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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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We Need Some Shit Like This To Keep Us All Updated मित्र 08/06/2023 (Sun) 12:09:09 Id: 1d7aec No. 2601
https://awiderframe.com/ https://awiderframe.com/ https://awiderframe.com/ And BEFORE THAT we have to find ways to RAISE MONEY Without RAISING MONEY all of this is a non-starter
>>2601 Swarajya does a good job. It can be better, but so far its good enough. There are few others like Braht.in
>>2601 we already do it's called indiachan.net and facebook.com
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>>2618 http://Braht.in or www.Braht.in doesnt pull anything Typo? also https://www.sitelike.org/similar/swarajyamag.com/ not much there either. The thing about raising money is that its simply unavoidable. Im sure someone somewhere is already doing it from benefactors discreetly. Its just a matter of time before several AIPAC / J Street type outfits spring up all over the place. how it will exactly look we dont know yet. we may see several. There will be competing ones as well. you may not exactly like the one that wins out in the end kinda like J Street vs AIPAC below. Indians just need to wise up to the fact that theyre woefully for whats ahead. Money is not even the biggest difference maker. But its def a huge one. And a necessary beast. Look at the Mormon church below. https://mazinx.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/j-street-vs-aipac/ https://mazinx.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/j-street-vs-aipac/ https://mazinx.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/j-street-vs-aipac/ https://mondoweiss.net/2022/06/j-street-trying-to-oust-aipac-as-dominant-pro-israel-force-for-democrats/ https://mondoweiss.net/2022/06/j-street-trying-to-oust-aipac-as-dominant-pro-israel-force-for-democrats/ https://mondoweiss.net/2022/06/j-street-trying-to-oust-aipac-as-dominant-pro-israel-force-for-democrats/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/03/05/how-aipac-beat-j-street/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/03/05/how-aipac-beat-j-street/ https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/03/05/how-aipac-beat-j-street/ Could Mormon Church be worth $1TRILLION in 20 years? New report claims it has amassed bigger 'rainy day' fund than Google and Microsoft as it prepares for The Second Coming Utah-based church has around 17 million members but its estimated worth is on par with the sovereign wealth fund of South Korea, a country of 52 million Its money machine is its secretive investment arm, Ensign Peak Advisors, which stuffs church donations into stocks but makes employees sign lifetime NDAs Church members are now vowing to withhold contributions following revelations it was using an array of shell companies to hide its vast wealth
>>2629 >Indians just need to wise up to the fact that theyre woefully for whats ahead. Indians just need to wise up to the fact that theyre woefully unprepared for whats ahead.
>>2629 So what I understand, you want a platform for aggregated Hindu news and a central platform to call Hindu's together. There was this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ajaey.aryavarta&hl=de but from what I can tell it was abondoned. I now use Swarajya for aggregated Hindu view point, it is not ideal since it does not have other views, so something that can embed Twitter, Youtube etc would be better. But Swarajya takes money and does good work. There are other websites, but I am away from my personal laptop right now.
>>2629 Infinity foundation also has an impressive panel. But Indians are unaware and not united.

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