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Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 00:40:17 Id: 1b16f1 No. 11464
if you've been living on the earth even for a short period of time, you know that women will pretty much fuck anything, especially something that has a Giant Penis regardless of what species of animal it is, so it makes complete sense that they would given the opportunity to have sex with an Extraterrestrial. and like what those scientists said in that science journal that if Extraterrestrials ever did come to and started living amongst us stated that one of the first things that they'd do is have sex with our human females before we started seeing them performing in professional porn scenes. so it really doesn't make any sense why we don't see many or at all really any movies where females humans are seen having sex with male aliens in films, since it really isn't that farfetched for it being a plausible reality.
The first person to fuck an alien would 100% be a man. Men have been caught fucking stray cats, holes in their neighbor's fence, and picnic tables in public parks. If that alien's got a hole, some dude is going to stick their dick in it without a second thought.
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>>11466 I don't think it'd be a man it'll hands down be a woman, chicks will fuck anything, especially white chicks have you seen what they'll fuck, I've never seen a dude letting a pig fuck him and most animal porn it's a white chick, trust me, if white girls will want to fuck something as smelly and disgusting as niggers, do not doubt at all that white female humans will be the first ones to have sex with male Aliens and will be more than willingly as well at that.
>>11473 >brown countries official entertainment are donkey shows >pedo live shows asians love >blacks in africa fuck actual apes Idk White women are paid to do the nasty shit while blacks,brown and asians all make bestiality, race mixing, pedo a part of their "culture".
>>11464 Aliens don't exist.
>>11473 >chicks will fuck anything anything except you
>>11474 > blacks,brown and asians all make bestiality, race mixing, pedo a part of their "culture". there's a reason for that can you ever guess what it could be?
>>11475 >the vastness and unending void of The universe, thinks we are the only living organism that inhabits it >Aliens don't exist. keep thinking that dipshit
Gray aliens are Made for BBC
>>17211 ...what?
>>17222 Extraterrestrial Coalburners

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