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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

Indiachan net Admin Thomas Lynch मित्र 02/21/2024 (Wed) 06:27:10 Id: 44aa35 No. 5724
Indiachan Net Admin Thomas Lynch Can we do something to him boys?
>>5724 Why would he put that on his CV !
>>5725 He namefags as Tom on indiachan. His Australia Flag is visible. We can easily contact Australian Authorities/his workplace/his uni and finish him off. Time for annual inch admin doxx
>>5725 looks and talks like an absolute retard, that guy why are inch owners so retarded? every single one of them, from lungi to tom has been bottom of the barrel redditrash
>>5729 Some of you make a linkedin and get his info asap Mail his college /workplace/australian authorities Lets play this game
>>5730 I don't think that's gonna do much, australia is an openly racist country plus, I have better things to do with my time you can create a burner linkedin using resources from the osint thread and gather further info on him. goodluck
>>5732 If proven inch has cp posts he will be finished. The bulli bai case went international. Add some terrorism shit and he will be finished. Too lazy to check out the osint thread please give tips on bunker linked in accounts, every time i make a fake linked in account it gets locked out
>>5733 >too lazy maybe try going back to inch.net?
>>5734 Lodu I have a real life too alone I cannot do all these.
>>5724 No way this is tom kek
>>5724 So are we going to sit back or do something again? We have everything needed
>>5758 >>5751 >>5737 >>5735 >>5734 >>5733 >>5732 >>5730 >>5729 >>5728 >>5727 >>5726 >>5725 >>5724 Are you fr???! Nice "" """ doxxx"""". Nigga has literally posted this info himself, voluntarily. He literally doesn't care.
>>5777 This He doesn't even care all of his info was public since day 1 Inch bhangies thinks this is called "doxxing" kek
>>5777 >>5778 We can make him care kek. Lets show him.
He works in monita. He is the only white guy in his team. MSG here: www.getmonita.io/contact-us Tell them that you're Rajesh from India and you want to say hi to Tom sar. Tell them about indiachan. Tell them about his racist alt-right white supreme ist views. Let's end this man's whole career.
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>>5782 You can also write comments on their company YouTube channel and expose him. Write MSG here again: www.getmonita.io/contact-us Write a long detailed messages.Tell them he is misogynist incel. Indiachan is used to share Democrat activism of Indian children. Name and shame him. Use his full name "Thomas Lynch".
>>5784 Read democrat activism as CP
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Step 1: post CP in indiachan, like this guy posted his childhood pics kek Step2: don't forget to archive it Step 3: inform The New South Wales Police Force about it Step 4: Get Thomas Lynch arrested
CP discussion
>>5778 That's what doxing means for inch bhangis, they think they're haxxors for posting someone's reddit username >>5729 rusty was ok
>>5782 Lets mail them
>>5784 >>5786 We will need many people to properly execute this. Anyone else willing to join in and help
>>5784 Have sent 4 requests to monita informing them of Tom running indiachan One was larping as a girl about how I was harrassed by them Anything else I can do I am planning to contact r/TwoxIndia and r/Librandu, r/India informing them of this and telling them to take action, also contacting other SJW groups
>>5812 >posting evidence that you're framing him on a public board Retarded inchedditors. I sent them the archive of your threads. Everything you do now will be pointless.
>>5814 Achha
>>5814 Kek based
>>5814 Can you also ask him to shutdown indiachan.net and then rope himself?

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