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/ent/ertainment general - podcasts, sports, youtube channels, documentaries, movies, tv etc मित्र 03/02/2024 (Sat) 03:13:49 Id: d32a1a No. 5925
•All forms of entertainment are welcome ITT •Post podcasts you listen to, youtube channels you watch, the best documentaries you've ever seen and other forms of entertainment. •Underrated/non-popular stuff is encouraged •Anons looking for suggestions for entertaining stuff are also welcome to post Do not derail the thread!
>>5925 I'll start by posting an unknown and insanely well produced youtube documentary that I stumbled across: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk7GvaqEicU
https://youtu.be/CK3oShC3NnQ Fucking Rashmika Mandanna was presenting an award at Crunchyroll anime awards 2024 ! Why her of all people !
https://www.honest-broker.com/p/the-state-of-the-culture-2024 >>5936 >Tarkovsky Thanks for sharing this, I have only seen Solaris, will check out the others, though will take me time. Good stuff in this thread. Thank you posters.
Watching Ghost in the Shell 1995 with an upgraded audio system. This movie has amazing sound design, insanely good visuals that still look amazing and amazing themes. Peak comfy
>>6005 Watched it several years ago and found it quite boring, but honestly didn't know much about japanimation at that time, when I first watched Akira I thought it was a boring shit but several years after I rewatched it and regarded it as a masterpiece, so my opinion might change.
>>6010 The movie is well past its time. A lot of its ideas have since then been used and reused and abused. The main appeal lies in the rich ambience. Most of the big ideas of the movie are not shown with explosions and sexy babes but in dialogues or even as background occurrences normal in this world. And in the main point about how the dawn of a post human future happens, when non human consciousnesses learn to reproduce. Most people miss the important of second point or not really get it at all.
>>6014 >Most of the big ideas of the movie are not shown with explosions and sexy babes but in dialogues or even as background occurrences normal in this world. So similar to Akira then. A lot of character has subtle dialogues that tells a lot about them, like the military guy who stays loyal with Neo-Tokyo despite being a corrupted shithole because he thinks it's worth fighting for. But then what most people got from Akira was "Oh that bike is so cool!".
Saw Dream Scenario last night. Good fun movie. >>6034 I need to re watch Akira. I definitely loved it when I watched it ages ago. It had so much influence on everything. You enjoys movies differently at different ages. Young people will see the cool bike and cool jacket, older people will see different things. This is fine.
https://youtu.be/nCkuo9RYUWE Savarkar movie was good beyond expectations. I was expecting a good movie because it serves to my passions, but instead, it was a piece of art that I did not imagine I would get to see. The acting from Hooda and others was just spectacular. The sound design, very original, not one to catch your attention but always supported the movie. The movie itself was very tight. A lot of happenings packed in 3 hours. It was the Mrs's first Indian movie with Indian crowd. She was first annoyed by the cheers and said "shhhh". By the "Bharat mata ki jai", she say me join in. By the "Har har Mahadev" she joined in too. This movie and Sardar Udham, Indian movies have come a very very long way. Vivek Agnihoti may be a great researcher, but his movies feel like that made by a kid learning to use his camera. This one, was an artist wielding a powerful tool. मेरा भारत बदल रहा है।
>>6191 no it is a right wing propaganda film, can't believe you watched that shit you sanghi (my fav movie is the Barbie movie which I went to watch with my wife, and her boyfriend)
>>6192 This movie was too important beyond the left wing/right wing shit flinging. I have not been affected so deeply by something in so long. One of the best movie experiences of my life by far. Makes me ashamed of complaining about small things and being a fat fuck while others sacrificed so much so could enjoy our freedoms.
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>>6192 made me kek
>>6191 what the fuck. how old are you? nigga i used to think, youre 20 something student fag in germany.
>>6222 I am an Uncle with all the uncle attachments and the age and cringe to match.
>>6222 I always thought around 30-35 but could be up to 45 too Not that I care, it's not like 17 year old Allen chhapris can make good posts despite being young
This show was written by people who had good childhoods. It introduced me to jazz music as well. Most American shows I couldn't relate to, because characters had no problems, lot of money and their lives were unrelatable. But Arnold used to travel in a bus and had his own share of problems. I got a new TV which has a live channel showing this cartoon non stop. Very comfy show for me. You can easily find it on youtube.
>>5925 https://www.youtube.com/@fern-tv very high quality documentaries, and his animation style is similar to lemmino's
>>6792 Infotainment is shallow and he is German. But his Hitler train video was good. I have a PIC somewhere of Hitlers prototype for said train
>>6792 His latest video on El Salvador is why I avoid his channel. Typical western propoganda, when a government tries to do well for its people.
>>6792 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZs5Hz1klno He made a great video this time
>>6948 >great video >cia base you can't make this shit up lol fuckin dimwit audience this guy has
Mad Max movies try to make masculinity look bad and toxic, but unironically are the most testostorone activating movies for me. Furiosa hhad a shitty actress and muh feminism themes, but the rest of world building was great. Rewatching fury road and Thunderdom is just too good.

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