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Using skills to upgrade your life मित्र 01/23/2023 (Mon) 10:11:41 Id: 4b2793 No. 346
There is a modern narrative that some people perform better than others, because of privilege, wealth etc. While its true that being born in a good family, money etc do help with avoiding a scarcity mindset, But, I have met plenty of people who come from nothing, but have successful careers, a wife and kids, work 60-80 hours a week, still healthy physically and enjoy life in general. Others work less than 40 hours a week, depressed, busy always but get nothing done etc. One answer is good time management, this is better handled by others who are better at it than me. But another important aspect is learning new skills for practical use. Like how understanding a concept unlocks a math/physics problem that previously seemed alien, similarly in real life (dating, work, common struggles with family etc) understanding many concepts and skills just unlock situations that previously seemed impossible and alien to overcome. An easy way to learn these is to have mentors and contact with successful people you look up to. But, in modern life, this is tougher and tougher, since most people you encounter are just living in zombie reactive mode. Another one is to read books/audiobooks/lectures, specific concepts for specific purposes. Not your run of the mill motivational bullshit that everyone from Hitler to Sadhguru will say. An example that comes to mind is Scarcity (>Picrel) that helped me figure out that I am always working with a Scarcity mindset, I am tunnel visioned into having things I did not have as a kid, therefore I focus on them too much and ignore other aspects of life. As soon as I understood this about me, it fixed automatically a lot of problems I had with my life. I know lot of autists had luck with 5 languages of love, which explained them concepts that are obvious to normies or loveology experts. The point of this thread is to discuss, how to get better and recognizing problems and concepts that can help fix them in real life, for real use in real life (Not JEE/NEET bullshit posting)
>>346 very good thread मित्र . I'll keep posting sporadically, wheneve I get good material for it.
>>346 I keep hearing modern people say bottling up is bad and that you have to talk and share your fears and feelings to truly overcome it. I was following stoicism even before I knew what it was. I didn't realise it was a coping mechanism even when I first read about it. Only much later did I realise most of seneca's work was written while he was in jail. Although I personally prefer the diogenes' outlook at life and have been mostly following it. I think it's easier to live life in peace without having to rely on someone else to heal yourself. Bottling up if done carefully doesn't even amount to bottling up. It's the best coping mechanism that is just harmless once you get control over yourself.
>>346 I need tips to increase my social skills. Please post social engineering and interaction resources. How do i be charming, convincing, witty and pleasant instead of a creepy,awkward autist? bachao
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>>373 Dale Carnegie How to win friends influence people Old but works Be clean, do basic grooming, find a basic look that works for you and practice looking confident i.e. straight back, relaxed shoulders and frown etc
>>361 The approach you use depends on your purpose entirely. Aurelius was an emperor and diogenes was something else entirely. Me personally, I grew up in hyper masculine environment, where sharing feelings is gay and you get beaten up for it. The cool kids now call it stoicism lol. > I think it's easier to live life in peace without having to rely on someone else to heal yourself YEP. Solutions to ones problems should be found in oneself, external solutions can harm more than they heal. > Bottling up if done carefully doesn't even amount to bottling up This is a necessity imo.
A concept most people struggle with is randomness. The future is inherently random , even if you believe it can be determined , more normal humans are incapable of it. So a lot of decisions we take are bets on randomness going in or against our favour. Reading Nassim Taleb (most of his books deal with randomness and how we deal with it) helped me wrap my head around this fact and in dealing with it.
>>425 do not pollute threads with your inch tier, half mouthed, incoherent critique.
>>422 Which of his books to start with? I have black swan on my TBR, but I'm wondering if anyone has analyzed his approach and applied it to central banking.
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>>428 > applied to central banking He isnt very pro central banks and rightly so. Fooled by randomness should be 1st Then blackswan and then anti fragile In a weird way, the follow up for me was gita, because gita is also about how to react in the face of uncertainity. So are most religious books for that matter except Quran, which is a political text. People who can understand what makes them amxious and then use reading to fix that problem have a huge advantage over others.
>>346 I think next ideas I would like to approach are personal organization for extreme times, Talebs ideas deserve their own post, but that will be big and time consuming, won't do justice to the books. Look forward to other anons contributions
I won't go into time management here, but the basic concept behind it is important. For example, a PhD takes 20 hours per week to not forget what you already studied and learnt, 10 more to make new progress. Any more and you will tire yourself and not last beyond 8-9 months. But most Indians think this has to do with intelligence or inborn skill. No it does not. The way that two people use their time makes all the difference. The coomer who jacks off 2-3 hours a day will be dumber after few years than someone who uses their brain 2-3 hours extra. Yet people keep missing this basic concept and think that inherent intelligence makes a big difference.
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There is a joke. A women walking on her way home is approached by a man, who says to her "Excuse me, aren't you the women who cheated on her husband with 3 other men while being head manager of a law firm ?" "I don't need your judgement" she said "No, you don't understand" He said "I am here to offer you a book deal from a published , on a book about time management"
>>346 https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2023/01/31/curated-consumption/ This might be obvious to oldfags, but for new fags it might be very useful and even transformative.
>>593 although this is an appealing way to go about things with minimal interferences, it also presents the problem of being stuck in an echochamber without discovering optimal, new sources to get your information from. I'm someone who likes to surf the web for information, and I come back with a couple of bookmarks and a lot of new knowledge/keywords with every search session. A balance between using trusted sources and surfing for new ones needs to be struck to make optimal use of your time while realizing the full potential of soycel media.
>>600 I used to think/work this way, it is useful when you have time as a young person. But when you get busy, this is tough. also, its more useful to search for high quality specific information. A lot of information on Internet is very low quality. You can take youtube reviews, knowledge blogs etc as an example. Garbage in == Garbage out Hence the quality of discourse on InCh and reddit for example. It is very important to realize that a lot of information and sources are just misleading and bad out there.
>>600 > I'm someone who likes to surf the web for information This I relate to. I found lot of knowledge on the old pirate web. More than the content, I used to like the people I used to meet.
>>346 The book principles by Ray Dahlio begins with Mr Dahlios approach to life, which is similar to mine as well. Life is random, if you deal with it as it comes, you keep reacting to random things and never really master your own fate. The other approach is to follow principles (fundamental truths) and approach life using principles. A principle of mine that allows me to not fall into traps of pointless consumption is Am I doing this activity for passive consumption or will it result in actionable activities ? If it does not result in actionable activities , then I don't want to do it. Browsing InCh and reacting to some teenager ? Passive aggressive non actionable activity. Reading a book that helps me understand a topic of my choice ? Very actionable. It is my bias towards karmyog, you may choose gyanyog, that is upto you. The point is, you have to choose principles that are suitable to your background, personality and purpose.
>>591 I think that's the best way to describe intelligence. Everyone at the highest level in any field works their ass off.
>>346 >>619 >>612 >>591 A consequence of management and principles Person A is a brainlet dumbfuck, but has a good timetable, spends minimum time cooking (i.e. makes same food daily in 10-15 mins) and maximizes time spent doing things he loves. His expenses are predictable because his life is disciplined thus predictable, this makes financial planning easy. This makes him both smarter and happier, despite starting off as brainlet. Person B is high IQ smart person. Spends his time indulging in emotions and senses, over thinks , does not exercise, does not have a timetable. As a result is unhappy , unorganized, has unpredictable expenses etc Despite topping JEE, this person dies at 48 from a heart attack. Both Person A and B are based on real people I know. I have seen the lives of both turn out very different, despite one being gifted and the other being a complete moron. consistency is rewarded. This is what is referred to as Karma by Vivekanand. What you do daily defines you and your life.
>>639 THERE IS A HUGE CONDITION TO THIS. TALKING TO TOXIC PEOPLE. Person A has a very toxic parent, the parent manipulates person A into caring for an otherwise useless (useless because person A cannot do anything about it) incident. Person A loses timetable, worries about useless incident, tries to do something (he is brainlet, so he doesn't realizes that he cannot do anything). then he remembers that hobby feels good, then slowly comes back into timetable. Person B , does same as person A but overthinks and never escapes the trap of useless emotional responses.
Hey guys , i feel empty from inside no motivation to do anything , most of the time i have negative thoughts about many things. I think this came after i started masterbating do you guys feel the same is there any way to fix this emptyness
>>720 You have to be specific anon. General advice is never good.

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