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kino /greentext/s मित्र 10/24/2023 (Tue) 17:19:24 Id: 6ec6f0 No. 3531
post funny and not-very-popular greentexts. bonus points for creating your own PS: please do not fill this thread with r/greentext and r/4chan top->alltime screencaps
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>>3531 >post greentexts on a website you can greentext on faggot still I will post something I think i have some inch screenshots in my PC back home. Ill post them some days later if they're worth posting. Meanwhile here is one I saved from reddit
>>3532 >post greentexts on a website you can greentext on <bonus points for creating your own are all inchbhangis this blind?
>>3534 ah shit Try not to make it fake and unfunny reddit garbage btw >walking in the rain with an umbrella >2 km to go, no footpath, water logging, cars splashing water >Activa guy with a raincoat stops a few feet ahead of me >looks at me >i keep walking without making eye contact >his expression changes to disbelief as I walk past >he rides off >realise he was offering me a ride >walk the rest of the way in my waterproof shoes Taking favours from strangers (or people, in general) leaves me feeling very strange and vulnerable
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> Be autist > Qtπ 9/10 > can I have your number anon ? I need to discuss stoodies Few calls later > hey anon, did you finish physics ? < Yeah on chapter this > Do you get excited ? < Excitement ? Atomic excitement is different chapter Years later I understood what was going on.
>>3548 >Excitement ? Atomic excitement is different chapter Are you a jeecel?
>>3625 I was. It was another age.
>>3627 Extremely understandable.
some banter from an irc chat that i happened to log: * effyuh (~Mibbit@84C24918.3238EF48.D6AE200F.IP) has joined <effyuh> hey fatties <hugelkulturalist> hi nigger * yancival (uid172301@Rizon-1FA36CCA.hampstead.irccloud.com) has joined * Hachi-chan gives voice to yancival * yancival (uid172301@Rizon-1FA36CCA.hampstead.irccloud.com) has left <effyuh> why ru even awake fatty <hugelkulturalist> y r u black? <effyuh> this is why you all are fat <Rue> mibbit user <Rue> hehe <hugelkulturalist> is there a correlation with mibbit and reddit? <Rue> nah <effyuh> there is between being fat & a midget <effyuh> go to bed fatty seemed funny to me, based on its randomness
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>>3531 >>3531 >apology for poor english >when were you when john lenin dies? >i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring <‘john is kill’ >‘no’
what do you think? does this glow or not?
>>6672 Absolutely glows. They also lure gen z and alpha using ethots and influencers.
>>6672 >>6674 Wait till they find out that out of shape, sludgebrained zoomers make terrible soldiers.
>>6676 They need them to die and catch bullets Even then, I cannot imagine zoomers as elite soldiers. But that's why first worlders need AI and robotics.
>>6677 AI is still a long way from replacing soldiers imo. The West needs manpower. USA recruits millions of illegals into the armed forces, Europe has no real alternative. Dumping billions into ineffective and undermanned militaries just delays the inevitable. Important to remember that numbers have always been the number 1 factor in assessing a militaries chances of victory. The trend was bucked during colonization but the last few conflicts in the 20th century have reinforced that fact.
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>>6693 holy shit that got too real do you have any advice for inculcating that self discipline, over a long period of time? I've watched and read plenty of resources about this topic but nothing has worked, I always give in to pleasure after a few days
>>6696 Best to start is to have a timetable in agreement with your biological rhythm. For me thats waking up early. Once you do that, the rest gets much easier.
>>6696 You could be lazy, in that case its a matter of pulling yourself together. OR You are not aligned with your inner nature and purpose. In this case, you need self reflection and then lot of work to align with yourself.
Every time someone utters the phrase, "I don't like onions," my face crumples up with hate that bubbles up from my pores and escapes through my cracked skin. If there was a service that specialized in punching a massive number of people, I would single-handedly keep them in business by paying for every last anti-onionite to get socked in the eyes. I like onions because I'm an adult. You may think you don't like onions, but unless you have the taste perception of a dog, you're full of shit. That's because everything worth eating has onions in it. Don't believe me? Here's a list of foods that onion-haters like, despite the fact that they contain onions: Pizza. Think your rancorous hatred of onions is sated by not ordering them on your pizza? What do you think gives the sauce its flavor, dipshit? Burgers. Patties are seasoned with onion powder. Pull your head out of your ass. Stuffing. Onions make those giant clots of bread worth shoving into your ugly, hateful mouth. Onion rings. Inexplicably, some onion haters will order onion rings, despite the fact that onion rings are made with onions. "Well I don't mind onion rings." So fried onions get to keep their seat in the front of the bus in your world? You know what, don't eat onions; we don't need your charity. Ramen. Wow, more onions. It's almost like onions are in everything. Hmm, where have I heard that? Oh yeah, right at the start of this fucking list. Fried chicken. Keep shoving that breading into your tooth-hole, lardass! The onion-powder in the batter gives your taste buds purpose. Gravy, BBQ, coleslaw, ranch dressing, etc, etc. Onions, onions, onions. Onions make you feel unstoppable. Everything has onions in it. I love onions with all my heart and soul. My girlfriend was giving me a piggy-back ride to the grocery store the other day because I didn't want to scuff up my new shoes. She was huffing down the frozen pizza aisle when I overheard some hipster chick saying "Ewww, onions!" I jumped off my woman's back and slid over like a smooth criminal. Her boyfriend shrieked, "dude, what's your problem?" That's when a clerk tossed an onion at me from the produce aisle. I immediately dropped into a handstand and donkey-kicked the onion into the hipster-chick's yapper. She started chewing like a horse and crying tears of joy. She was so happy that she gave me her number, which I drop-kicked out of her hand and into her boyfriend's skull. She asked me how she could ever repay me, and I gave her a stern look. She thought that look meant "suicide." She was right. She said "I know what I have to do." Then she waddled over to the houseware aisle, grabbed a potato peeler and started peeling off her own face. Then I watched as she slowly ate her face for the next 15 minutes, piece by piece until she bled to death. Her final words to me were "forgive me." I said "no" in sign language, and then she died. By now the manager of the store had come by and said "Sir, you have to leave." But I didn't hear anything because I was thinking about something else. He then got a mop and tried smacking me with it. I ducked like a drunken master, then sprung back up and slammed him in the chin with my butt. He started crying hot salty tears, so I hopped back on my woman's back to ride her off into the sunset. Just then a security guard jumped out in my way. Big mistake. I shook my head and in one solid motion, reached into my pants, took out my balls, and then in super slow motion, I swung them like a sling and smashed his face. It caused severe fractures to the sinus, naso-orbital ethmoid and lacrimal bones. He required extensive surgery and was never able to fully speak again. Onions rule.

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