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Why are people so desparate for love ? मित्र 05/19/2023 (Fri) 06:16:11 Id: b8c969 No. 1670
I don't understand it. All of my friends (19-22) (m/f both) are either looking desparately to get into relationships or are already in one. And yes I also chased after women in my teens but that was when I was 12-16. I still can't wrap my head around why tf these grown-ass men/women are so fucking desparate to get into a relationship/marry/start a family. Do these fucktards not realize that the world is NOT the same anymore and the post-coldwar economical boom that our parents and elders enjoyed donot apply to us ? How are people so blinded by lust ?
also as a sidenote, how is overpopulation going to affect our soceity and civilization going into the future ? i am already seeing signs of Calhoun's mouse utopia-style social collapse at a slow rate. will we see countries like china and india/usa tear itself apart due to internal social unrest ?
It's not just lust. It's nice to have someone you can depend on and bond with on a level that is entirely unique. That said, I don't think relationships are worth it now, especially not in the West.
>>1671 Overpopulation is a myth.
>>1680 >It's nice to have someone you can depend on and bond with on a level that is entirely unique. holy shit no wonder people very often get cheated on and get absolutely rekt by their significant other imagine trusting and depending on other people are people really that dumb ?
>>1682 Chup kar adults are speaking
>>1683 nigga i am amrika anon i forgot to turn off my VPN (bd govt. banned sites at random accusing them of being pornsites, even fucking archive.org) point still stands, trust is foolishness dependency on another is a weakness
>>1684 Trust is fundamental in any society. I get your point that you shouldn't allow yourself to be vulnerable though.
>>1680 >>1670 Biological purpose. Plain and simple. Outside that - If you can find someone to compliment you, then two people together > 1. >>1671 >>1681 No, it is not a myth and it has lot of disadvantages. But it will take care of itself. countries with lot of population that is not productive, tend to collapse on themselves. >>1682 Mutual trust anon. Where breaking trust has consequences that niether party wants. Relationships are at a fundamental level a power game. >>1685 Mutual respect is an alien concept in abrahmic societies. They look for and exploit any weakness at the first sign.
>>1694 >countries with lot of population that is not productive The question is why they are unproductive which is not related to population but to government. More people means more goods and services. All countries depend on an increasing population to sustain and grow their economies, and this is even more important in developing countries - large labour force and low productivity can lead to growth versus a small labour force and low productivity. A large population sees disadvantages in the short term (lack of resources) for growth in the long term. In the Indian (or South Asian) context it started because the British had to justify why India saw pitiful development versus the UK proper, and was carried over by the INC to justify why a developing country was growing at 2% a year. Even in India, the population is projected to peak in 2040 and decline from there. It's a totally ridiculous thing to argue for in the context of India. A kneejerk reaction like that in China with the one child policy is exactly why China will not be the first Asian superpower.
>>1694 >Mutual respect is an alien concept in abrahmic societies. They look for and exploit any weakness at the first sign. can confirm but it isn't limited to abrahamic soceities don't think south americans or chinese show eachother much mutual trust either
>>1697 the thing is a fuckton of modern stuff CAN'T be made without machines so not only have machines made human labour mostly obselete, alot of stuff can only be done via machines we have an excess of production power already in global terms cheap phones cheap clothes cheap food cheap electricity a variety of different products to consoom from rent is higher but that's due to monopoly of people in a rush to make our lives better we have turned ourselves into farm animals
>>1697 >A large population sees disadvantages in the short term (lack of resources) for growth in the long term. yes socio-economic instability and people living akin to animals. good thing is, in the long run when said soceity can't sustain itself any longer it'll go out for conquering and raping/genociding the shit out of other people or have a civil war and balance the population out
>>1697 >More people means more goods and services. idk people in bongland only produce food products and pharma stuff, maybe even fertilizers we import everything else it isn't as simple as "more people = more workers = more goods and services = strong economy"
>>1699 Who operates and produces the machines? World population has increased and yet the unemployment rate has stayed consistent over several decades. >>1706 >socio-economic instability and people living akin to animals. Every Western country has a population that has steadily increased but continue to enjoy high standards of living. You mentioning instability and yet there is no evidence, in fact it is the exact opposite. A declining population leads to instability as the tax burden shifts and goods and services decrease. Invading other regions is almost only when the population is skewed towards men through suppressing female births i.e. China which is something entirely different and I'm not advocating it. >>1707 >it isn't as simple as "more people = more workers = more goods and services = strong economy" I never said it was - I said overpopulation is not the cause of a lack of these.
>>1698 South americans are civilizationally dead. China is post abrahmic. Abrahmism isnt about religion but power structures of centralization that prevent two way social feedback. Will reply tomorrow to all other posts later tomorrow incl other threads. BD anon. What are your dating expiriences in BD ? Canada anon. How has meeting new grills been ?
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The person you marry and reproduce with is the most imp decision of your lives anon. Do treat it seriously. Think about it. Debate it. Meet lot of people before deciding. Whores will destroy sanity deeper and faster than anything else. This isnt my edgy online opinion. Speaking from 2 decades of expirience. Seen many friends ruined by women through and through.
>>1709 South America is pretty nice. I used to have that opinion but interacting with them they're ALOT healthier than anywhere in the Anglo world. I think in terms of political structure there is still far to go to make them competitive. Also funny that Christianity has been disposed of but Christian (Protestant) structures and thinking dominates the West, like you said. I'm not really pursuing women anymore. I need to focus on myself and let women come towards me. Dating is really bad here - I'll leave some basic stuff I've learned - 3 people I know have been physically assaulted by their GF (to the point where it could actually have legal repercussions) All my friends have been cheated on. 3 women have used false SA claims to get their way. Women feel very open to SA against men to get their way. I've personally been groped etc. by women. This is just in my very small friend group as well. Dating is really screwed up here and I think a total collapse is impending. Birth rates somehow continue to tank. >>1710 100% correct. I think it's important to have a life partner but it is by far the most important and impactful decision you will make.
>>1709 >BD anon. What are your dating expiriences in BD ? don't think dating experiences vary that much between india and bangladesh honestly, we aren't paki-tier village girls are way more open to dating and sex than middle-class city girls here, have seen plenty of happy couples, playboys, playgirls, incels and the like
>>1714 >>1714 I asked regarding your experiences, not differences. The few BD women I met, they were nice and sweet, but they did seek men without any mercy, rejecting them at the slightest hint of weakness. >>1711 Ofc. Anglos are the worst of the worst. Agents of अधर्म। They are mleechs of the highest order. > SA What is that ? Sexual assault. My own experiences mirror this, I escaped police cases by hairs breadth in many cases. >>1708 >>1707 >>1706 >>1699 >>1697 These need solid solid responses. Ok, lets discuss the first principles. Can a society produce the goods it needs ? Is a societies consumption sustainable by its own resources or does it need to exploit the resources of others to sustain it ? Will west survive if it stops getting cheap resources from Africa, cheap labour from India and cheap goods from China ? In modern GAE terms, Bangladesh perfected its strategy, it manufactured few goods, did it well, exploited its resources and population to the max, this policy has its limits and BD has reached its peak. To move forward , - Either get scientific advances that others don't have. This won't happen, because as soon as it does, GAE will steal these thinkers for itself or kill them. - Exploit other economies for cheaper labour or resources, than others. This can be done by causing war in its neighbourhood for example. > Every Western country has a population that has steadily increased but continue to enjoy high standards of living. They never had anything comparable to Asia or African density. Whenever their populations needed resources, a country was invaded or destroyed. Population is useless in a limited range of total fertility i.e. ~ 2.7. Too much deviation from this will cause trouble, one way or the other. > I said overpopulation is not the cause of a lack of these. People are useful only in developing economies. In developed economies like America, the country doesn't need its people. American arms industry can keep importing south Americans and let the whites pay tax's to death, while sustaining its economy and being top of the world. Like China, Anglo's too direct most of their efforts, against their own citizens the most.
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Jaipur - Hawa Mahal 1870
>>1723 >I asked regarding your experiences 1. I had a gf when I was 14 and she wanted to bang me ditched her when i was 15, met up 4 years later and she still wanted to have a relationship (and potentially marry), i declined was a sweet girl, would make a fine mother 2. had female friends/cousins (3+) who would go from treating me like trash to wanting to fuck after i lost weight and got /fit/, then lose interest again after i rejected their advances My philosophy is different to most people ig both of my parents were office employees and couldn't raise me as a child, so i was raised by my grandparents and so i really consider my grandparents as my parents they died of ((natural causes)) when i was 12 and between that my mom and dad would have fights and also emotionally/verbally abuse me So I was always chasing after that child-like, unconditional love and shelter my grandparents, esp. my grandmother provided (read the first 40 pages of Games People Play - Eric Berne) but then I realized that this is something that i can never acheive, my grandparents are dead, the unconditional love i was chasing after is an illusion, i can't even expect it from my friends and family, whom i have to constantly engage with in a political manner, let alone a random femoid
>>1733 then again my mom and dad would make alot of devastating mistakes and give me the most retarded life advice imaginable instead of admitting me to a semi-decent school my dad dropped me in a literal slum school, where i got endlessly bullied just for being middle-class and not fakir-tier each and every life advice they ever gave has tragically backfired and my mother is a very controlling person who literally cried and tried to beat me once because i was late from a party for 2 hours so i really don't trust people very much, on top of that i also have suspected schizophrenia, and as trust is a pre-requisite for love, yeah i tend to avoid it nowadays Mom and dad has emotionally blackmailed me so.many times by saying how much they love me,.this is for my own good and stuff that even the thought of engaging in romance or trusting anyone makes me feel like im walking through a crackden in the middle of the night
>>1723 also I'm very sorry for derailing the convo with my personal bullshit but i thought getting a view behind my reasoning for and concepts of love/trust would be better and i suspect our women like strong men and dislike weak men because of philosophy, they themselves want to be strong, and thus respect and seek out people with strength and power
>>1723 >modern GAE terms, Bangladesh perfected its strategy, it manufactured few goods, did it well, exploited its resources and population to the max, this policy has its limits and BD has reached its peak. let me tell you something anon, on how the bangladeshi economy functions there is a road in our village that has been being "fixed" for 30 years, every 5 (i think) years there is a chairman election for the district they then ask the govt. for funds for infrastructure, use it to fund their campaign, make a halfass job on the road so it breaks again in 2 years. this keeps the workers and developement companies employed, this is how our economy has been operating, through bullshit like this altopugh iirc the govt. has been slowly taking measures since 2018 to get rid of bullshit like this
>>1723 >To move forward we need nukes and a good military even a shithole like pakistan still exists despite their joke of an economy partly because they are still a nuclear power i have nothing against the indian people, but your govt. is uhh not uhh, cant say they detain and make people disappear for criticizing india
>>1737 You have to clarify what moving forward is. Nukes are useless unless you have mortal enemies. Bangladesh has far bigger problems like curroption that makes bihar look innocent. If USA succeedes in over throwing your govt, you will be Pak 2.0
>>1737 If Bangladesh started developing nukes it would disappear from the map.
>>1743 precisely why we need nukes
>>1738 like I said Islam (Bangladeshified) IS the law of bangladesh it has become so interwined with our society, law and culture that it's practically impossible to remove or reform in anyway islam is very hostile towards change and reform unfortunately without radical social reform we are doomed, but it is impossible in it's current state the only options i see for my country is unfortunately to become north korea-like and bully gibs from others OR keep genociding mullahs and start a civil war until probably half the population is dead
>>1747 the problem here is bangladesh already has it's fair share of rivals like india and myanmar which would intervene and probably annex or put a puppet govt. if a civil war did happen so to preserve the nation's sovereignty the only way i see is military might
>>1746 >>1743 >>1747 Won't bother with details but sounds like Bangladesh is on the Pakistan path and will annoy us, then disintegrate. They will feel uppity due to sitting on China/America's dick. But unless they get a hypersonic missile defence system, they won't go anywhere doing this.
Back on topic of love and relationships. If you cannot find a person who doesn't feel worth it, don't do it. Date, make friends etc. But don't take women seriously unless they are really worth it. If you think your judgement is not good, then jackoff till your dick is raw and balls and empty.

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