat, mainly about changing my habits. Coming from India my answer to everything is food <Celebration Eat heavy food <Stress Stress eat heavy food <Social event Eat I am not obscenely fat, but combined with other health issues and a sitting job for 8 hours, it causes lot of issues. I got a standing desk installed in new office, lets see if it is a meme or not.
>>1566 On the environmental front, Abrahmics believe in progress by destroying nature. Hindu's have pretty much forgotten protecting nature as a Hindu priority. This governments record on environmental protection is horrible, you could argue Manmohan govt was better, but that was because of incompetence not intention. Coming years will see huge issues with heat and water shortages. We deserve it too. Meanwhile, some Indian researcher sepoy lecturing desi's about LGBTQST being more prone to climate change, as if rising temperatures are different for a persons imagined gender or victimhood. Modernity is absolutely disgusting. Bioleninism at its finest. Celebrating victimhood and punishing achievement.
>>1597 I think it's a case where both sides are wrong. The feudal-socialist market and subsidies that are in place now are wrong, but opening the market to foreigners or crony capitalists is also bad. The whole thing needs a re-work and I don't think the BJP has the will or know how to do it.
>>1603 Dhimmi class is interesting. Sadly my Indian history pre-Independence is really bad.
>>1597 I'm reading Revolt of the Elites by Christopher Lasch which expands on this. I will be making my long post on Paleoconservatism and what I think important takeaways for Indian conservatives are.
>>1605 This a very basic reading tbh. BJP did introduce lot of clauses for protection of farmers in case of conflicts with firms. Having an open market to sell to firms is imo good and not really opening the market to crony capitalism. Given that Punjab farmers are not throwing their produce on roads, to oppose dismal prices, shows that BJP has won. This was the good part. The bad part , India is already using GMO/Monsanto seeds, Indian honey producing firms are using European bee's since they produce more honey, but these bee's kill local species and don't pollinate certain Indian plants, this killing the local flora and fauna. Ministry is quiet aware of these issues and so are the companies involved in it. Protecting our natural resources or rather lack of these protections has been the worst aspect of this government.
>>1608 Based. looking forward to it
Got my cars tyres stolen. Its not a fancy car, slightly above average at best. Had a security system inside in case its moved. The thieves got the point, so stole the tyres. I crossed border back in Germany, to discover this. Happened at a shitty time, I was trying to save some more money than usual. This kind of theft used to be impossible, now it is happening a lot more. Monday I will have to lodge a complaint. German trains are quiet dirty. The Intercity express trains are as good as the movies, though rarely on time. Everyone other train is late, has dirty toilets, full of refugees harassing the staff etc. While Indian trains have improved over time.
Education comes after nations get rich. Education ensures that a family that has climbed to atleast middle class, can stay middle class. But it does not create wealth. Engineers who can make spreadsheets and use python, usually don't create value. Sometimes they enhance value when used to make an existing process better, but mostly they don't. Most of them don't create anything new. If an Engineer can increase efficiency by 1% , he will be rich beyond imagination. Whereas, an artisan who creates or Industrialists who manufacture goods, they do create value. And it does not take much of formal education to create value. Formal Indian education kills this common sense.
No engineering happens in UK. Their best designers are Indians sitting outside the country. The software's made by English engineers are shitty databases, running on versions of SQL that are long since dead and look like excel 1999. The only reason these software's make money is because they have been sold since early 2000's and mostly they sell support, nothing else. Once this generation of British engineers is dead, there is no more hope for them.
I meet lot of excellent coders, who have bad knowledge of math. They do complex analysis and programming, make bold predictions and conclusions, that do not stand upto scrutiny. But they get hired by industry, get paid a lot, when mistakes are found, they manage to deflect. Sometimes, a Btech in Math makes it, finds the mistake. If he is lucky, he gets promoted beyond a quant to a managerial role. Mostly though, he/she gets punished. The world will suffer for this lack of rigour.
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The last witch hunter is a horror movie. The cult of Iron and Axe wins and the man who wanted to die, is condemned to live more. The world would be better off, if the witches had won. Christians in the confidence of being gods chosen children, have destroyed so much. The secular world, continues the Christian war against non believers, just with different symbols and mythology.
>>1485 Met Iranians back to back. A lot of stuff isn't reported in the news, but it is sad what has become of the nation. but the reforms in the west Asian regions really do inspire hope for a more peaceful and prosperous future there.
>>1639 Ideologies live because its followers live. Not because of the superiority of any ideology. Simple as that. Christianity and western imperialism are inferior to the civilizations it destroyed, the only reason it reigns is because of its use of organized violence. Following the GAE method is a way to avoid violence by USA and its vassals against you. Nothing else. It does not bring progress of any kind. All US vassals have regressed since the war, despite claiming "ideological superiority"
>>1633 >>1633 >Formal Indian education kills this common sense. not because of the education itself no it's because of the teachers and soceity imagine a couple of pro-hindutva police officers arrest you and lecture you on stuff everyday that's kinda what schools are most teachers i see suffer from superiorty complex, trying to cope with their underacheivements in life also schools are designed as propaganda hubs for creating an obediant group of people for the government and factories/businesses >>1640 islam is the prime example i have not seen anything more literarily dry and bland as the quran or hadiths and yet millions treat it like the peak of literature
>>1641 imagine if a child played videogames for 8 hours straight everyday parents would be outraged and yet when they send their children to schools for 6 hours and then to coaching centers for another 2-4 hours everyday, they're very happy moreover, a child is usually entirely helpless when in schools as their parents are not with them this 1. Creates a sense of helplessness and makes them unable to protest as adults 2. Conditions them mentally that peer pressure and physical assault is better than logical debates and reasoning (as most teachers are very keen on beating and publicly shaming students) so basically it makes people mentally cucked and unable to critically think things
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A lot of people see abusing sepoys as political position of mudi vs others. That is bs because GOI is filled with sepoys, but more importantly, abusing sepoys is necessary for India to come out of western past and present, to not repeat the same mistakes that the west did. I still trust our people to make the worst choice. But still, there is hope. >>1641 > not because of the education itself no > it's because of the teachers and soceity In my opinion, it is firstly because we use written exams to judge all skills. For positions that need doers, you choose people who can can write exams. For positions that need talkers, negotiators etc, you choose people who can write exams etc. This problem plagues Europe too and USA as well. our technology has evolved, but social sciences are still not sciences, but jokes we inherited from 19th century European thought. I don't think you understand what Hindutva means, but I agree with your broader point. I have a bong friend with parents who lectured him all his life on scriptures, he turned into a raging liberandu to their horror. > and yet millions treat it like the peak of literature Well, on the surface. But Christianity's body count is still higher than that of Islam. Islam is catching up fast, but I see hope in the current reforms. I still have 0 hope from south Asian Muslims. My point though was more about neo liberlism, western secularism or whatever you want to name it. NATO has officially killed 20 million since 1947, this is ofcourse very conservative a number. 100 million from China and Russia, mostly their own. Hopefully the age of neo-liberalism is at its end. >>1642 The pressure of social interactions is necessary for social growth. the prescence of teachers is a feature to create order following factory workers. But is bad for anything else. > so basically it makes people mentally cucked and unable to critically think things Because thinkers don't create wealth or nations. Doers do. Thinkers are necessary but in very small quantities. Doing is far better than bookish learning, because feedback is faster.
Becoming a metalhead allowed me to escape the social circus that my surroundings were. > Bollywood worshipping peers > Richfags obsessed with doing richfag things > Exam obsessed doomers much like myself. Metal saved me. Still does. In my room temple, there is an idol of Dimebag Darrel along with others.
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Health is as always, 1 step forward, 2 steps back. Making good progress on diet. It is easy when my job is not stressful. But got an infection again. Now my brain is dead with all the medications and their side effects. Being here has cucked me. In India my hands were hard and my feet were tough. Here I have become slow and fat.
When thinking about politics, people start with what one should do. This is stupid. One needs first to define, what one cannot do. The limit to ones power and capabilities. These limits define ones path far better than the best path of action.
>>1646 This applies more so to personal life. But people rarely take this advice. No one wants to admit their own limits, but it is admitting ones hard limits, that one finds freedom.
>>1645 i hear so many comments about dude im getting sick all the time since vaxx that i sometimes wonder if theyre trolling me. then i realize theyre not. i cannot believe that theyre not more furious about getting sick all the time. infection this, flu that, diarrhea this, head cold that. any good news reports or fact findings on this off late?
>>1648 In my case it is demonstrably due to the Vaxx. I fucked up. I believed the bullshit, despite knowing that the evidence is bullshit. Mainly because I had family members in hospitals and travel/entry was easier with the vax. There are some studies that show injuries in the vaccinated, compared to non vaxxed. These have 2 years of data so fairly robust. The death data from UK/Israel etc also confirms that the vaccinated are slowly dying. Natrually, you won't find any reportage in MSM. But as usual, main stream media is not interested. I have a few years of recovery ahead of me. My heart is damaged and so is my breathing. Most importantly, it showed me how most researchers/scholars are paid dogs of the establishment. It does not matter if you have your own ideas, when you are paid by the establishment, you have to play the part. That is how you get extra funding. Now that I am out of that circle, I feel free. In future, id like to get back to India. After COVID and especially whatever I am seeing now of the war, I cannot trust these people whatsoever.
>>1649 firstly i hope you fully recover. having said that, now to the meat of the issue: >Most importantly, it showed me how most researchers/scholars are paid dogs of the establishment. It does not matter if you have your own ideas, when you are paid by the establishment, you have to play the part. have you tried to get close to one of these researchers (fairly older ones ) to get their opinion on how_it_truly_went_down or whether there were any early_warning_signs that they were about to do something big (the pandemic) in the years prior to 2020? Because someone somewhere (im not saying ordinary joes in the medical/vax delivery establishment) had to have known because lots of this coincidental stuff just doesnt add up. Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israeli-scientists-In-three-weeks-we-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-619101 The reason I want to hear someone fairly highly placed in these things speak : to spot future such events should they happen (nothing prevents them from doing it all over again or some rogue state copycat-ing) >Now that I am out of that circle, I feel free. In future, id like to get back to India. After COVID and especially whatever I am seeing now of the war, I cannot trust these people whatsoever. How if at all will moving to India help you, you think? What things give you trust, in Indian doctors / big pharma establishment that you find lacking here? Wouldnt they be bought out in the same fashion? which brings me to the series of events that led to the rollout in India Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine (manufactured under license by Serum Institute of India under the trade name Covishield) and Covaxin (a vaccine developed locally by Bharat Biotech). What led to the green-lighting of these two candidates and not others? Was it purely data-driven or were other things at work behind the scenes? Were those any safer? Are people who took those vaccines experiencing similar issues including early mortality, blood clots and other stuff?
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>>1651 There is a lot in this that doesn't add up for me. From what I can tell, mRNA allows Pharma companies to treat humans like domesticated cows, that need injections time to time. They have a flu treatment that is mRNA based now. > have you tried to get close to one of these researchers (fairly older ones ) to get their opinion on how_it_truly_went_down or whether there were any early_warning_signs that they were about to do something big (the pandemic) in the years prior to 2020? I know two such researchers. First one gave me some juicy gossip - German scientist knew about COVID as early as Nov 2019, their own government heard them but refused to do anything about it. So they gave the data to other scientists including Indian, who passed info to GOI, which took it more seriously. - There was heavy lobbying across all world governments including the EU. The terms and conditions of these deals cannot be revealed. - That definitions of important medical terms was changing, rang bells for this person. There was no medical data provided by Pfizer,Moderna, J&J etc only conclusions. Once data started coming out, this person left his job quietly. He then later died for different reasons unrelated to the COVID situation. It was a person loss for me as well. Every conversation with this person, I used to learn a lot, but he also an insufferable asshole. I had my doubts, but I need my job and we were forced to be vaxxed to keep working, so I did it. I am not fond of this person, but he is rigrous in his life as he is in his work. The second person confirmed for me, that we are dogs of the establishment. - Wife is a doctor, this person has excellent knowledge. - Gets vaxxed, gets sick. Daughter gets vaxxed, loses child. Still doesn't find anything suspicious. - He is close to merkel in a personal capacity, his whole political circle believed in the vax through and through and its safety. If the vax was so safe, it wouldn't be pushed down our throats. But there is a difference between knowing how to spot something odd and having the personal courage to take a stand, lose your job, social life etc. You can know something intellectually, but to do something about it takes balls. > How if at all will moving to India help you, you think? What things give you trust, in Indian doctors / big pharma establishment that you find lacking here? Wouldn't they be bought out in the same fashion? In India it is possible to live and do things out of the system and rules. Quiet easily in fact. Many doctors and friends of mine, did take strong stance against the vaccine and COVID hysteria. It is the lack of enforcement in India that gives me faith. > What led to the green-lighting of these two candidates and not others? Was it purely data-driven or were other things at work behind the scenes? Were those any safer? I know this from gossip, that AZ was manufactured for money. That its side effects were well known from day 1. Covaxin is safer in terms of blood clots, but its manufacturing cannot keep up with "demand". It is one of the few traditionally developed vaccines, one that you can actually call a vaccine i.e. using inactive virus protein or closest thing to it. > Are people who took those vaccines experiencing similar issues including early mortality, blood clots and other stuff? The data on AZ is clear. It kills you with blood clots. > Others As far as I have heard, others simply had below 70% efficacy, which is why they were not taken seriously. There are more important questions though Why did WHO not allow any kind of active treatment of COVID in hospitals or centres ? It forced centres including in India to close any active treatment for COVID. I personally have family members who benefited from these alternative treatments but they were forced to close down. Journals fabricated results, including Lancet, why are there no consequences of this from the scientific community ?
>>1643 >Because thinkers don't create wealth or nations. Doers do. and to do something one must first think doing something without first giving it thought is the mindset of a slave a single thought can potentially reduce the burden of a hundred men
>>1643 also >For positions that need doers, you choose people who can can write exams. >For positions that need talkers, negotiators etc, you choose people who can write exams etc. idk but atleast people here in bongland people get their position based on nepotism (and prior experience) alot of the time, I've seen alot of people who literally give zero fucks about traditional education
>>1643 >The pressure of social interactions is necessary for social growth. idk man, the behaviour of most teachers are extremely toxic and manipulative, they treat children more like farm animals and less like human beings. esp. as they are making it mandatory here in bongland to hire atleast 60% female teachers in primary/secondary edu. levels (class 1-8 i think) I am not sexist but the way women are raised in the indian subcon make them have alot of psychological issues which are usually left unchecked. yes, social interaction is necessary for social growth of a person, that involves meeting new people, getting exposed to different social environments and circles to know how to act in different situations etc, don't think emotional abuse is a part of it tho
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>>1644 >Metal saved me. Still does. for me it was Haytham Kenway's speeches on Assassin's Creed 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6n3gilWSmc I highly recommend playing Assassin's Creed 1 and 3 (games inbetween are trash) It single-handedly got me out of my liberal-muslim phase and made me realize how religions, politics and soceity works/fucntions
also I feel like a very important difference between indian and western soceities is their view on how wealth is generated say I steal something from someone else this gives me power/wealth, I'll call anything that benefits/harms the individual personal growth/harm but stealing something harms the power/wealth of someone else, I'll call anything that benefits/harms another soceital growth/harm as you know, the west's capitalistic philosophy assumes growth is unlimited, thus it is thought that personal growth can be achrived without soceital harm but in the indian subcon, we still hold the view that growth is limited, and for personal growth, soceital harm is necessary thus, we are still encouraged to steal/cheat/harm another for personal growth instead of trying to generate wealth without soceital harm
>>1660 This post is gold. Will answer in detail.on weekend
>>1510 life is neither a long-term nor a short-term game luck is a meme, it doesn't exist luck is brainlet cope only thing that exists in life are oppurtunities which come randomly and can drastically alter the course of your life thus a smart man is always prepared to adapt and take advantage of any oppurtunity life throws at him, while brainlets cope with "m-muh luck"
>>1542 on that note i caught the rona once, it lasted like a month but i didn't feel any long-term health detriments 2 years later the govt forced us to take the vax and immediately within 2 months my bp dropped and i started getting heart palpitations, so probable heart damage
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>>1604 Dhaka in mid 70s Notice how clean, green and full of serenity the city is ? Honestly think India looked quite similar too We shot ouraselves in the foot
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More GAE actions against humanity coming soon
>>1660 i think that people also underestimate how potent the "nuclear fission" reactions of even a single soceital issue can be childhood abuse being common in a soceity will raise a generation of people who will only react to violence instead of logical debate people will get conditioned into believing (and i mean genuinely believing) that instead of logical arguments being acceptable and illogical arguments being abandoned, whoever is capable of the most amount of violence is correct and whoever is capable of being less violent than you is incorrect this, in turn, begets more violence and the chain continues this is how cults like Islam have persisted for so long, and ig indirectly explains the reason of why abrahamic soceities don't operate on trust in your other post
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>>1656 Actually, most of nature is mindless dynamic improvement. Thinking is useful in some scenario's, but really really really overrated. > a single thought can potentially reduce the burden of a hundred men This is responsible for the perils of modernity. >>1657 So I have heard anon. Hence so many are leaving. >>1658 My own experience is not that different. But it made me better than my peers too. Normie healthy thinking is overrated. Leads to weak men and useless women. > emotional abuse It is about the dosing. In small doses, healthy. In large doses, leads to disorder and eventually death. >>1659 No gaming PC anymore sadly. And gaming takes too much time. >>1660 This is a very deep topic anon. Decades ago, I went living in a city to living in a forest where Bangla culture ruled, I found the myths of Kali stupid and preferred the trappings of the westernized city. There was a Kali temple, famous amongst the loyal, with animal sacrifice and sometimes rumoured to have human sacrifice too. After a year in the forest though, I saw how the forest gave to the tribals and why the worshipped it as their mother. They were savage but ultimately very honourable people. There was a reason that their traditions were preserved for millenia. Recently GAE managed to enter the forests, covert the people and destroy parts of the forests. Those who adopted the GAE life have become druggies, falling into trappings of modernity like everyone else. Ones who follow traditions, don't see reason or logic in it, they do it out of loyality, but the connection to mother Kali is gone. My recent interactions with whites have shown me how evil these people are. They truly believe their own bullshit, like Christians of the old, who tortured people thinking they were saving them. >>1664 You kind of defined luck in a way. But the point you make is a big one. Being prepared for randomness is a very tough concept to grasp. Being prepared for the unexpected is counter intuitive, since by definition you cannot expect it. >>1666 Kind of. We were still defeated by Islam and then British, who did lot of long term harm. For example, Islam destroyed the wet sanitation systems in India, British brought in many diseases into India etc. There is no point looking to the past though. To deal with the future, we have to balance some very unsavoury realities.
[Expand Post]>>1705 While you are 100% right, too much logical occification or economic stress is what created the conditions for Islam to be acceptable amongst the masses. For all its harms, Islam did give people social mobility. Sadly, that cycle of violence that it demands, cannot be sustained long term. As simple as that. You should watch Vinland saga
I recover and fall to something else. This is very common with others too. Endless cycle of sickness and misery. This will last years. Anytime govt forces something on me, I will remember this. A family member , quiet healthy, got a heart attack too. He is safe now, but I might be flying either way. More family affairs to handle, land to be sold, accounts managed and affairs to set in order.
>>1718 >You kind of defined luck in a way. But the point you make is a big one. Luck is "Good/Bad thing WILL happen and it's out of my control" Random encounters are "Shit happens, whether that's good or bad deoends on how I handle it" >Being prepared for randomness is a very tough concept to grasp. Being prepared for the unexpected is counter intuitive, since by definition you cannot expect it. jokes on you im schizophrenic
>>1720 so basically Luck is like "mullah raped me in my childhood, i have very bad luck" random encounter is "wild mullah appeared anon used kick him in the nuts and run it was super effective"
>>1718 >No gaming PC anymore sadly. And gaming takes too much time original runs on intelhd 4000 (i3 4th gen cpus) remaster runs on Vega 11 (3200G/3400G) or a gt1030
>>1718 >After a year in the forest though, I saw how the forest gave to the tribals and why the worshipped it as their mother. I stayed in my village for a month and understood the necessity of islam in bongland, although i dont agree with them
>>1718 >While you are 100% right, too much logical occification or economic stress is what created the conditions for Islam to be acceptable amongst the masses. please visit and indian/bangladeshi madrasha/etimkhana someday and you'll understand my point, 90% of islam spreading and persisting is because of violence
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>>1720 Randomness can still follow a distribution, depending on where it falls , it can be good or bad overall for you in the short term of long term. That is luck. >>1722 Huh. Ok. Ill look for a version. When it came out, my friends were in awe of it. >>1724 Do expand on this. >>1726 I have and I understand this. I have seen it more than most, which is why we have weapons back home in India. Islam is kept alive due to violence, even where it is being reformed, it is being reformed by violence against the pakh ones. Sadly, Hindu's are also abrahmized in many cases, copying western logic or Islamic logic in different words. Mullahs can be defeated by more violence. But these traitors and confused ones, they need to combatted with care and impunity.
The anarchy thread on this sub chan is a great resource. Though all that knowledge is good only when practised.
>>1727 if i told anyone all the shit i had plans (and were working towards) for i'd vanish the next day
>>1727 >Do expand on this. I don't really know how to express my thoughts on this in words it's something you'd need to see yourself but yeah the things I can say are 1. Alot of people in the village are lonely asf nowadays most men are usually in cities or outside the country and seldom visit their village so their children/wives need to cope with the emotional void via god 2. Fearing god is the only way people will be social and law-abiding to bonglandian people religion/Islam IS the law 3. Religion keeps men civil, very often I have seen huge asf fights almost break out but then stopped by a single mullah coming forth and resolving the issue via quranic/hadith ruling (which the people respect)
>>1730 People were always this dependant/fabatic ovwr religion but as time went on people became more and more dependant on religion and now it's an integral part of bangladeshi culture the only way to gwt rid of islam is via genocide
>>1731 *weren't always this dependant/fanatic
>>1730 Sounds like a different problem anon. > bonglandian people religion/Islam IS the law That is the nature of Islam and it is what makes Islam a potent religion. Pro's and cons. >>1731 Disagree. Bangla workers quit their beliefs quiet easily when not surrounded by other Muslims. As the cultures that BD derives from change, so will BD.
SOmeone just make a fitness thread. Also, check out Dr Aseem Malhotra's episode on Joe Rogan Experience.
>>1596 >10% is on the lower end of whats maintainable if you have enough discipline to achieve it from a BMI>27, I'd say it would be maintainable if you have the drive.
>>1752 sorry for not posting updates, I was out of the country for a couple of weeks. it rekt my diet, but I'm slowly getting back on track. I still managed to lose 200grams despite eating unhealthy food over my trip. I'll make the thread later
>>1749 >Disagree. Bangla workers quit their beliefs quiet easily when not surrounded by other Muslims. that's the keyword not surrounded by other Muslims. hard to acheive when they're eager to chop your head off if they even suspect you're a non-muslim.
>>1485 BD anon, your thoughts on regime change in BD ?
>>1777 my genuine reaction to regime change
>>1777 on a more serious note hasina has kept bangladesh safe for a long time but she has grown quite old I feel like if she ever dies of natural causes there can potentially be a huge war between islamists and pro-indians, backed by china and india respectively either that or the military takes over and bd reverts back to martial law like in the 80s-00s
>>1783 and if the military does take over it's gonna be a very, very sad day for politicians (most are corrupt anyways), rohingyas and maybe the drug kingpins too but if we get a strong-willed dictator who gives zero fucks about gibs and outside forces maybe we finally will get some proper weapons/military developement and have our own industries
>>1784 Well, with unreformed Islam, BD will crash, the question is how long it will take. Chinese seem to have lost the appetite for conflict for now it seems. So its mainly down to USA. > but if we get a strong-willed dictator who gives zero fucks about gibs and outside forces maybe we finally will get some proper weapons/military developement and have our own industries Is there anyone ? As for Indian interference in BD currently, I honestly doubt the competence of interference that we can do in BD. our diplomatic staff is incompetent on epic levels.
>>1784 > most are corrupt anyways You have no idea. Bangladesh is corrupt to a point that even most dismal BD's cannot imagine it. It makes India look good. For whatever my opinion is worth, Bangladesh has become a country for sale like Pakistan. If it plays the army/mujahid for spiel, it will end up like most American/Chinese allies. Oh well. Not so good days ahead for the region.
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Small but consistent effort at a topic > periodic flames of passion. Life can be seen as series of 7 year projects. A new one begins for me now
>>1786 > is there anyone ? we have academies where we train hundreds of men to become tomorrow's army officers. they get admitted at the age of 10-12 and directly join high-ranking posts after gradutation. so yeah, probably but will they survive stalin-tier purges of various sides ? maybe
>>1787 >For whatever my opinion is worth, Bangladesh has become a country for sale like Pakistan. The highest bidder so far is India >Not so good days ahead for the region. look up the sex ratios of bd/india and calculate the male surplus inceldom creates war
>>1797 Unless born gifted, military people don't tend to be good rulers. Neither do STEM fags. Politics are still best handled by people with good understanding of humans. >>1798 > The highest bidder so far is India I have 0 sympathy for Bangla's, they are openly foaming at the mouth to attack India. It is only in our interest to keep them down therefore. More importantly, Bangla's have a habit of blaming their own internal corruption on the Indian hand and Indian subversion. Sure, India might be doing it, but Bangla's ignore the actual extent of how deep in their own shit they are. Even Chinese use Myanmar and not Bangla's to attack India because they don't trust them. > inceldom creates war Yep. It also creates heroes and people who can make big sweeping changes. Pussy is wonderful, it also makes one soft and weak. --- You are not stupid, use your own brain and tell me, what advantage will Bangladesh get buying more and more weapons ? They create no actual value and neither are they good enough to be of any real value in case of a conflict. Until there is an economic advantage, Bangladesh cannot do anything but keep its head down and work. Same applies to India wrt China and USA. That is the reality of all south Asians.
I met a new IIT'ian, one with mind poisoned by humanities bs and woke bullshit. Though I wanted to bash his head in, I know it is not his fault. He is young and impressionable and he is aping behaviors that will get him a job. We really need to invest in our own actual social studies (they are not sciences) free from American ideas. Sure, globohomo bad, but have we created an alternative ?
>>1655 >>1654 >>1649 Long COVID Will End Civilzation Anonymous ID:IXY0AzL7 Fri 02 Jun 2023 00:39:46 No.429153026 ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>429153246 The following are all facts based on studies that are freely available. The data has been obvious now for about a year, but it gets more and more obvious every day: 1. The average person will contract COVID 1-2/times per year for the foreseeable future. 2. Each COVID infection has a 10% chance of giving you long COVID. 3. Even if you recover from long COVID, every subsequent COVID infection has a 50% chance of making your long COVID come back or even get worse. 4. Long COVID isn't caused by the vaccine or wearing masks or anxiety. That's copium by people in denial. 5. About 10% of people with long COVID are severely disabled and cannot work. 6. There is no cure for long COVID. There are no treatments. 7. There is nothing you can do to prevent long COVID. The vaccine does not prevent it. Being healthy and in good shape does not prevent it. 8. All currently circulating COVID variants can cause long COVID. It's simple math. Within 10 years, about 2/3rds of the global population will have long COVID in some form, and much of the population will be too disabled to work. Unlike the initial COVID spread, this will happen linearly, with more and more people becoming slowly disabled over time. I'm not sure what the tipping point will be. It may be a few years before everyone wakes up and understands the sheer magnitude of the problem we're facing. I assume that some people are immune to long COVID, but we have no idea what % of the population is immune. It may be quite low, in which case the majority of the human race may be doomed to permanent disability. It's unclear how society will function at that point. I anticipate a gradual break-down over time. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/429153026/ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/429153026/ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/429153026/ think this is mostly bunk we ought not to buy into any of this bs unless ofcourse supported by some substantiating evidence a lot of rings true and even sounds enticing. I want to believe it too but thats where the slippery slope is.
>>1649 >>1843 I'm pretty lucky. Got the vaxx but had no side effects, and have never had COVID. Hand washing and being diligent about who you are hanging out with really help, more than """masking""" /pol/ has essentially nothing of value. They predict happenings daily with essentially zero accuracy. I think Trump really fucked up /pol/ with the influx of edgy retards, and the Ukraine war has now flooded it with paid Russian shills. I actually remember when there were decent conversations.
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>>1843 Man. This is depressing but true and my reality. Then the news about new respiratory viruses. Globohomo is killing its most loyal followers
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>>1485 Flying to India. Relative in Hospital. I hate travelling like this and meeting the extended family.
>>1837 >what advantage will Bangladesh get buying more and more weapons ? the weapons are for maintaining internal peace and for defensive purposes, not for attack, our govt./military is not dumb enough to start wars (yet) there has been a huge insurgence of terrorist activities in the past couple of years
>>1837 >Unless born gifted, military people don't tend to be good rulers. they might nott be good rulers but they are the only people capable of maintaining peace and stability rn
>>1862 >>1861 The only way to achieve peace when you have islamic factions and external actors, is monetary growth. > but they are the only people capable of maintaining peace and stability rn History would disagree.
Reducing dependence on any option or making it robust long term, that takes choices going against conventional success and against the grain. These days, everyone is expected to make sacrifices for the technological society. Very very few people actually now take the choice to disconnect and make a life of their own, most of these are not visible on the internet i.e. not visible at all.
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Got an infection while flying back to Germany. Managed to gain only 1 kg on my tip to India. Funeral food was really good. Meeting Indian normie women was a revelation. I used to think I was gay when young, because the women I grew up around were fucking retarded. Meeting normie Indian women was a revelation of what got me into metal and why I am better off away from them. WE men need to expect better from what we have to reproduce with.
>>2025 One has to define what independence is for them. Natrually it cannot be everything. You still need food water etc. But to reduce ones dependencies is a noble goal.
>>1485 Kind of sad with how things are turning out in my cunt. Talking with extended family yesterday, and realized how pozzed Canada has become. Literally a sinking ship now. Very sad for me to see.
>>2026 ive heard the contents of this cartoon described to me before by someone. This is the first Im actually looking at it in pictorial form haha Pretty cool find.
>>2031 Yeah. Its been a sinking ship for a while now. Same here. Socisl fabric is fine. But money printing and bad decisions overall.
>>2031 >>2037 Okay let me air this out : Theres a theory ( I find it hard to believe too but whatever ) that this whole reset/shakeup of the established classes of society is done to achieve two things principally 1) To kick out all the old-moneyed classes of our economy who have owned property and businesses in major cities across America so that the Democrat/far-left fringes could buy them up for themselves or so that their friends could buy them up at rock bottom prices. This would ensure fundamentally change the wealth makeup of the cities atleast. (atleast thats the hope - will the new owners of these properties and businesses rent-seek greedily just like the previous fat cat owners? we dont know. we will have to wait and see) 2) Older ( and generally whiter) moneyed classes of society have grown economically & intellectually languid and are no longer driving innovation & advancement like they once did. So this reset should light a fire under their seats, so to speak. To drive a sense of urgency perhaps. I dont know if the American deepstate leadership is unhappy with American business's overreliance on their bonhomie with China or if something else. But yeah someone is pissed with all this. Yeah there could be different factions of the deepstate wanting different things too. That cannot be discounted either. This is one of my working theories. (Just Soros and his cronies orchestrating all of this WITHOUT the help of someone representing the American establishment is highly suspect. That much I know.) What do you think?
>>2038 I think of it in similar terms, but slightly different terms. - Eliminating private ownership and cash to centralize power. - 13 families control the resulting world government. - This kind of control furthers the agenda of a technological society, to what end or why ? I don't know. Seems that the forces are conspiring in reducing humanity and increasing our dependence on machines in irreversible ways. But there are lot of ways in which this great reset can go wrong. Natural calamities for one do not care for the wishes of these people.
American's seriously lack any self awareness. They judge other peoples lives or ways of living, while living like poor fags themselves, wasting money on gaming and bullshit, but ignoring basics like hobbies and hygiene. Ofcourse, this is not true of all Americans, but most white American's I have met, invest less in personal hygiene than they do in their hobbies.
>>1485 Yet two more "redpilled twatter political experts" telling me about how BJP,RSS and dal function. Never attended a day of shakha or volunteered for any org, making conclusions based on gossip. No party will talk about the violence it undertakes in public or what it does. Especially when globohomo is looking for any attack to sanction and attack BJP as well as its affiliated bodies. Nobody stays in power this long without getting their hands dirty. More importantly, all these twitter experts are fucking idiots, because they have no skin the game.
Nearly off my pills and in physio for my joints. Feeling genuinely hopeful for the first time in awhile.
Explaining to non Indian gf what roadies is and why it matters Or samrat kilvish's back story It is really challenging. But the best wad watching bajrangi bhaijaan with her. >>2133 Nice ! It has a huge effect on psyche. Took me long time to get this
>>2059 I had two police cases against me before i was 25. Both politically motivated. The one time I was involved in something, police didnt care. Random Indian abusing me on social media, cries about being shadow banned for victimhood. Computer warriors should always get a taste of reality before making threats.
>>2026 >Meeting Indian normie women was a revelation. I used to think I was gay when young, because the women I grew up around were fucking retarded. Meeting normie Indian women was a revelation of what got me into metal and why I am better off away from them. WE men need to expect better from what we have to reproduce with. same
>>1485 In the pre social media world, most friendships once they ended, you stopped knowing about that person. This concept is so alien to people nowdays. They keep in touch passively with every tom dick and harry they know from school itself. I find this to be the equivalent of filling your head with garbage. The human brain has a weakness for social data, it loves social data. Knowing what everyone projects about themselves on social media is very pointless.
With advent of quantum computing and globohomo using surveillance, offline skills, devices and living without internet is more precious than ever. If you meet soldiers, they can just keep their phones in their room and go dark whenever the feel like it. But a normie cannot do this for 2-3 hours. Therefore the Normie is a part of the matrix and cannot be trusted to do the most basic anti establishment action. Religion gives normies the ability to disconnect from the modernity grid, this is why the technological society hates religion.
>>2133 >>2136 First proper workout in awhile, feeling pretty good. Goal is to hit 160 - 165 lbs while staying 10 - 12% bodyfat. Obviously going to have to work in some cardio - thinking 6 min sprint with 1 min rest 6 times, and then doing a longer run later in the evening. Also, good advice I've discovered - try to have half a gallon of water in you and 100 grams of carbs DIGESTED before working out. Pumps are way better and you'll feel much stronger. Also .75 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, but thats a more general tip. Youl will make pretty good gains.
Would you join social media to meet girls ? Do you find real and interesting women on social media ? Is social media worth the brain damage to you ? >>2254 I am not a gym person, but I found another spot near my new apartment that I go running, camping etc. I need the solitude to get my brain in order.
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A lot of people on chans used to be original in arguments and opinions. Currently most people I encounter are performing to an audience. I don't really care for convincing them or anyone else for that matter of my point of view or opinion. But more importantly, reading through threads and posts, there is nothing new or original. Old people and new, repeating same old arguments and opinions, not even new images or reactions. No new pepe edits or even sharing good existing memes.
>>2261 4chan esp has gotten really stale. Going to try and get a bartending job - good way to make money while developing social skills. >>2260 Sounds pretty nice.
>>2325 Bartending jobs are not great if they make you a night person, the drinking and staying out can quickly ruin your health. But it pays well and your social skills do improve. Haven't used 4chan in so long. I don't miss it either. Same with neo InCh.
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Building character and keeping eyes open for opportunities is more beneficial.
>>1485 the relationship between my mother and father is degrading fast and i think its due to my mother. A lot of my paternal family too thinks this way as my father has been always away trying to earn a living and she was a disaster as an alone mother who did jack to teach us anything valuable in life, I even got to know about my passion as a young kid only when my father recognised how much i was obsessed with the stock market after he took me to see one of his friends who worked at a big bank and i got really impressed by what stocks are and how money moves around. >My Father who literally was away for 80% of my childhood knew more about me then my own mother who was always there for me. That made me know the importance of my dad and for the first time got me thinking about finance seriously. My cousin who is a lawyer is also a crystal cafe sort of feminist has been filling the mind of my mother with god knows what. Anons i fear that i have to transfer my fathers assets to a trust fund inorder to save all his assets from that wench. This stuff is keeping my up all night, How would you guys protect your assets?
>>2348 Hello Anon, Your father needs to lawyer up immediately, name some assets in your name. If you have a banker, then start transferring other assets under some excuse. All this aside, hope your father has good health insurance as these things will be very heavy on his health.
>>2353 have been thinking of putting it all in this structure so that my fathers net worth comes out as Zero and we can avail a one time alimony structure that will be lesser than whatever we will be losing if i keep everything in non-trust ownership. The Indian Trust act is from the colonial period as thus is quite liberal in its approach to asset protection in a country as anti rich as India. I wonder why such holding structure isn't as popular in indian society? but alas i shall not rest free as i know a big fight will happen during the diwali season as that wench must trying to prep up some case for herself. I will try to extent any major break in the relationship till i hide off the PF,MF money into some property that will be held by the holding company which will in turn be held my the trust for the benefit of me and my father. Any lawyer anons, is there any discrepancy in this plan? Is the Indian Legal System Allowed to take alimony from the beneficiary of a trust? I am just brainstorming before i get any law advice since my mother is a well networked woman who will know who and for what reason i met the lawyer pretty soon and for all i know , this holding structure has helped many people save their assets.
>>2376 Indian legal system is more practice less theory. Law usually takes the side of women. I cant offer much help. The way the law works is so weird. Wish you the best of luck. Do keep us informed if you dont mind.
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Having long term conviction in your principles (fundamental truths) takes lot of clarity and work. Most people will just absorb the normie popular narrative for survival. but if you don't make bets, you will be condemned to a life of middle class irrelevance and endless struggle. You can say having a kid is a long term bet, if you are serious about having kids. Most Indian parents are not. They have a kid because the family told them to and that is the only sex they will have. Such kids growing up with minimal intention and guidance , are in most cases irrelevant like their parents.
>>2377 does indian legal system have religion-based laws like bangladesh ?
>>2376 >in a country as anti rich as India. just hit me, this anti-rich mentality is what keeps our nations down everybody tries to drag everyone down and in the end nobody get's rich
>>2346 yet you need to have planned stuff beforehand so you can fully takr advantage of the oppurtunity you have
>>2261 mostly because everything worth saying has been said already mofos will keep bickering on about the woes of the world but are too cowardly to do anything about it on top of that most newfags are extremely narcissistic zoomies with undeveloped intelligence the general pipeline for newfags is instagram > reddit > chan
Freedom is the most important aspect of human life. I once told a girl that I donot consider most women to be humans, she angrily asked me why, I told her "To be human is to be free, women are never free in an islamic soceity, thus they are not humans." Most people are physically free, but their minds are still shackled by their family and soceity. I was practically abandoned by my biological parents shortly after birth, my grandparents took me in and raised me into the man I was, thus I consider my grandparents as my true parents, sadly, they died when I was 13 and I had to move back with my biological parents. It was hard to lose my grandparents, but it gave me freedom to think, freedom from my family and soceity. I saw both my father and mother trying to emotionally manipulate and control me since the day I moved in with them, especially in regards to religion and how they would burm in hell if I didn't become a good muslim man. Luckily, I felt zero pity for them and most of their emotional bullshit did not affect me, but I can see how if my grandparents pulled the same tactics on me I'd probably give in. I see alot of my friends around me in the exact same situation even in their early 20s, although regrettably, they have everything from their worldview to even their food preferences dictated by their family. Love is the string by which the devil pupeteers his minions. I still remember the first time I read Eric Berne's Games People Play, that alot of social activity is centered around coping with the deprivation of maternal love as a child get's older. In the end, I had two choices, to give up and fit into the perfect mould of what a human being should be like dictated by my parents and soceity, or be free. I chose the latter. To be human is to be free.
>>2427 This is the thing most atheists don't understand. Religion is NEVER about being factually or logically correct. Thus trying to debate with religious zealots on factual or logical terms is pointless. Religions are there to fill a person's emotional void. Religions are built upon emotional neglect and abuse. "Mom and Dad will not love you if you don't do EXACTLY what we say." To a person this roughly translates to "If I love and defend my religion mom and dad will finally give me their love and praise."
>>2428 That is the issue with love. Love blinds people. Love is the enemy of Freedom. This is the fundamental issue with Indian Subcon. soceity. Most people are blinded by love, they are either cowards or emotionally too weak to resist the temptation that love offers them, they cannot resist the poisoned nectar and embrace Freedom. They seek emotional fulfillment, but what they realize is they can never attain it if they keep chasing after love, only Freedom can set them free of their shackles.
>>2429 I won't reply in detail, to explain it briefly, when societal input overruns individual choices, that society will fail, due to lack of feedback, it will become a collection of failure. This can be in many forms, endemic caste system, rigid Islam etc. That you cannot generalize to love. Love is too general and meaninless a word, you have to be more specific in your thesis. >>2426 > on top of that most newfags are extremely narcissistic zoomies with undeveloped intelligence 100%. >>2425 That rarely works out though. Atleast never has for me. The career I have now, went against all planning and came to me purely by chance. Meanwhile people who planned really well (and very smart people) crashed and burned.
>>2427 >>2426 > mostly because everything worth saying has been said already This I disagree with fully. I have so many topics, which are worth discussing. Will write about this in the other thread.
>>2423 Yes it does.
>>2433 So laws like "a muslim man can only have 4 wives, while there is no limit for hindu men" "a muslim man will get double of what a muslim woman will get from inheritance, but hindu men/women het an equal split" ? These are some of the major ones I can think on top off my head but you get the idea, completely separate set of laws for different religions
>>2431 >when societal input overruns individual choices, that society will fail, due to lack of feedback, it will become a collection of failure. I basically addressed one of the ways how soceital input takes hold over the mind of a commoner, the method of how people are brainwashed since their early childhood. tl;dr there is a tendency among alot of parents to emotionally abuse and gaslight their kids into doing their bidding. But the process is not one-sided, it is mutual,somepne can only gaslight you if you hold them in high esteem and have genuine affection towards them. >That you cannot generalize to love. Love is too general and meaninless a word, you have to be more specific in your thesis. By love I meant maternal/parental love
>>2438 not exactly parental/maternal love tbh idk how to describe it in words, Eric Berne did a better job than me explaining the gist of it
>>2438 I would have been gaslighted too were it not for my lack of empathy towards my parents
>>2432 I was thinking in terms of the political boards of 4chan, as that's where the mot activity takes place (/pol/ /b/ /g/ /v*/ /a/), all convos in there are basically the same things regurgitated over and over, precisely because there is nothing nw to add to the discussion. Also comfy boards still exist, give /diy/ a visit on 4chan
>>2437 Reversed in India, Muslims can have multiple wives and Hindus can't.
>>2437 Yeah. Muslims have their own laws in India. Like Nikah halala and triple talaq was legal in India until recently. So do all religions. Indian law is explicitly anti Hindu, only Hindu institutions pay tax's that is then used to pay for madarsa's and church's. Ironically, Hindu rashtra would be more secular than what the current "secular rule" is.
>>2441 Its been like that since late 2010's. 4chan mostly adds little to no value in my life anymore. My gf browsers CK and gets good memes there. >>2438 The current family structure in the Indian sub continent is based on survival, while under thread from invaders. Most social and political structures are built for this. If you an individual whose existence is under threat, this works for you. If you are not, then it is counter productive. Your parents may have grown up in an environment that shaped their world view and habits, that environment doesn't exist anymore, but their habits are set in stone. Listen to them Then do what you want. I'm struggling with this myself. Decades later, I am earning on my own and paying for my families bs, but marrying on my choice, is too edgy a choice for them.
>>2452 >Your parents may have grown up in an environment that shaped their world view and habits, that environment doesn't exist anymore, but their habits are set in stone. nah Indian boomers are regretting that they literally went through the biggest economic boom in history and wasted their shot, for success in life, so now they are trying to cope via making their children grind educationally and/or with religion. How do I know this ? My dad graduated from one of the top Colleges/Unis in BD. He has friend who are multimillionaires and probably make up 10-30% of the countries economy. This motherfucker made a series of retarded decisions that basically ruined his shot of ever becoming a millionaire in life (or leave this shithole) So this mofo has resorted to cope by embracing Islam and "Life is meaningless, only Allah can calm your soul" bullshit which he tries to force on me too. It is not only my dad, Almost every single boomer I meet suffers from extreme regret of not acheiving more in life and wasting their opputunities by being retards, and they cope by aforementioned ways (making their children stoodiers, "le muh religion calm muh sovl" and other nonsense.
>>2453 that's only half of the story. the other half is that indian boomers are narcissistic motherfuckerd who wants to brag to their more successful friends about "Areh Sharma-Ji mera beta toh IIT me padhta hai" MANY such cases.
>>2452 >The current family structure in the Indian sub continent is based on survival, while under thread from invaders. Most social and political structures are built for this. this was the case maybe in 1920s. After 1980s the survival factor didn't matter much. I have seen 1980s boomers who also act like 1970s boomer BD was going through EXTREME famine and wars in the 70s whilist things were mostly calm and good in the 80s, yet literally zero difference between the 2 gens of boomers
>>2455 >>2455 >this was the case maybe in 1920s. It kept getting gradually diminished YoY since 1920s-1980s
>>2453 >>2453 Also kinda proves my point on le love and emotions No matter how realistic and heartless a person is a person's judgement and viewpoints still get cloudy when discussing family/parents. I have told this exact thing to multiple people and only few could truly accept it.
>>2452 >Its been like that since late 2010's It's been like that since the 1980s atleast. See https://web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf start from page 93, usenet section
>>2458 You have a point that you have not expressed precisely and you misunderstand what is going as well. > It is not only my dad, Almost every single boomer I meet suffers from extreme regret of not acheiving more in life and wasting their opputunities by being retards, and they cope by aforementioned ways (making their children stoodiers, "le muh religion calm muh sovl" and other nonsense. It doesn't matter if you have material success, you will suffer in other ways. > Health Me > Lost love or the one that got away Rich uncles and aunties simping over oldies they loved in their young age. etc etc etc. If you do well in one area, you sacrifice something in another area. Price to pay for everything. > Spirituality as cope Maybe. I don't think so. Being mentally at peace is worth much more than material victories. Because material victories will come and go. Imagine a BD billionaire, one change in economic policies can wipe their value within seconds. > the other half is that indian boomers are narcissistic motherfuckerd who wants to brag to their more successful friends about "Areh Sharma-Ji mera beta toh IIT me padhta hai" Yeah, it is hierarchical and overtly social society. People have been selected to be good coolies and sepoys. They fit like rats to be the top rat. >>2455 You miss the point entirely. Family based economies exist for survival in uncertain rule. So when governments cannot be relied upon (most history of the world), families are the smallest unit, where wealth and prestige is stored. This applies to genetic advantages too. Genetic advantages don't make a difference in industrial society, take that away and the differences become life and death. Family based economies are also more efficient, so they tend to survive. Why do you think we have survived for so long despite being 2 billion strong nation of retards ? It is not because our people are special. Our hierarchical systems at the very least ensure survival because of economic (economic mean resource distribution) efficiency. --- While I somewhat understand what you have been trying to say, I think you need to be more precise in making your point.
>>2458 Totse went to shit, but some of the other more niche forums are really great. I am still a user more than 10 years later.
>>2455 You can have a nation of stupid individuals, but if the systems in place can utilize them well, then it doesn't matter. China is a great example. Indian subcontinent works despite its colonial masters, not because of them. Can things improve and should they ? 100% yes. We are overdue reforms. Especially socially. But the family economy is not going away. Instead the western model of individual as the atomic unit is breaking down.
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Global reset is in full swing in Germany. The old school right/Nazism is gaining ground very very fast here. Between the two sides Economic liberals and big govt sheep vs Conservative reactionaries There should emerge a third order, one that can truly move forward.
>>2461 >It doesn't matter if you have material success my point was not exclusively about money/material success either >health making retarded decisions will harm your health > Lost love or the one that got away also ^ >but there is also random chance/luck involved true, but 60-70% of boomers I see cope with faliures which are the direct consequences of their actions
>>2461 >You miss the point entirely. Family based economies Collectivism/Nepotism is the right term I think, your initial statement was kinda unclear. Nepotism/Family economies have ALWAYS existed (even in the west) This DOES NOT mean one has to treat their own children like caged animals in order to appease their other family members. Helping eachother is what most families do, but the amount of narcissism indian boomers show just to flex their children's acheivements and own wealth/value to others is insane. >Why do you think we have survived for so long despite being 2 billion strong nation of retards ? because our ancestors birthed 14 children each and only 4 survived to adulthood. My points were from a social/psychological pov whilist your's are from an economical/political pov. I get your family economy aspects but you can have collectivism/family economies WITHOUT all the 24/7 bootlicking
>>2467 let me give you an example on my point on boomers https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2021/04/08/online-gold-sale-scams-on-the-rise-says-bukit-aman/1964966 recently my dad and some other people from our extended family invested about 60lakhs in some malaysian gold scheme which turned out to be a huge scam same motherfuckers laughed at me when I asked them for 15k to invest in bitcoin in 2017, saying it's a scam, online scammers will take my money etc >but that's just your family I have seen atleast a dozen more similar cases of boomers being retarded
Failure and depression are not optional. You can have all the luck in the world and you will still face these. Training yourself for these phases is a necessity. Without it, you are lost.
>>2467 Will reply from home in detail, but me framing the sentences in the way I did and not using western terminology was deliberate.
>>2469 >recently my dad and some other people from our extended family invested about 60lakhs in some malaysian gold scheme which turned out to be a huge scam HOLY KEK LOL
>>2467 > my point was not exclusively about money/material success either I want you to expand on your point in lot of detail. I know the social control you are talking about and Indian families obsession with nepotism. We clearly haven't even learnt our lessons from Mahabharath including those who like to loudly espouse Hinduism. I think it results from high population density and therefore, too much competition over social progress. > true, but 60-70% of boomers I see cope with faliures which are the direct consequences of their actions Make it 99%. - Life is essentially random or indeterminate, even if you could find solutions , the situations are sensitive to the smallest detail and the solution changes radically. - You can only control your actions and that too not always - But you cannot control your situations In most situations, you don't have enough information to make a good decision This is basic background information. Most personal decisions are immaterial and overriden by the macro trends. The most important decisions you make 1. What person you marry 2. If you decide to have an offspring or not 3. The people you surround yourself with on a long term basis The rest are details. As long as boomers can feed their offsprings and have some basic social standing, the rest is just details.
>>2469 >- But you cannot control your situations Are you a student or are you working ? Because depending on that the answer changes a lot.
Cultures can be compared to the hypothetical Golden Goose. The Goose will lay golden eggs, your own culture will enrich both your mind and your body. But for the goose to lay it's eggs first it must be tendered and fed properly, just like that, for extracting the nectars of a culture, it's people must first have their material needs fulfilled. A hungry man does not think into the future, He would rather slaughter the goose for some meat. A soceity whose material needs have not bee met are also happy to trade their culture and history in favour of another if it means they can prosper, just like how Bangladeshis have rejected our own culture and taken in Indian and Western/Arabic culture. The irony is, once their material needs have been fulfilled, they then seek cultural enrichment, but alas, the goose has been slain, it cannot bear any eggs. This, in turn, causes confusion and eventually chaos within a soceity. Just like how half of Bangladesh is now embracing radical Islamism and another is embracing radical Indianism. The anlogy of a tree bearing fruits but people in need of wood chopping it down can also be applied here too. My people are dead. My culture is dead. If human soceities are named/defined their culture then we are no longer Bangalis, we are just human beings, living hand to mouth, we have a standing in this bishwa, but we have no identity.
>>2484 >want you to expand on your point in lot of detail I wish I could anon I'm running short on time rn but I will someday, maybe in a less vague manner
>>2488 Ever since I was 5 years old I didn't play with the other kids. I always preferred the company of boomers and millenials. I saw a very different soceity than what exists today. I have seen, The flame of Bengali culture and heritage being extinguished infront of my own eyes. Every boomer I talk to nowadays, when I look into their eyes, I see a defeated man, full of regret. They are hardened, unforgiving, but the momen I give them my identity, I remind them of the olden times, I see a spark inside their eyes, I see hope. In time, saplings will grow out of the charred remains of a burnt forest, tainted by the blood and fire of War. In time, A new Bengal will eventually risenout of theashes of the old, so I hope.
>>2491 But this does not change the fact that my generation will always lack an identity. They will never have a place to call home.
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>>2488 This is a side effect of Islam. Notice that MENA nations went from being centres of culture and civilization to being completely devoid of cultural and scientific contributions. It is not just an Islam issue either, 1/3rd of humanity is non productive, that is an issue for all of earth. > If human soceities are named/defined their culture then we are no longer Bangalis, we are just human beings, living hand to mouth, we have a standing in this bishwa, but we have no identity. True. But you have to make it. One generation at a time. >>2491 >>2492 DO go into more detail when you can. I saw something similar in Calcutta, only that defeatism was hidden under ideological bs.
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Choose something. Language Music Food etc Now indulge 30 mins a day daily into it, purely for the pleasure of it. Not to influence others or save the world. But just hone this aspect. In 5-7 years, you will have a weapon to influence others.
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>>2491 For new growth to happen, the old has to burn. Seeds need the ashes of the old to grow. Each of our generations have this responsibility.
>>2485 >Are you a student or are you working ? Because depending on that the answer changes a lot. this does not apply to me in the slightest, job/student argument really only applies to "normal" people living "normal" lives. My life is uhh abnormal enough for Bollywood niggers to make a movie on.
>>2495 >Now indulge 30 mins a day daily into it Systematically, and without outside subversive influence tl;dr do what China did and make another Great Wall but cultural
>>2498 culture is not about an individual it is about a soyceity good luck making a zoomer listen to mahabharat for more than 30 seconds
>>2494 Alright, I'll express my points in 4-5 parts (preferably 3.) I really didn't want to spend time on it rn but It's been really bugging me for some reason and I can't focus on study until I finish this so here we go Let's clear up the definitions to avoid Colloquial Definition Fallacy. Definitions : Love : The illogical human emotion that has multiple effects on a human being : 1. Motivates them to work hard. 2. Makes people think ahead in the future (have dreams ?) 3. Makes them less suicidial. >then are heroin addicts in "love" too ? no, because imho addiction is semi-logical (Theg do it because they explicitly like doing it) whilist love is illogical (Why does one like making FOSS apps in their freetime ?) Parental Love : Love but with one MAJOR addition. 1. Lack of it will make you go insane. (The reason I am on meds) If your GF leaves you you'll be sad. (loss of love) If a person you like dies you'll be sad. (loss of love) If you are devoid of parental love (parents are dead/abandoned you) you will become a certified madman. There was even a Netflix series iirc on how some psychologists linked Childhood neglect/abuse of children to them becoming Serial Killers/Rapists in the future.
>>2500 The boomers. (I will be speaking mostly from a BD perspective, but also draw comparisons and similarities of Indian subcon. as a whole where applicable) 1. The History : The Pakistanis basically kept Bangladesh Africa-tier until we got our independence on 1970s. Until the 1970s, Bangalis lived in 1800s standards. Even after that, between the USA blocking ships carrying food and aid from the west AND soveits during famine caused by a bad harvest season to intensify the famine (coz they were salty about losing to farmers with pitchforks yet again) AND EXTREME political instability... Bangladesh basically entered the modern age in 1980s, suitable for business and developement. 2. The Economy : BD got it's own TV broadcasting stations in the 90s (that too Black and White), it is when TVs started to become mainstream. BD got widespread phone usage in the early 00s. BD got widespread internet usage in the early 2010s. Within 30~40years, our country went from being 1800s Africa to basically catching up and keeping pace with India. As you can imagine, the economic opportunities people had were enormous, due to the virtue of pakis leaving us as an unindustrialized farming colony. 1. The govt. and other foreign investors were basically throwing money at anyone willing to take it. (AFAIK, not 100% sure on this one) 2. Except for an almost non-existent 0.00001% rich minority, most people started off in the same exact place, as newly liberated peasants. 3. There was a HUGE demand for jobs. I literally know a friend whose grandfather was a random farmer, some people from the bank approached him to give him a job, his response was "I barely passed my Matric. exam", the bank people's response was "Don't worry, we will teach you how to read and write in proper English" He was given a Manager's role at his area's bank branch.
>>2501 3. The Regret : Due to having a huge influx of money being pumped into the economy, rapid industrialization and enormous business/job oppurtunities. The boomers... 1. Saw MASSIVE QoL improvements YoY. The growth was UNREAL, which made the boomers assume that growth will just keep going on and thus they did not think of the future. 2. Had ample job opportunities and could start families in their early 20s, permanently fucking up their financials due to both being inexperienced AND having the massive financial burden of having a family. 3. As money was flodding through the economy, they did what all consoomers do and invest in EVERY single retard scheme and idea, they preferred momentary prosperity over longterm growth. Let me give you an example on the momentary prosperity vs. longterm growth. I have 3-4 friends whose father were sitting on literal acres and acres of land, they sold it for mere thousands and kept the money at the bank and NEETed their entire lives instead of starting businesses or doing literally anything other than just keep it in the bank and NEET. Each m3 of those lands are worth lakhs, if not crores today. I know a single person whose family kept their land and did jobs/started business, they sold their lands off for crores and became millionaires basically overnight. The regret/pov of the boomers are now... 1. The world has gone to shit because we no longer get MASSIVE QoL improvements YoY. 2. I made a mistake marrying early and fucking up I NEED to forcefully keep my children single and make sure they dont have relations until they are financially stable enough to buy 3 cars and 2 houses (overreaction) 3. IF ONLY I DID NOT SELL THAT PLOT OF LAND AAAAAAAAAAA, now the jobs have closed down and I can't give my children anything, the only way for them to prosper is to ACADEMICALLY GRIND 24/7 I WANT A GOOD FUTURE FOR MY CHILDREN AAAAAA
>>2502 Uncertainty of the future (1) , their regret of love (2) and their dwindling financials and regret for poor financial decisions (3) made them extremely overreact towards their children. 1. I MUST plan everything about my children's life, from their life up until their death. 2. I MUST heavily mock/criticize/forbid my children for wanting to fuck a person of the opposite sex, I CANNOT let them make the same mistake as me. 3. All these schemes/businesses/alt. careers ARE LIES, I MUST make my children grind 24/7 academically and be a cubicle wagie because the only thing I have left is enough money for a college degree and THAT is a GURANTEED way to get a stable income, as opposed to business WHICH IS RISKY, I MUST make my children survive EVEN IF IT MENTALLY AND SPIRITUALLY DESTROYS THEM. And this is why I told you that boomers were coping with their own retarded mistakes in life. please point tomme where luck is involved (I did not say anything about failed businesses or corruption or anything else because the majority of boomers I am speaking of were either unaffected by it OR had enough opportunities to make sure they had proper defensive measures.
>>2504 This is the part where it get's ugly. Boomers are manchildren at heart, they act retarded because they are mentally still children themselves. Have you ever seen two children have a logical discussion and respectfully converse with eachother ? Very few do Most children converse via bullying and namecalling. Boomers converse with their children via emotional manipulation. After all, why wouldn't they ? Having a logical debate on things is too time consuming and requires you to THINK, who has the time for it ? Why wouldn't they just use beatings/emotional manipulation/blackmail ? ("DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THE WORLD IS ?" "DO YOU EVER THINK WHAT YOU WILL DO IN THE FUTURE ?" "TAXI DRIVER HONA HAI KYA ?" "AGAR MERA BAAT SUNO GE NEHI TOH FIR AUR KISI KO MAA DAAK, HAAT YAHA SE") I very much doubt that's how their parent's talked to them when they themselves were young. Most parent's of boomers (grandboomers) I met were "I don't give a shit go play with the other boys or smth or drive a rickshaw when you get old".
>>2505 *although I also believe madarchod teachers had a big part to play in how the boomers grew up. Because ofcourse, name a person more toxic, narcissistic and manipulative than an average school teacher, and most "Educated" folks were the first to spend more time in school than in home. (but atleast they had playgrounds and fields for socialization) The more "Educated" a family is, the more toxic inter-family bullshit seems to get. The less "Educated" a family is, the less.
>>2505 I will tackle the effects of emo. man. and Love from the pov of three different groups (one is a bonus) 1. The boomers : "My Father and Mother won't love me if I am not a religious boy/girl, Hare Krishna, Nara e takbeer." Becomes a religious fanatic by heart because the fear of losing Parental Love™ and becoming insane is worse than death. *(Parents might be away/dead, but the effect is so ingrained in one's psyche and the fear of not being in close proximity of one's parents is so grave that they basically subconsciously keep thinking their parents are omnipresent and always watching) 2. The millennials/zoomers : "If I donot stoody hard, keep away from the opposite sex and be a good murgi boy, Father and Mother will not love me" 3. The Madrasha students : "Where is my Mother, where is my Father ? Who are these men in robes, why do they keep beating me it hurts. Mother and Father told me if I don't love Allah they will abandon me." *Loving Allah = getting buttraped by the mullah and memorizing the Quran and Hadith, becoming a jihadist, if I kill people then I will love Allah, and my parents will love me. All of this, People thinking white is black and black is white, all the Stockholm Syndrome™ just for (Parental) Love™ Because the alternative is insanity. Insanity implies losing one's sanity. Sanity is one's own control, one's freedom to have an identity, a personality, a set of internal logic which defines a man's policy and thought processon things. Insanity is losing one's Freedom™ over him/herself. To be human, is to be Free™.
Please keep in mind I donot treat my word as gospel. This is my own view on the current woes of soceity, based on my own life experience + talking and interacting with people from a diverse range of social and economical backgrounds. If you have any criticism, feel free to criticize, but do giveit some thought. And as always, I recommend reading "Games People Play", "The Social Animal" and playing Ass. Creed 3 (preferably the Remaster)
>>2505 >>2508 being off of my meds for 2 weeks. My mania, depression and schizophrenia are slowly coming back. But so are my emotions, my thoughts, my intellect and my spirit.
https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Alta%C3%AFr_Ibn-La%27Ahad%27s_Codex "Why do our instincts insist on violence? I have studied the interactions between different species. The innate desire to survive seems to demand the death of the other. Why can they not stand hand in hand? So many believe the world was created by the hand of a divine power—but I see only the designs of a madman, bent on celebrating destruction and desperation. Our origins seem chaotic. Unintended. Purpose and being instilled solely by the passage of time. Imposed first by nature—and later men... Over time, any sentence uttered long and loud enough becomes fixed. Becomes a truth. Provided, of course, you can outlast the dissent and silence your opponents. But should you succeed—and remove all challengers—then what remains is, by default, now true. Is it truth in some objective sense? No. But how does one ever achieve an objective point of view? The answer is you don't. It is literally, physically impossible. There are too many variables. Too many fields and formulae to consider. We can try, of course. We can inch closer and closer to a revelation. But we'll never reach it. Not ever... And so I have realized, that so long as The Templars exist, they will attempt to bend reality to their will. They recognize there is no such thing as an absolute truth—or if there is—we are hopelessly underequipped to recognize it. And so in its place, they seek to create their own explanation. It is the guiding principle of their so-named "New World Order"; To reshape existence in their own image. It is not about artifacts. Not about men. These are merely tools. It's about concepts. Clever of them. For how does one wage war against a concept? It is the perfect weapon. It lacks a physical form yet can alter the world around us in numerous, often violent ways. You cannot kill a creed. Even if you kill all of its adherents, destroy all of its writings—these are a reprieve at best. Some one, some day, will rediscover it. Reinvent it. I believe that even we, the Assassins, have simply re-discovered an Order that predates the Old Man himself..." "Man seeks dominion over all that he encounters. I suppose it is a natural tendency for us to aspire towards mastery of our surroundings. But this should not include other human beings. Every day more and more are pressed into service—by deception or by force. Others, though not so firmly imprisoned, are made to feel as if their lives are worthless. I have seen the ways in which men persecute women. Heard the cruel words hurled at those who come here from other lands. Watched as those who believe or act differently are made to suffer... We discuss such things often—watching as we do from the spires of Masyaf. What can be done to stop this? To encourage tolerance and equality? Some days we speak of education, believing that knowledge will free us from immorality. But as I walk the streets and see slaves sent off to auction—my heart grows cold. When I see the husband hurl abuses and stones at his wife, insisting she exists only to serve him—my fists clench. And when I see children torn from their parents so that another man might profit—sent off to suffer beneath the desert sun and die... ...On these days, I do not think that dialogue will make a difference. On these days, I can think only of how the perpetrators need to die." "I have studied the ancient pagan faiths that came before this more recent obsession with a single, divine creator. They seem to have focused more on the fundamental forces at play in the world around us and less on arbitrary moral rules... The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening. The tides ebb and flow. Grass grows, withers, dies, and then in time, emerges from the ground once more. The air turns warm then cools and back again. Some hidden energy keeps us fitted to the ground and pulls us back when we attempt to leave it. Each of these movements was represented before by a god or goddess. Each force given face, but recognized as something distinct and powerful. Which is not to say there were not connections between these forces—a pantheon of individual spirits—of rules. Invisible hands guiding the progress of the world around us. And so here there was an attempt to categorize, study, explain, and understand the way things work—even if it was flawed. But no more. Now we are asked to succumb to a far more simplified explanation. How naïve to believe there might be a single answer to every question. Every mystery. That there exists a lone divine light which rules over all. They say it is a light that brings truth and love. I say it is a light that blinds us—and forces us to stumble about in ignorance. I long for the day when men will turn away from invisible monsters and once more embrace a more rational view of the world. But these new religions are so convenient—and promise such terrible punishment should one reject them—I worry that fear shall keep us stuck to what is surely the greatest lie ever told."
>>2494 >This is a side effect of Islam. this statement is the furthest away from the truth. BD muslims are more hardcore hindus than hindus themselves. Ctrl+F Shiva/Ram/Krishna/Brahma with Allah™ and you will basically have BD (((Islam))). The only thing muslims managed to change about Bangalis is what god(s) we worship, but they failed to chage the hindu culture that preceded them. >Village niggers doing retarded shit in the name of religion. >City niggers either being extremist retards, moderate cucks or not giving a shit. >but Hinduism™ is our own culture, while Arab is outsider culture And the Aryan Invasion never happened amiright ? The only decent religion in this subcontinent was Buddhism and the only chance of India being unified under one banner and btfoing arabniggers was under the Mauryas/Palas But ofc Hindusirs HAD to serve their Aryan-Arab massahs and genocide/enslave their own people
>>2512 >Village niggers doing retarded shit in the name of religion. >City niggers either being extremist retards, moderate cucks or not giving a shit. Those are all features of Islam. >And the Aryan Invasion never happened amiright ? Weakest argument considering the Aryan invasion is highly contentious, and even if we accept it 100%, the reality is that it completely transformed the genetic makeup of the subcontinent, happened thousands of years ago, and Hinduism was developed for thousands of years within South Asia. Islam is and always be a foreign derivative looking towards the Middle East for guidance and creating artificial cultures everywhere else.
>>2512 >Buddhism kek
>>2513 >Those are all features of Islam. will not delve intob/pol/ but how much of rural india have you seen ?
>>2512 > The only thing muslims managed to change about Bangalis is what god(s) we worship, but they failed to chage the hindu culture that preceded them. Your statements true for some parts of Bangladesh only. Others have become hubs of rabid Islamism and consider the others are napakh. I was there quiet recently though for a short time only. But Islamism is growing very strong there. More importantly, Islam is a power structure variant of Abrahmism that Bangladesh has managed to implement. Like you said yourself, people cannot leave it even if they want to. Also, research M15 influence in BD. >>2511 I cannot show you anything anon. I don't have the time to sit and compile. I cannot write in Bangla and I am not recording an audio lecture here. There is also lot of evidence that I cannot share because I have signed Non Disclosure agreements. But a little search on your part will tell you what you need to know. > Cultural background of BD Ma Kali's bonds cannot be broken easily. The land birthed the people and its culture, though Bangladeshi's and Brits have managed to injure the land and its culture, it is not fully dead yet.
>>2512 >And the Aryan Invasion never happened amiright ? The only decent religion in this subcontinent was Buddhism and the only chance of India being unified under one banner and btfoing arabniggers was under the Mauryas/Palas But ofc Hindusirs HAD to serve their Aryan-Arab massahs and genocide/enslave their own peopl Top fucking kek.
>>2516 anon, my statements were for the general.pop. >But Islamism is growing very strong there. It's like how BJP and far-right Hindu orgs are gaining traction in India, I hardly believe they are representative of the general populance, despite being a huge minority
>>2516 >I cannot show you anything anon. I'm not a glowie (I believe so) Don't share stuff you don't want to.
>>2515 The shit posted on /pol/ is not indicative of rural India. Same dumb shit as Pakis talking about Muslim genocide in India because one katua got lynched in UP.
>>2526 I asked you how much of rural india you have seen >you haven't been to india yourself bongali ik, that's why I am asking you
>>2522 Gupta empire was Hindu. It was the last high end empire for a long time. The next great empire was Maratha, but Bengalis have good right to hate them since the Maratha's treated them like dirt. Made accepting Islam easier.
>>2520 I wish BJP was right wing. I wish they were 'facisstic'. All evidence points otherwise. I am not a social scientist or journalist though. My evaluations have to be factual, though that is tough in BD given how much the police lies. Deaths are also hidden easily in BD; but other records indicate otherwise. Europe and USA are preparing economic war against BD, that goes far deeper than current sanctions.
>>2526 Rural India is mostly peaceful and nice. Even Muslim villages for the most part are ok. Only parts of Haryana , Karnataka and Bengal are bad.
>>2512 You have a reductionist way of thinking and arguing, it may save you time in understanding things this way, but then you also make all the mistakes that westerners do. Just because the common boomer POV is wrong and English allows you a slightly more accurate assessment, doesn't mean you are right. This will contribute to your disconnection from your own culture. You will not connect to it with any depth. What your are experiencing is called counter will. It is a healthy phenomenon and it means you have healthy scepticism. But just because you can call out something wrong, doesn't make the alternative pov right either. https://neufeldinstitute.org/course/making-sense-of-counterwill/
>>2514 Leaf anon, you are clearly smart and your job gives you time. Why don't you take up something important as a side hobby ? Join VHP or write for a publication ?
>>2528 I am still angry about Senas forcing Hinduism on us (and probably also committing some genocide/rape on the side) It was also the Sena's incompetence that the muslims could take Bengal and the Sultan's incompetence that the Brits could take Bengal/India. I am just tired of my people being so energetic but wasting all that energy on gurus and islamic cults. >>2529 We killed all the hindus by 2010s anon. We can't kill minorities which don't exist anymore. It's funny to see different muslim sects now turning on eachother after they have no more minorities to plunder/exploit/rape, failing to keep peace amongst themselves whilist also bootlicking the arabs and preaching "muh ummah" mofos can't even have Unity amongst themselves and yet they think the arabs will treat them as equals, some of them even regret that Bangladesh won in 1971. >Europe and USA are preparing economic war against BD, that goes far deeper than current sanctions. Why ? Because we are hardcore chinese allies ? >>2530 Didn't think so, nice to hear that anon
>>2533 Are you replying to my boomer rant or >>2512 this ?
>>2533 >You have a reductionist way of thinking and arguing could you point to an example ? I always try to account for other loosely related properties regarding to any topic when I think because I believe emergence is a significant thing to account for. >Just because the common boomer POV is wrong and English allows you a slightly more accurate assessment, doesn't mean you are right. I don't claim to be correct, I understand my limitations, that I lack enough factual information to give an objectively correct opinion/solution. >This will contribute to your disconnection from your own culture. You will not connect to it with any depth. my culture died a long time ago. >What your are experiencing is called counter will. I am experiencing grief, and regret for things that I had no control over. I regret listening to my family, my parents, my soceity and conventional wisdom, all of them are very eager to setup an individual for failure in life. When my only way forward is either to be a goycattle or to be free, I'd rather be free, it is not "counter will" when the advice/orders you are given will fuck you over in a guaranteed manner.
>>2541 Counter Will to the boomer rant. Your response is a survival mechanism as you can see that following their ways will lead to doom (which is a correct assessment). Their time is gone. The values that helped them survive don't really apply any-more. They won't believe that because those values allowed them to survive. > could you point to an example ? Your understanding of Indian politics or history just as an example, you pickup general opinions and narratives, but never really go in depth. Not only does that make you prone to making all the mistakes others already have, it also takes away the fun of such discussions. It is only in the depths that you find nuggets of gold. > It was also the Sena's incompetence that the muslims could take Bengal and the Sultan's incompetence that the Brits could take Bengal/India. Agreed. > mofos can't even have Unity amongst themselve Ofcourse not. Islam is centred around having an enemy, in absence of one, they invent one. That is only the tip of the iceberg. Islam in BD has many other deeper problems, if not for American money it won't survive. > Didn't think so, nice to hear that anon Indian soil is rich, it is fertile. It won't win you industrial wealth, but it generates enough wealth for someone to lead a peaceful life. Unless governments want riots, there aren't many. Communal strife is usually due to outsiders. Village muslims are also Hindu's with names changed, they practice gauraksha as well. > >Europe and USA are preparing economic war against BD, that goes far deeper than current sanctions. >Why ? Because we are hardcore chinese allies ? Keep the region unstable. Use the chaos to buy resources for cheap. Same old methodology.
>>2542 Yet another temple attacked in Chittagong. People who attack their own roots are doomed. Bangladeshi's have made themselves mleechs. I never understood that term till I met Europeans and Nazi's. So great is their hunger to find some kind of roots, that they will invent any bullshit.
>>2548 anon... >Yet another temple attacked in Chittagong. those are WW2 era Rohingyas https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arakan_massacres_in_1942 "During this period, some 22,000 Rohingyas are believed to have crossed the border into Bengal, then part of British India, to escape the violence.[9][10] Defeated, 40,000 Rohingyas eventually fled to Chittagong after repeated massacres by the Burmese and Japanese forces.[11]" I have lived half my life around the (((Bangali)))s of Chittagong. Their language is 99% similar to the Rohingya immigrants coming in now. They even call any outsiders who don't know Chittagonian language/culture as "Bhoinga" (slur for Bangali) The british went scorched Earth during WW2, killing any Bangali from Dhaka/Comilla to Chittagong, and gave Rohingyas arms to commit ((Jihad)) against the approaching Japanese. I hardly think anything/anyone South of Comilla/Dhaka can even qualify as a "Bangali", give the post-WW2 rape and massacres the rohingyas did then. But you are correct, we, as Bangladeshis, are to take the blame as a whole
>>2547 >you pickup general opinions and narratives, but never really go in depth. 1. Indian Politics/History is MASSIVE in size/quantity. 2. Indian Politics/History is full of revisionism and propagandization by different parties. the only way to reliably understand history/politics is to mix with people from every part of the political spectrum, which I can't do as Indian people tend to not to engage in genuine debate/arguments online, and even then, most people in any country don't even know 10% of their own history. I am learning some Hindi and planning on lurking some FB boomer groups, but until then, MSM goynews will have to suffice
>>2550 As much as I love Hindi, there is very little substance left in it (same argument is true for Bangla sadly). But debates on these topics on old InCh had excellent resources. Aryan Invasion bs for example. MSM/goynews - No. Reject it like you reject boomers. Find niche YouTubers and listen to those. Odd compass has good general videos. > Indian Politics/History is full of revisionism and propagandize by different parties Yeah, it is our duty to find the truth from it. If we just select evidence to support whatever we like, we will make the same mistakes of our ancestors. >>2549 Believe it or not, I am quiet aware of this. Still getting paid to consult for BD govt lol. > But you are correct, we, as Bangladeshis, are to take the blame as a whole Pretty much. Though Rohingya's are cockroaches and should be cleansed as such. I have met them many times over the years, in India, in BD and outside. Tolerating them is adharma.
>>2551 >Tolerating them is adharma. I was once viewing a news report of a Rohingya immigrant man raping some bangali women, the villagers decided they would forgive him if he marries her and takes her responsibility. He marries her out of necessity, not even a month passes and this mofo rapes a child, they keep forgiving him coz "He's our rapefugee ummah muslim broski" He raped 3 children, even said it out loud to the news reporter, iirc they still did nothing. Some madlads keep burning down their houses/tents but then USA/Euro sirs send more donations to vuild them new homes and "indemnify BD for cruel treatment of rapefugees" Some govt. mofos also keep supplying these faggots with NIDs/Visas Funny thing is, Hasina/Awami govt. initially didn't want to take them in afaik, the mullahs pressured her "coz m-muh musolmaan broskis getting -ACKed besides our own country and we will do nothing ? Are we even muslims ?"
>>2556 the child victims were also interviewed and described their experiences and the vollagers and the police just stood there like cucks the Police went "Yeah we know but nobody gave us a written report so we can't do anything"
>>2536 I think I'll try to. Maybe start a substack or something. Hesitant to join any orgs tbh.
Finally going through with marriage BS and dealing with marrying a foreigner and telling that to parents and relatives. The most pointless thing I have done so far in my life. >>2556 I cannot go into events, needless to say they are vermin in India as well. Hindu rashtra will not push Hinduism, but it will punish adharmic behaviour strongly. > Funny thing is, Hasina/Awami govt. initially didn't want to take them in afaik, the mullahs pressured her "coz m-muh musolmaan broskis getting -ACKed besides our own country and we will do nothing ? Are we even muslims ?" I am aware. For all her faults, she has done an excellent job given all that she has to manage. BD tablighi's are as dumb as they come, but hold the country hostage. >>2589 Joining orgs will teach you a lot about influence and actual politics.
I have been thinking about making a compilation of all ky thoughts and views on society ad publishing it as a book although considering how retarded the average bangu is, mofos will probably kill me thinking I am a radical libtard atheist because ofc if the argent is not explicitly islamic surely he is kaafir
>>2592 *my *and *argument
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>>2592 There are LOT OF kanglu's like you, who keep themselves in hiding. Will reply tomorrow
>>2592 >>2592 My 2 cents would be spend more time into learning more, before putting something out with your name into the world.
I am a gareeb fag. I don't hide it. I cannot hide it. Its been drilled into me. I save money always. After 6 years of wearing a shitty winter jacket, le gf finally forced me to get a real winter jacket. 350€ later, I feel like shit. Its a great jacket and looks good on me. But something costing 1/3rd would have also served the function just fine and still be an upgrade over the old one. The only time I spend money guiltfree is on books, or food. But this guilt is something I also need to overcome.
>>2672 men usually don't like spending money on clothing mot of my clothes are almost 8yo my friends wear 6yo clothing it's normal imo
I remember the early 2000s, I was still fairly young back then. The streets were clean, almost zero hawkers and beggars cloging up the sidewalks, there weren't many cars, mostly just buses. There were small shops, not like today where a single street has 5 hotels in a row. Maybe a single restaurant or two in an entire nighbourhood, a coffee shop/icecream parlour. Both the villagefolk and the cityfolk, their lives were hard, but they just carried on, everyone was full of life and joy. People living in the moment. I'd even see a poor hawker or a rickshawala take their children to the zoo, people were poor, but they were happy.
>>2675 2008 came. My grandfather was a Soviet ship captain, The only thing I have never seen in his eyes was Fear. And yet, seeing all the riots, I will never forget the look I sqw on his face that day, that soul-crushing look of hopelessness. Things changed after that, Buildings rose where there were playgrounds and parks, Mountains and Rivers got flattenedbto clear more land, slums started to form as people from the village kept migrating to the city. I remember I was watching an episode of Meena that tackled exactly that, Meena and his father migrating to the City after (probably) losing his house/land to work as a labourer. It portrayed the start of the decay. The problem of decay seems to be with the zoomers, not the boomers. Every boome I talk to still has that laid-back attitude of just living life and being happy, but with Zoomers it's completely different.
>>2676 Boomer slum people were originally Villagers. They played in the fields, swam in the rivers, got a job, got married, lived their life in peace, they were raised like human beings. The slum zoomers were born in slums, in an environment thst suffocates the human spirit. The thing I see inside of them the most is hatred. Hatred for the world, hatred for the rich, hatred for others, hatred for their families for giving birth, hate for their country, and most importantly, hatred towards themselves. No wonder, They were deprived of their humanity by all the aforementioned people, why wouldn't they have hate ? After all, hatred and love are the two primary fuels that keeps a human being alive, the human mind values survival above all. The villagers who were lucky enough to have stayed in the village seem to have retained their humanity.
>>2677 Slum Zoomers remind me of Harlow's Monkey Experiment's tbh, they show the same signs and symptoms as those poor monkeys, deprivation of the soul.
>>2678 They are exactly that. Both men and women. Chapri culture is also a reflection of the same. >>2677 Villagers usually own the land they live on. They may not earn much but they own whatever they earn. Moving to a city is very jarring, - you lose your land - you lose ownership of your work - you compete with a lot more people Work in a factory/army etc doesn't help much either, requires much more discipline than village life, the frustration comes out somewhere. Secondly, the values that help one succeed in a village, don't work in cities either.
>>2674 All zoomer men I have met, dress million times better than me. So did a lot of men in my age group. >>2675 Different values and different priorities. Money was also not fiat back then. As economies depend more on USA, inflation of their money also reflects in ours. De dollarization is absolutely necessary right now.
>>2699 >All zoomer men I have met, dress million times better than me. So did a lot of men in my age group. So have I, they are also usually heavily narcissistic or women-pagla, so their cases make sense but your average, mentally heathy joe doesn't really give a shit
>>2703 > but your average, mentally heathy joe doesn't really give a shit Very rare specimen these days.
A sportsperson in Bundesliga was purchased by a team for 100 Million. His weekly salary is 480,000. CEO's earn less than that per year and they are in the top 1% of earners. Sportspersons and entertainment stars get paid so much , because they sell dreams and escapism. Which people pay top money for. Entertainment and escapism is what most people value a lot !
I lost like 10lbs since I haven't been sleeping and have had a cold for like 2 weeks... >>2728 Hows ife going yar. You were saying that you're getting married now?
>>2732 Congrats on the weight loss. I lost 2 cms off of my waist. Got a cold as well. It was there last week, went away when I forced on myself a big plate of really spicy noodles. Now its back, so going to devour some shin ramen. The migrane is something else honestly.
>>2732 >>2735 just do keto diet anons, if you want to lose weight in a reasonable timeframe I ate a roti and an egg daily for 2 months, that was the only meal I had, lost 12kgs in 2 months
Islam/Religion and Social Media both have something in common. Firstly on Islam, Living in an Islamic soceity, I see people put Allah above everything else. My issue, however, is with alot of mothers who even put their own children below the will and grace of Almighty Allah. The bond between a mother and her children is the most sacred bond in existence, anything that tries to fuck with it is evil. My mother is your typical muzzie, keeps ranting and bantering about religion 24/7 nonstop. The issue I have with her is that she threatens to cut ties with me and my brother if we ever deviate from Islam, She wouldn't even mind reporting us to the local mullah for being heretics/non-believers. This is a very common occurrence, although I must also admit that I have seen alot of mothers put the wellbeing of their children above all. This is my issue, Islam (and most other religion) keep fucking with the sacred bond between a child and it's mother. Now on Social Media, A child is growing up, he/she needs guidance as they gain more and more sentience and awareness of the world around them. This is the period when a mother's role truly comes into play. I was raised by my grandparents, I remember my grandma reading me bedtime stories, answering my most menial, pointless questions with patience. I remember her telling me about the world around me. This is how culture is passed down. This is how men and women who possess a backbone are raised. Millenial/Late-boomer mothers are whores, for one reason or another they became whores, my biological mother is also such a whore. Every mother aged 20-40 I see nowadays, during that crucial phase of sculpting up the mind, body and soul of a child, just hand them over an iPad or a smartphone, Social Media hijacks the sacredly bond between a mother and a child, whether intentionally or out of parental neglect. No wonder you see 15-25yo /pol/chuds on inch and other places try to cling so desperately onto their culture, in such a violent manner. They are trying to hold on to what they have been deprived of. Bigtech/Corpos are approaching the size and fanaticism of religions, the future looks bleak.
>>2735 >>2739 10 lbs in a bad way. I'm skinny fit, so I'm on my way to skelly mode.
>>2742 This is a reddit tier post
>>2739 not a bad idea. Keto is impractical for me for other reasons. BUT, eating the same meal helps me a lot. Need to get back to meal prep. >>2742 > On Islam Your mother is a good Muslim, you are a bad Muslim. Eventually, your relationship with your parents will have to sour, if you want growth in life. That is a fact. Motherhood and Islam is a topic in itself, with lot of measurable consequences. How was your grandparents world view different from that of your parents ? > Social Media hijacks the sacredly Social media commodifies and therefore defiles the sacred. > They are trying to hold on to what they have been deprived of. Yes. > Bigtech/Corpos are approaching the size and fanaticism of religions Yes > the future looks bleak. Only if you play by their rules. Once you negotiate your way out of the matrix, life is nice. >>2743 Is this muscle loss or just you not eating well ? Why is your life so tough anon ? I remember your story from old InCh time.
>>2749 Sadly, the reality of many zoomies is reddit tier.
Weird and extreme weather delayed my /Out/ings this year. But I finally had a 3 day rest, that helped a lot. Both mental health and physical. Caught on my reading. Got my head cleared out as well. I don't do this enough honestly.
>>2755 I stopped the pills which causes water retention, so I think a lot of it was just water (hopefully) my appetite was also fucked up though. People say I look a lot leaner but not smaller, so that's a small consolation. 10lbs isn't too much so once I'm recovered I should put it on pretty quickly. Been a rough few years tho. A note on big tech - it is interesting to watch the X - threads drama unfold. People on the left and right sucking their chosen champions dick despite representing absolutely no ones interests but their own. Funny how the left criticized the right's obsession with billionaires and then slowly becoming the exact same thing. Bernie Sanders is a great example of how corporations infiltrated genuine labour movements. He was railing against mass immigration just over a decade ago.
>>2755 >How was your grandparents world view different from that of your parents ? Back in my grandparent's days, both schools and madrashas were few and far between. So naturally, what everyone thought of Islam was "Allah/Muhammed is God/Rasool" and "Be nice to your neighbours and don't cheat on your spouse (too much)" That was about the extent of religion, the best way to capture the feel of religion in those times is to chst with some /pol/chud christcuck on how women were modest back in the olden days vs. playing Kingdom Come Deliverance and going to a bathhouse. Due to being too "educated" and having "formal" education on Islam, my parents have basically become fanatics, to whom even peeing while standing up is a grave sin for which you will burn in hell.
>>2763 >>2760 https://8chan.moe/indiachan/res/2766.html Reply here. Abandoning this thread.
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>>1485 i'm not afraid of glow niggers or dying and it is because i am a man
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i am hungry can't sleep listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U4u1Or9mmY what do you people listen to late in the night
>>5650 >>5650 Audiobooks are good to sleep to with auto sleep timer. Antenna pod and voice player both have these features. Else there are night ragas https://youtu.be/q5trNs7M3MU

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