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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

Embassy of /hispachan/ (and their board asociates) in /Indiachan/ मित्र 01/28/2023 (Sat) 13:01:31 Id: a298eb No. 450
Greetings niggers. Welcome to the new embassy of the hispanic board /hispachan/ and their associates (hispol, av, ac, hisrol, arepa, mex, etc) you are welcome to our boards and make relationship. AMA this hispanic ambassador here.
>>450 greetings, wetback. What can I do for you?
>>451 Just permit to stay here and make relationship between our boards
>>451 A few questions: >What Happened exactly in Indiachan? >why not fusion with /India/? >Pakistan is a Lolcow country? >do you have a Board-tan? (If you wish our people of /arte/ can draw it but do you need organization about it) >What's difference between /India/ and /Indiachan/? >Best State and Worst state of India
>>452 Granted. >>453 >What Happened exactly in Indiachan? reddit influx, and the jannies started imposing heavy censorship. Tor posting is blocked, so the siteglows anyways. >why not fusion with /India/? the board purpose is vastly different. /india/ is run by different people with a different aim, and they impose censorship. >Pakistan is a Lolcow country? yep >do you have a Board-tan? (If you wish our people of /arte/ can draw it but do you need organization about it) Not for now, I'll think about it >What's difference between /India/ and /Indiachan/? /Indiachan/ is meant for high quality, uncensored discourse amongst मित्रs. /india/ is more of a comfy board where pol-tier content is not allowed >Best State and Worst state of India that's subjective, I'd say the best is himachal pradesh(peaceful,scenic,pollution free) and the worst is Bihar(dirty,polluted, overcrowded,poor)
>>454 I thought it was Uttar Pradesh. All indians of my work talking shit about that state. >also So /India/ is like /b/ and /Indiachan/ is like /pol/?
>>457 From what I've seen its filled more with anime/moe fags. We used to also have a board called /india/ on the old 8chan/8kun which basically hosted Indiachan's population and acted as a backup whenever the site got nuked. The current indiachan (indiachan.io) is the 4th iteration of the site. I don't think the /india/ on 8chan.moe was made until recently and it definitely wasn't created with the Indiachan audience in mind. This board is closer to the 8chan/8kun one. >Uttar Pradesh If you ever have the thought of visiting India, stay out of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and even Delhi if possible. 90% of the people there are subhuman, cheating savages.
>There's a compilation of most embarrassing and lolcow moments of India and Pakistan? Like vid related (yep, 3:33 of most stupid, embarrassing and lolcow moments of Venezuela) >There are Indian and Pakistani famous Lolcows? Could be national or in the Diaspora. (No politics but people like Chris Chan, Cyraxx, Ethan Ralph, Onmivision, etc) >how are the news of Latin America in India? What people think about hispanic people
>>463 >There are Indian and Pakistani famous Lolcows? Could be national or in the Diaspora. (No politics but people like Chris Chan, Cyraxx, Ethan Ralph, Onmivision, etc) Can't really give you examples outside of politics (politics also acts as second hand entertainment over here.) Prominent examples in politics are our prime minister, Arnab Goswami (literally shouts everything he says) and more or less every other politician. In general I haven't seen any sort of prominent "lolcow" over here. Embarassing moments happen every now and then but there's no consistent figure behind it. There are several channels (like CarryMinati) that cover cringe Indian/Pakistani content. It's in Hindi unfortunately. >how are the news of Latin America in India? What people think about hispanic people Personally I don't have any opinion aside from me noticing similarities in culture and cuisine due to living in similar latitudes. Don't think Latin America really comes into conversation here aside from football, but there does seem to be some popularity or "fusion" between generic latin american music and generic bollywood music. I was listening to a radio station the other day and at the start of a segment they said that there will be no latin american - bollywood fusion music in this one or something similar to that. Aside from that I occasionally see Brazilians and others commenting on Indian Youtube Channels, and discussions there are generally amicable.
>>469 >There are several channels (like CarryMinati) that cover cringe Indian/Pakistani content. I remember a guy from Pakistan who lives in Canada or UK and, adding their cringe content with his wife and friends, they started fights against their own friends and try to make famous by his music. >also There are Urban Legends in Pakistan and India? I saw a Indian show a long time about the recreation of posesion of a Djinn in a girl and other where 3 girls go to travel but one of the girls ends possessed with a Witch because she is descendent of a Witch
>>469 >There are several channels (like CarryMinati) that cover cringe Indian/Pakistani content madarchod underage chamar, kill yourself and go back to indiachan.io
>>471 Never said I liked it. Don't really go on to Youtube so that's the only guy I know. >>470 > Urban Legends > Djinn No idea. I think you can cleanly divide the Indian population into 2 parts. One is the low IQ, low self awareness masses that are barely capable of subsistence farming and the other is the mid-to high IQ, variable self awareness population that range from blissful ignorance to the absolute godlessness and vanity matching their white western liberal counterparts. The second group either ignores or looks the first group with disgust. The second group may or may not be successful in life, like the users of this board. This grouping is somewhat irrespective of caste. There may be urban legends and there have definitely been stories across generations about ghosts and spirits in rural populations and villages, but I would say all of that gets ignored as superstition. a fun story to tell or backwardness by the second group.
>>472 You don't like talk about your urban legends? Here is common talk about Nahuales (Mexico) Silbon (Venezuela) or witches in the forests or mounts freely, there are people don't believe but still hearing about stories.
>>473 Now that i think about it there's not much folklores or legends about such stuff that somehow isn't connected to god/divine things. One that comes to my mind right now is about a woman who wanders at night picking fruits. She has a hand with a hole in it so everytime she picks a fruit it falls from her hand, if you see her and try helping her out by mistaking her for a normal woman, she will grab you (and she tries to kill you?). Only solution is to grab her hair and pull a few starnds (her hair are like steel strands and will slit your hand in the process) and then you have to cut open your thigh and place her hair inside of it (and stitch the wound close with her hair itself ?). Once you do that she'll never bother you again and you become immune to her.
>>473 These aren't really urban legends I would say. Urban legends are things that are more recent in memory and happen in urban environments like industrialised towns or cities, like a haunted mansion or some guy disappearing in an elevator because of some supernatural thing. What you are showing comes more under folklore and occult. We do have plenty of these and all of it varies from state to state, region to region. For example, in Bengali Culture (East India), there are different ghosts that haunt different types of trees. Here's a Wikipedia article about it. It's aligns pretty well with what I have heard from word of mouth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_in_Bengali_culture Now that I've skimmed through the article, there are actually different urban legends mentioned in the article as well. Don't know about others unfortunately.
>>474 >>475 How about the other mythology in India and Pakistan?
>>506 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i5xbwnybLA Though these barely scratch the surface to be honest.
/hispol/ wish our brothers of India a happy Valentine's Day (except Pakistan), specially you BO to let stay us here. Thank you Indians, very much
>>713 Happy Valentines man. Hope you get some love out there.
(570.07 KB 1122x1049 ave.jpg)

>>713 /av/ also wish the same to our fellow indians Ocupamos una con las 3 y el anon azul
>>713 happy valentine's to /hispol/
>>718 Unfortunately you haven't an OC to make a picture like pic related. But happy Valentine's day to all India (except people from Kerala to being communists)
>>721 Death to all commies. Cheers to that.
Dear /indiachan/: /hispol/ and Esther-tan invite us to the 1st anniversary of Ukraine War. As this board hasn't a board-tan but Hindibros are friendly, you will be always welcomed to our board. This February 24th. Invitation sent to Hindustva gang
>450 It would be interesting to see threads about curry and kreshna in spanish kek
Good morning Indiabros, I hope you are good in this day while you curse Pakistan and they curse you
morning Indiabros. Greetings from hispanic boards
>>1243 good morning
Merry Christmas /hispachan/ bros !!
>>450 Merry Xmas brown bros

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