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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

(117.20 KB 1280x720 ISRO_LVM3.jpg)

INDIA - All Things Pertaining To India's Progress & Advancement मित्र 04/26/2023 (Wed) 14:33:33 Id: 2f955b No. 1521
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylr-nGaB1-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylr-nGaB1-0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylr-nGaB1-0 The Most Efficient Space Program In The World The Most Efficient Space Program In The World The Most Efficient Space Program In The World
>>1521 ISRO is actually one of our few world class achievements after independence. it'd have been much better if most of our best aero scientists didn't join NASA and the goberment actually gave them a good budget instead of spending gorillions importing 50 year old russian jets
>>1521 India topped the country list for the International Physics Olympiad 2018 alongwith the PRC, beating heavyweights like USA, Japan and the Koreas https://ipho-unofficial.org/timeline/2018/country https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/5-participants-5-gold-india-shines-at-physics-olympiad/articleshow/65190719.cms
>>1531 this is equivalent to topping the olympics' country list, but for physics instead of athletics. These exams are some of the toughest in the world, and gold medalists usually go on to become the top dogs in the field later in their careers. I'll post more academic achievements in internationally recognized olympiads below
>>1521 Pranjal Srivastava, a teenager from Bengaluru, becomes the youngest Indian to win a gold medal at the Int'l Math Olympiad. He has the best tally of all time for any Indian, with 3 golds and 1 silver, standing 12th on the all time hall of fame list, higher than many field medalists and renowned mathematicians who appeared for the IMO. He won the silver at the age of 13, and was the youngest gold medalist in the 2019 IMO, The kid has a very bright future, he's currently pursuing CS+Math @MIT. He also has a bronze for India in the Computer Science Olympiad(IOI). https://www.imo-official.org/participant_r.aspx?id=28249 https://indianexpress.com/article/education/math-is-more-than-just-calculations-says-pranjal-srivastava-who-became-first-indian-to-win-three-gold-medals-at-the-international-mathematical-olympiad-8050946/
>>1521 >Indian team at international junior science olympiad 2022 became the only team to win six gold medals. Third consecutive year of all-gold win for India. https://www.ijso2022.com/ijso-2022/results India also topped the country list in 2021, 2019 and 2014 apart from 2022 https://olympiads.hbcse.tifr.res.in/about-olympiads/performance/past-performance-in-ipho-2-4/ https://news.careers360.com/india-tops-19th-international-junior-science-olympiad-wins-6-gold-medals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Junior_Science_Olympiad
>>1533 Fuck this is very impressive.
https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/turkish-evacuation-plane-comes-under-attack-sudan Very underrated aspect is how well India protects its own in times of dire situations.
Thanks for this thread yaro
Things that Indians don't understand that we have better than most 1. Domestic airlines in India are way better than the west. From lost luggage to spit in food to fucked up staff, we have better airlines. 2. Trains that are more reliable Western trails are usually clean, but in every other aspect Indian train system is better. Unless you live in Bihar or Bengal, trains are mostly on time and relatively very reliable. 3. Food You don't really understand goyslop until you eat good in the global American empire, ingredients are tasteless, you develop diseases like food allergies which in India you would laugh at etc. This is changing fast though for the worst.
>>1540 we did very well in this year's olympiads too managed to get 2 gold medals and rank #9 in the International Math Olympiad(the toughest of them all). We were ranked ahead of almost all of western europe and the anglosphere,with only the slavs and east asians being ahead of us. Were in the top 5 for the Physics,Chem,Astronomy,Junior Science olympiads too, iirc great signs for the future
>>3739 No it's over

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