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>>3592 based post I will post mathematical problems in some time
https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/eulogin?ECHE=1&returnto=eche/home It supports python too ! Though an old smartphone and keyboard would kill this, but having a dedicated device is still underrated.
>>3597 There is some truth to this. I forgot the joy of simple solutions are learning advanced maths. Going back to simple algebra feels great
>>3592 After a point in life we must ask What is the purpose of this science If all it leads is to more suffering What good did all this technological progress give us Is sole focused search of truth worth it If stem leads to nukes and stuff What is it's merit
>>3620 I sometimes agree with uncle Ted. All of this seems too superfitious to me
>>3620 Kind of why I began this thread. I lost my enjoyment of science and was focused too much on academic bs. Financially, the difference between phd-employment - post doc is 100€. So financially it is a joke in every case. In terms of societal progress, I would call it a net loss. We have tuned into caged animals, dumber and slower than our ancestors, existing only to serve technological society. But that aside, I really do enjoy simple implementation of technology. Not really pushing the extreme edge or discovering new stuff, but simply using math and science to do things in my life. I do believe the world needs more amateur thinkers, tinkerers, hackers and doer's.
>>3626 >I do believe the world needs more amateur thinkers, tinkerers, hackers and doer's. Very good sentiment But think of it this way STEM's primary goal in application is new technology Which is inherently a loss to us Day by day ted seems to be more true I cannot think of any reason from a big picture perspective why we should study physics, chemistry math bio, because they are used for nukes, bioweapons etc etc Life can actually go on well without such theory
>>3629 It is not that technology is bad by itself, it is just a tool. It is centralized network technology that is bad for humans, the earth and life as we know it. We should oppose centralized tech. We are too dependent on tech at the moment to openly oppose technological society. I would like to work towards a solarpunk future instead. And depending on your circumstances, it is fully possible to limited extents. The issue is, no man is an Island and technological society doesn't tolerant freedoms. So yeah, we come back to Uncle Ted's struggle.
>>3629 Just because your dick can rape, does not mean you stop using it. It is not that we should oppose tech, but the kind of that results in this. Technology reliant on networks of electricity , internet etc. Go back to more individual and community based tech.
>>3635 I use tech's argument here. There is nothing like good or bad technology. You cannot separate them. The creation of good technology comes with bad technology
>>3636 If you remove network technology then indusrrial revolution gets undone, which pretty much agrees with ted But my question is, dont you think we are too far gone
(26.32 KB 500x321 Tk_arrest.webp)

>>3638 I do think we are too far gone. As Uncle Ted says, it is also our undoing. Networks are also easy to destroy due to dependencies. A network such as the one we live in, is very vulnerable to many different things. In uncle ted's terms, FC just waits for an incident like solar flare/nuclear war to occur. Until then, we do our best to survive against modernity.
>>3638 Removal of network technology == Undoing industrial revolution You can still have localized factories , their scale and capability will be more akin to 1800's than anything modern today. But we also have extremely efficient technologies now, which will help us. Am I saying we can continue to live as we do without network tech ? No. IT has to change. But it doesn't have to be fully anti tech.
>>3644 Dont you think a solar flare/CME of that scale is very unlikely as of now A nuclear war might happen in this century though, although even that seems unlikely Your opinion on astrologers predicting war in next 3 years ?
>>3645 I dont think it is possible now
>>3645 I believe there are ways of doing this already, I have some engineering friends that are thinking about setting it up. Censorship is going to get a lot worse in the next year or two.
>>3646 Limited nuclear exchange isn't crazy considering both a multipolar world and nuclear proliferation. Iran and Israel seem the likeliest - I don't think even China is retarded enough to try it.
>>3592 https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.11717 >Refusal in Language Models Is Mediated by a Single Direction
AlexCalc (Scientific calculator with LaTeX equation display) https://f-droid.org/packages/net.alexbarry.calc_android/
>>3592 https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=304 Ten Signs a Claimed Mathematical Breakthrough is Wrong
>>3592 https://cyclictheories.wordpress.com/ Kozsul complexes and Čech cohomology

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