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Anonymous 02/03/2023 (Fri) 06:08:45 Id: e93eb3 No. 13497
what would you do if you found your sister like this?
>>13497 > if you found your sister like this? I already have. all five of my sisters are fully blacked (and black owned) and I've seen the aftermath of them getting fucked by niggers more than once (first my three older sisters, then my two younger sisters). but I've never seen them going at it raw in front of me… (I don’t think I ever will) my dad only fucks black women these days and my mom (they are divorced now) is mostly interested in younger mixed guys. my older brother is probably the only that hasn't fucked around with a nigger (his wife is Italian, so she's a spaghetti nigger if that counts). That just leaves me (pussy free virgin for life) and my niece (who asked me not to tell anyone that she's been giving virtual blowjobs to black guys in her online games... so its only a matter of time before she gets blacked irl, probably in a gang-bang as that's the type of the porn I found on her phone and tablet) and my nephew who's basically a femboy/tranny in training. he just looks like like a regular girl. already seems pretty popular with a group of Nigger and Mexican boys. he usually has a crowd of at least 3 – 5 around him when I pick him up after school school. (told him to watch out if they ever discover his still got a dick. (he’s hoping to get breast implants and a fake vagina before he's 18, but I doubt he'll be able to hold out on getting blacked before that. Especially if he gets a steady boyfriend. Also you’re images are confusing OP, text is about daughters and girlfriends/wives but you open the thread talking about sisters? Anyway, I’ll never have a gf/wife or daughters so I’ll never know that particular feel.
>>13521 How old are your sisters and your niece?
>>13497 Pictures like this of my Crush would be amazing.
>>13528 Old enough to fuck around? like how many details do you want? (I won't give you direct ages or info since I'm not into doxing myself) but let me say this, black guys don't generally give a shit how old a girl is (so keep that in mind) at my school most of the girls 13 and up would fuck anyone that could get them booze and cigarettes. the school never seemed to care about all the 20+ year old black guys hanging around. >>13546 eh? I guess. as somebody with an actually blacked family I'll use the thread as an AMA if any anons what to know what its really like. (ups, downs whatever)
>>13557 I've always wondered how it feel like to be surrounded with sisters and nieces and what not that are getting fucked by blacks. Do you, and if you do then how often, masturbate and fantasize about your own family members getting plowed? Are they teasing you in any way? And are you content with how things are? Sorry for barraging you with so many questions but im truly curious.
>>13557 >as somebody with an actually blacked family I'll use the thread as an AMA if any anons what to know what its really like. (ups, downs whatever) Nastiest stuff you have overheard/know they do? Rough sex, public stuff, anal, rimming etc.?
>>13557 Any of them PAWGs? Any of them start going to the gym because of their bfs?
>>13583 >I've always wondered how it would feel like to be surrounded with sisters and nieces and what not that are getting fucked by blacks. that's been the only life I've known. so I guess it just seems "normal" for me, but also kinda "strange". I guess its really not a typical experience (at least not yet) >Do you? yeah. >and if you do then how often, do you masturbate and fantasize about your own family members getting plowed? used to masturbate a lot (more then three times a day regularly, and if I was a bit "overstimulated" I could easily hit 10+) I wold say fantasy involving family members was less then half of what I would focuses on (if possible) but sometimes it was unavoidable. if I could hear someone getting fucked hard in the next room. or worse, feel it coming through my wall and hear it. (I had a middle room, so it was basically quadraphonic sex sounds and vibrations from every angle). I used to feel bad about it after I came and would try to avoid those types of fantasy's but later on two school friends I used to trade burned games (and porn DVDs) with (black guy and a mixed guy) admitted to me that they frequently had sexual fantasy about family members. that helped me stop giving as much of a fuck about it. (we also used to eat pizza and share Bible Black theories every time a new episode would come out). >Are they teasing you in any way? my oldest sister has always teased me in sexual and non-sexual ways. but never from an interracial angle (at least not on purpose but she did have drunken sex with two black guys in front of me and my other sister). one of my younger sisters however (a redhead) is always fucking with me. she's a black supremacists, hates white men etc. takes every opportunity to undermine me, insult me and emasculate me. and remind me of my supposed "inferiority" and even threaten me if I ever “step out of line” (but I do anyway)… last time I told her to fuck off she got that look in her eyes. (The one girls get when they want to “hate fuck” something to death). At least I can get a good chuckle out of that (sometimes). >And are you content with how things are? I guess? Its not like I can change anything about my reality. Things could be better, but I try not to complain that much. I know some people have way more messed up lives then I do. >Sorry for barraging you with so many questions but I’m truly curious. Its no problem. (A few of my friends have asked me similar questions) >>13557 >Nastiest stuff you have overheard/know they do? Rough sex, public stuff, anal, rimming etc. all of that, with the exception of rimming. (non of them would ever go for that, well maybe one would do it…) >>13557 >Any of them PAWGs. All of them fit the PAWG body type. except my oldest sister (she’s a bit more tall and lean with less of a bum) >Any of them start going to the gym because of their bfs. Not really, most them have had gym memberships but they don’t work out religiously or for any goal. More like they just have good diets and known general health stuff. (mom was always a health guru type).
>>13586 >>13587 I meant to respond to these two at the end but mixed up the quote link. (just look at the text for the answer)
>>13588 Sauce on that riding gif
>>13593 >Sauce on that riding gif Just Fuckin' #3 (2005), Scene 1 (Mary Anne) Length: 24:45
(1.26 MB 563x400 26405687.gif)

>>13588 >all of that, with the exception of rimming That's hot. Any good stories? >(non of them would ever go for that, well maybe one would do it…) Which one?
>>13521 >all five of my sisters are fully blacked (and black owned) fuck so hot
>>13596 >Just Fuckin' #3 (2005), 2005? that makes it even better lol
>>13521 Crazy how white nationalist will straight up give themselves schizophrenia for an image board meme
>>13588 Which one do you think would go for rimming? Also, how did you end up finding out your niece gives blacks virtual head? You should try to set her up with a nigger gangbang. What kinda questions have your friends asked, do they know you’re into it? And what does your older brother think of all this?

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