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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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/pol/ मित्र 02/06/2023 (Mon) 09:29:57 Id: 38f3df No. 582
This is containment thread for all /pol/ related stuff. Use it as a dumping ground for your news, views and opinions.
>>582 Earthquake of Mag 7.8 in Turkey. Over 10,000 feared dead. This is really bad timing for Turkey.
>>582 The son of a high ranking Pak army officer told me that Pak soldiers are abondoning their posts on Border with Afghanistan because of lack of food and ammo. If this continues, he said, Indian army can pretty much walk and take over the country because Pak army will have internal breakdown.
>>583 I am more sad for the Syrians in this. Fate dealt them a very bad hand.
>>582 Canada is in meltdown mode right now. People are upset with the way we are being governed, but I don't expect a change. A middle power in decline, sad to witness on the ground floor.
>>624 Go into details anon. It is very important to document these feelings. If you read the diaries of people in Berlin during 1940-45 , they are very different from modern retelling of history. Same is the case for Germany, people are very unsatisfied and media reports don't reflect that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKl6WjfDqYA Having played it so long ago, could have never imagined. Going to need to run an emulator and play this again along with MSG1 and Dues Ex.
From Abe's biography Abe on Quad: "In my 1st administration (2006-2007) I proposed the Quad to Manmohan Singh but unfortunately he was hesitant. I think he was concerned about damaging relations with China. In my 2nd administration (2012-2020) Narendra Modi was more understanding." "Modi's stance was that India would not join the Quad if it was just the U.S. and Australia. But if Japan was going to take the lead, he was going to say yes."
https://twitter.censors.us/FalconryFinance/status/1624051231554510848#m Huge environmental disaster in the UAE. What is interesting is the censorship and the silence of the usual suspects.
>>669 isn't Ohio in the USA? I'm confused
>>677 Its in the US. I misunderstood when reading initially
https://www.sundayguardianlive.com/news/pios-european-officials-plan-government-change-2024 More regime change bells ringing for India. Next 2 years will be critical
>>582 Kerala: Muslim man thrashed after a Christian CPI(M) leader accuses him of brainwashing his daughter to convert to Islam, clashes erupt
The USA balloon saga is such bullshit, India shot down balloons as well and they were just reported, then ignored. Shooting down of drones is even more common and low power underwater drones are not even reported. Add to this the alien/UFO promotion by US establishment and censorship of domestic issues in USA. All this shows USA to be really weak in the things that it claims to be strong in. Either that or China and USA are collaborating together to prevent change of government and economic collapse using distractions and policies to keep a rotten market up.
>>698 it's just a psyop to induce nationalistic sentiments into the retarded general populace, not too different to what modi did with siachen
>>703 What did Modi do with Siachen ?
>>703 I don't agree with this reading. I think USA genuinely failed to detect the balloon. Which ties in with their abysmal performance of their missile defence system, that fails in their own demonstrations over and over. The American-Democrat voter is against nationalism, as are the illegals which form their vote bank.
https://www.opindia.com/2023/02/bangladesh-chaos-help-usa-biden-administration-islamists-attack-hindus/ This is an underrated problem imo. Bangladeshi military is rabidly Islamic and animalistic. BSF along the border in Bengal is thoroughly corrupt and incompetent. USA pulling a Pakistan in Bangladesh will be a pain in our ass. I would like to know Bong anons and other anons opinions on this.
Military AI Applications Will Be As Game-Changing As Nukes: Former Google CEO I fear India is fucked in this regard. We sell our data to our enemies so they can manipulate us wholesale.
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>>758 Decent article considering how much this topic is censored.
>>582 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), Donetsk People's Republic, Russian territory temporarily occupied by Ukraine. From the Ukrainian channel: “ The situation in Bakhmut is critical. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually losing fortified areas that were built for more than one month or even more than one year - geolocation footage confirms that Russian forces are gradually advancing in the eastern, southern and southwestern sectors of Bakhmut. Ex-Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who was appointed commander of a drone platoon, describes the situation in the city as follows: "street fighting in the suburbs of Bakhmut, cut communication lines, lack of ammo, deadly fatigue of the heroic infantry." And it’s hard not to agree with him - because of the operational encirclement, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine increased many times over, as well as the military equipment supplying the garrison. According to insider information, losses among Ukrainian servicemen exceed 500 people per day (moreover, their mobilization does not compensate not only in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality - in Ukraine, subpoenas are handed out and people who do not have combat experience / military training are sent to the front). It is also reported that Russian forces captured the village of Berkhovka near Bakhmut. And this will also have serious consequences for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, several routes important for the defense of Bakhmut pass through the village. Control over the village will cut off the supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and will increase pressure on the northern outskirts of Bakhmut .”
Too many vauge discussions with regards to why is India not better etc. Most of these tend to focus on human quality and qualit of life. The amount of money you have left after work and costs of living, as well as how much the state invests in basic infra, decide the quality of life. Since in India state is not a thing, the quality of life is low. Even the best Indian cities cannot garuntee basics like water, law and order, transportation or safety. Coming to labour output. # Definition of Productivity Input resources x Hourly effort - Output == Value IF Value > 0 , then it is productive IF Value > 0 , then it is unproductive In economic terms, there is growth or recession. There is no stagnation, that is an imaginary term. What are the inputs that go into making a citizens input resources ? Ammonia -> Fertilizer -> Agriculture -> Food costs Hydrocarbons -> Fuel -> Transport costs Hydrocarbons -> Electricity -> Energy costs Hydrocarbons -> Plastics -> Material costs Steel + Sand + Cement -> Infrastructure costs The point here is, the cost of hydrocarbons has a huge role to play in the productivity of your citizens and industry. An Indian employee can be more prouctive than an American or European, but due to high costs of energy , the output of developed nations will be higher, due to lower operating costs. Now that the cost of energy is changing to India , if we change policies correctly, we can level the playing field with Europe atleast and eventually China.
MEGA MONEY-LAUNDERING MESS: It's been revealed that US paid salaries to non-existent civil servants and the military of Afghanistan. Stated by John Sopko, who since 2012 has been the US government's Inspector General for Reconstruction in Afghanistan. 70-80% of civil servants existed "only on paper", and out of 340,000 soldiers that were supposed to be deployed, and who were paid salaries, no more than 60,000 actually served. Why is the audit happening only now?
>>913 I used to respect the US for being fiscally responsible, but that was all just good marketing. Very disappointing.
A comment on deaths in Ukraine. The number floated right now in MSM is between 150-200 k. But based on number of Uniforms ordered and reduction in orders, the real conservative number is 400K+. Keep in mind this is very conservative. The actual toll would be easily 450-500K right now. At the end of this war, there wouldn't be many Ukrainian men left in this world.
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>>582 This image looks bad initially, especially in terms of policy. But what did China get in return for manufacturing ? West pays them in printed $'s while Chinese pay for it using their natural resources that they won't be getting back. While I am all for industrialization, we shouldn't do it the way that west did, we should take it slow and make sure it is sustainable for us.
🇬🇧🌏🇺🇦🇷🇺UK believes that a possible conflict in the Indo-Pacific region may have more serious consequences than the situation in Ukraine — strategy document The UK expects further deterioration of the global security situation The UK government expects the global security situation to deteriorate further, warning that the period of instability could last more than a decade. This is stated in the updated version of the Comprehensive Review of Security, Defense and Foreign Policy of the United Kingdom published on Monday. "There is a growing likelihood that the international security situation will deteriorate further in the coming years, and the threat from states will grow and diversify in Europe and beyond. The risk of escalation is now higher than at any time in recent decades, and a growing number of modern weapons systems have been developed, are being tested or are being put into service," the 63-page document says. "The transition to a multipolar, divided and contested world happened faster and turned out to be more definitive than expected. We are in a situation of increased risk and volatility, which is likely to last after the 2030s," the review says. Link for the document👇 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1142410/11857435_NS_IR_Refresh_2023_Supply_AllPages_Revision_4_WEB_PDF_NoCrops_-_gov.uk.pdf
>>582 Kek. Another major Industrialist is contemplating shifting outside of TN. TN is repelling its best and brightest, in order for DMK/AIDMK to keep power.
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>>582 We had trouble ... with India back in the 60s when they got uppity and started work on an atomic bomb. Loud mouthed cow-lovers bragging about how clever they were and how they too were going to be a great power in the world. ... And we did not want them to have any kind of nuclear weaponry because God knows what they would have done with it. Probably strut their stuff like a Washington nigger with a brass watch. ... Oh, yes and their head expert was fully capable of building a bomb and we knew just what he was up to. He was warned several times but what an arrogant prick that one was. Told our people to f*ck off and then made it clear that no one would stop him and India from getting nuclear parity with the big boys. Loudmouths bring it all down on themselves. ... Name was Homi Bhabha. That one was dangerous believe me. He had an unfortunate accident. And we nailed Shastri as well. Another cow-loving raghead. ... Believe me, they were close to getting a bomb and so what if they nuked their deadly Paki enemies? So what? Too many people in both countries. Breed like rabbits and full of snake-worshipping twits. ... And then threaten us? They were in the sack with the Russians, I told you. May be they could nuke the Panama Canal or Los Angeles. ... (Shastri was) A political type who started the program in the first place. Bhabha was a genius and he could get things done, so we aced both of them. Robert T Crowley (1924-2000), assistant deputy director of clandestine operations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
>>582 https://www.rediff.com/news/column/sudhir-bisht-is-amritpal-singh-the-new-bhindranwale/20230228.htm I see that (((they))) are trying to de-stabilize Punjab again. Anti India sentiment is at an all time high, especially due to the farmer protests and the influence NRIjeets have, coupled with their anti modi rhetoric. Dark times ahead
>>973 Very dark times ahead for Punjab and I feel bad, but Punjabi's need to make a decision as well. Hindu's and Dalits in Punjab also need to take a stand. What side will the Christians there take ?
>>582 Amritpals arrest feels sus. Something very wfong is going on that is not getting attention.
What is amazing about this war is the level of propaganda. Westoids believe with all their heart that they are right and the other side is back. They might have left Christianity in name, but in practice, they are as bad as the Christians of the old, now they kill in the name of the American empire instead of jesus. Otherwise educated people, when it comes to the empire, will turn into Mr Smiths and defend the empire, justify killing Ukrianians and Russians. Old Christians did the bloodsheds themselves, the empire wants someone else to do it, so their sons and daughters are safe.
https://youtu.be/0AVIIBKfrOc Podcast on What gandghi and nehru did to refugees in India Muslim role in partition Which Muslims moved to Pakistan Which Muslims voted for Partititon
>>582 why do indian cucks listen to autotuned fagjabi pop/rap trash? it helps propagate their khalistani pagchod messages, and finances them. All of the big names(byg byrd, moosewala, wazir patar, jazzy b, karan aujla, ap dhillon etc) support secession.fucking retards
>>1039 Indian kids have always celebrated trash. Be it sufi, muslim trash like atif aslam or punjabi pop that is literally lowest common denominator. We need better heroes in India. Not bolly/entertainment trash.
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Imp to see the price of war and hubris. Ukranians walked right into this.
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Why is this so ? Haven't Indians have had enough of governments screwing them over ? Any AI trained in English versions of Indian polity and "history" would be blood bath for Hindu's.
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>>1117 In technocracy we trust
>>1150 121. A further reason why industrial society cannot be reformed in favor of freedom is that modern technology is a unified system in which all parts are dependent on one another. You can't get rid of the "bad" parts of technology and retain only the "good" parts. Take modern medicine, for example. Progress in medical science depends on progress in chemistry, physics, biology, computer science and other fields. Advanced medical treatments require expensive, high-tech equipment that can be made available only by a technologically progressive, economically rich society. Clearly you can't have much progress in medicine without the whole technological system and everything that goes with it. 122. Even if medical progress could be maintained without the rest of the technological system, it would by itself bring certain evils. Suppose for example that a cure for diabetes is discovered. People with a genetic tendency to diabetes will then be able to survive and reproduce as well as anyone else. Natural selection against genes for diabetes will cease and such genes will spread throughout the population. (This may be occurring to some extent already, since diabetes, while not curable, can be controlled through the use of insulin.) The same thing will happen with many other diseases susceptibility to which is affected by genetic degradation of the population. The only solution will be some sort of eugenics program or extensive genetic engineering of human beings, so that man in the future will no longer be a creation of nature, or of chance, or of God (depending on your religious or philosophical opinions), but a manufactured product. 123. If you think that big government interferes in your life too much now, just wait till the government starts regulating the genetic constitution of your children. Such regulation will inevitably follow the introduction of genetic engineering of human beings, because the consequences of unregulated genetic engineering would be disastrous.[19]
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In a conversation with a young guy, he used the following line "And that ashram was not ashram at all. More like a big natural place , peaceful surrounded with greeen space" And I remarked, what else is an Ashram supposed to be ? Didn't Ram, lakshman, pandavas and others learn in such an Ashram ? Then I realized what he was. He eats pizza burger more than any desi food. He watches american shows more than anything Indian He considers being born in India a mistake that the gods made, that he deserved to be born in the west. etc. His ideas of his country, where he lives and earns his daily bread, are still borne of the west. The same west the colonized him. I was disgusted and ended the chat.
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>>582 I get cringed by Indians who are pro Nazi's. But I get their reasons. India is always one election away from disaster. Decades of progress wiped away by electing 1 idiot. This, added to the fact that our elite class hates us and bureaucracy is always on sale to the highest bidder. Pic attached is for UK anon, if he ever is able to see this.
>>584 >2023 >>624 Canada?
>>1041 Atif aslam is not good? Sufis are kinda like hindus and hated by 'orthodox' muslims
>>1305 What are other four
>>1312 Nvm i was thinking of kailash kher
>>1312 Atif aslam doesnt even get his scales right. Even if you ignore technicality, he has one spiel. Thats it.
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Four pillars of Democracy are Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media. Legislature - responsible for making and adoption of laws in the country. Parliament is a legislative body. Executive - responsible for implementation of the laws in the country. Prime Minister’s Cabinet and Government Ministries are executive bodies. Judiciary - responsible for interpretation and application of the laws. By that Judiciary keeps the other two pillars in check and prevents misuse of political power. Courts are judiciary bodies. Media - responsible for controlling the activities of other pillars and keeping the public informed about them. It represent the eyes and ears of general public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmeIUZcoRew Sanjay dixit nails the पंच मक्कार really well. They are मुल्ला मर्क्सियात मिशनरी मैकॉले पुत्र मीडिया ___ Video attached Russian sniper spots soldier, shoot s tree first, misses. Then shoots the head.
>>582 >Ukraine organizing regime change in India to defeat Modi and get a more Ukraine friendly government in power Full podcast: https://yewtu.be/J4fd5a5irU8 The speaker was in India recently to give a presentation at the “Maharana Pratap Annual Security Dialogue 2023” hosted by Usanas Foundation, a security, and Foreign Policy think tank based in Udaipur. (https://theprint.in/india/geopolitics-dialogue-in-udaipur-eminent-speakers-discuss-indias-role-in-changing-world-order/1474638/) Also covered here and here- https://newsroompost.com/india/mea-to-co-host-an-international-conference-on-indias-role-in-the-changing-world-order-with-usanas-foundation/5229886.html https://usanasfoundation.com/register-now-maharana-pratap-annual-geopolitics-dialogue-2023 Article being talked about: https://sundayguardianlive.com/news/pios-european-officials-plan-government-change-2024
>>1397 Good post fren. The Sunday guardian article is not very reliable, but the rest of it seems legit. Nothing surprising, Ukraine is yet another name for USA/anglo saxons.
>>1397 I went through the podcast properly, very revealing. But this is a burden that we have to go bear. Both defensive and offensive, we have to handle both. That is the price of growth. West will not go down without a fight and going down it is.
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I made this point on old InCH (no clue which one) and making it here again. Will make a new random/late night thread later. * Birth of civilizational culture needs * Economic stability * Political stability * Social security and stability * Elites aligned with the ethos of the land As of now + We don't have economic prosperity + We don't have social security or stability (random attacks on temples, free reign of criminals etc) + We don't have political security, we are one election away from disaster. + Most of our elites hate us and are aligned to the west. It is true that things are changing, but to stop the destruction alone will take 5-8 decades. Most people obsess the day to day, it is a long term game. We should have plans from 10 years to 100 years. Ignore the daily and weekly bs. Have measurable goals Have our own elites
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+ Economic prosperity and stability + Express our cultural identity openly and loudly + Chase political stability, even if some compromises have to be accepted for now.
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>>1428 you guys are getting laid off
It was decided to introduce fines for Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania for not knowing the state language. The pressure on migrants in the Baltic States is intensifying, the Ukrainian paper Zaxid reports. In Lithuania a document was developed according to which Ukrainian refugees who did not study the Lithuanian language to the extent necessary for work, in a year will become a burden for their Lithuanian employers. If earlier there were complaints against them because of their frequent unwillingness to work, now there is also a language problem in the issue of Ukrainian refugees. When the Lithuanians opened the borders for Ukrainian refugees, they reminded that the state language is not only a figure of legislation, but a secured value of the country, for the sake of which they are ready to make only temporary concessions. At the same time, those who came from Ukraine often tend to demand a privileged position for themselves, but in this case they were clearly mistaken. Lithuania will force Ukrainian refugees to learn their language not at a level sufficient for everyday life, but at a level necessary for quality work with Latvians. The publication notes that Lithuania is going to teach the citizens of Ukraine a good "European" lesson.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v8REoqSL4Y 'Punjab Is Not India': Outrage after girl with Tricolour painting denied entry into Golden Temple 'Punjab Is Not India': Outrage after girl with Tricolour painting denied entry into Golden Temple 'Punjab Is Not India': Outrage after girl with Tricolour painting denied entry into Golden Temple Massive outrage has erupted after a shocking video of a girl with the Indian flag painted on her face being denied entry into Amritsar's Golden Temple surfaced on social media. A guard at the holy Sikh shrine can be heard saying 'it's Punjab, when confronted by the man accompanying the girl, who asks, Is this not India?' This video was shared on Twitter by BJP leader Raman Malik, who asked for an explanation from the Sikh body, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC). In response, the SGPC said, The tricolour on the girl's face did not have Ashok Chakra."
>>1445 is it about khalistan movement?
>>1446 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_0sE5XhvJ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_0sE5XhvJ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_0sE5XhvJ4 Khalistan Row: 17 Arrested After Gurudwaras Attacked In California | Vantage with Palki Sharma Khalistan Row: 17 Arrested After Gurudwaras Attacked In California | Vantage with Palki Sharma Khalistan Row: 17 Arrested After Gurudwaras Attacked In California | Vantage with Palki Sharma Khalistan Row: 17 Arrested After Gurudwaras Attacked In California | Vantage with Palki Sharma The West’s stunning silence on the Khalistan movement is backfiring. 17 people have been arrested in connection with a series of shootings in Gurudwaras in California. Is the West late to begin its crackdown? Palki Sharma explains
>>1445 >>1440 I am not sure why people find this offensive, for sure Kahlistani's harbour anti India sentiments. But the post Bhinderwale reconstruction did piss off Sikhs and rightly so, the state interfered a lot with the reconstruction. But a temple is a place of private beliefs, not allowing nationalist symbols is fine. In part, I would also prefer not to have the current Indian flag in Hindu temples, because the current Indian establishment has done nothing but revile and use temples. >>1447 West did not learn from Pakistan, if they grow terrorists in their backyard, the terrorists will attack them only when there is no other target to attack. Also seems like Palki got a noise job.
'Violence is like a virus': Why are so many British kids stabbing each other? With children as young as 12 getting stabbed in brutal knife attacks, campaigners and local authorities have installed "bleed control kits" up and down the country. https://www.euronews.com/2023/04/20/violence-is-like-a-virus-why-are-so-many-british-kids-stabbing-each-other
www.indiatimes.com/news/india/andhra-student-pursuing-masters-in-us-shot-dead-days-before-graduation-600112.html Andhra student shot dead in USA, days before graduating.
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UK-Based Think Tank Warns Of "Anti-Hindu Hate" In Schools In Britain UK-Based Think Tank Warns Of "Anti-Hindu Hate" In Schools In Britain UK-Based Think Tank Warns Of "Anti-Hindu Hate" In Schools In Britain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XwbKa2FV_I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XwbKa2FV_I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XwbKa2FV_I Gravitas | Hindu students labeled as 'inferior' Gravitas | Hindu students labeled as 'inferior' Gravitas | Hindu students labeled as 'inferior' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u89W28ayl2g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u89W28ayl2g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u89W28ayl2g https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hindu+children+uk+schools https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hindu+children+uk+schools https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hindu+children+uk+schools Hinduphobia in Sunak's UK? Muslims Pressuring 'Hindu Students to Convert', Explosive Report Claims Hinduphobia in Sunak's UK? Muslims Pressuring 'Hindu Students to Convert', Explosive Report Claims Hinduphobia in Sunak's UK? Muslims Pressuring 'Hindu Students to Convert', Explosive Report Claims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKqMuYz8EUg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKqMuYz8EUg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKqMuYz8EUg UK-based think tank warns of "Anti-Hindu hate" in schools in Britain | Latest English News | WION UK-based think tank warns of "Anti-Hindu hate" in schools in Britain | Latest English News | WION UK-based think tank warns of "Anti-Hindu hate" in schools in Britain | Latest English News | WION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EecBPyDkqls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EecBPyDkqls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EecBPyDkqls
>>1470 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC_f35JePgI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC_f35JePgI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC_f35JePgI UK: Hindu students 'bullied'; Pushed to 'convert to Islam' by Muslim pupils | Report UK: Hindu students 'bullied'; Pushed to 'convert to Islam' by Muslim pupils | Report UK: Hindu students 'bullied'; Pushed to 'convert to Islam' by Muslim pupils | Report
ATT@CK ON PM MODI'S FAN ABID ALI IN PAKISTAN | PAKISTANI REACTION ON INDIA REAL ENTERTAINMENT TV ATT@CK ON PM MODI'S FAN ABID ALI IN PAKISTAN | PAKISTANI REACTION ON INDIA REAL ENTERTAINMENT TV ATT@CK ON PM MODI'S FAN ABID ALI IN PAKISTAN | PAKISTANI REACTION ON INDIA REAL ENTERTAINMENT TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioiQi7BLRc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioiQi7BLRc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UioiQi7BLRc In this video pm Modi's fan in pakistan ABID ali become emotional during interview. Why abid ali praises india and pm modi, interview of Pakistan viral citizen who talks about INDIA and Prime minister Modi "we want modi" "modi much better for us".. Let's take his reaction on his viral video in India. And what he wants to say about indian people.
>>1472 this is literally a porki paid actor, they gain insane views from chaddi chamars who are quick to write luv from endia saar. all of these "modi loving pakistanis" are LARPers
>>1475 nope its part of a bigger network of propaganda since these videos have been sighted by ispr as being so, "Indian R&AW Agencies have been making content on social media that degrades the position of Islamic republic of Pakistan" they have been making subsequent content on youtube that has literal genocidal tone for hindus, Indian muslims have been their main viewers.
MK UK ULTRA? MI6 spy murders OWN CHILD after trauma of being sent out on undercover mission to Taliban camp in Pakistan, where the terrorist group gave him soul-crushing task of washing dismembered bodies and witnessing beheadings of an entire family accused of spying for the US. Least shocking part of the story? MI6 itself vetted his emotional instability as “highest it is possible to score” before sending him out on the mission, and, after found guilty for murder in secret trial, court “loses" papers relating to case.
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>>582 20th country using INR. People don't understand how big these changes are.
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It is good to see Indiachan dead. I have nothing against Puranavid, though I do find the website's moderation problematic, but it's annoying what Indians did with freedom of speech. Kids who learn English think they understand what they are talking about, using words meaninglessly, without any experience. That is the point though. Internet words are not the same as experience. > But anon, it is just shitposting. Yeah. I get it. Shitposting is a great way to test your ideas. But there are no ideas, anons just repeating ideas they read on Reddit and Twitter. The 5-8 anons with original ideas, get shat on the most. All said and done, Rusty, Puranavid and others, put their money to work. Just for that, massive respect.
BBC Documentary 6975d282
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Saw a paki women with kids exactly like this.
>>582 https://www.wired.com/story/comedian-kunal-kamra-india-censorship-law/ Top kek. Look at how the global left saves their own. Even gor a lefty kunal kamra is quiet low when it comes to talent or anything else.
>>1570 I mean we all know his actual intentions, but someone needed to do this. I am against that bill. Fuck censorship, and fuck boomer politicians.
>>1572 Yeah. He should be allowed to speak. If you dont allow dumb people to speak, you wint know what stupid is. Him heckling arnab was despo and funny.
>>582 https://theintercept.com/2022/11/15/force-feeding-video-ice/ Sepoy runs off to USA, gets treated like the dog that he is.
>>582 Is there someone maintaining a list of K2ua companies in India ? So that their products can be boycotted ?
We can use the subject line to indicate which topic it is based on, such as globohomo, China etc.
>>1602 >calls others a sepoy while sitting in germany not a great outlook if you ask me
>>2048 >>2048 > An indigenous soldier serving in the army of a foreign conqueror, especially an Indian soldier serving under British command in India. > The lowest enlisted rank in the British Indian army and its successors, equivalent to private. Now read the dudes family history. He is literally from a family of sepoys. As for me, Im aware i can be a hostage in case tensions between germany and India grow. But the sepoy defn doesn't apply.
No one wondering, why Khalistani chuths are dropping dead like flies abroad ?
>>2051 300 further pakis dead in another immigrant boat
>>582 Despite access to more free information, younger Indians 1. Are for the most part stupid. 2. Consistently choose colonial propaganda even when offered factual analysis or Indian perspective. 3. Choose self loathing but don't take any action. When confronted, they justify their lack of action. Young ones from Pakistan and Bangladesh are even worst. For all the "youth" advantage, I only see this generation as a burden.
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Reading list for a discussion on the use of AI in economics - will be posting my thoughts a bit later. I think a pseudo reading club would be useful. Hayek's, "The Use of Knowledge in Society": https://www.kysq.org/docs/Hayek_45.pdf Wikipedia article explaining it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Use_of_Knowledge_in_Society Twitter post sparking the discussion on AI: https://web.archive.org/web/20230621132511/https://twitter.com/DAcemogluMIT/status/1660269232699977730 AIER response to earlier talk surrounding AI and central planning https://www.aier.org/article/can-artificial-intelligence-solve-the-socialist-calculation-problem/ Addressing misconceptions on the knowledge problem https://austrianeconomics.substack.com/p/explaining-hayeks-the-use-of-knowledge
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>>2095 > https://austrianeconomics.substack.com/p/explaining-hayeks-the-use-of-knowledge Very nice writeup. There are some finer points that I need to give multiple readings for. > Hayek argues that central planning, which relies on a concentrated authority making decisions based on limited information, is inherently flawed. The planner lacks the comprehensive knowledge necessary to effectively allocate resources and respond to ever-changing conditions. In contrast, the decentralized market process enables individuals to adapt and respond to local knowledge, resulting in spontaneous order and more efficient resource allocation. über based and truth pilled. This is a fine point that most economists and planners miss, they never take into account the consequences of small miscalculations over long times are not linear. Very small example is reservation. inequalities over long periods of time lead to injustice. In an ideal world, this leads to violence, but Indian state like the British uses violence to suppress these uprisings. Which is why the Indian state did more harm to Indians in 50 years than British rule.
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>>2095 This also comes back to a fav topic of mine, namely use of AI and big tech to optimize societies. For the survival of humanity, it is important for the €$ to crash and burn to take the air out of big tech. The other worst possibility is, India adopting the GAE way and leading the way in adopting globohomo.
>>2095 > Coming back to Hayek’s argument, there was another aspect of it that has always bothered me. What if computational power of central planners improved tremendously? Would Hayek then be happy with central planning? I actually have lot of insight into this. In case of human created systems such as markets, small deviations lead to HUGE inequalities, the kind that normal distributions do not predict even on the tail end. Central planning obsessed EU planners hate this. They promise the world to the gullible sheet and deliver pure shit in return.
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>>2095 Blessed post anon. This has given me a lot to think about. Same argument but different angle.
>>582 Educate an uncle here. But isnt baiju model failing good for students ? Has byjus helped any student ?
https://unchartedterritories.tomaspueyo.com/p/when-will-ai-take-your-job Finally a good write up on impact of AI on employment across different sectors. Uses the argument of saturation of productivity vs limits for demand. This if combined with loss of population would really lead to a crisis of meaning for the human race. The planned economic crash might not be such a bad idea after all.
>>2111 My oldest son works for Amazon as a distribution facility manager. He recently shared with me that he is struggling mightily to retain employees. At his facility, Amazon’s entry-level 100-day retention rate has gone from—approximately—75% to a startling 30% in the last two years. He says this is typical across the country for Amazon. Worker conditions are so repugnant and Orwellian that pay raises no longer entice. Even worse, the jobs are so mindless and repetitive that even the most dedicated worker soon loses focus and motivation. In my son’s facility, the robots and artificial intelligence now handle the most complicated and demanding order picking jobs (flawlessly, mind you), and the human workers are sidelined with increasingly menial tasks (i.e. package A and B fall from a chute and are combined in to a single box and shoved along the conveyor.) Despite the simplicity of the tasks, every single issue that his team has to sort out in the course of the typical day can be traced back to human error. Even the most attentive human will botch one order out of a thousand. He says that in the last year his budget for employee bonuses, incentives and motivational prizes has been slashed. Amazon seems to be making no effort to keep workers, and/or keep workers happy. My son says that Amazon received considerable multi-year tax incentives for hiring X number of employees when his facility was built—but these incentives are scheduled to phase out in the next couple years. In my opinion, once the tax incentives have expired, we will see Amazon begin to aggressively thin the entry-level employee herd, followed by many managers with no one left to manage. Obviously, Amazon wouldn’t apply this approach to a single distribution facility. I suspect that this is their plan for the bulk of their workforce in the coming years; expiring tax incentives followed by workers replaced by more reliable automation. What is different now is that the transition has gone from something that may happen in the future, to something that is happening now—and it’s accelerating.
>>2112 Read the article you linked, have a few thoughts which I will post later. Linking some other articles I thought were interesting: https://americanmind.org/features/the-exterior-darkness/demystifying-ai/ https://americanmind.org/features/the-exterior-darkness/ai-and-the-return-of-creative-elitism/ https://americanmind.org/features/the-exterior-darkness/whos-on-the-other-end-of-the-chatbot/ Alot of my fears about AI have been allayed. I'll make a more detailed post about what I think later.
The private job mess runs much deeper. This is not even the surface. Church favours, political appointees to tilt reports, stalling careers on talented employees etc. Paid hires are the least of this scam.
>>582 the wagner army has rebelled against moscow, putin has reportedly fled the country is this the end of the over
>>2154 I'm hesitant to believe Western reports tbh. Wagner is small, and they're slowly marching all the way to Moscow. Fresh news: https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-25-23/index.html Don't be surprised if Wagner guys start disappearing.
>>2154 Except attacks on Ukranian positions are still going on and thry lost an important ammo warehouse. >>2165 Western news has no credibility left. They got everything wrong.
>>2154 >>2165 >>2166 Seems to have been a false flag to smoke out rats. If not then Putin handled it quiet well. No blood shed and problem solved.
What happened to the globohomo thread? Also, the worst president in recent history opines on India: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/26/obama-remarks-on-indias-treatment-of-muslims-hypocritical-minister https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indian-minister-scoffs-obama-comment-protecting-muslims-2023-06-26/ https://swarajyamag.com/politics/what-obama-should-have-condemned Looks like the elite still want a weak India, just barely strong enough to check Chinese power. They want India to break ties with Russia, and then plan on leaving them high and dry.
>>2181 >globohomo thread >>1308 use the catalog to browse the board since threads leave the first page sometimes
>>2181 China has gone full pro Pak, which has motivated India to increase its ties with USA. Additionally, GOI is seriously looking into getting POK back from Pakistan. With democrats in power, I really doubt anything good will come for India. But China is in a bad place, a war is the perfect distraction right now. > Obama I hope the snakes wife doesn't become the President of USA; but American conservatives are dead and irrelevant and they won't let Trump win.
>>2183 >I really doubt anything good will come for India. The decline of the US is good for India, and the dems are set on that. Need to read up on Pak though, haven't been following news very closely lately tbh. >>2182 I made the post right after waking and I guess my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders lmao.
>>2186 We can never afford to take the US lightly. They are a very dangerous country. Westerners have collectively done more harm to the world, than any other group combined. From Caucasians to now American's, the method and goal has always been killing other people, using their resources and then culturally conquering the remaining ones and turning them into slaves. Listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-b-ERTs_28 The separatists in Myanmar have material support from USA, now they are entering India with weapons.
>>582 Affirmative Action has been banned in the USA, now unis can no longer consider the race of the applicants in their application process Hopefully, this will end decades of discrimination against south and east asian kids. Still waiting for such a decision in India
>>2194 American unis have already been getting around this with in-person interview portions, which coincidentally they give higher grades to blacks and lower grades to Asians. Hopefully, this opens the doorway to law suits against these unis. Not sure what to expect, because the left often just ignores laws they don't like.
>>2194 It won't happen. RSS is insistent on it, BJP is controlled by OBC funding and OBC's exploit this fully. It is one of my personal sore points.
>>2196 You simply can't survive without the OBC votes. >>1611 Uh didn't know you were a Bhaktbhangi hexamutt
>>2250 The things ive seen, im not touching any halal company in the food business. Period.
>>2251 Food business, understandable. But other muslim-owned companies? Seems retarded tbh
Protests against govt were common here due to funding of Ukraine, but now they are more widespread than ever and so is anger against refugees. Yet media continues to ignore it. Similar to how Indian media ignores Manipur. >>2257 Depending on the location of company, Halal can be really unhygienic.
>>2257 Why should you fund businesses that are against your existence? The boycott is one of the oldest forms of protest.
India's 'most wanted' Al Qaida terrorist, Ikramul Haque alias Abu Talha was arrested in Bangladesh along with his wife in a raid recently, Bangladesh daily Prothomalo reported. Ikramul Haque was apparently arrested from the Sabuj Bagh area of the capital Dhaka.
>>2307 People of other religions shouldn't be allowed in holy sites. I went to Notre Dame and it was filled with Chinese tourists shouting over mass. I can only imagine if it was another religion it wouldn't be the same.
>>2308 European christianity is dead. Even as a tourist attraction. Notre dame burnt down to be replaced by a modernist mess. BJPs attitude towards the sacred sites is disgusting. But we expect too much from them as well.
Please tell me the real reason why the indian government still hasnt started the census that was supposed to happen 2 years ago. It already july.
There are multiple 1. Census officials are compromised in many areas. When you are setting the policies based on numbers, basic sense of accuracy is important. Since this will be used to define minority on a state by state basis, it is important for them to make sure that it is either accurate or goes in their favour. 2. There will be widespread protests from Muslims and predictable "kagaaz nahin dikhayenge" response. BJP is sensitive to this bullshit, unless they can control the funding to these guys, they won't risk this. Look at Manipur, they have barely contained the situation.
>>2319 I am of course no part of the government. Feel free to distrust ignore my answer. I don't expect progress on this front till the currency and economic aspects are sorted so at least until 2025.
>>2321 >>2322 i see i thought the officials were just being lazy
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https://web.archive.org/web/20230706021406/https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4496137 Methods: We searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death. Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
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>>2326 >>2326 No defending the government, they get a lot of things wrong. But these issues are interconnected in a very destructive way Govt wants to start Chip industry -> quality of manpower is shit -> Need to improve education to fix it -> People in charge of education of education are the ones who ruined it -> The alternatives are incompetent -> Any change means typical protests from lefty types -> Because the state cannot handle protests police reform is needed etc etc etc. Our problems are deep and interconnected. Some things can be a quick fix, but most aren't. A very deep clean-up is required. When you read or hear the details, it is scary as to how much shit was allowed to fester in the first place. No govt that does it will be popular, since these measures will destroy decades old ways of earning and living, which people will have a tendency against.
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>>2328 Is your study peer reviewed? No? Thought so, chud. That is not science that is propaganda. It's not true if it is not approved by the government.
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>>2332 Academic institutions are fully compromised in most fields. Science is about peer approval than proof and disprove. What a joke.
Chandrayaan is a great achievement. Let whites seethe and cope.
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Misc post, but I think the USA will continue to decline for awhile - If economic and political stability are intertwined, and destabilizing one will destabilize the other, both economic and political problems indicate problems in the other. (For example, it is rare to impossible to see unstable countries doing well economically, and vice versa, while the opposite i.e. stable government countries often do well economically) The erosion of institutions in the US is in full swing with almost every government department being subject to increasingly partisan governmental politics. This is particularly bad when it invades the military, economic organs like the Fed, etc. Closing off of the American economy - generally speaking isolating an economy results in lower growth for two main reasons - comparative advantage and lower production costs. Essentially it will cost more to produce less. The fall of the American dollar as the global reserve currency - in some ways inevitable with the growth of Asia, but also sped up by the American decision to split the world into two trade blocs via the Ukraine war. Uncontrolled southern border - this is an issue that the Republicans cannot and will not do anything about, and will continue to degrade the Southern states. Non-assimilation and parallel communities, higher crime, the empowerment of the cartel and traffickers, the lowering of education standards, creation of powerful vote blocs, siphoning of government budget etc. Decline of academia - posted more on this in another thread, but briefly - the transition of academia to a propaganda organ of the government, focus on bureaucratizing rather than education, affirmative action, the broken private-public incentives etc. Resulting in both a decline in quality of graduates and quantity of high quality graduates. Rampant crime - crime wave is slowly eating away big cities, I expect both New York and SF to become husks. While crime rates were correctable earlier via voting in tough on crime politicians, it is no longer possible with the current demographics. General urban decay - connected to the previous point, but many states are becoming hostile to its actually productive population through higher taxes, lower jobs etc. Disastrous foreign policy - speaks for itself, US will continue to alienate potential allies and aggravate its enemies. ps, have the thoughts on AI on my computer, will post a bit later.
>>2344 Getting contracts, tenure and JUICY funding. Absolute circus now.
>>2349 Also to be clear, I'm not predicting collapse like some wignats do, instead - >inflation will be regularly above 2% >GDP will limp along, hard to make firm predictions on such a manipulated stats but probably 1 - 2% growth >crime will continue to rise >elections will become far more volatile I think something along the lines of a better off country in Latin America.
>>2351 >1 - 2% growth with frequent recessions, resulting in a mostly stagnate economy
https://theaerogram.com/caste-privilege-101-primer-privileged/ CALIFORNIA PASSES CRIMINAL TRIBES ACT CA senate & assembly voted in favor of SB403 making it legal 2 refuse admission(UCSD), job based on lastname SalesforceCA executive has already announced he won’t be hiring ‘Desai’ surname. Bill 2 reduce penalty for (SB404) was also passed The Criminal tribes act was used by the British to criminalize entire communities as criminals and justify their extermination, for example the Thugee tribes from which the word Thugs was generated.
>>2349 LLOL at the image.
>>2349 You should seriously consider making some savings and moving back to India. Invest in some business or start your own. I am working on getting my own academic shit going in India. If it works out, ill be back, but it is work in progress.
>>2362 Basic implication of this law is, your surname is more important than your individuality. By this logic, people of certain surnames are fair game to be killed, right at birth itself. The people who helped make this law, remember their names, if you live near them then use the anarchists thread and your judgement to pass judgement.
>>2364 Was born here so I can only get the PIO card or whatever the equivalent is now. I've thought about doing it, but I think I'm going to travel for awhile after my MA is done, and perhaps do my PhD in Europe (although Europe isn't looking to great nowadays tbh)
SHaring China related stuff here, we have too many threads. Makes sense to keep all /pol stuff in one thread. > Picrel China records highest temperature ever recorded. This can be meteorological , or China is under reporting its manufacturing, or there has been an industrial accident. Either way, it is very bad news for their agriculture. With exports to China restricted, this is not looking good at all. >>2368 Always good to have a backup. Given the craziness going on in the west. A European degree now has very little value, though a PhD here will train you better than North America for sure.
>>2349 Also meant to add - Institutional sclerosis/ accumulation of special interest groups - the US has already had this for awhile but has been able to offset this with consistent, fairly high growth, but the problem will grow while at the same time actual growth will stall. Think of this as an extra hidden tax on production. Race riots - connected to various other things, but I suspect race riots will get worse, and may even reach the levels of the 60s if the 2020 riots (worse than Rodney King ones) are any indication. Also, doubt the numbers posted for both total damage (which used insured numbers) and those killed as per wikipedia - both are likely far higher. You can view before and after pictures of the places affected to get a sense of just how damaging they were. The result is - basketball Americans trash neighbourhoods, move into other neighbourhoods, repeat. Has happened countless times before, but now there will be far more government and corporate assistance for both the riots and relocation.
>>2369 Based. Not sure which country am I rooting against more. Also, was thinking about doing in France or somewhere in Iberia. Not really concerned with where I get the degree too much, as long as the University is decent I intend to use publications etc. to start a career, but am mostly interested in starting businesses right now.
>>2371 Mostly agree with your US answer, it will be worst than you predict though, in terms of ground reality, USA is far worst off than shown in media. https://www.wsj.com/articles/europeans-poorer-inflation-economy-255eb629 France is a great option for a PhD. Very rigorous in their approach. You will learn a lot for sure. Be ready for some culture shock though.
https://www.gearrice.com/update/stability-ai-ceo-says-ai-will-kill-half-of-indias-programmers-but-not-frances/ Not quiet accurate, it is possible to fire people in France as well and will happen, but using different excuses. Either way, not bright times ahead for IT personnel with low skills.
>>2379 Whoever wrote this needs to be fired, reads like an ESL fever dream. Also interesting take - 1 - AI is a bubble 2 - Regulation will protect programmers, not necessarily the quality of programmers. I agree with the first. I think AI will be able to produce content, but idk about it's implementation in other fields as of yet. It's all based on the idea that the brain is just a really advanced computer, which I don't know whether that assumption is correct or not.
https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/what-is-cchf-the-new-deadly-virus-spreading-across-europe-due-to-climate-change-12879852.html Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF), a deadly virus which in the worst cases results in death is spreading across Europe. Experts note that climate change is pushing the virus-causing insects to move up through the continent. In India, one person lost his life due to CCHF last month >>2380 human conciousness has nothing really unique about it to be honest, most general purpose jobs acan be replaced. The current version of ChatGPT and others are dumbed down on purpose (idk why) compared to the the test version around its release. Even if AI doesn't replace entire jobs, it will replace lot of parts of jobs, leading to lower salaries and reduced tasks. I don't think thats bad. Most office jobs including mine are kind of bullshit and deserve to go away.
>>582 San Francisco created an app asking for the publics help locating the "rare instances" of human feces found in public spaces for cleanup. This project was canceled 11 days later. But the map still exists.
>>2409 Berlin Alex smells like pee permanently now.
http://clubofrome.in/leadership.php As you can see , Tata's are deeply entranched with sepoy's , doing the bidding of the central bankers.
Hellish weather in China, partly due to their cloud seed and weather change experiments.
https://www.deccanherald.com/national/1313-lakh-girls-women-went-missing-between-2019-and-2021-govt-data-1242215.html Women of a nation are a very important resource, China, Pak and BD are short on women as are many other nations. This is very serious.
>>582 ISIS bombing in Pakistan at pro-Taliban rally https://pixeldrain.com/u/KJfyHjCS
Chinese flooding is now at levels that can threaten the whole country. Expect effects on its economy.
>>2487 Fucking Americans.
>>2519 eh ? What do Americans have to do with any of this
https://techcrunch.com/2023/08/02/india-restricts-import-of-laptop-tablets-other-personal-computers/ My guess is the data protection bill will be coming in 6-9 months.
>>2523 ISIS is their dog. Carries out attacks on their explicit orders.
>>2102 BD also has it's own variant of the BYJUs model, It does not offer literally anything over reading a decent textbook. It's mostly for 80iq fags who can't into searching wikipedia/google for relevant terms and/or can't sit down, read, understand and compress the lessons from a textbook and spend some time for analyzing questions and seeing where to focus on the most
>>2560 In the end BYJUs or other e-learning memes are irrelevant If a person is too retarded to understand basic maths/chemistry/physics by reading a decent textbook then no amounts of spoonfeeding will help them
>>2561 tl;dr is 80iq retards are desperate and are basically equiv. to your 50yo unkil looking for a cure for their colon cancer by going to asrams and drinking some bba's paanipora, except they fall for elearning/youtube memes
>>2531 >aimed at boosting the local manufacturing efforts. kek, good luck buying rebranded chinkshit with some indian company's logo for 3x the price
>>2430 >partly due to their cloud seed and weather change experiments. an entire nation built upon the principle of "fuck around, find out"
>>2332 I refuse to believe the LGBTQ/Racism/Migration/Cuckoldery stuff is real The west is bullshitting and propagandizing other nations to fuck with their general populance these are mot likely AI genersted imagery and bots, Dead Internet Theory at it's finest
>>2329 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_of_poverty it's basically this >>2186 >Need to read up on Pak though, haven't been following news very closely lately tbh. surviving on chink gibs imagine being such a shit economy even the WB won't five you any loans anymore
>>2329 >No govt that does it will be popular, since these measures will destroy decades old ways of earning and living, which people will have a tendency against. which reminds me food security is the ONLY blocker of social reform. https://www.history.com/news/bread-french-revolution-marie-antoinette Think about it, how revolutions happened in the past. 1. People need a good enough reason AND a common cause to unite against the elites. 2. People are afraid of them and their family members dying. A famine most commonly provideed them with all the motivation and reason they would ever need to unite and riot against the govt. Despite how cruel and inhumane punishments and torture was in the old days, people STILL had the balls to rebel, the cost of survival outweighed the fear of death and pain. Look at Sri Lanka. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_economic_crisis_(2019%E2%80%93present)
>>2563 Maybe, but unironically China's domestic tech production is absolute shit. India can replace it entirely, idk if they will though. >>2565 It's real.
>>2568 >unironically China's domestic tech production is absolute shit. And India's is non-existent after the CIAniggers sabotaged it in the 80s/90s
>>2569 CIA continues to do so and chief ministers are retards, which is why I said can. Chinese tech is currently 10 to 15ish years behind Taiwan and the West and it no longer has competitive labour laws etc.
>>2567 Good post, I have been thinking about it for awhile and will add my thoughts - Food security is not enough to start rebellion against established hierarchies, as in most cases this doesn't happen. Medieval Europe frequently experienced famines, as did Muslim ruled India, Imperial China etc. More modern examples show that almost all Communist countries faced massive food insecurity or outright mass starvation following the collectivization of agriculture (Ukraine and China are the best examples) Similarly, famines in British India essentially did nothing to substantially challenge the power of the Raj (rebel movements existed before and while there may have been some impact it ultimately did not result in change) Instead, two conditions have to be met - 1, popular discontent (most commonly through famine, although there are other ways) 2 - presence of powerful counter elites. In fact, I think the counter elites are more relevant as they are not temporally restricted or subject to material conditions - ideologies and bloodlines can continue to exist for generations and will not be altered by changes out of their control, ie counterelites won't change from reversing famine, booming economy, social reforms etc. What are counterelites? Essentially a parallel hierarchy that competes with the dominant hierarchy. In feudal Europe this was the merchant class which usurped the landed gentry (In England peacefully, in France through the revolution) or in the Americas, the merchants ousting colonial authority. In Russia it was the core of Bolsheviks (Lenin and other founding Communists) in China Mao and his select group. In coups across Latin America it could be seen as the military hierarchy wanting to expand into the political hierarchy etc. The counter elites provide the focal point and main organizing force in the rebellion - while food insecurity in France prompted mass protests, they had essentially zero direction until the intervention of various "intellectuals" to better co-ordinate the movement - this is partly why subsequent protests etc. failed to achieve much, while ones largely centered in Paris altered the entire country.
>>2576 In a medieval context this might be rival branches of the family, ancient bloodlines predating the current monarchs, etc.
>>2576 Also, counter-elites will continue to exist waiting for ideal conditions to manifest in which they can usurp the dominant hierarchy, while the masses can be contented with moderate reforms, stiff resistance, changing conditions, or simply being waited out. Counter-elites are the main forces in orchestrating change.
>>2576 >>2578 the major issue is there are no more counter elites left today all the elites conglomerated today into a singular NWO entity although I do believe the counter-elites could not function properly without rebellious civil support If rebels are like the fuel then the elites were like the sparks that set off the explosion
>>2576 >while food insecurity in France prompted mass protests, they had essentially zero direction until the intervention of various "intellectuals" to better co-ordinate the movement - this is partly why subsequent protests etc. failed to achieve much, while ones largely centered in Paris altered the entire country. remind's me of Yuri Bezmenov"s interview and thoughts on BD war "There are no grassroots revolution" implying the BD war of 1971 was just another move in the cold war game of chess between USA, Russia and China
>>2576 >In fact, I think the counter elites are more relevant as they are not temporally restricted or subject to material conditions - ideologies and bloodlines can continue to exist for generations and will not be altered by changes out of their control, thoughts on the sri lanka situation ? who were the counter-elites in this case ?
>>2581 afaik in sri lanka the govtm did such a retarded job of managing the economy that it just imploded in itself
>>2576 also I highly recommend checking out this youtuber https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Dw9TFdbPJoTDMSiJdIQTA his entire channel is about doomposting but he makes alot of good points
>>2580 Tbf, there was a large body of counter elites within Bangladesh. The US fucked up by supporting inbred Pashtun and pakjabis under an incompetent administration as opposed to India and BD. >>2579 I think there are, they're just possibly a worse alternative. Throughout the Middle East its Islamic fundamentalists (can't speak for BD but I suspect it's the same) China it's the military which will intervene should something disastrous happen (this nearly happened before towards the end of Mao's reign.) In the US the shift has been taking place for years now, although largely peacefully. >>2581 In Sri Lanka's case the end result was the increased popularity of the opposition party. Democracies largely mitigate counter elites by effectively incorporating them into the political framework solving a few problems - no bloodshed, legitimacy etc. I think SL is more a showcase of what happens without counter elites as individuals changed without altering the actual political structure and so the hierarchy remains the same - more of a substitution than reformation imo. >>2582 That's basically it, with the main issue being the decline of domestic agriculture and the global grain shortage forcing SL into debt. >>2584 I've watched some of his videos before but tbh I don't trust goras to understand Asia at all. He also has some dumb takes on the future of the United States and India imo. Obviously I am biased towards the success of India but he just doesn't seem to have a good understanding of the country, like he reads Wikipedia summaries and best sellers and forms his opinion from there.
>>2586 I mean, in every video judging any Asian/African country he puts a disclaimer saying he is aware of his lackings in knowledge regarding these soceities
>>2596 Yet he still makes statements on them and his ideas get parroted by people. Not hating on him but idk why people insist on publicizing ill informed opinions. His videos on the future of the United States is also pretty unhinged. I used to watch him pretty frequently. Generally speaking, Americans are incapable of understanding geopolitics or history.
>>2560 KEK. Thanks for replying. We had a 90%+ failiure rate in a class of smart people when we tried e learning. >>2561 100% True. >>2563 It is going to work. The market size is big enough and the manufacturers are desperate enough. >>2566 Do you mean PAK ? >>2567 India is too diverse for an uprising. Unironically, slow change is good. Do you know what happened after the french revolution ? >>2568 GOI seems to be making all the right moves this time. >>2569 I am not sure that is a bad thing. The government is going the Industrial way and I have mixed feelings. Sure it will bring jobs and purpose and prosperity, but we have to avoid all the China issues, such as over exploitation of natural resources. >>2580 That is only partly true. It is true that big nations used the war for its own efforts, but the uprising was mostly grassroots. >>2584 His entire channel is proof that youtube learning is the modern day communist history bs. People who learn from these have no hope. I saw some of his videos, a few good points wrapped in complete bs.
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>>2603 India is doing fairly good, though I am curious to see how the BJP changes. Was really disappointed with their concessions during farmers protests and in Bengal. I also think neo-liberalism is just watered down classical liberalism and would rather classical liberal policies than what seems to pass for trade liberalization now. Also, whatifalthist has a very soy voice, and I've learned to disregard the opinions of people who share it. Seems to be very common among the moldbug crowd too for some reason.
>>2603 >Do you mean PAK ? pak would've gotten annexed by either india or afghanis by now were it not for chinks sinking MASSIVE amounts of money into them to bail them out and keep them afloat
>>2603 >India is too diverse for an uprising SHARP drop in QoL and famines/hunger are a good enough reason for the masses to set aside their differences and unite for a rebellion. >Do you know what happened after the french revolution ? I didn't read about it that much BUT iirc the situation got MUCH worse than before the revolution for some time I mean, when entire decades/centuries old hierarchiesan power structures get thrown out the window almost overnight, shit happens
>>2603 >the uprising was mostly grassroots do you know how many boomer ex-commies i have met ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_corridor Also the Soviets were literally shipping tons upon tons of weapon from India to inside BD in 1960's via rail, the war of independence was supposed to be over by 1970s, not begin in 1970s. Yuri Bezmenov himself told people that when the weapons started coming in, he defected to the CIA and exposed the plans, which resulted in Agartala Mamla https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agartala_Conspiracy_Case
>>2603 >youtube >learning As the internet is primarily west/european dominated, I only use the internet for consooming factual euro history. I try to learn my stuff via books. His pov on alot of stuff is speculation and doomerposting, but he does make ALOT of good points and has good book suggestions. Take the points, discard the conclusions Fit your own legit, valid data into his points and think about the results
>>2603 >It is going to work. "Work" can mean 2 things. 1. Gionee/Maximus and other jeet brands rebranding chinkshit. 2. owning 100% of the supply chain and keeping it domestic like Intel, so you can still keep making stuff even if the other country goes rogue Can India manufacture screens, speakers/sensors and advanced semiconductors required to make laptops/tablets/phones ? Can India make it's own SoCs like Qualcomm and Mediatek ? If not, if India does not have a 100% independent supply chain then it doesn't count imo
>>2609 BJP is making some really good fundamental changes. They don't show it, but they are bringing very fundamental changes in place. It is going to light a fire under the asses of lot of people. >>2612 Diversity also means geographic and economical. When one state fails, people move/seek help from the other. This aspect of India is quiet good actually. Regarding the french revolution, after the revolution , there were more famines. So the monarchy was brought back into power for a while. Revolutions are fine , but overthrowing the existing structures is not enough. You also need a good replacement. Commies never understand this. >>2613 > which resulted in Agartala Mamla Yeah the resentment was boiling, but Russia didn't need to do much, niether did India. Pakistan treat Bangali's as 3rd class citizens, Pakis had no issues using Bangali resources, but wouldn't give representation or official status, pushing Urdu against Bangla etc. India and USSR did add fuel to the fire, but the fire was strong already. > Boomer commies Communism was a fashionable belief in those times.
>>2614 Being half educated is worst than not being educated. Don't have time to go into details, but Youtube intellectuals are cancerous to knowledge. Journalists are to truth, what prostitutes are to love. Sadly, most Youtubers are as good as these journalists. >>2615 It is impossible now to have 100% independent chains, even if India can manufacture all the parts, it will need rare metals that come from different parts. The only important point is assembly. Because at that stage, you can control surveillance software/backdoors into parts. China does this, so does the US. Now India wants to do this, instead of their current shitty direct surveillance. It also cuts out of China and USA from the surveillance model. Atleast in terms of direct hardware.
>>2616 >India and USSR did add fuel to the fire, but the fire was strong already. ig we're falling into a colloquial definition fallacy here regarding the word "grassroots", but without help from inside the establishment, it is almost impossible to form a movement, basically the "counter-elite" argument of kannada anon. In this case the counter elites were Indians and Russians. For example, Soviets/Commies had their people in alot of news/media corps, ensuring news is not suppressed and shaping the narrative for the common masses.
>>2617 >It is impossible now to have 100% independent chains, even if India can manufacture all the parts, it will need rare metals that come from different parts. I am not factoring in the rare earth metals, the focus in on manufacturing (transforming those materials into products). If 100% independent supply chains are not possible then the focus of the govt. should be towards that. Imagine if Indian car manufacturers imported the engine from Japan and chasis from Vietnam, then assembled them into a body and sold it under their own brand. Yes, they manufactured the car, but if you're gonna just take shit from others and assemble them then what's the point ? If India truly wants to manufacture their own consumer electronics the first thing they should be doing is buying Semiconductor fabs and/or other equipment regarding display/storage medium manufacturing, they don't need to match the latest and greatest leading-edge chips/screens/storage from AMD/Intel/Samsung, something that is 10-15 years behind would still be acceptable as a start.
>>2621 It is exactly for that reason that this policy will succeed. You have the following going for it 1. Other markets failing to be a valid demand centre, thereby making India an attractive market, big enough for companies to move manufacturing there. Apple and many others have already done this. 2. Policies deincentivizing imports I know the challenges all too well. Babudom, red tapism, useless juidiciary, lack of enforcement of contracts , useless work force etc. But if the government is pushing for it, it will end up working out. One of the good things about this government is, they are very quick to calibrate their policies based on feedback when they want to do something.
That central banks are slowly favouring India, is it adjustment to weaponization of commodities ? Or is it just a change in cycle to punish west printing money ?
>>728 >Bangladeshi military is rabidly Islamic and animalistic. depends on what rank/branch you are referring to BD mil/pol/elites are heavily polarized
>>2622 So I hope anon. Ultimately, if India prospers in a sector, some of the benefits of it will eventually trickle down to bd too.
>>2611 It's mainly daddy USA. An India-USSR alliance would beat a Chinese-Pak alliance, any day of the week. USA threatened nuclear war if India broke up Western Pak while the Chinese did nothing for fear of a Russian invasion in the North. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Task_Force_74#East_Pakistan_/_Bangladesh_crisis
>>582 Can anyone give me a breakdown on the Karnataka election? Is the BJP in trouble for 2024?
>>2636 No. It was a close defeat. Mainly due to muslim unity and some castes not well represented by BJP. 2024 is still set. Question is 280+ or 320+
>>2636 Defeat is good. BJP should not be confident like 2004. Though if they lose, India is done for. So will BD be done. Congress was running some deep intelligence ops there.
>>582 Looks like there will be widespread war in Africa. Germanon prepare for another wave of BBC migration. The West is totally fucking dead at this point.
>>2640 ironic
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>>2640 AFD and other right wing parties are set to win in EU , they will take a very strong anti immigration stance. But west is over in any case.
>>2644 >But west is over in any case. is all the /pol/chud coping actually legit ? a relative from kannada said there were entire ghettos in some cites full of jeets in some provinces how's it in germany and/or in other europoor countries ?
>>2641 I mean I live in the West and have family in the West so there is a vested interest for me in it not totally imploding. >>2644 Yeah, I was hoping for a gradual decline and not demographic slaughter. >>2652 In Europe its Muslims instead of jeets. >neighbourhoods It's entire cities in Canada. Brampton and Surrey are majority South Asian I'm pretty sure.
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>>2652 > how's it in germany and/or in other europoor countries ? Cannot see 1 street without hijabs, unless I go to small towns/villages. No go muslims zones, Inflation, Governments that lie, falling standards of living, failing value of Euro, breakdown of city services like cleaning etc. >>2658 South Asian is code for Islamists, be it Paki or BD. So just call them what they are. Ironically, EU always tried to use Muslims to derail other countries and succeeded to some extent (Mark Curtis - Secret Affairs). UK for example, managed ISI and Islamists in Bangladesh and still does. But with terrorism, it comes back to bite you. Another underrated threat is neo nazi's coming back from Ukraine living in EU , fully weapons trained and brainwashed. Will they just sit silently ? Europeans boggle my mind. They want every year, salary increase, lesser working times and more govt benefits. Leftist liberalism is truly mind fuck.
Very good history channel and video https://youtu.be/VgLgM97bdhg
Anyone have good Indian history books?
>>2689 You have to be more specific, Indian history is fucking huge. In channels, Odd Compass does a good job imo.
>>2689 I know some but don't think you can speak Bangla I'll try and see if they have translations
Any group that demands rights or is given rights by the state are groups that are expected to surrender their autonomy to the state. They start behaving like vassals of the state who will never rise up against it because they derive their personhood from it. One can see this all over rural Bharat. Formerly fiercely autonomous groups today behave like puppy dogs seeking governmental favours, unwilling to even raise a finger to fix the roads and drains in their own villages
>>2693 >>2695 Any and all is welcome.
>>2731 প্রাচীন ভারত - শ্রীযোগীন্দ্রনাথ সমাদ্দার (Prachin Bharot - Sri Jogindranath Shomaddar) (Ancient Bharat) প্রাচীন উপমহাদেশ ও কৌটিল্যের অর্থশাস্ত্র, রাজা-রাজনীতি ও সমাজ - সুধাময় দাস (Prachin Upomohadesh O Koutiller Orthoshastro, Raja-Rajniti O Shomaj - Shudhamoye Das) (Ancient Subcontinent and Koutillo's Economy, Politics and Soceity) >>2731
>>582 BRICS currency and de-dollarization - https://archive.is/ajfFT https://archive.is/dkbTq https://archive.is/d2rz8 https://archive.is/J299S https://archive.is/OMYwz https://archive.is/kEqGq https://archive.is/mur0d I will post my thoughts on this a bit later once I've had time to think about it - the media is overhyping this though, and I wonder if it's to fear monger US policy makers towards a much more isolationist economy.
>>2790 media is under hyping it. I don't see a common currency coming in soon, too many negotiations for that. But this combined with other things happening globally, is suifuel for the west.
>>2816 >common currency bro just go back to trading stuff 💀💀💀
>>2816 Although in all seriousness, the Chinese can de-dollarize at any given moment (stop trading with the USA/EU) but that will start WW3 as the US needs it's slave labour just like how it needs it's oil. Every part of the world is covered with US Military Bases. I can see Dedollarization happening if India and China teams up (India abandons the west) (and starts WW3) because InCh together are self-sufficent enough to be unaffected by US trade embargos. Moreover, US will start crumbling as they are heavily deindustrialized + outnumbered atleast 4:1 against InCh
>>2816 BRICS is such a shitty combination of countries with the three main ones (China, Russia and India) having serious issues with each other, and Brazil going through massive domestic problems with a really bad future outlook, and South Africa being a shit hole. The issue too is that none of those countries has a stable currency. I will write more in a bit.
>>2818 You overestimate the value of China - it's been steadily slipping in importance relative to the United States. It no longer even produces cheap goods - that has been usurped by Bangladesh, Vietnam, and the always present Mexico. Also, China would lose any war with the US which is why an invasion of Taiwan would immediately be game over for them.
>>2821 Also even when the US and China were fully intertwined (pre-Trump) it produced low quality goods and was always replaceable. South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan will always be relevant trading partners with the US since they produce high quality, cheap goods that other developing countries can't necessarily copy.
>>2790 Will most likely be used to facilitate loans to developing countries independent of the West imo and facilitate some degree of trade. The issue is none of the currencies are reliable, also there will never be a BRICS common currency unless China gets to call all the shots (which as long as India exists will never happen) The most interesting part is that the gulf states are somewhat interested. Reminds me of Saddams plan to create a middle eastern oil dollar. The transformation on global oil will be very interesting - likely informed by the environmentalist movement in the West will both China and India gobble up as much oil as they can.
>>2823 https://archive.is/OWu2x https://archive.is/nboVn >>2816 Yeah, I have realized the Western media is underhyping it while Eastern media is really overselling it. Retarded Westoids insisting it doesn't matter while the dollar slowly declines in relevance.
>>582 Sad day when I agree with Congress babus https://archive.is/Qm864 https://archive.is/RGLI1 India needs so many more economic reforms. East Asian countries were growing at 10% yearly during their peak, and even under congress the economy was growing more rapidly.
>>2819 BRICS doesn't need to be good. It just needs - commodities - resources That is all. It is already doing that. Therefore, it is doing more than enough. >>2821 Doesn't matter. Can China produce goods without USA ? Yes. Then it is enough. Is China shitty ? Yes. But that is immaterial. >>2822 The US hardly produces high quality machinery. It will gain some from Germany as Germans are set on killing themselves and transferring everything good to US and other countries. >>2823 Not true. Rouble is set against gold, so its value is more reliable than $. Yuan is terrible for anything other than trade. But this is not important. >>2835 Except for some Russian outlets, there is no real analysis in any media. ORF has some good writeups. But mostly media is complete trash. Equivalent of reading fantasy novels. >>2837 Disagree with CD. He is saying his because his own money making scheme will be irrelevant. Industrialization -> better wealth distribution than the current agarian model.
>>2842 My replies are not good right now, but best I can do in current tired state.
>>2842 Tell mesomething germanon isn't it hypocritic for India to openly be hostile towards China and bootlick the USA whilist also kanging with BRICS
>>2845 How is India bootlicking the USA ? It is being openly hostile. Indian establishment, especially the current one has been extremely hostile to USA and USA has been hostile to India.
>>582 NATO secretaries seething over BRICS after calling it irrelevent. Kek
>>582 Lot of Indians hate how western press covers them rightly calling it propaganda. But when western press spreads propaganda against Russia or China, they swallow it wholesale. You look at the details of the war. Why ? Because a war is the best test of claims. Your weapons and capacities, tested under stress and in real time.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/mother-arrested-bangladesh-son-us-criticizes-government-online-rcna101392 To be fair, the BD govt did good, but this is not how "civilized" governments do it. They put the mother under surveillance, monitor the boys chats, then find his friends in BD, etc etc.
>>2842 CD's ideas for reform are all correct though. Lower tariffs, simplified tax system and lowering inflation are all beneficial to GDP growth and the country as a whole. Arguably the agricultural inflation is more due to India's fucked up agrarian system (which the INC of course created and maintain)
Japan Treats Isolated Loners at Re-education Camps These people are called hikikomori In Japan. But we see the same phenomenon in the US and elsewhere. These are loners cut off from society, living in a private world of video games, the internet and pop culture. In Japan, a surprisingly large number of these recluses are middle-aged. Half are women (that surprised me). Few seek out treatment because of “feelings of embarrassment or shame.” “Many of these middle-aged hikikomori have been living reclusively since they were in their twenties,” explains journalist Tim Hornyak. “What will become of them when their parents die is a topic of anxious speculation.”
>>2870 Now treatment is available. But it involves re-education camp where a new regimen is imposed: Pretending you reside in isolation at Hito Refresh Camp is not allowed. At a minimum, the residents are required to keep up the house communally, including taking turns cooking and cleaning. Beyond that, when they’re ready, they can participate in collective farm work such as cutting grass. All of these activities involve interacting with staff, counselors and locals, who impart skills, join monthly parties or go on excursions. I haven’t heard about this happening in the US or Europe. But surely it’s coming.
https://www.firstpost.com/india/security-concerns-rise-as-pro-khalistan-activists-deface-delhi-metro-stations-ahead-of-g20-summit-13044802.html There are many different communities that create nuisance, as a political tool and are rewarded for it. Muslims come easiest to mind (depending on the region of origin) But amongst all these groups, Khalistani's are the dumbest by far. Despite having wealth, they are content to never rising above the lowest level of the social strata.
>>582 Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native's brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it. —Frantz Fanon One of the features of both Islam and Christianity is how disconnected these people become from their own past and identity. I met gautemalens, one look at them and you could tell they were genetically Mayan tribesmen, they were literally built different. But talking to them, they were avowed Christians, eager to deny their genetics. After getting comfortable, you could see their confusion plain as day. I find it sad. I know most converts don't give a flying fuck. They find some new story to believe in. Nazi's were like this. So were the Christians before them and so were all the converts (converted by the sword).
>>582 Bharat will enter the peak of its struggle now. We could even say now the real freedom fighting begins, as our enemies make a very real effort now. The final battle for Bharat's soul begins now. But this test of dharma is a worthy opportunity.
Between Taiwan and India Between South Korea and India Between Russia and India
Flora and Fauna are a very important resource. China made this mistake, Pakistan did it, BD did it and India is doing it with full Abrahmic zeal too https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/08/22/the-sudden-demise-of-indian-vultures-killed-thousands-of-people
Is it worth finally getting a UPI Id ? They do get to monitor everything you do. But it is legally accepted in France as well.
>>2881 >The final battle for Bharat's soul begins now No anon, Not under Hinduism, not under the wings of the Hindus who will eventually assimilate everything and everyone to their own culture and language. Too much old baggage, too much superstition, too many non-sensical rules and traditions that keep men shackled. This is not something that will end peacefully, The Bengal Buddhists, my forefathers are dead and buried, The muslims are retarded and powerless, but the Hindus have won a hollow victory. The state of things are not ideal, the only way to truly advance is to start anew, to let go of our roots, reshape and mould soceity and culture into something entirely different.
>>2914 As to what, I propose the approach the Chinese have taken to religion over the millennias, Hinduism and Abrahamicism is hellbent on perceiving reality based on religion, while for the chinese it is the opposite.
>>2916 Kek. See what the Chinese are doing now. Telling people to celebrate festivals. Begging the dalai lama to bring back Buddhism to China. It is for the economy. To build a self sustaining economy that lasts millenia, Abrahmics got that wrong. >>2914 There is no new start. Islam and Christianity promised that, what did you get with it ? Yet another lie. > hindu's have won Hindus haven't won shit. There are hardly any Hindu's left. Most Indians are name fags, as disconnected as you. I don't mind if we die and get buried. The last ancient civilization gone. As long as we go down fighting.
>>2920 Issue is, anon, the last 300years of human history has brought more drastic change than the 3000years before it. EVERY traditional religion are crumbling beneath the might of technology. Saying we need to start fresh is not something we should, it is inevitable if we want to preserve the essence of our civilizations, otherwise more modern religions like "Westernism" will assimilate us. Traditional religions were effective at solving problems 3000 years ago. Today, the problems we faced 3 millennias ago are irrelevant while new problems have taken their place. We can't "salvage" anything out of religion anymore, they are completely obselete.
>>2920 >>2920 >as disconnected as you. in what aspect ?
>>2924 > EVERY traditional religion are crumbling beneath the might of technology No. Humans are being forced to rewire themselves around modernity. > Saying we need to start fresh On what basis do you conclude this need ? > Traditional religions were effective at solving problems 3000 years ago. Modernity is good at creating problems and selling people the solutions. Is this necessary ? > We can't "salvage" anything out of religion anymore, they are completely obselete. >picrel Feel free to enjoy modernity, as it strips you to be a better bug in the cogs of modernity. From China to Germany, it has not turned out well for its members. Only its masters. >>2925 Hopefully some other anons will answer this, since they know the updated versions of deracination that they experience. Mine are outdated now.
>>2927 >On what basis do you conclude this need ? could give you tons of examples, here's one as I'm short on time and kinda weak rn. (almost) Every single religion STILL hyperfocused on encouraging their followers to have as many children as physically possible while the world pop. has crossed 7 bil. and destroyed the job market ? made sense when famine, disease and infant mortality/infection would kill a high percentage of your people and you'd constantly be in a state of war. Ideologies changed since the dawn of civilization, via genocide and genocidial rape, atleast today we are civilized enough to change ideals with minimal bloodshed. >Modernity is good at creating problems and selling people the solutions. Is this necessary ? that's the fault of Caputalism, the worst modernist ideology in existence, Communism and NatSoc are better imho. >Feel free to enjoy modernity, as it strips you to be a better bug in the cogs of modernity. From China to Germany, it has not turned out well for its members. Only its masters. I don't support Globohomo or Capitalism.
>>2943 sorry for my grammatical errors (if any) recovered from a serious fever recently, still kinda weak
>>2943 Hey man, we had this discussion before. A lot has been written about it. So let us get some things clear. I am pasting a few things from Incerto, because you have a reductionist way of looking at things and lack any other perspective on everything (except maybe Islamic, but Islam is also reductionist) Different people rarely mean the same thing when they say “religion,” nor do they realize it. For early Jews and Muslims, religion was law. Din means law in Hebrew and religion in Arabic. For early Jews, religion was also tribal; for early Muslims, it was universal. For the Romans, religion was social events, rituals, and festivals—the word religio was a counter to superstitio, and while present in the Roman zeitgeist it had no equivalent concept in the Greek-Byzantine East. Throughout the ancient world, law was procedurally and mechanically its own thing. Early Christianity, thanks to Saint Augustine, stayed relatively away from the law, and, later, remembering its origins, had an uneasy relation with it. For instance, even during the Inquisition, a lay court formally handled final sentencing. Further, Theodosius’s code (compiled in the fifth century to unify Roman law) was “Christianized” with a short introduction, a blessing of sorts—the rest remained identical to pagan Roman legal reasoning as expounded in Constantinople and (mostly) Berytus. The code remained dominated by the Phoenician legal scholars Ulpian and Papinian, who were pagan: contrary to theories by geopoliticalists, the Roman school of law of Berytus (Beirut) was not shut down by Christianity, but by an earthquake. Neither Islam nor Judaism have a marked separation between holy and profane. And of course Christianity moved away from the solely spiritual domain to embrace the ceremonial and ritualistic, integrating much of the pagan rites of the Levant and Asia Minor. As an illustration of the symbolic separation between church and state, the title Pontifex Maximus (head priest), taken by the Roman emperors after Augustus, reverted after Theodosius, in the late fourth century, to the bishop of Rome, and later, more or less informally, to the Catholic Pope. For most Jews today, religion has become ethnocultural, without the law—and for many, a nation. Same for Armenians, Syriacs, Chaldeans, Copts, and Maronites. For Orthodox and Catholic Christians, religion is largely aesthetics, pomp, and rituals. For Protestants, religion is belief without aesthetics, pomp, or law. Further East, for Buddhists, Shintoists, and Hindus, religion is practical and spiritual philosophy, with a code of ethics (and for some, a cosmogony). So when Hindus talk about the Hindu “religion,” it doesn’t mean the same thing to a Pakistani, and would certainly mean something different to a Persian. When the nation-state dream came about, things got more, much more complicated. When an Arab used to say “Jew” he largely referred to a creed; to Arabs, a converted Jew was no longer a Jew. But for a Jew, a Jew was simply defined as someone whose mother was a Jew. But Judaism somewhat merged into nation-state and now, for many, indicates belonging to a nation. In Serbia, Croatia, and Lebanon, religion means one thing at times of peace, and something quite different at times of war. When someone discusses the “Christian minority” in the Levant, it doesn’t amount to (as Arabs tend to think) promoting a Christian theocracy (full theocracies were rare in Christian history, just Byzantium and a short attempt by Calvin). He just means “secular,” or wants a marked separation of church and state. Same for the gnostics (Druids, Druze, Mandeans, Alawis, Alevis) who have a religion largely unknown by its members, lest they leak and get persecuted by the dominant majority. The problem with the European Union is that naive bureaucrats (those fellows who can’t find a coconut on Coconut island) are fooled by the label. They treat Salafism, say, as just a religion—with its houses of “worship”—when in fact it is just an intolerant political system, which promotes (or allows) violence and rejects the institutions of the West—those very institutions that allow them to operate. We saw with the minority rule that the intolerant will run over the tolerant; cancer must be stopped before it becomes metastatic. Salafism is very similar to atheistic Soviet Communism in its heyday: both have all-embracing control over all of human activity and thought, which makes discussions about whether religion or atheistic regimes are more murderous lacking in pertinence, precision, and realism. > Picrel -- All religions are the same man.
We will see in the next chapter that “belief” can be epistemic, or simply procedural (or metaphorical)—leading to confusions about which sorts of beliefs are religious beliefs and which ones are not. For, on top of the “religion” problem, there is a problem with belief. Some beliefs are largely decorative, some are functional (they help in survival), others are literal. And to revert to our metastatic Salafi problem: when one of these fundamentalists talks to a Christian, he is convinced that the Christian takes his own beliefs literally, while the Christian is convinced that the Salafi has the same oft-metaphorical concepts that he has, to be taken seriously but not literally—and, often, not very seriously. Religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and, to some extent Shiite Islam, evolved (or, rather, let their members evolve in developing a sophisticated society) precisely by moving away from the literal. The literal doesn’t leave any room for adaptation. > Your issue understanding Pagan beliefs As we mentioned, the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate tried to revert to ancient paganism after his father’s cousin Constantine the Great started the process toward making Christianity a state religion almost half a century earlier. But he made a fatal reasoning error. His problem was that, having been brought up as a Christian, he imagined that paganism required a structure similar to that of the church, ce genre de trucs. So he tried to create pagan bishops, synods, and these kinds of things. He did not realize that each pagan group had its own definition of religion, that each temple had its own practices, that by definition paganism was distributed in its execution, rituals, cosmogonies, practices, and “beliefs.” Pagans did not have a category for paganism. After Julian, a brilliant general and valiant warrior, died in battle (heroically), the dream of returning to ancient values ended with him. --- What you don't understand about Polytheistic beliefs "The various modes of worship, which prevailed in the Roman world, were all considered by the people, as equally true; by the philosopher, as equally false; and by the magistrate, as equally useful. And thus toleration produced not only mutual indulgence, but even religious concord." >>2943 >(almost) Every single religion STILL hyperfocused on encouraging their followers to have as many children as physically possible while the world pop. has crossed 7 bil. and destroyed the job market ? Within the same religion, the birth rates are very different. If you did a spatial and temporal analysis, you would find that the economics had a lot to do this with this. If you did a longer term analysis, you would find that the habits that the religion enforces are responsible. Etc etc. Writing this I feel like > picrel. Because every teenager has these same thoughts and then same conclusions. SOme grow up , others don't. To conclude, beware labels when it comes to matters associated with beliefs. And avoid treating religions as if they are all the same animal. But there is a commonality.
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>>2943 Historically Hindu's and dharmic religions had no friction between science and religion, in fact most of the ancient scientists were themselves believers, with very few exceptions. Science vs religion was a Christian problem that is projected onto us. Annoyingly so. Very casual look at the history of the region including early Islam proves it very wrong. > communism, capitalism etc Just read the red book. Read the wealth of nations. Read Milton and others. Use the terms correctly. See the fates of these nations and their people. Not just propaganda but the actual state. Communism is just protestant Christianity without jesus.
https://archive.ph/0WTZF https://archive.ph/tGQM6 https://archive.ph/sADow Are Covid restrictions going to return? On Canadian news, I am genuinely fearful the libs will taint the election.
>>2960 They are trying via new vax requirements and mask requirements for winters. But pushback has been brutal. Lets see their move now.
Working on something pretty big to post here, and maybe a future substack. Will schizopost but maybe less frequently until its done, have to learn a lot of new things.
>>2951 >>2952 >>2953 Continuing this discussion in b
>>2969 Looking forward to it. >>2970 Sure.
Usually Kraut makes idiotic videos. He gets his details wrong and is heavily guilty of inserting his own projections. But for once, this is a video that is extremely accurate. https://youtu.be/jUxiTdRTPMg
India's Kakrapar Nuclear Plant Reaches Full Capacity with Indigenous Developed Reactor The 700 MW reactor, which utilizes heavy water, was commissioned in June and initially operated at 90% capacity. Additionally, another reactor at the same plant is nearing completion and is expected to be operational by 2024. These new additions will greatly enhance Kakrapar's power output, surpassing its previous two 220 MW reactors. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) is also actively pursuing similar projects in Rajasthan, Haryana, and other states. ▪️Presently, India's nuclear power plants collectively have a total capacity of 6,780 MW, with plans to expand it to 16,700 MW as outlined by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).
Jyotish are saying ww3 imminent in 2024
>>2982 Great to see. I've been a nuclear simp for a while now and it makes me so happy to see India transition to it, especially using indigenous components. Looks like we're in for a very bleak year(s) - https://archive.ph/vDQ9F https://archive.ph/WF27z https://archive.ph/JUCLV https://archive.ph/Q4ekx Investors are readying for a recession - investing in gold and a rallying dollar. Hopefully India will gain from American economic turmoil. The US economy is weakening and the Chinese economy is about to enter freefall (likely has already) India can capitalize, although I think the emphasis on manufacturing is good. The end goal should be towards services and a central trade hub in Asia. US FEd policy is going to be dictated by the Federal government's spending. There are predictions of a rate hike in November around 35%, I think it’s likely going to be higher. Canada recently was in the same boat with inflation dropping below 3% and then immediately rising above in the next month from government spending. Wondering how long the Ukraine war is going to last with American support. Will likely see Washington tone down rhetoric and spending towards Ukraine and begin to push for a settlement, likely before the next election cycle. Indian news - https://archive.ph/N62hN https://archive.ph/fZArp Stay safe Germanon, I think things are going to be very rough in the West for awhile. India will start to do much better, but the next 10 years are going to be very challenging.
>>2989 We are already living in a world war. Economic, cyber and information. Infowars is such a great moniker. >>3000 It is already gone to shit. Its such a mindfuck. But I am happy, it is restoration of some balance in the world. The western lifestyle was not sustainable. I am focusing on fixing personal life now.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Roy_Singham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Roy_Singham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Roy_Singham Funding network and allegations of Chinese government links In 2021, India's Enforcement Directorate named Singham in a money laundering case, alleging that he was the source of ₹380 million ($5 million) given to Indian news site People's Dispatch between 2018 and 2021, to promote a pro-Chinese narrative in the Indian media.[20][21] The funds were alleged to have passed through a network of companies and NGOs including Delaware-based Worldwide Media Holdings (allegedly owned by Singham), and the Justice and Education Fund, GSPAN LLC and the Tricontinental Institute (which allegedly shared the same address) in the US, and Centro Popular de Mídias, Brazil.[21][22][14][11] According to a January 2022 report by New Lines Magazine of the Newlines Institute, a think tank led by Hassan Hassan at the Fairfax University of America, Singham has channeled almost $65 million to a network of non-profit organizations, including Code Pink, that deny the alleged Uyghur genocide.[3] Though Code Pink once criticized China’s human rights record, it now defends its internment of the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs.[9] In August 2023, The New York Times reported that Singham works closely with the Chinese government and state media, and donates to various groups, news organizations and entities through non-profit groups and shell companies which spread pro-Chinese government messages. The non-profits distributing the funding included the United Community Fund, Justice and Education Fund and People's Support Foundation, have addresses at UPS store mailboxes in Illinois, Wisconsin and New York, and headed by Jodie Evans or former ThoughtWorks employees. Funded groups include: an Indian-based independent news site, NewsClick, that the Times described as having "sprinkled its coverage with Chinese government talking points"; in South Africa the Nkrumah School, the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party and the New Frame news startup[23] (whose editor had resigned in 2022 citing its "soft coverage" of China and Russia); the Brasil de Fato newspaper in Brazil; and activist groups No Cold War, Code Pink, People’s Forum, and Tricontinental in the United States. In response to the Times report, Singham said that he was not a "member of, work for, take orders from, or follow instructions of any political party or government or their representatives".[9] Following the August 2023 New York Times report, US senator Marco Rubio asked the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into entities related to Singham for potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).[24] Personal life Singham lives in Shanghai, China.[11][3] He is married to Code Pink's Jodie Evans. Their wedding was attended "Amy Goodman, host of 'Democracy Now!'; Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream; and V, the playwright formerly known as Eve Ensler, who wrote 'The Vagina Monologues'".[9] His son Nathan (Nate) Singham works for the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.[25][3] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a U.S. Tech Mogul The Times unraveled a financial network that stretches from Chicago to Shanghai and uses American nonprofits to push Chinese talking points worldwide. Picrel Neville Roy Singham, right, in 2016 with the activist Jodie Evans. In 2017, they married and he sold his tech firm. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/who-is-neville-roy-singham-and-why-is-he-in-news-explained-in-5-points-4275816 https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/who-is-neville-roy-singham-and-why-is-he-in-news-explained-in-5-points-4275816 https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/who-is-neville-roy-singham-and-why-is-he-in-news-explained-in-5-points-4275816
- The Americans have now said that they will also supply radioactive ammunition. Can you justify that? - These are not radioactive munitions, they are less radioactive than natural uranium. Roderich Kiesewetter, a CDU member of the Bundestag, agreed that the supply of "radioactive ammunition", as the presenter called it, i.e. depleted uranium shells, to Ukraine was "acceptable". If they don't have enough conventional ammunition, then supply them with contaminated ammunition, no big deal. Anything goes in a war against the Russians.
https://youtu.be/5xx_0vbZC-U?si=qGG4xhrevkZFcWQt Zoning and building regulation reform NOW!
>>3042 Most of these are state issues. In bombay and few other states the fixes are already beong issued. Centre has a fix in the pipeline but in a given year, you cant push too much change at once.
>>3037 I followed the story when it came out. Is there anything surprising about it ? No. Expect names like Caravan and The wire to also pop up. Absolutely disgusting how sold out we are as a country to various groups.
>>582 Top Lashkar leader shot dead in Pakistan.
>>3049 For some reason cannot upload pic.
>>3043 State govts need to be abolished in India. Most useless and corrupt level of government. Ideally, central government could facilitate zoning and regulation changes and standardization across India and facilitate transport across the country. Wishful thinking I know, but still.
>>3051 It's not under this administration due to the fact that they have a way of coercing laws that may benifit them along with their own agenda in the long term. No too long from now I presume said reforms may be implemented.
>>3051 >>3054 Reforms are planned. But in politics, you cannot change a lot in a year. So govts have to choose and implement.
>>3059 Reform to rental laws is planned for sure. Police reform is in pipeline but too many politicians don't want police to come under centre. Breaking of states into districts is more long term. People in current GOI are not idiots. I disagree with them on a lot, but they are smart people with great ideas and clear thinking.
>>2989 >muh jyothish Lol. Lmao even.
>>582 This came about from one of the discussions with Bangla anon. Memory is identity Killing people or conversion does not erase ideologies , they come back with a vengeance. Colonizers will get colonized by the ones they colonized. Slaves will become masters and masters will become slaves. It is pointless to think in small cycles, instead better to accept your role in the long cycle and enjoy it.
>>3065 Jyotish's are more accurate than most economists. People make fun of one, but base their policies on the other without verification.
>>3067 The Islamic world will explore its Pre Islamic identity too. Everyone craves continuity.
>>3021 No they are saying full blown wars will happen, Europe population will collapse and india will lose 2/3rd population
>>3039 Surprised they haven't already started sending depleted uranium. Idk how impactful it's going to be. Problems for Ukraine go much deeper than armaments. US doesn't lose wars, they lose interest. With an impending recession I think the West is slowly going to push for a settlement, and take care of Zelensky if he fails to comply.
>>3073 Britain has already supplied Ukraine with depleted uranium. It's not really radioactive, the main concern is heavy metal poisoning. Once integrated into the food cycle it's really hard to get rid of. Literally turning Ukraine into a shithole no matter who wins the war. https://youtu.be/ETLZEoFn-lc?si=wlKPkXtVODVR1_0p
>>3074 https://youtu.be/AhhiiTaTQcM?si=kw8XSXT01SrWxFDL More on the side effects of using depleted Uranium
>>3074 Kek. Warehouse was blown up. The cloud flew over europe. Europe stopped publishing data. I knew European mleechs couldnt fight but this is a new kind of suicidal stupid.
India's rising position vis a vis China - https://archive.ph/jvXmq https://archive.ph/jvslK https://archive.ph/Wt8rH Also, last article for keks written by a socialist https://archive.ph/ciiSP Kind of interesting to see what an Indian response to a Chinese invasion would be. I think India needs to stay neutral in any conflict until coming up on the winning side, maybe encroach on the Chinese in the Himalayas.
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Just found this funny. It has little to no significance. Canada is making itself irrelevant.
>>3110 A lot of these articles are so badly written, still some useful things can be found in them. Overall though, we really need good writers in this world.
>>3075 Read up on their effects in Serbia too.
>>3117 It's literally just Trudeau and the Liberal government. Also, interesting he focused on that when ignoring this: https://archive.ph/WWXU6
>>3123 he is not ignoring it, his entire secret service is ex ISI. I have to say, Modi grounding his plane for drugs, simply amazing. And they apparently have a lot of dirt on Trudeau. KEK. I have lot of issues with BJP, but they do these things time to time, that just simply make it worth voting them.
Met a Ukranian and German for dinner. Both convinced they are winning. The Ukranian I can understand, doesn't want to lost his homeland, so he is invested emotionally. He thinks the next weapon will win the war. But the German, smug in his knowledge that they are defeating the Russians, without actually fighting the war themselves. I have seen this before, in army families during Kargil. We won but paid a heavy price. Additionally, the families were convinced that victory was around the corner, while the war kept going on.
>>3123 >>3127 This whole episode is getting really ugly and degenerating fast. Canada anon, we look forward to your ground reports.
https://archive.ph/ifc6u A series of broad-spectrum policy reforms and unprecedented attention to project implementation have transformed the Indian economy over the last decade. The most visible proof of this change is evident in infrastructure creation. However, coastal shipping remained an outlier. For a country with a 7,500 km coastline, shipping contributes barely seven per cent of the domestic cargo mix, as against 49 percent in China, 34 percent in Japan, and 38 percent in EU-27. Theoretically, coastal shipping should be highly competitive as its fuel consumption is 15 percent of road and 54 percent of rail. However, in India, shipping tariff is not competitive due to a lack of cargo. And, since the tariff is not competitive, there is less cargo. Is Indian Shipping Sector's Most Awaited Reform Finally Coming? Ending this egg and chicken story is key to decongesting the railways and highways, thereby improving the overall logistics efficiency. Removing cabotage laws is a definite way to achieve this goal. What is cabotage law? Cabotage laws are the regulations that disallow foreign registered ships to carry coastal cargo. In India, this domain is preserved for the small local industry. With less than 1500 ships registered in the country, the Indian shipping industry is ranked 18th or 19th globally. On top of that, it is dominated by the state-owned Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) and privately held, Great Eastern Shipping. The small size of the industry and limited players should make reforms a cakewalk. However, for nearly half a century, successive governments have discussed the possibilities of relaxing cabotage laws but have avoided taking a call. Mysterious failure The failure is mysterious but politics agnostic. The Congress-led UPA government of Manmohan Singh tried hard to liberalise coastal shipping. The commerce ministry was keen. Files moved back and forth at great speed for nearly four years between 2006 and 2010. An Asian Development Bank (ADB) study recommended the removal of cabotage to make coastal shipping competitive. “Cabotage laws can be reintroduced when there is sustained growth in coastal cargo,” it said. After 2010, the UPA government was mired in controversies and barely had time to reform. Four years later, in 2014, the Rakesh Mohan Committee on National Transport Development Policy, willy-nilly supported ADB’s views. The aim was to disrupt the prevailing system and ensure competition to attract cargo. Once the sector catches the fancy of users and more local ships are lined up, the movement of foreign flag vessels may be restricted. After coming to power in 2014, the Modi government too pushed for reforms in coastal shipping. As shipping minister, during the first term of the government, Nitin Gadkari batted for the removal of cabotage. He criticised the local industry for failing to make use of the protection to add capacity and bring dividends to the national economy. Gadkari’s grievances were genuine. Foreign ships carrying timber from Southeast Asia to Gujarat often return empty. Given a chance, they would pick up local cargo for India’s western coast ports on the return journey. Better capacity utilisation is a win-win. The importer in Gujarat might have enjoyed lower sea freight from Indonesia. Low-cost transfer of goods would have helped both the industries in Gujarat and consumers in Kerala. Gadkari was relieved from the shipping ministry in the second term of the Modi government. Cabotage rules prevailed. The local shipping industry argues that 80 percent of the maritime nations, including China, have cabotage laws. What goes untold is that, the Chinese shipping industry ranks among the top 10 in the world and created viable transport opportunities for the local economy. In comparison, the Indian shipping industry is enjoying the benefits of license raj. Return of the buzz Cabotage has now become a mystery topic that keeps surfacing and resurfacing in financial media once every few years, without much result. It resurfaced again recently with The Economic Times claiming that restrictions would be removed. Given the history, it is difficult to add much credence to such claims. It would be good if the cabotage is removed. It would be better to know what is preventing its removal for so long. Some blame bureaucratic stranglehold through the Directorate General of Shipping and SCI for the prolonged stalemate. As a thumb-rule state-owned companies breed inefficiency and resist competition.
[Expand Post]Meanwhile, SCI is selected for strategic disinvestment. The cabinet committee approved the proposal in 2019. Covid delayed implementation. The finance ministry recently told the Parliament that preparations were on. The government may consider removing the cabotage rule and creating a level playing field before the disinvestment. Alternatively, coastal shipping may well become a private duopoly.
>>3136 It looked better for a few days but now it's getting a lot worse. News media here is going full attack mode.
>>3169 More articles on shipping reform - https://archive.ph/WNYoY https://archive.ph/gjOxN Very good news. Hopefully it goes through.
>>3170 Do explain in detail. I know a few prominent Hindu businessmen got attacked, then the Haryanvi's took revenge and Khalistani's went underground after. >>3173 >>3169 There are lot of such reforms in the pipeline. The issue is, only limited number of reforms can be pushed through. But the growth right now is essentially at the back of reforms, we still have not tapped into the innovation of the Indian public yet. If you push too many reforms together, then the existing system rebels. Babu's and businessmen, politicians , all of whom make money from the existing system and its flaws.
>>3136 Lol. Ajit doval revealing to American's that the only reason they did not take action on Khalistani's was because they were CIA operatives, to CIA is amazing. GOI usually takes action under the radar, but this show of cards is long due.
"The development and deployment of nuclear weapons provide a level of security and deterrence that, from Pakistan's perspective, is necessary to counterbalance India's military might", former defence attaché in Pakistan's Armed Forces explained. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is growing, with new warheads, delivery systems, and increased production. Recent satellite images show the construction of launcher facilities. ◾ By 2025, Pakistan's warhead count could reach 200, surpassing earlier US projections. These developments raise concerns amid economic and political challenges.
>>582 ‘Disease X’ Could Be 20 Times More Deadly than COVID – Expert Claims Healthcare professionals in the UK are already gearing up for a potential new pandemic – believing it will have effects akin to those of the devastating Spanish Flu of 1918-1920. The “upcoming” pandemic has been dubbed ‘Disease X’ by the World Health Organization (WHO), which asserted that it may already be “on its way.” Health expert Dame Kate Bingham, who presided over the UK’s vaccine panel in 2020, told the Daily Mail that the globe would need to get ready for massive vaccination programs and supply the dosages quickly.
>>582 It is funny how this Canada episode has exposed the west's hand in all these conflicts, from Sri lanka to Bangladesh to Japan. Regardless of what Canada does now, the damage is done and it further dents the US's credibility.
Using your weapons against Taliban or Iraq is one thing, it is another thing entirely to use them against a trained modern army. The Ukraine war is a treasure trove of lessons for Russia , China and Iran (India doesn't learn so no point including it). More importantly, it also exposes the actual effectiveness (or lack thereof) of western weapons, which don't perform well outside their systems. Most importantly, USA cannot declare victory and withdraw from this conflict, like they did in Afghanistan or Iraq.
NIA Arrests Khalistani Terrorist Arshdeep Dalla's Accomplice Jones From Ferozepur, Chargesheet Mentions Pakistan Link https://swarajyamag.com/news-headlines/nia-arrests-khalistani-terrorist-arshdeep-dallas-accomplice-jones-from-firozpur-chargesheet-names-pakistan Slow but decisive action coming from GOI
Good sign but not enough.
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Back in the early days of 4ch and textboards, people had patience to read replies and recommendations. So there was progress. Anons learnt from each other and exchanged points of views. Now the most attention someone can give a post is to give it a reductionist reading. The productive anon's on InCh seem to have all found their niche and moved on, others are stuck in the same pattens and repeating the same ideas and fighting the same battles over and over. Boards have become escapism from real life and real issues. This is pathetic and disgusting. Young men and women wasting their best years with no purpose whatsoever.
>>582 A piece of news most people missed, Yogi adityanath established a Kali statue in Goarkhnath math. This a sign that big changes (most probably massive crackdown on criminals) is coming.
>>3221 You can almost discount the Chinese ones. Such poor quality I expect another major issue in China in the next few years. Happy India is going nuclear.
>>3230 While I agree with your assessment (China had its own Chernobyl that they expertly hid) , when you build in quantity, you tend to learn from your mistakes. Chinese sometimes learn, sometimes they don't. Either way, India needs to invest more.
>>3231 It's true quality increases with experience in most circumstances, but Chinese quality control was terrible even with French oversight. Now that the economy is in freefall (I expect they have been in recession for sometime now as unemployment has increased which is usually the last sign of recession) quality is going to decline even more. India has thankfully managed to avoid this trap of producing low quality garbage.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C76n8OYb8o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C76n8OYb8o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C76n8OYb8o Sep 28, 2023 #dhruvrathee #karolinagoswami Namaste! My name is Anurag and this is my wife, Karolina. I hope and expect that the Government of India will do something to protect us from this. And after a lot of discussion and careful thinking, we have decided to make this public. Yes, I want the YouTube community to see this...
Dawn Raids in Germany Against Hammerskins Neo-Nazi Group Raids early on Wednesday targeted the homes of at least 39 members across 12 states in German- over spreading Nazi ideology. It's believed the Hammerskins have around 150 members in total, including children - and is an offshoot of the Hammerskins Nation founded in the USA in 1988, according to the German Interior Ministry See how USA is a source of most terrorism in the world. Be it direct or indirect >>3232 I would have this opinion too. But China has bought lot of experts. Many world class german scientists have left for China now. True it doesnt fix the whole chain and China is in dire straits right now. But it is an authoritarian state. They can changw things overnight
>>3234 Kek. He escaped Germany because his address was leaked to a certain org and they made it known to him. Idk this Karolina youtuber but will check
Evergrande Chairman Under Police Surveillance as Chinese Property Giant on Brink of Liquidation Hui Ka Yan - once Asia's 2nd richest person - has reportedly been placed under home surveillance, suggesting the criminal investigation into Evergrande has entered a new phase. The billionaire has gone from plotting an empire in EVs and sport - to being the highest profile businessman to face a crackdown on political leverage and market speculation by President Xi.
The Nijjar killing made me realize the West will never accept India as a partner, only a tool. Hopefully the Modi government remembers this, as do future administrations.
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>>3242 https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/bangladesh-how-west-funded-human-rights-groups-are-siding-with-islamists-to-target-hasina-government-13189432.html Relevant. It is over for the west and entirely due to their own actions. The British empire lasted 150, American empire will be considered from 1947-2020's. Ukraine will be considered the end. Bigotry of west and the hollowness of its principles is on full display. Canada has hurt itself, but USA has also exposed itself. UK cannot get its trade agreement without controlling Khalistani's first. What is clear is the following. - USA runs an imperial colonial empire - Brown, yellow and blacks cannot ever rise to match the same status as Christian whites. Citizenship, legal rights are all on paper, in execution, these citizens are still 2nd or 3rd class slaves. - The empire is financial and technological in its nature. It rules via financial and technological manipulation. - You are either for the empire or against it. The empire is abrahmic in its nature, but without a god. It is very important to understand the empire and its nature, regardless of if you are a subject or not.
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>>3242 Make no mistake, we are in a full blown info war. And an economic war And technologically, we are still slaves.
>>3242 You may be a canadian citizen, you may be white or brown you will still be subject to the info war, more so than a random African or a Chinese worker. China and Russia had the right idea about limiting internet and western influence.
Mohamed Muizzu has defeated incumbent President Ibrahim Solih in a second-round runoff that could see the Indian Ocean archipelago drift away from traditional ties with India. Muizzu took 54% of the ballots in Saturday's vote, with 46% for Solih.
Dont know if its legit. If it is, we are fucked.
Working on something big I'll post here but I underestimated the time it will take... China bots/shills flooding the chans now. They are really getting worried about the rise of India.
>>582 can these killings be attributed to the R&AW? I think they're far too incompetent to carry them out, who knows
>>3260 RAW has in recent years stepped up their capabilities and are now fairly competitive globally.
>>3260 No but they can be outsources. R&AW doesn't need to do it themselves, just give their info to their enemies. >>3259 My own bet is against China, but lets see. They are very vicious politically. We should never underestimate them. >>3262 Mixed feelings on this. Doval is compromised to different business interests as well, which is why Kashmir though better, is far from ok. That said, this government is far better than what we have ad before.
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>>582 https://youtu.be/Dd51mkPs9Uc?si=szyuHfdtyqje_rPY Good video >>3263 People are very black and white and can't understand nuance. The people predicting a Chinese collapse are just as wrong as those predicting it becoming the dominant superpower. It will always be relevant like Germany or Japan the question is how bad the next few years are going to be for China. Sadly realizing how little I know. Lots of research to be done.
>>3266 https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3235369/leading-chinese-university-becomes-first-remove-english-requirements-students Decolonozation will cost them dearly until they shift their target to non NATO nations. Which means a year or mlre of poverty. Xi said as much in a speech few months ago. India for all its faults did well to not shift to a western model of working for printed money.
>>582 Now that deep state is co opting India, the biggest threats are our own vices and our tendencies to adopt GAE ways of living. Performative religion Performative wokeism and virtue signalling Surface level understanding while kanging etc. I see dark times ahead, with the fight against GAE tendencies coming home.
>>582 Talking to Iranian's, seems Islam is gone there. Record number of youngsters leaving, all of whom have left religion behind. I am no fan of Islam, but Iran still had a lot to preserve. Kids turning to GAE for their values is bad for the world.
>>3272 The biggest struggle right now is the social one of people abandoning traditional values for American exports. I mentioned this before, but a lot of Indians are becoming pozzed here now. The trend is usually women getting high off male attention. Interesting that society (mainly technology, but also norms) have enabled women to receive validation constantly and shamelessly. Recently an issue at my friends work with a randi getting someone fired for misconduct.
>>3275 The how is well established, but it is tragic, how few women are redpilled. Worst still, redpilled women have a tough time finding a mate. Within my family, the choice of a female for a partner is a very serious topic. Because of this my parents were apprehensive about my choice. The topic is not my family drama, but trads guarding the institution of marriage. This follows in other religions and castes as well. The degradation is uniform too. Catholic women, having abortions to the point of destroying their reproductive system , but its ok because they confessed. In the end, the man they end up with , they project their own dissatisfaction onto these men. Indians who go to Canada already have a bad relationship with their traditions. Compared to normal NRI's, I am the rare case. Most of them in India itself are quiet disconnected from their roots. But yeah. This is a pol thread.
>>582 USA - North Dakota State Senator Who Spoke Out Against mRNA Vaccines Killed in Plane Crash with Family Senator Doug Larsen and his family were travelling through Utah when the authorities received information that an aircraft had taken off from Canyonlands Regional Airport and crashed in a national park near Colorado's state line. It's reported the couple and their two youngest children perished. Larsen's biography on the state's website said he was married and had three children. Earlier this year, Larsen spoke out in favor of a bill to study the long-term health effects of mRNA vaccines.
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>>582 Quiet a direct reference to Soros and the snake people. For all his flaws, modi is much better than the alternatives.
ISIS K in Afghanistan is just American/ISI proxy, to destabilize Taliban rule and control the poppy trade again. Since the loss of Afghanistan, China has taken the leading rile in the poppy drug trade. USA wants to control it again.
>>582 India-Canada row updates: https://archive.ph/jPLXJ https://archive.ph/L2MIz https://archive.ph/gF1f9 https://archive.ph/RjEr3 tl;dr - India is coming out on the winning side, with the Canadian government having miscalculated the amount of international support that would come it's way, part of a long standing inability of Canadian policymakers to understand and develop ties between Canada and Asia. The info on the killing appears to have been given by the US to Canada, and only the NDP leader has seen the information (who is btw a Khalistani) India has escalated tensions while the Trudeau government seems to be backpedaling. Misc. India reforms etc. https://archive.ph/9P7xX https://archive.ph/u5gF2 Badly needed Agricultural infrastructure and cabotage reforms which would drastically boost Indian GDP. Canada updates: https://archive.ph/fttcz https://archive.ph/UsCRn#selection-1109.0-1109.63 https://archive.ph/lBFfK BoC have implemented different ways to track inflation, which are subject to bias. In addition, the inflation rate was miscalculated for at least 8 months, meaning it was roughly 1.5% higher than released, even according to the flawed CPI common metric, which even if implemented correctly, has a variation of .5% due to inherent bias. Essentially Canada raised rates far too late based on BoC incompetence. Govt. unwillingness to temper deficit spending will continue to promote inflation, either meaning higher rate hikes or continuing inflation. All of this has the effect of making Canadians poorer.
>>3287 If the Canada section is too confusing >Bank of Canada (the Canadian central bank) began tracking inflation with three tools, the main one being CPI common >CPI common is the most opaque and consistently shows a lower inflation rate than the two other measurements >In addition, it is heavily biased and excludes certain variables from the measurement >All of this means it likely underestimates the rate of inflation >on top of this, the BoC straight up miscalculated the rate of inflation using CPI-common >For 8 months BoC claimed inflation was around 2% (the targeted inflation rate which is considered ideal for promoting growth and maintaining stable currency and employment) >In reality it was around 3.8% >This means that instead of spacing out rate hikes the BoC had to rapidly raise them, not allowing Canadians to adapt >Result is an incoming recession
>>3287 Imp to kick out the diplomats and end their influence in Punjab. OCI cancellation of Kahliatani elenents should also follow. I am hoping GOI doesnt back down at all.
>>3289 Drunknatm. Reply on economixs arer
>>3294 I knew Canada was not a great destination, but I did not know that it was so bad.
"My husband broke my leg so that he could be released from Ukraine as the guardian of our children," said the Ukrainian woman, sharing a life hack.
Lot of happenings today - Putins speech mentions western deep states pressure on India. - Putin also confirms successful test of their nuclear powered global range missile. This is a stunning achievement and now USA should be worried.
>>582 https://www.governancenow.com/news/regular-story/-five-points-uk-parliament-resolution-gilgitbaltistan Resolution states that Gilgit balochistan is part of J&K. This is just to irk china and cosmetic at best. But even if for its own interests, deep changes are taking place. Given how weaponized Anglo states are against us, we should not be fooled.
Israel declares war on palestine following the hamas attacks. Most people apart from the Indian rw and the american globohomists appear to be siding with palestine. Thoughts? I, personally, want the whole region to be engulfed in a war which kills as many people as possible
Summary of current situation in Israel: >Israel and Saudi's working towards stabilizing relations >Iran fears this will put more pressure on Iran, specifically on its burgeoning Nuclear program >At the same time, Israel is targeting Iranian assets in Syria >Iran vows to launch an attack against Israel >Iran begins coordinating with Hamas and Hezbollah >Internal turmoil in Israel and general decline in Israeli capabilities vis a vis Muslims states allow massive buildup and attack >Israeli casualty tolerance is far lower than Hamas or Hezbollah >Massive casualties on both sides >Hamas wants to provoke a large response to 1. recruit more jihadis pushed into it by Israeli attacks and 2. end negotiations between Saudis and Israel (this is relevant since Hamas is Sunni like the Saudis, while Hezbollah and Iran are Shia) >Netanyahu is also incentivized to respond disproportionately as he has a coalition govt. with "far right" allies >Hezbollah has begun mobilizing on Israel's northern border
>>3317 meant to attach links: Will Iranian Proxies Target Israel In September Or October? https://archive.ph/Pi5c4#selection-285.0-285.59 Peace With Israel Means War With Iran https://archive.ph/DGaqJ#selection-1151.0-1151.37 Hamas Says Attacks on Israel Were Backed by Iran https://archive.ph/t4h0H#selection-3989.0-3989.48 In addition, US has sent 8 billion in emergency loans to Israel (allegedly because I know can't find a source)
>>3315 >>3315 Given that Turkey and Pak seem to be backing this attack and Hamas's position on India, Modi's position makes sense. That said, I agree with you. Not our fight, not our business. We should send "thoughts and prayers" and meaningless gestures like profile picture change and leave it at that. I will still follow this deeply, because - It is a good test of Israel's famed capabilities, do they actually stack up ? Or was it all a psy op to exaggerate their capability - Yet another nail in the coffin of GAE and American psy op >>3317 Attacks on Northern Israel have begun, Lebanon and Hezbollah are already attacking Israel. This is all very suspicious honestly. I wouldn't be surprised if the false flag theory is true.
>>3321 Israeli performance has been steadily declining with each successive war (no I'm not counting small incursions or rocket strikes into Gaza) Israeli intelligence capabilities also seem to be exaggerated, as this isn't the first massive failure - see the Yom Kippur war. Iran is opting for an Afghanistan situation, although it will be much worse - >Israeli ground units invade Gaza which has been fortified for 50 years and against a population with literally nowhere to run. >Israeli war fighting capability reduced >Arab states again hostile to Israel, no peace treaty possible Small skirmishes with Hezbollah on the Northern border and Syrians moving into position. I highly doubt this is a psyop - the only thing to watch out for is if the USS Gerald Ford mysteriously gets attacked by Hezbollah and the US justifies sending several billion more. The timing by Iran is also perfect with the US having to divide production capability between supporting Ukraine and Israel. I think Israel is in for a very tough time going up against rabid Jihadists in their backyard. I suspect this is going to be quite a big mistake in the long term. The only thing which interests me now is the extent to which the US will bankroll Israel's war effort.
>>3321 Also Israeli psyops usually involve non-Jews being killed and pulling in a third country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair The circumstances also line up perfectly with Iran trying to preserve it's interests in the Middle East. I think this is just a massive Israeli failure.
>>3326 Egypt claims they warned Israel of a large attack and Mossad chose to ignore it.
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>>3325 It seems likely, given that everyone has been focusing on Ukraine and other things. Not to mention the divide inside Israel was real and distracted them from the real enemy. >>3326 A good convincing psyop does involve lot of sacrifice, pearl harbour for example did involve significant American deaths. The counter is - They have everything to gain, if they have the firepower to clear out hamas and reset the middle east. That said, lets wait and watch. Israeli's are under attack from 3 fronts now and 4th one might open up soon. Let us see what they are capable of.
>>3328 Looks like it is to some extent - >Netanyahu rejects the two state solution, and is under immense domestic pressure while being a part of a coalition government. >Egypt notifies Israel of a major attack >Israel ignores it >Attack happens, Netanyahu invades Gaza as a result and creates a situation like the West bank >Now hero of Israel I wonder how accurately he calculated. Israel already lost the urban war in Lebanon and I think Gaza is going to be alot worse.
Gaza getting airstriked into oblivion. Land invasion is nightmarish for Israel, if it does happen, CQB's in Fallujah will be nothing compared to this. Israel is in a very very hard situation right now, Grozny treatment bomb spam is the only plausible solution, but the civ casualties will be sky high, and international outcry may be enormous. May also lead to undoing of the Saudi-Israel peace process, which if done will be the crown jewel of Israeli diplomacy. >>3317 Sunni Shia aren't that relevant in all cases, look how Iran is anti-Azerbaijan despite Azerbaijan being the country with the third most proportion of Shias. >>3321 Turkey is pro-Israel actually, look at the amount of trade between them and their cooperation in Azerbaijan. Occasional muh Palestine argument is just a façade to gain mudslime votes. Kek even the opposition leader is more pro-Palestine than Erdogan.
Russia embracing Palestine is long due. Israel has screwed over Russian's for far too long. >>3331 Yeah it is not looking good, but Israel is preparing an attack. They usually take time to make plans. >>3331 True. But this time lot of their fighters were spotted and confirmed as a part of the initial strike that got through the border security. I think the Saudi's and Israeli's coming together did not appeal to them, since they would be cut off. >>3330 I am really looking forward to see what they have
When something really bad happens to you or your family, like a mob murdering a member, a public rape or execution or attack for identity, you learn really fast - Who the real friends are - Who the performers are - Where virtue exists and where it doesn't What is happening in Israel , many people want the same for India and Indian's (more in the Pakistan thread). We should learn and prepare for the worst. At a national level, at a local level and at a family level.
>>3330 >>3331 Isn't it funny, Israel gave Turkey tech, in return for ISIS in Syria to destabilize Assad. Now they are fighting the same fighters. I wonder if Taliban will do the same to India.
It is no secret that Russians are waiting for another winter, for another offensive, till then saving up lives and ammo. Now that collective attention has shifted, seems Ukraine is gone.
>>3331 Yep, it seems the Arab world is ignoring Sunni-Shia politics in favour of a united front against Israel.
>>3331 >Grozny treatment bomb spam At that point other Arab states might actual intervene. Idk how they would cope with the incoming refugees etc. Israel is also gathering at the border and Netanyahu says they want to destroy all Hamas potential so I think they are planning a ground invasion. Casualties are going to be absolutely insane.
>>3339 >>3338 Seems the Saudi fallout was fake news. UAE whas come out in full support. Turkey, Iran and Pak seem united. Lebanon has started an attack and Egypt killed 7 already. USA ships have reached Israeli shored and they have enough firepower to cleanse Hamas. The tide will turn it seems but the price is quiet high.
I am now fully convinced that NATO allowed this to happen , in order to have a "graceful" exit from Ukraine without getting to nuclear exchange with Russia. Gives Israel a good excuse to cleanse Gaza, gives an excuse to Saudi and UAE too, to de radicalize and strengthen their domestic position. Nicely played.
Nuclear sniffer plane flying along Indian and Pakistani coastline.
https://archive.ph/geGaD Iran seems to be taking alot of W's lately.
>>3343 I am convinced, Iran is on this false flag, co-operating with Israel to give them a reason to finish this issue once in for all. Hamas/HEzbollah gain nothing from this. As long as the conflict is alive, they get funds. Escalating it so much, will only ensure their end. The big players benefit from this. It allows them to peacefully move forward and reduce dependence on USA. The initial operation was too well co ordinated. 1500+ fighters, all conveniently dead now. Rockets with capabilities far ahead of those with Iran,Russia etc. Co-ordinating so many people , organizations, fighters from different backgrounds, all to perfection. Even American's cannot pull off such a big operation.
>>3345 Russian breakthrough in Ukraine: https://youtu.be/KGjA1ujiEDo?si=sqxjapT2CJLhtA0Z I think Iran is using Hamas in a suicide attack to permanently weaken Israel. Hamas leadership lives in Qatar and Hamas was declining in popularity in Gaza. Any Israeli attack will garner lots of new recruits for Hamas. Not to mention a crippled Israel allows Iran to develop nukes and exert influence in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon freely. However, we will see. Supposedly the land invasion will begin on Friday. Very curious to see how much money Israel has already spent on their response. Allegedly the Iron Dome is already running low on rockets.
I thought Ukraine was peak propoganda, but Israel and Palestine are creating an even better spectacle. A lot of footage seems very staged. The victims carefully chosen. Yes I know, ISIS usually does this, so does Hamas, but the framing is great, victims reactions perfectly focused on etc. My thoughts are poorly collected, already very tired.
>>3346 Also watch Armenia and Azerbaijan: https://archive.ph/0Aiu5
>>3347 Indians here are going hard simping for Israel. Almost all msm are just publishing disinfo. Getting my stuff from a few youtube channels I trust and cross checking it. Also, using my brain to parce info critically.
>>3347 I think the best outcome for India right now is a partial Israeli victory. Very useful having the Muslim worlds attention directed to Israel, and the West focusing on radical Islam. Modi should use it to push more reforms in Kashmir.
>>3346 Israel's attack so far is very successful. They managed to kill all the infiltrators which in itself is very suspicious. I don't think Iran is opposed this time. I am projecting hard ofcourse, but Iranian leadership hates American's more than Israel. Nethanyahu also hates Americans for trying to split the nation.
>>3349 Indians are emotional. Emotional outburst is all they have, when the world is against them. Anglo world is propagandised to an extent I couldn't have imagined living in India. And Germany is still subtle compared to UK/Canada etc. >>3350 India has good terms with Fatah, who are the anti Hamas wing in Palestine. A Hamas victory is bad for India. But Israel can also never be trusted.
Indians bend over backwards to express support for Israel over a provoked war in the Middle East with the backing of the international community when the international community would condemn India in a fully justified war. NRIs didn't even shill this hard in 2019...
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>>3372 Yeah it is cringe to see, I got sent screenshots today. But Indians vent on social media and Watsapp. That is all they have. Cucked by their own government, then foreign powers, deep states and mostly their own families too. They long for an ally, for they are alone, the last pagans in this world. Muslims in Berlin seem to be planning something. Tomorrow will be interesting.
>>3373 Looks like Indias statment of support isn't nearly as unhinged as I thought it was going to be. Fingers crossed India plays this correctly: >leverage new anti-terror/anti-islamic bloc sentiment in the west for investment and prestige >don't sacrifice old alliances >dont get drawn into anything >crackdown in J and K/implement stalled reforms, CAA, NRC, UCC
>>3376 India needs to realize it will soon be in a position to make demands, and wasting this opportunity would be a disastrous mistake.
>>3376 GOI is not idiotic, which is rare and refreshing. They do have a proper long term plan and alliances, which they don't know in public.
- The missiles used by Hamas originated in China. So China,Tukey,Iran, Lebanon, Russia and others made a grouping. - This war spreading to middle east will kill the world oil market and the economy. - Russia continues its advance in Ukraine. Nobody cares.
The official hamas channel has really horrible videos. Even by the usual ISIS standards.
>>3395 Israeli victory weakens Europe, unites the Islamic world against the West, destroys oil prices, etc. Geopolitics dictates we should support Israel. Maybe the Indian diaspora were actually gigabrained.
>>3396 Economically too makes sense for Israel to win. Saudi, UAE and others too want this forneconomic ties and so does India. But all this feels too well coordinated and pre scripted.The conflcit was not organic when it began.
I am fully convinced Iarael Hamas is paid for and coordinated by Israel. Only Israel benefits from this bs.
>>582 WW3 coming read bhavishya malika
>>3402 Hamas has fairly good reasons for launching an attack against Israel. The question for me is why Israel was totally incapable of detecting an attack, or if it was on purpose. My Netanyahu theory earlier is a bit flawed - I am wondering if it was some Israeli deep state etc. >also https://archive.ph/zNw4s Both sides say the other blew up a hospital killing 500, and I have no idea which is correct. Time will tell I suppose but there is essentially no real information now suggesting either thing. I am suspicious of how quickly the IDF responded considering it took them awhile to dispel the rumors about babies etc.
>>3407 Looks like it was Israel. How to turn the entire world against you.
>>3407 Google Israel funding hamas. Nobody gives a fuck about brown lives. Esp the world. Might will win. World will swallow the victors version.
>>3407 We are in full blown info war. don't believe either side or take a side. Now it seems Hamas bombed themselves by mistake. But the point stands, don't follow the micro.
>>3410 I think Israel has pretty decisively lost support in the West in terms of the general population. They can no longer carefully control media narratives. They are falling behind the times. >>582 Big thing I was working on had to do with Indian monetary policy and central bank reform. Taking a long time and I am lazy, it will still happen but later than I thought. Also have a few other things on the back burner. Need to start reading again, I think that is the main issue with what I felt was my intellectual decline for the last 1.5 years. Burnt out from school as well doesn't help.
>>3417 Various thoughts I will expand on later: GDP targeting and gold buying by the RBI Rapid privatization used to balance the government debt No deficit spending Implementation of a flat tax and general tax reform Widespread deregulation Abolishing state governments Implementing reforms to keep foreign investment in India somewhat limited in influence. I think India should strive to become a trade hub in Asia that relies on the strength of its domestic consumption. Export oriented economies (for instance, China) have been shown to be weak in times of economic protectionism or hostile foreign powers. I've advocated a form of monarchy before, while I do stand by it, I think it's implementation is essentially impossible now. A transition to "paleoconservatism" (American idea but modified to the Indian context) and a transition to a national system of government (that is widespread deregulation, privatization, and low taxation, strengthening of private property rights) the government should still play somewhat of a role in directing development in the interests of national security (this is vague obviously, I will expand further later) obviously culture should be fiercely defended. Raising the voting age to 25 Term limits
>>3419 I really don't think international tourism is a worthwhile industry to expand - >vulnerable to foreign governments or international problems (diplomatic rows, covid) >distorts the local economy (raises prices of certain goods etc.) >most importantly, introduces foreign culture, values, etc.
>>3419 I made a long post on this on old inch (2021?) but obviously that is gone now. Will try and put together a longer more thought out list in the future with actual reasoning.
>>3419 Some of these ideas BJP is planning to slowly implement. Flat tax and general tax reform is one they are strongly behind. Even pushing simple bills, takes 8-10 years from proposal to pushing it in Parliament. Speaking from some experience. >>3417 The general population doesn't really matter. They will swallow whatever bullshit is fed with colors and lights. COVID proved as much. That said, I agree that Israel is not managing the media spectacle well. Pathetic exposure of their reality. West cannot do much for Israel, they are out of weapons and even if Israel can killed all Gazan's, what then ? Can they handle the backlash from Iran, Lebanon etc ? I am still not sure, if the Russians did this or Israel did a false flag and mishandled the execution terribly ? >>3421 I would have agreed, but Tourism is also a psyOP of sorts that projects your might. This is one of the only things Europeans do correctly. Maybe will make a post with example on this. >>3422 Bad idea to rely on chans. use a 2nd brain software or write on paper. Post on chans when thoughts are organized.
>>3428 India should have tourist zones. Lakshadweep is already like that, but Goa, Daman and Diu can be turned into international gambling and luxury hubs like Macau. Import a bunch or Russian women to run things, make it require a visa for Indians to visit. Like an SEZ for debauchery. In time, I think it would bring in billions. (For reference, Macau brings in like 20 billion) You could also cater to family trips, but I think focusing on domestic tourism is more productive, along the lines of China. Americans and Brits are so incredibly obnoxious.
>>3435 Domestic tourism is pretty good. Need to encourage it more using local shows, that do a good job. Investment in cleanliness is also necessary. The rest is a matter of time. I want to visit North East again. Specificially , Arunachal, Sikkim, Meghalaya and Assam. Will take lot of time, so lets see. There is some regional food in India that I miss and hope I can have it someday again.
>>3451 Investment will help, but it also comes from general wealth. The West was worse than India roughly 120 years ago and in a few years India has already advanced so far. Need some time for another big post, promise It'll be worth it to the five people who post here.
Kek. This man is so useless.
>>3458 Take your time. India is already getting better. Its just a matter of time.
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>>582 I got into /pol because of circumstances around me. Now the Hindu core seems relatively secure and on a good path. The people fighting for my causes, are smarter, better spoken and well read than me. I feel like I can go back to pursuing my passions and living my life. I trust the movement now.
A simple minded friend made an excellent point on the Israel - Palestine conflict. All the people supporting Hamas in India are also people who will either openly or covertly call for his death/conversion/slaughter. His support for Israel is purely reactive. Normal Indians are very innocent about Israel's role in world politics, including to Al Qaeda.
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>>3526 The Qatar response has been interesting. Though as per rumours, Qatar was planning do this since long and the Canada thing, just accelerated the timeline. The size and capability of the Global American empire is really impressive and something else.
What will be the consequences of consoomer culture becoming more mainstream in India ?
>>3558 Nothing good. India is not nearly as degenerate as the west but in a good ten years it might be. Scared to see it become South Korea 2.0 - no culture, low birth, no growth, degeneracy. Hinduism is far more resilient but more countermeasures have to be in place. Urban elites in India are by and large fucking morons.
>>3559 I saw this church community in south get ruined by wealth and success. I still don't know what ruined whom. was it wealth that ruined them ? were they shitty people to begin with and wealth just allowed it ? Either way, it was sad. They were good people. I guess we should start sharpening our defences already. I trust wealth to destroy Indians faster than USA or China can.
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They have begun sowing the seeds of regime change all around India. From Bangladesh to Malaysia to Indonesia and more. GAE is surrounding us, the way they surrounded Russia.
>>582 Cleaning old files downloaded on my phone. Just wanted to share these quotes before deleting them. Don't remember who sent it.
>>3586 based quotes. Sad to see the state of Indian academia, it's either - >STEM bug people who don't give a shit about the future save their bank account >humanifags promoting failed socialist policies and bargain bin progressive values Few days ago I stalked my ex, when we were together she was giga based, I think just copying me. Now she was posting about gay rights etc. Same goes for all my Indian profs, endlessly screeching about OBC entitlements, Muslim oppression, female liberation, class war etc. It's not even that I dislike people having different views, but they parrot the same talking points that are institutionally supported and act like they are subversive. One good story I think I posted before - >prof from fishing state in India, dirt poor >she comes from rich UCs, I suspect Zamindars >studies abroad and inculcates self loathing >lives in the West >decades go by, MNCs begin investing in her state back in India >literally thousands lifted out of poverty >she conducts a class war campaign to get them out for infringing on the "traditional livelihood" of her state What a fucking insane attitude. Also: https://archive.ph/Jieqv India considering lowering tariffs. Hopefully they do it across the board.
>>3562 >I guess we should start sharpening our defences already. I trust wealth to destroy Indians faster than USA or China can. It's already happening. I think it's better than other countries but the younger generation is somewhat fucked. India luckily has a resilient culture and hundreds of millions of villagees 100 years behind. I think as an Unkill your interactions with younger Indians are a bit different. Weirdly, I can rank the level of pozzed - >Punjabis - consistently conservative but more gora worship on average >Gujjus - inconsistently the most conservative, some Gujju girls seem to become whores (by Indian, not western, standards) >Southies - all unpleasant here, I don't know many so it probably skews, My main experience is a southie girl immediately trying to fuck me at a club and noticing most date goras. This also coincides with levels of economic development, so it is possible that when Punjab or Gujarat reach the income levels of South India something similar would happen. Also urban middle class Indians are almost always pozzed. The main issue is to find the root of this. Is it always excess, or is it that the USA is so powerful etc. The main thing I'm scared of is BJP importing progressive values to appease American policymakers, or those vales being spread via American consumer culture. Capitalism is to me just a convenient method to generate productivity, never something to be worshipped or looked at uncritically. It is ironic that Communism promotes social Conservatism and economic stagnation whereas Capitalism is the exact opposite.
https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/automobile/tata-motors-wins-arbitral-award-of-rs-766-crore-plus-interest-in-singur-plant-case-11626651.html I wonder if WB govt will actually pay up or if they can. They are massively in debt. >>3601 >>3602 Man, I have so many stories. But academia is home to people who have no spine and can do the ruling ideologies bidding. It literally physically repulsed me when I had this realization, I had to puke and take a shower. It also was responsible for my exit from academia. I will reply properly on this later.
>>3603 shut the fuck up, larping faggot, aka hexamutt weren't you supposed to be working at mercedes as an engineer you're a schizophrenic NEET vpnchamar who has too much time on his hands, as evident by your posting timezones, which are definitely "german"
>>3604 It's literally the evening there now?
>>3605 notice the patterns and his post history
>>3604 no one will tell you who his employer is on this chappal making forum. whoever you were talking to is either larping about being employed by the Benz or is a simple retard
>>3604 >>3607 Lol. Never made that claim. But you are free to believe what you want. Massive Data Leak: Personal Details Of 81.5 Crore Indians Exposed In Alleged ICMR Breach - Report https://swarajyamag.com/news-brief/massive-data-leak-personal-details-of-815-crore-indians-exposed-in-alleged-icmr-breach-report
>>3607 Npbody owes you the truth here about their lives.
>>3608 it was an old thread, in pooran's inch. more than an year ago >>3609 now, does the coffeeplus email ring a bell? I have been collecting information on you for a long time, hexamutt
>>3614 I will get back to pol posting. Since its a pol thread. If you want to doxx me, please go ahead.
>>3609 Absolute state
>>3624 Yeah. This is our reality. The theories on this are very dangerous too. The prime one being that China hacked into AIIMS data base of Indian genetics to design a bio weapon tailored to target Indian population.
>>3628 Imagine constructing anything resembling a weapon from genetics historically considered to be closer to subhuman stools than anything else. Both china and india should get the rope.
>>3663 imagine loathing yourself so much you advocate the extinction of your own race. in your next life you can be a white bbc slut maybe lmfao
https://archive.ph/FUAsZ India taking advantage of Chinas decline - still lots of reforms and looks like India will consistently fall short of the mythical 8% per year GDP growth target, which is unfortunate. Early in the morning, but a few thoughts on how India would be able to reach 10%. >Privatize most/all Public Sector Enterprises to pay off debt >Strengthen private property rights, perhaps even land reform in backwater areas >Land use and zoning reform to promote higher density buildings and easier transfer of land - speeds up development in urban areas to ease labour transition >LVT in cities to combat speculation and encourage development in tandem with last post >Destroy inter-state trade barriers >Transition to flat tax >De-regulate labour and end reservations >Work towards privatizing pensions >Reform bureaucracy (as in annihilate most of it) >Promise to stop further deficit spending >Reform the central bank towards a safe spending mandate vs the mess mandate it has now, gold buying mandate as well In my honest opinion, the government should probably only be involved directly in currency and national defence. Both privatization and a flat tax should curb corruption as the incentivizes for corruption are largely maintained through having an inexhaustible money supply (ie, taxpayers), reducing government power and bureaucracy logically helps as well since the government is involved less and less in important decisions. The flat tax would also incentivize paying taxes, generally speaking decreasing disincentives and increasing incentives to pay taxes would result in more taxes. By far, the most important government issue is repaying loans and balancing the budget. The plurality of Indian taxpayer money goes towards paying off interest which represent a massive drain on productive tax expenditure. Monetary reform is to strengthen the currency internationally and encourage stable sustainable growth domestically.
>>3714 In theory, this would result in 10% yearly GDP growth until India reaches developed status or relatively close to it (as long as the workforce population remains stable/growing) and then transition to a high growth high income country at 4% yearly. >If this works why don't developed countries do it? Because they are stupid. An addition - >Heavily deregulate shipping This one is more subjective depending on the interests of the government but India is positioned perfectly to become a central shipping hub between Western Eurasia and the Eastern half of Asia. Also >Trade union similar to a nerfed EU with it's neighbours, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal, Bhutan with India as the clearly defined head to spread soft power, lower input costs, and keep it's neighbours complacent and happy.
>>3628 Natural selection at this point. Aur lo reservation ke bande
>>582 https://archive.is/mb40a https://archive.is/DbofC Bureaucracy and corruption are synonymous, and especially in India. Curious if there are any quick fixes, any sort of reform to the bureaucracy seems to be the most oppressive and stubborn. A slow trimming would allow economic adjustments by both private enterprise and the newly unemployed public employees. Beyond that I'll have to do more reading.
>>3779 Privatizing social security - https://www.brookings.edu/articles/privatizing-social-security-the-troubling-trade-offs/ https://www.cato.org/policy-report/july/august-1995/success-chiles-privatized-social-security#:~:text=The%20money%20is%20invested%20by,annuity%20with%20an%20insurance%20company. Not really relevant in India now but in the next few decades could become a real problem, best to analyze solution before staring at imminent collapse i.e. Japan, South Korea, and slightly better in the West.
>>3776 >any quick fixes Most issues in the indian subcon stem from it's culture, quickest fix is the ability to shoot/threaten your local corrupt politician/goon or overbearing unkil in the face with a gun. I wonder how more relaxed gun laws will affect corruption and crime in India/BD.
https://archive.is/n860P General update on the Armenia-Azerbaijan war. Unfortunate Russia was completely unable to help Armenia and Iran wasn't willing to step in either. https://youtu.be/1wV54PUVEjA?si=1s9Wxisg7qYKqrRT Turkey - Azeri alliance is very dangerous for the caucuses. Hopefully the Turkish economic implosion continues. Ideally India should support both Kurds and Armenians against Turkey.
>>3784 Maybe but the bureaucracy slowly bloated under congress. India had fairly efficient bureaucracy pre-Islamic invasion and the current system is a holdover from the British, engorged by socialist idiocy. Indians are good bureaucrats elsewhere, the best example being Singapore. The government structure is still based on the socialist big government model. Just start annihilating redundant agencies and downsizing the remaining ones. I am just curious to see what peoples thoughts are on the more useless agencies. There are so many in India at all levels it's going to take forever. The old joke, "If you want something to be talked about being done, ask an Indian, if you want something to be done, ask the Chinese," is only partially true - it misses the fact that Indians will make an entire bureau to discuss the issue. There are literally agencies in India that have nearly the same mandate at the Federal level, I can't imagine the overlap including state and local governments. Apologies for the plebbit video, but it shows what must be done.
>>3795 only issue is more privatization of various industries will only be whoring out India. foreign actors will start investing in critical sectors and soon every major power will have a piece of the pie.
>>3800 I should have clarified privatization should only apply to Indian investors - I no longer believe in a global free market or foreign investment.
I feel like India is going to lose to globohomo. Western porn companies are starting to invest in Indian pornstars and making Indian themed porn now. At least under the INC everyone was too poor to be pozzed.
>>3815 I wish the bhavishya malika schizo is right
>>3815 Other strange thing is the massive increase in anti-India posts online. I think there are a few reasons: >Chinese shilling, trying to affect both Western investment and policies as well as Russian alliance >Muslim seething, especially Pakistan but seems to be broader mid east now with India's stance towards Israel >Actual dislike in Western countries, there are WAAAAY more Indians in Canada now than before
Anyone genuinely hopeful about the direction India is taking? Germanon was the only whitepill poster, I fear this will become a doomer circlejerk. I think it's going okayish. I'm not nervous about demographic changes anymore, but I do worry about globohomo. >>3815 I watched the film. The actress is a Pakistani Muslim dressed like a Hindu girl at a wedding. Since I'm mixed, am I cucking myself? Should I just watch videos that align with my dick colouring? Important questions.
>>3833 Also I think I overstated the impact of porn tbh. Indians are higher income, iq and socially conservative so I really doubt a massive surge in Western porn participation. Domestically India needs to uncuck the supreme court and implement basic morality laws imo.
https://youtu.be/zRsn6Xg192A?si=roNkuwE9sAwwPFb5 This guys predictions are straight up dogwater. I do find it interesting that Americans seem to think India is just siding with the US by default now, after doing essentially nothing to woo India. As long as India pursues an alliance to the US it will never be a world power. Good post from /int/ >an amerimutt once said < I liked Indians when they were calm, quiet. Now they are too cocky. >Basically, they can't fathom the fact that another country can become successful. West, Pakistan, Khalistani. Everyone is malding at the same time. Also, the leftist reporters are submitting fake statistics to international studies. Why do you think India ranks below iran/afghanistan in human rights? Basically, Congress was an EU puppet that keeps Bharat in check. Modi winning literally buckbroke west so hard they shifted their attention focusing on hating niggers and kikes to hating Indians. Indians who want an American alliance - are there any American partners that became world powers? The EU is dependent on the US, China managed to develop itself but only partially co-operated with the US, and on it's own terms, Japan and Korea are both giga-cucked, South America is a shithole partly due to American interventionism etc. >BUT WHY SHOULD INDIA BE A SUPERPOWER This argument is so stupid it's almost not worth responding to. If a populous, centrally located country is not trying to be a superpower it will always be a puppet or a battleground. The US and China would be very pleased at picking and choosing Indian leaders, extracting resources (both material and human) and exporting their ideology. Russia is far more willing to have a strong ally. I think ideally Russia would be the junior partner in an India-Russia alliance in the future, with essentially free reign over central Asia and Eastern Europe.
>>3819 >Muslim seething, especially Pakistan but seems to be broader mid east now with India's stance towards Israel We need to do something about muslim seethe.
>>3840 https://youtu.be/XlYcDPgzVFY?si=0Ft_U5c-UugjuTsz Response to Zeihans worldview >>3841 No real point at the moment. Middle east is becoming a complete shithole. More important partners will probably initiate closer ties with India of their own accord. The most important thing is for India to lower dependence on oil and source it better. Iran and Russia are the best options. >iranian seething Yes, but both Pak and Afghanistan are issues Iran and India can collaborate on. Same with Armenia and Indias close ties with Russia. China is literally genociding Muslims and Iran doesn't care. Israel conflict is good for India as it takes Muslim support from Pakistan with regards to Kashmir. I think basic reforms would help moderate Islam in India.
>>3842 https://archive.is/GRZFE I miss the Soviets. Looks like Azerbaijan wants more territory.
>>582 Testing
>>582 not sure if this is the right thread for this, but I found some interesting e-mails used by lashkar terrorists while planning an attack on India Gate. Their "coded" messages seem like they were encrypted by a 14 year old, and the code is extremely easy to crack, too. I wonder if being a low iq shit eater correlates with worshipping pedophiles Here are the images as 8chan's shitty servers can't handle them: https://imgur.com/a/SxpHHv0
>>3867 >number of symbols = 26 actual juvenile shit, anyone who could make it past like the first 10 levels of picrel could easily figure it out. They could have used a type of Ceaser cipher and it would be much harder to crack. My guess is that they know that the message, if intercepted, will be attacked with all national resources at hand in order to decode it. If is a certainty that the cipher will be cracked, why waste time and effort making a strong cipher, just make a weak one to get past the most basic word filters so it doesn't get flagged. That or they are actually dumb enough (don't think so honestly. I don't like underestimating the enemy)
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>>582 interesting that this applies word-to-word for India, at every moment in its history guess human nature doesn't change due to time
>>3881 It has only gotten worst with time. there are no people as propagandised as Americans and the citizens of the Global American Empire. English is an extension of this. We should consider switching to Hindi and eventually sanskrit.
>>3882 >english is an extension of this alas, that is very true, and possibly the biggest w for the anglo saxons. unfortunately, it is all but impossible to remove english from our country now
>>3884 Reminds me, i need to finish the json file translation. My python script shat for some reason last time.
In future there will be no BJP, no TMC, no Congress, no Left Front. Professor Nasir bin Sulaiman ul Omar of Saudi Arabia says India is in a deep sleep. Islam is growing rapidly and thousands of Muslims have infiltrated the Police, Army, Bureaucracy and entered the important organisations. Islam is the second largest religion in India. Today India is also on the brink of extinction. Just as the rise of a nation takes decades, its destruction requires time. India will not end overnight. It will be gradually removed. We as Muslims pursue it very seriously. India will definitely perish. About 65,000 babies are born every day in India. Of these, about 40,000 are Muslim children and about 25,000 are Hindus and children of other religions. That is, the birth rate is about 20% of the total population of Muslims !!! Of the children born now, Muslims are the majority and Hindus are the minority. At this rate, by 2050, Muslims will be the majority in India. No one will stop India from becoming a Muslim country and India will immediately burn in the fire of riots. We Muslims will kill Hindus and bring them to an end. Today, according to government figures, Muslims make up about 20% of the population, but in reality they exceed 25%. Government figures are inaccurate because Wahhabi Muslims deliberately conceal real numbers and do not register this growing population as their weapon to keep Kafir Hindus unaware. Great fraud is going on in India in the name of secularism, but unfortunate Hindus are still in a deep sleep. Why did the Hindus not learn a lesson by looking at Kashmir, where the Hindus had to leave all their wealth and women and girls behind. India is secular as long as Hindus are in the majority. They do not know what will happen to them when they are a minority???? These stupid Hindus do not even understand this from the statistics of the infidels of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu will never speak, will remain silent, will take a high moral position, ..... So, his destiny will surely sink... Pakistan and Bangladesh or Kashmir .. For example, Hindus are sure to come to an end. Consider the Muslim majority areas of Kerala, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad and other States. Never go to an area where there are Muslim people in your city, you may be holding your breath between their staring eyes! Apart from this, countries like Zambia and Malaysia are examples. With the arrival of the Muslim majority, these secular countries were declared Islamic countries. Violence occurs daily in countries such as London, Sweden, France and Norway. Have you ever wondered why this is happening? Who does? What is the purpose??? It is part of the peacekeeping tactic to create such panic among the people and instill fear without the courage to speak in their hearts! Don't you understand, they gather in the mosque 5 times a day in the name of Namaz and conspire against you!!! They take a pledge and decide to finish you 5 times a day .... !!! Therefore, closing the eyes and mouth is not effective. It is time to open our eyes and open our mouths and raise awareness among the people Less time!!! Think and understand?⁇ Agarwal Sahab asked his servant Abdul, I have 2 children and I am worried about their future, but you have 12 and you are not worried yet. Abdullah - After 25 years, my 12 sons will take over your shop. You only earn for us, then why should I care. This is their state of mind. The great mansions built by the Hindus at Sialkot, Lahore, Gujranwala and Karanji were built for us. Even in independent India, the Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir have built great mansions for us and in the end we occupied them and we do not have to worry about you.
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BREAKING Ex-US secretary of state Henry Kissinger dead at 100
>>3947 Depopulation is a very serious issue for India. More serious than Ghazwa e Hind , in case this much is not clear from the graph. Seething mullah's can be taken care of with automatic weapons. What to do when women are globohomoi'zed feminazi's and men don't want to sleep with them anymore ? It will be too late then.
https://www.firstpost.com/india/watch-man-serves-food-cooked-in-toilet-water-to-sabarimala-pilgrims-caught-by-ayyappa-seva-sangh-13446072.html The Ayyappa Seva Sangh conducted an inspection, revealing that the food stall, managed by Abdul Shehim, who also serves as the DYFI Erumeli Regional Secretary, had been utilising toilet water for cooking for approximately two weeks. This revelation has raised concerns about the safety of the food served to devotees. Tolerance of mleechs == adharma.
>>3954 Good riddance. >>3967 Thankfully India has a few decades to work on solutions. I think the diaspora might actually be quite helpful as well, and I suspect the population is still undercounted. Lots of Indians abroad are not assimilating at all and are still fully Indian, I think there will be some migrating back as the West declines and India rises.
>>3843 I genuinely feel for Armenian people, ancient Christians let down by sold out leaders. I predicted this back in 2018 with Germany posturing to get new energy sources. Europeans and Anglo's are disgusting. I have no sympathy for them. >>3842 Middle east is supporting death of Palenstianian's and complete control of Palestine and Pakistan because, they are tired of Islamic fundamentalism. the issue is not ideological, but one of results. Despite so much money poured in, the results are underwhelming at best. > I think basic reforms would help moderate Islam in India. As UAE and Saudi cut funding and cultural support, Indian sub con Muslims will copy the same like good sheep. This will take atleast 1 decade. Until then, keep culling the radicals. Its useful to polarize Hindu society as well. >>3840 Most of Youtube is trash and a total waste of your time.
>>3971 WE have a long way to go in deoclonizing and becoming Bharatiya's. Lot of work to be done, including by myself. Being just a reaction to our enemies will no longer be enough, as wealth touches our motherland. Wealth also amplifies our worst tendencies. So the war against globohomo and our own shaping of our narrative will become more active now.
>>3954 Alhamdulillah.
>>3967 >What to do when women are globohomoi'zed feminazi's and men don't want to sleep with them anymore ? rape.
>>3972 >Middle east is supporting death of Palenstianian's and complete control of Palestine and Pakistan because, they are tired of Islamic fundamentalism. Arabs are controlled israeli/US puppets >As UAE and Saudi cut funding and cultural support It is only increasing in BD >Most of Youtube is trash and a total waste of your time. shamefully i have gotten re-addicted to it
>>4014 This is understandable, given how much India spanked Pakistan in the war, they knew securing a nuclear weapon is very important to ensure their survival, given how we'll always have an advantage in conventional warfare with their naval power easily destroyable and how they can be blockaded relatively easily.
>>4016 *being easily
>>4013 >>4014 tbf Pakistan loses a conventional war with India in literally weeks. The only reason they survived '71 was the US threatening India with nukes if they annexed any of West Pakistan. Pakistan is a joke country and losing Bengal was the stupidest mistake they could have ever made.

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