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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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/int/ - Gora Sahib Discussion मित्र 08/29/2023 (Tue) 12:30:10 Id: 323377 No. 2907
/b/ but for e-celeb or /int/ discussion
Church Backs Gay Marriage More than half of Anglican priests support same-sex marriages for the first time in history. A further 63.3% are in favour of allowing ceremonies among the clergy.
>>2928 England.
>>2929 Literally becoming Englund.
>>2930 They have higher % of people in poverty than India and sinking rapidly. I was in london for a short while few months ago. Even the no go zones in India are safer. Police has given a free run to trash from Pakistan and Bangladesh. but outside Londonistan, situation is not much better. Prices make Germany look good.
>>2931 Bhai, it's the kalus consistently topping STI rates, crime rates, low income jobs and low education etc. Londonistan is becoming little Africa. Same thing happened to brown neighbourhoods in Canada.
>>2907 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/08/113_358114.html >>2933 I had my bias's due to my hosts and the area's they showed me. I don't like reading much about UK. It is an unpleasant country full of unpleasant people.
>>2933 More from UK. Nothing surprising though
https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-31/caltech-drops-calculus-chemistry-physics-class-admission-requirements-for-some This is really really tragic in my opinion. Not even having calculus by the time you reach university is stupid and not so much to ask for.
>>2935 I want to have a bet with this manbto goto a random madrasha in Pakistan and stay there for a month without witnessing or getting raped by any of his feloow muzz. brothers
>>2936 >>2935 *I want to have a bet with this man to goto a random madrasha in Pakistan and stay there for a month without witnessing or getting raped by any of his fellow muzz. brothers
>>2945 Problem in India too. My Muslim friend became secular after the Imam tried to get frisky with him. Changed schools etc. Other kids weren't as successful.
Health authorities have sprayed Paris for the first time amid concerns that disease-ridden tiger mosquitoes could spread dengue in the French capital.  Stay-at-home alerts were issued and roads closed during the early hours of Thursday and Friday in two of the city’s suburbs, as pest control units sprayed insecticide across potential mosquito-breeding sites – such as trees, green spaces and stagnant water. The operations were launched after two people contracted dengue abroad, raising concerns the Aedes albopictus ‘Asian tiger mosquito’ could bite an infected person and start a domestic chain of transmission.
Tens of thousands of people have received the visa since it was launched on August 1. China and Estonia are the countries with the biggest demands, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry data. India, Germany and Turkey are the next biggest recipients of the 31,000 issued visas.
Covid Censorship Unit Works With British Intelligence A government unit which suppressed free speech was doing so in cooperation with MI5, senior civil servants have confirmed. The “UK intelligence community” has been involved in the Counter-Disinformation Unit since it was founded in 2019, Covid inquiry docs reveal. Since the pandemic it flagged social media posts containing 'wrongthink' by members of the British public, and continues “working closely” with spies “where appropriate," documents show.
>>2907 Wtf is it real?
>>2990 Yep. I applied as well.
The Catholic Church in Poland is tackling a significant scandal involving priests allegedly holding a “gay orgy” on the premises of a historic church and denying medics access to a hired sex worker, who collapsed during the incident. This story of the sinful party gone wrong in the southern Polish city of Dabrowa Gornicza was first reported by the daily Gazeta Wyborcza last week, based on the accounts of its sources in local law enforcement, and is believed to have happened in August. The party was organized by the vicar of the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels, a neo-gothic city landmark built at the turn of the 20th century. The gathering organizer was identified as ‘Father Tomasz Z.,’ who invited his fellow clerics and the male prostitute to his official apartment at the church, the newspaper said.
>>3209 kek
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>>2907 My husband won't let my daughters goto school. I am becoming mentally unstable, my husband is becoming a more aggravated and extreme islamist as the days pass. My daughter studies in Class 7, under the new educational curriculam the govt. has included dancing and singing as mandatory lessons, but my husband will not let my daughter dance and sing infront of male/female teachers, he wants to admit her to a kaumi madrasha despite kaumi madrashas being unauthorized and/or having no education value in most cases. The daughters of very famous imams and huzurs also attend dance and singing lessons over at school, they don't have any issues with that, yet when my daughter wants to sing and dance there is an issue. The schools are supposed to teach what the govt. mandates, how do i solve this ?
>>4026 *but my husband will not let my daughter goto school out of concern of dancing and singing infront of male teachers
>>4026 "The average birth rate in Bangladesh in 2022 was 17.5 per 1,000 people, a decline from 47 per 1,000 people in 1973." Bangladesh is a godsent place for Islamic terrorism. It is a miracle that it hasn't happened at a large scale yet. The quality of students is just falling every year, be it the edgy aethists, confused Islamists or our and out Islamists.
>>4037 >>4037 >"The average birth rate in Bangladesh in 2022 was 17.5 per 1,000 people, a decline from 47 per 1,000 people in 1973." Bangladesh is a godsent place for Islamic terrorism. It is a miracle that it hasn't happened at a large scale yet. anon, the truth of the matter is that Terrorism of any kind is usually caused by situations that unite a large chunk of people whose survival is at question. things like famines, extreme political persecution etc BD does not have such a situation (yet), although the Rohingyas are slowly making sure such a situation does happen. (The USA threatens BD with sanctions and invasions if we kick out the rohingyas for that precise reason after all) >The quality of students is just falling every year yeah no shit, imagine being a 24yo who just graduated from some top-name uni here only to work some 600$-1200$ job. There are no jobs, no business oppurtunities because of local political hooligans and consumer preferences, what the fuck will being a quality student get you
This is not a one off, you will be seeing a lot more of this in USA. >>4044 Where do you see the results of the US interference going ? What will be its effect on ground in your opinion ?
>>4072 >Where do you see the results of the US interference going ? In the short term, perhaps sanctions/tariffs, they are probably still putting pieces in places. In the long term, slow and planned economic collapse + political destabilization. imho BD is a bargaining chip against India, if India ever goes against the USA, USA turns BD into Kashmir 2.0 There are still a fuckton of anti-Awami/Govt people embedded inside organizations of power, Mullahs are hungry for power, they already get crores upon crores from the people and other streams, USA will just flick a switch and starting selling them guns. >What will be its effect on ground in your opinion ? The usual. Economic, Cultural and Ethnic death of my people. India and Myanmar annexes whatever is left. Might sound like excessive doomerposting, maybe it is, but with how things currently are in here, it's plausible.
hi sahib
>>4130 I meant on ground effects. Like prices . Bangladeshi economy depends very heavily on American imports. Bangladesh never diversified their clientele.
>>4130 >>4179 Bangladesh mainly trades with China and India. America is a net importer of Bangladeshi goods, whereas Bangladesh has a negative trade balance with both China and India. I also think any attempts at tariffs will fail as the US has just tempered inflation and won't be able to sell increased prices on basic goods (like clothes) to American voters. US might want a govt. change to rectify the trade balance, but more likely the Americans want to use Bangladesh as a check to both Indian and Chinese expansion in South Asia and SEA. I don't think the doomer posting is warranted. I am pretty hopeful that Bangladesh is going to continue functioning fairly well. They have been able to manage Indian, American and Chinese influence competently. The US has also showed itself to be incapable of regime change lately without heavy-handedness and blatant sovereignty violations. In Bangladesh especially that will not be welcomed.
>>4179 >I meant on ground effects. Like prices I really cannot give an accurate prediction, I need some time to think it through and evaluate more. But for some background on the current situation, price of everything increased by 50-70% after corona. a kilo of chicken costs 200/- a kilo of beef costs 600-900/- pre-corona 1USD equaled to about 80BDT now 1USD = 100BDT (Thank you USA for hyper-inflating your currency.) We had some educated tenants in our apartment, college professors, school teachers. They left with teary eyes during corona saying it was a mistake to be born in BD. Rohingyas are starting to cannibalize the lower end job market somewhat. They are now getting increasingly involved in the drug/narco smuggling, prostitution and organized crime rings in Chittagong/Cox Bazar.
>>4187 >They have been able to manage Indian, American and Chinese influence competently. Sheikh Hasina was born in 1947 anon. She is almost 80 years old. She is single-handedly keeping this shithole alive. If the CIAniggers kill her or she dies of natural causes BD falls overnight, there is no one to take reign. >inb4 The Army The Army is like doing a cointoss, either we get someone who surpasses Hasina or someone who starts WW3 due to sheer incompetance. >In Bangladesh especially that will not be welcomed. Kek, not welcomed by whom ? Every single ((Politician)) is looking for a dick to ride on, be it the mullahs, pro-AL or pro-bimpi, no matter the country. This will be the Battle of Plassey in 1757 all over again. It doesn't even need to be high-level officials, if the USA manages to buy out the mid-level ones then they've already won.
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>>4190 >>4188 $ will crash. It will help Bangladesh. > Rohingyas are starting to cannibalize the lower end job market somewhat. picrel >>4190 Leaders like her are rare. A commodity that few understand.

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