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/news/ - News and Events anno 12/22/2023 (Fri) 06:45:12 Id: 84dae7 No. 4405
Mainly created for random news and events dump (+resources). So far /pol/ and /b/ threads have been the goto for news dumps but some news don't fit /pol/ and /b/ Also feel free to post good/underrated news sites/sources.
>>4405 Bangladesh Defense Analyst : https://www.defseca.com/
>>4405 If data is ok, then National Family Health Survey data, latest round https://rchiips.org/nfhs/data1.shtml
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https://bangla.dhakatribune.com/others/74812/%E0%A6%86%E0%A6%87%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%87%E0%A6%89%E2%80%99%E0%A6%A4%E0%A7%87-%E0%A6%85%E0%A6%95%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%9C%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%A8-%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B8%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%95-%E0%A6%96%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%B2%E0%A7%87-%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%97%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%87%E0%A6%9F%E0%A7%87-%E2%80%98%E0%A6%B8%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%96%E0%A6%9F%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%A8%E2%80%99 An alarming incident occurred in a private hospital in Gujarat, India, highlighting the dangers of smoking, especially in critical health situations. The Anandabazar Patrika reported that a patient with a respiratory infection was admitted to the hospital's Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Despite being in a critical condition and on oxygen support, the patient's addiction to smoking overpowered his judgment. In a risky move, he took off his oxygen mask and began to smoke while lying in the hospital bed. This action led to a dangerous situation as the cigarette ignited upon contact with the oxygen.
China currency swaps with Argentina for 6.5 Billion USD worth of currency https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/china-clears-65-bln-part-argentina-swap-line-deal-2023-10-18/
>>4526 Poor Argentina.
>>4531 130% inflation of their own currency. They're forced to take any help they can get.
50yo "Riad Bouchaker" allegedly stabbed 3 school children and an adult https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67783903 People are protesting over stopping immigration https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/24/anger-immigration-riot-dublin-ireland ZOG is in damage control https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/07/world/europe/dublin-riot-far-right.html
>>4573 Alot of articles regarding the incident has been scrubbed off of the internet, for example https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/world/i-am-a-sick-person-riad-bouchaker-50-charged-with-attempted-murder-of-three-children-in-parnell-square-stabbings/ar-AA1lQEWQ DDG indexed it, but it's removed now. DDG is also blocking "Ireland Riot" searchterm but "Ireland Rioting" works
>>4573 >>4574 Irish govt is behind the removal of articles. It affects diversity lol. Europe is going to see a huge but dumb right wing revival.
>>4536 A $ dump is suicide. China is not dumping $ out of kindness. $ is going to be devalued, this will only fuck Argentina more.
>>4591 they aren't dumping USD tho, they are dumping yuans. It's China's move towards dethroning the USD as the world's trade currency and gaining more control over foreign nations.
Any anon who wants to get actual, unfiltered, raw news. News that is neither propaganda nor AI-slop, Join relevent local facebook groups for the area and topic you want. For example, I used to join alot of local farming groups in BD, I got a headsup almost 1-2 weeks in advance about shortages, bad harvests etc etc. I once got news about how some farmers got stuck with a very bad harvest of foreign crops they got memed into by local upojela farming officer or smth, straight from the farmers themselves, it took 3-4 months for MSM to catch up and make a report on it. Joining local university groups gave me instanteneous look into various parts of BD and the general political atmosphere of academia. Facebook groups are the only place remaining that are insignificant enough that AI people have overlooked it entirely, these places are the only places in 2023 where organic conversation can take place between real human beings.
>>4599 My bad. Mixed two different articles together. >>4601 Yep. Social media has ironically helped truth come out. Local is now global and global is local. The whole ukraine war was broadcast live region by region.
Home Minister Amit Shah - ULFA is surrendering in Assam
Bangladesh’s Hindus Plead For Help As Islamists Plot To Take Over Famous Shakti Peeth, But With Little Hope https://swarajyamag.com/world/bangladeshs-hindus-plead-for-help-as-islamists-plot-to-take-over-famous-shakti-peeth-but-with-little-hope
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>>4405 share hard articles like this ,no matter the political spectrum anything that goes hard should be here
>>4797 Can you share article link too and not just screenshot ? I like reading whole article to understand if its a fluff piece with hard headline or actually useful read. Helps me filter the author out or in for future too
>>4801 nothing insightfull but here you go https://thepatriot.in/reports/the-wild-west-5420
India reports 9.3 lakh cancer deaths, 2nd highest in Asia; air pollution, smokeless tobacco a major worry
Saudi Arabia officially joined BRICS This was reported by the kingdom's state television.
Epstein Docs Unsealed: Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew Among Big Names in First Batch Numerous court documents identifying associates of notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein were made public late Wednesday. Some of the high-profile names in the court documents include Prince Andrew, the former US president Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson and David Copperfield. The documents in total, including material yet to be unsealed, are expected to include nearly 200 names, including some of Epstein’s accusers, prominent businesspeople, politicians and potentially more. The documents contain excerpts of depositions taken of Maxwell and Virginia Roberts Giuffre. There is also a deposition from Johanna Sjoberg who recalled in 2016 Epstein telling her “Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.” When asked if Clinton was a friend of Epstein’s, she said she understood Epstein had “dealings” with Clinton.
>>4762 Ah, Chandranath ? Yeah I saw the mullahs rejoicing.
https://www.etnownews.com/economy/gst-collection-december-2023-gross-gst-collection-rises-10-yoy-to-rs-1-64-lakh-crore-article-106454074 GST collection up by 10% yoy in Dec23. Good sign for formal economy >>4822 Yep. And a lot more. Bangladesh is down the Pak path.
>>4823 I think Bangladesh is still salvageable. GST collection is good, although I think the BJP are going about formalizing the economy in such a roundabout way. Carrot and stick work better than just a stick. Keep taxes low while the benefits from paying taxes (relatively) high. >>4821 Canadian state media was running interference for Bill Clinton, while they also crucified Andrew. The narrative gets so blatant it's nauseating.
https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/widespread-persecution-of-muslims-guardian-report-on-modi-reflects-everything-thats-wrong-with-western-media-13574272.html >>4834 Lox tax's will come. BJP govt is planning a flat 14% tax eventually. But first they want to increase the governing capacity. Which imo is a good idea. > Bangladesh Now is not the time to focus on them. But eventually, one way or other, Bangladesh's security problems will need to be fixed. > Ruling pedo's A lot of news will come of this. None of it in MSM. Canada is a joke of a country honestly.
>>4834 Leafanon, why do Western Christians hate eastern Christians (Armenian, orthodox etc) so much ?
The US no longer has the means to further support Ukraine - John Kirby "The White House won't be able to secure funds for Ukraine from alternative sources if Congress doesn't approve the request for new aid to Kiev"
>>4405 The anarchy in Bangladesh has same footprint as the one in Bengal. Attacks on trains and state infra,polling booths, crude bombs etc. Probably. Same set of rental anarchists at play.
Indian Navy thwarts hijacking of MV Lila Norfolk in Arabian Sea off coast of Somalia The pirates have departed, all crew accounted for, and the vessel has been secured
>>4872 https://dbcnews.tv/articles/123683 The train fires pre-election were supposedly done by the opposing party BNP
>>4873 >>4872 Buddhist temple burnt down now
>>4890 My bad. Down with fever.
>>4890 Can you share the news link for fire in the rohingya refugee centre ? Lol. 6000 or 8000. Good fucking riddance.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-64235873 Christian missionaries target the birthplace of Buddha in Nepal: Converting people to another religion is illegal in Nepal, but missionaries are willing to risk prosecution to spread the Christian faith.
>>4405 Ukraine's Defense Minister Umerov just announced that, for the first time, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine purchased 50 thousand sets of women's uniforms. According to the Ukrainian Military Media Center, women make up 7% of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 60 thousand women serve in the country's army.
>>4903 Good retaliation. Great move. My salutes. May this only continue and theybbe fed to the tigers in the sunderbans
The troops of Indian Army and UAE Land Forces, exhibiting high standards of synergy while undergoing training & tactical exercises during the Joint Military Exercise Desert Cyclone-I in Rajasthan.
>>4405 German farmers protest in Berlin. Nears Brandenburger Tor
>>4912 Indian army gear is such a mess atm. BJP is making good progress but its still going to be a decade before India can make high quality equipment by itself. Hopefully Russia gets desperate and sells more of it's know how to kick start Indian RnD.
>>4916 Yep. slow progress. Luckily our enemies are giving us all the opportunities. Chinese, our current biggest enemy are in much worst shape and only have numbers in their favour.
https://www.redstreetjournal.com/p/cia1 nothing new here. Just a good compilation.
>>5015 Houthi's claim they shot an F22. GAE hungers non stop for war.
News thread dead... It's over. BILLIONS must now go through 50 page long /pol/ rants to get the current habbenings.
>>5015 Fine. Ill paste over here.
>>4405 I missed the Chinese internal defence audit entirely. Missiles filled with water, dysfunctional missiles, ammunition that doesn't fire etc. China still has the ability to bounce back in months. But this is reassuring for us, in case a fight breaks out.
>>5196 Posting shit source here https://www.businessinsider.com/china-corruption-rocket-force-water-fuel-xi-jinping-purge-scandal-2024-1 Given that Chinese air defence didn't work in Pakistan, both when we launched Brahmos and when the Iranian's launched a missile. it means their sensors and missiles even on a good day, are not going to be a challenge. This is excellent for us. It is time to just double down on what we were already doing.
“Is Ram Below Poverty Line that BJP is giving a house to him?, said TMC MP Satabdi Roy After TMC MLA Sayani Ghosh, now TMC MP Satabdi Roy made derogatory statements about Prabhu Sri Ram. While addressing a gathering, Satabdi Roy questioned the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. She said, “Is Ram BPL(below poverty line) that BJP is giving house to him? I
Good posts in lghef threads. Will answer tomorrow. Need to take care of social duties today Entertain Normie's at home > vid Ongoing ops between Taliban and Pak army. Taliban have far more honour than Pakistan ever did.
>>5198 I found it somewhat funny Ram was BPL during his exile period. But idk much about the poverty line during that era. Shabari (woman who fed Ram berries) seems to be someone facing poverty.
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>>5215 The current meaning used by people to refer to wealth is very stupid and short sighted. No wonder most of them are unhappy and have embraced consumerism as a way of life.
Work has begun on removing secular from on constitution.
https://www.facebook.com/riyad.nil/videos/682775884027439 Asif Mahtab Utsha, a Lecturer at BRAC University who recently lost his job. He is a mullah who got his education in UK recently gave a talk pushing back against institutionalization of Transgenderism and other LGBTQ propaganda in BD. The book he tore pages out of were made/curated by the NCTB, a govt. organization. This is going to be fun to watch, A four-sided battle between Extremist Mullahs/Saudis/USA, Hardcore LGBTQ and anti-nationalist influences like India/USA, pro-govt/nationalist forces like moderate muslims/chinks and AL.
>>5229 *Govt. curated/mandated book for Class 7's children had balant Trans/LGBTQ propaganda, story was literally titled "Journey from Sharif (male name) to Sharifa (female name"
>>5227 well, the words socialist and secular were only added during the emergency by a tyrant dictator(indira). would make sense to remove them, but I know they won't
They are coming for our internet freedums very soon.
>>5231 I doubt socialist will go. RSS/Modi are very socialist and so are most Indians. Very strong push, to push out secular. Sad times ahead for liberandu's ahead.
Giving a whole new meaning to 'virtual warfare', the Indian army has crafted an AI chatbot that sends messages to soldiers, gauging their susceptibility to online honey traps. Honey trapping is an investigative practice that involves the use of romance. It's a tactic used by intelligence agencies around the world, but the Indo-Pak encounters stand out for their modern twist - virtual allure takes precedence over physical intrigue. 'This AI bot talks, mimics different scenarios and moves on based on the response,' an army official told Indian media. 'It learns from itself and new scenarios can be added for effective training,' the Indian army official told media.
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the car market in india still sucks things are least getting exciting for 2 wheeler
>>5328 What 2 wheelers do you like ? Car market is pretty shit everywhere atm except China.
>>4405 Nine Pakistanis killed in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province, Pakistan's ambassador to Tehran confirms “Deeply shocked by horrifying killing of nine Pakistanis in Saravan. Embassy will extend full support to bereaved families. Counsel Zahidan is already on his way to incident site and hospital where injured are under treatment.We called upon to extend full cooperation in the matter,” Ambassador Muhammad Mudassir Tipu
>>5348 Sauce on us gold companies mining in Baluchistan ?
Indian infosec firm CloudSEK last week claimed it found records describing 750 million Indian mobile network subscribers on the dark web, with two crime gangs offering the trove of data for just $3,000. CloudSEK named CYBO CREW affiliates CyboDevil and UNIT8200 as the vendors of a 1.8TB trove, which contains mobile subscribers' names, phone numbers, addresses, and Aadhaar details. CloudSEK stated its investigation of the trove saw threat actors claim to have "obtained the data through undisclosed asset work within law enforcement channels" rather than as a result of a leak from Indian telcos. CloudSEK said its initial analysis found that the leak affects all major telecom providers. "The leak of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) poses a huge risk to both individuals and organizations, potentially leading to financial losses, identity theft, reputational damage, and increased susceptibility to cyber attacks," stated CloudSEK.
CAA to cover entire nation within 7 days: Union Minister’s bold ‘guarantee’
>>5331 how exactly things in china getting interesting for 4w. Dont tell me if its electric or BYDs doing 360 honda shine honda unicorn mt15 classic 350/ meteor duke 390 new himalayan 450 shotgun 650 triumph scrambler 400 keeway vieste 300 z650rs zx4r trident 660 cb650r t100 ducati scrambler zx6r z900 thruxton rs 48 850gs sportster s AFRIKA TWIN r9t zx10r naked and faired s1k TUONO FACTORY multistrada v4 diavel v4 kida impressed with r18 built streetfighter v4 v4s cbr 1000rr-r fatboy
Picrel - All India Muslim Personal Law Board rejects ASI report on Gyanvapi, says it contains no conclusive evidence. >>5374 It is mostly electric only. I am not a fan of electric, have driven 3 of them here. But China is the only one taking them seriously. With crashing economy and consumption, none of these companies will make it in China. Hopefully, India will buy them out.
>>5374 Royal Enfields are very popular in Germany within the nazi biker scene. Very ironic but good to see a piece of home too.
>>5380 >Royal Enfields are very popular in Germany within the nazi biker scene Kek this was a suprised Tell me more How they found love with REs
>>5380 yep, I saw a few RE himalayans in a bike fair in Poland
>>5390 >>5392 Idk the whole story, because a conversations with hardened neo nazi's can only go for so long. They keep insisting they are superior and Indians inferior, while they drive an Indian bike and I tell them what to repair. The old enfields, pre 350, can run on anything. Diesel, biofuels etc. They vibrate a lot but are professional bikes, in the sense that they are very easy to take apart and repair. This even I know as in a village that I used to live in, Enfields running on Diesel were common. These guys import their Enfields in bulk, sell them to the members, who can then run it on fuel bought from cheap from Poland, with some additives (I don't know what these are or what they do). They modify the Enfields to look like classic low riders. They look very cool. Sadly, I can't share pics without risking doxxing, so it won't happen. The whole operation can basically run without any requirement of the German govt.
>>5393 they do this because? muh feels/ autism?
>>5397 https://www.dw.com/en/what-is-germanys-reichsb%C3%BCrger-movement/a-36094740 Its a DW article, so govt propaganda. Keep that in mind when reading it. I have a lot in common, I like prepping ,participating in preparatory drills (thanks NCC) and obstacle courses, motorbikes etc. These guys run drug and trafficking businesses as well as cheap mercenary work and local mafia's.
>>5398 >Reichsburger Why do Germans come up with the goofiest names.
>>4405 https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/kerala-court-awards-death-sentence-to-15-pfi-members-in-bjp-leader-s-murder-case-101706599280473.html >>5408 Means citizens of the Reich. Not the friendliest language to learn. Are you planning to learn French ?
>>5417 Yeah, I already know quite a bit being in Canada. PFI is an actively treasonous group, I thought there was already a law against treason? >Capital punishment >121 of IPC - Treason for waging war against Government of India Seems pretty clear cut
>>5435 They already arrested a lot of their major leaders and dealt a major blow. But it is a serious problem still. It makes me sad what Kerala has become now. And TN as well. Putting cases against low level minions is a waste of time. Our courts are just nuissance for people without money and a tax that rich people pay when they want to break the law. Killing minions is like cutting grass. Looks good, doesn't solve the problem. Uprooting the problem needs many things to happen - Political change in gayrala - Curb funding sources and terror economy - De radicalize local population etc. Most of the ground steps are not very visible or worth advertising. They happen quietly and most people don't notice or care. Big raids and big changes and bold steps are taken on the back of these. Anyway, changes to real estate laws should come in, these will be a big blow to Islamists in Kerala.
>>5440 Mass incarceration and fertility outcomes is a good topic to look into. https://faculty.washington.edu/blsykes/Publications_files/fertility_incarceration_v8-1.pdf https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/5/4/66 Wonder what it might look like in India. I also agree, the formalizing of the economy and more transparency would paralyze these orgs.
>>5447 She faked her death Poonam Pandey is not dead: Model-actress releases statement saying she faked death to spread awareness about cervical cancer
>>5449 DAMN, this is an amazing paper. Why does the US prison system do this to its own people ?
>>5460 Imagine an America with a 20% or 25% black population. Also, I think the reverse should be asked, why Americans get imprisoned. Living in Canada, I really can't imagine the crime level in the states. Canada has a similar correlation between crime and race, but there are far fewer here.
>>5465 Which races are responsible for Crime in Canada ? I know via friends that Sikhs operate the most crime. but what about Red Indians ? In USA, the historical and family settings that blacks are pushed into can be blamed. There was research about this as well as Thomas Sowells research.
>>5465 Blacks and Natives. Sowells argument isn't convincing to me. I think it was aided by bad government policy but the pattern is repeated across the Western world. Indians were indentured servants and we don't see anything similar, as well as immigrating and facing the same amount of racism and persevering, killing both the left and neocon rights arguments for the failure of blacks to prosper. Most of Canadas blacks are not from slaves but immigrants from Africa or the Caribbean While you could make the argument for Caribbean slaves, you can't make it for Africans - and yet they are consistently some of the worst immigrants in terms of reliance on welfare, crime, employment rate and quality of employment. It's hard to find these stats since they are quite well hidden, but the UK, Canada, France, the USA, and Scandinavian countries all have good data on each of these metrics. Other European countries (mainly the Netherlands) prioritizes Maghrebis but I believe still have stats on black/African immigrant community outcomes. Sowell is good for basic economics but his foreign policy and social issues leave much to be desired imo.
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>>5475 Indians everywhere managed to keep their culture and identity , the moment they leave it (as I know from some families) they become as unhinged as blacks. Having clarity about who you are is very important. Blacks from Africa are relatively good. It is only ones in Anglo nations who tend to be like this. Even in UK they have integrated better than say "South asians" (i.e. Pakis and Bangladeshi's) European companies face issues from MENA i.e. mainly Muslims wuzzing for caliphate. I agree about Sowell, I like his economic arguments. On the rest he is wrong.
https://www.firstpost.com/world/britain-indian-origin-doctor-to-conduct-cancer-vaccine-trial-13688492.html https://www.firstpost.com/world/us-britain-strike-yemens-houthis-in-a-new-wave-retaliating-for-attacks-by-iran-backed-militants-13687122.html Am I getting old or just more of the same ? USA launches some missiles and shit at some random middle eastern tribe in the name of all that is woke. Fucking GAE is the most genocidal race in the world.
Shreyas Reddy Beniger, 19, was a student at the Linder School of Business in Ohio. "We are deeply saddened by the unfortunate demise of Mr Shreyas Reddy Benigeri, a student of Indian origin in Ohio. The police investigation is ongoing. Foul play is not suspected at this stage," the Indian consulate in New York posted on X.
BJP under surveillance icnce 2010 by US. No other Indian political Party. Only BJP.
>>5511 Well known in gissip circles that Tharoor and others are compromised to the CIA and cannot be trusted tonact in Indias interests. This is just confirmation of the same. BJP is full LF idiots but it is our Party.
Another Indian student attacked in US.
>>5516 1. The attackers seemed like robbers 2. The "student" is a katwa 3. The "student" ran away to amreeka I don't think he deserves any sympathy
>>5516 >>5517 Majority of Indians return to India with degrees. There are some Muslims who are proud to be Indian, and it's not like kalus are able to tell.
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>>5517 >>5519 Sympathy is not the point. They chose to go there, their security is their issue. The point is, govts of these countries will encourage these attacks. Some victims are more equal than others. So people who live abroad (including me) should be aware of whats to come. Hence me sharing this in News thread.
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https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2024/gefahr-von-uebergriffen-kinderkarneval-meidet-duisburg-marxloh/ Because last year's participants were subjected to mass sexual harassment, this year's children's carnival parade in Duisburg will be held outside the Markslo neighbourhood. With 900 participants, most of them children, and tens of thousands of spectators, the parade is considered one of the largest in Europe. At the last carnival in 2023 in Markslo, there was an incident when the parade floats came to a halt due to an operation by the fire brigade. Several young men took the opportunity to sexually abuse children and take pictures under the girls' skirts.
6 Muslims kiIIed in police firing after eruption of vioIence over demolition of a mosque and Madrasa in Haldwani, Uttarakhand. Names of the victims: Jaani and his son Anas (Ghafoor Basti) Aaris (Ghafoor Basti) Fahim (Gandhinagar) Israar (Banbhulpura) Siwan (Banbhulpura)
>>5558 NOVWL
>>5561 Using reply to your post as an excuse to give context. This district is full of Rohingyas and illegal setllers. High court instead of order them kicked out, allowed it. They commit crimes and disturb local peace. > Nothing of value was lost Cleaning out pests is net positive value regained.
>>5563 >the district is full of rohingyas which one is not? they're the worst out of all of them still waiting for them zesty bulldozers to drop fr fr
>>5563 xaxaxa it's habbening
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>>5566 >>5569 >मेरा देश बदल रहा है चितृ रिलेटेड
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>>5566 >>5569 Waiting for this to happen nationally now.
>>5558 Can't remember if it was you who posted on the old InCh about Muslims claiming random spots in cities as prayer sites, blocking roads, apartment entrances etc.
>>5580 I admit to reading Al Jazeera coverage for some keks, the seethe is always funny. https://archive.is/zlIPJ
>>5580 Will reply in detail on this
>>5581 I want to know what Modi's diplomats said to Qatar, that despite their hate for us, they bent so hard to us. The gas deal with them is very favourable to us.
>>4405 Indonesian player dies of lightning strike during match
>>4405 What will be the consequences of American banks collapsing ?
There were reports that Russia blew up a US satelllite. Then the news dissapeared.
>>5644 And India will be third in a few years (possibly second as Chinas GDP is essentially make believe at this point)
>>5645 Yes. Will take time to reflect for common Indian But it will be good for the coming generations. Tree's planeted by our.parents and grandparents shall give shade to our kids.
Proton, the Swiss privacy-focused software maker, says it has received a notice of a “possible block” of Proton Mail in India after the service was used in sending bomb threats to schools in the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu https://techcrunch.com/2024/02/16/india-may-block-proton-mail/
>>5649 >india may block proton mail and how exactly do they plan to do that? by implementing dpi/dns blocks like they did with pornsites? that would be easily circumventable. however, if it's a more serious block like an SMTP block, it can be tougher to circumvent
>>5449 >>5460 https://youtu.be/mtLiQnXC7sQ?si=pGo6ooQ7guvcQOEp El Salvador implementing much more extreme versions of the same policy, to excellent results.
>>5649 >>5672 It does seem wasteful. Once interested parties catch on they'll just switch to something else.
Haldwani violence masterminds house being dismantled before being demolished.
>>5672 >>5677 Its a frustrated response because they lack the capabilities that Western countries do for spying in users. Hardly matters. I use it from Tor all the time. We have a long way to go before we have statesmen who understand these things.
>>4405 >Balasore: Communal riots and stone pelting leave 15(including 5 policemen) injured after local hindus reportedly saw cow slaughter by muslims on eid al adha.
>>7012 This is very concerning. See my post in politics thread Jyotish already said war is coming as India enters Mangal Mahadasha
68 Indian pilgrims die during Hajj due to extreme heat, death toll rises to 600
>>7023 good fucking riddance
>>7023 Modiji asked for increasing haj quota of indian muslims kek based
>>7028 Isnt it cancelled ?
>>7028 Abki baar 40 paar
Armenia recognises Palestinian statehood, Israel summons ambassador
http://sundayguardianlive.com/news/bhim-army-emerges-as-an-alternative-to-bsp-in-lok-sabha Very distuebing. This character is more dangerousnand than RaGa and Khujliwaal combined
>>4405 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/indias-new-explosive-is-2-01-times-more-lethal-than-tnt-top-facts-about-sebex-2-among-worlds-powerful-non-nuclear-explosives/articleshow/111396078.cms >India’s new explosive is 2.01 times more lethal than TNT! >SEBEX 2 uses a composition based on high-melting explosive (HMX). This composition is expected to substantially increase the lethality of warheads, aerial bombs, artillery shells, and other munition.
>>7112 BASED ! This is actually the usually kind of innovation.
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>>7113 here's a demo, if you're interested
>>7115 Very impressive and important. The patent being in India also means we don't lose money importing explosives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixSCZwFCQlc We are entering a nuclear power race now it would seem.

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