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New Management | Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 08/05/2023 (Sat) 07:33:52 Id: df3625 No. 18535
At last, I am finally in total control of this board. From now on, low quality posts will be deleted. This thread will replace the previous sticky for feedback and meta discussion. I am also open to recruiting moderators. For applications and other concerns, you may contact me on Discord at _eral_ or Element at @eral_:matrix.org. My activity may vary. The existence of moderation will hopefully restore confidence in the viability of quality threads.
Delete everything and start fresh again
Cleaned up the catalog a bit. Off-topic threads and beggars are marked for death.
Hi I'm the new mod and I can't wait to CUM to BBC PORN!!! >>18546 There's a lot of quality posts and threads though. We'll clean up the catalog.
>>18582 Delete the indian threads pls. That ain't BBC porn
>>18595 It's still theoretically interracial though and just one thread. Just hide it, it will also serve as a containment thread for everything of the sort.
Sissy containment threads please, they are used to being in cages anyway.
>>18535 Please enable thread creation without files (text only). I want to make a thread to share links but because I use Tor, I can't post files and therefore can't create threads. Or alternatively create a thread where we can share links to videos. Many videos are simply too large to upload here.
>>18614 Enabled for your sake, but I discourage this being used by anyone else.
>>18614 >>18616 Well, looks like the more elegant solution was also made within minutes later, so that ought to be better. I'll keep it on in case you want to post anything else, but keep the catalog orderly.
>>18535 whats the policy now for revealing censored face onlyfans performer because previous admin/boardowner get rid of posts talking about mrs amsterdam
>>18535 Why was the board transferred? Will you continue the trend of having practically nothing but niggerdick porn when the board name implies a variety of interracial? This board could have been a goldmine of negresses and yellow cuties for those that like 3DPD, but's always been male niggers, niggers, and more niggers for years. Previous BO claims he didn't delete non-nigger porn, but I don't particularly believe him.
>>18632 >Why was the board transferred? Because the previous BO did absolutely nothing and let the globals babysit this board with its constant DMCA strikes and bot-level spam. >Will you continue the trend of having practically nothing but niggerdick porn when the board name implies a variety of interracial? I will accept at least one thread for other genres if the interest is there, but the board focus is decisively on BMWF and that will remain the general theme of the catalog. >Previous BO claims he didn't delete non-nigger porn, but I don't particularly believe him. He didn't delete it because he deleted nothing ever.
>>18651 You got what you wanted. I don't understand why you're still arguing. You just want attention I suppose. The boar owner used the words >general theme That means they never said or intended for the board to be exclusively for black men and white women. There are plenty of threads new and old that aren't focused on just that pairing.
Crossboard drama took place, I will thus clarify the issues raised: >There is no explicit rule against other pairings besides BMWF. It is understood that BMWF is the main focus of the board, and the catalog is expected to consist mainly of that. Posting other content is allowed, but must be clarified in the OP to make filtering easier, and I reserve the right to contain it as I see fit. To demonstrate goodwill, I will not take any harsh action about it for the foreseeable future. >The board will be catered to the existing userbase and entirely different fetishes will not be forced in at the expense of previous posters. Coming in from other boards to cry about it will not be tolerated.
>>18653 Have you considered deleting all threads and starting fresh as first poster mentioned?
>>18677 I admit it's an interesting idea, but Parias expressly requested I do not delete the board so I consider this beyond my authority for now.
>>18678 There are good threads here worth keeping, but there's also a lot of junk still cluttering up the board. The kind of stuff that is redundant, repetetive, is not a topic that lends itself to greater contribution and discussion should go. Really specific threads begging for one particular video only, with harldy any replies should also get deleted. Threads like this https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/15472.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/17360.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/17259.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/11737.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/17090.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/16994.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/15780.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/14358.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/15500.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/177.html https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/13858.html
>>18679 >doesn't even know how to fucking link threads ORGANIC POSTER ALERT
>>18627 For now we will keep them banned. This is a matter of DMCA strikes against the site. I may be able to provide a list of prohibited performers soon.
>>18535 IR flag?
I just want to say as a longtime poster on this board I don't understand why people get butthurt over the amount of bbc on this board. The audience here clearly wants it and the only people bitching are the dicklet whitebois who are coping with their time being up and no one wants to engage in their niche fetishes. Interracial here means bmwf and if I had it my why I would go the opposite direction and delete all threads not pertaining to bbc. That is what is popular that is what the audience wants to see and you can either create another board which will get 0 hits or fuck off to whatever forum where you and the 5 other guys who are into wm Arab female or whatever the fuck you like can circle jerk yourselves while the rest of us post in peace
>>18535 So you did a coup? Oh that's perfect, another Central African hellscape falls for dictatorship. This time on the internet. Oh well, anyways whoever gives me the sauce for this will get a $19 fortnite card from Dollar General.
How do you delete posts on here? I can see why discord accounts are usually abandoned on that discord thread when all it does is attract shitty bots to spam your DM's. I want my post on there deleted admin.
>>18865 Enabled user self-deletion.
>>18866 Finally trannies will be able to accomplish their purpose
> Still no interracial banners Well played, sir, well played.
>>18899 I ain't doing everything myself. If you want them you can suggest them.
Have the rightoid chuds stopped raiding us? I really hate those guys.
>>19102 Rightoid chud is in control of the board, but other than that I haven't seen anything like a raid.
What is going on here?
great job on cleaning up guys. 3 months and nothing has changed. off-topic threads, spam and outright bad threads. no banners, nothing. i guess this is whats to be expected when you put moderation into a bunch of porn addicts hands
>>19154 There is literally no spam, and you are free to report whatever you want that you think is problematic. It has been less than one month, for that matter.
>>19103 >Rightoid chud is in control of the board doubt.jpg
>>19155 I've seen a massive improvement in the board so far. I suggest you double Janny's pay.
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>>18535 >New Management FUCKING FINALLY! THANK YOU! Now I return to be a regular here. Vid source: https://xhamster.com/videos/riding-a-bbc-xhphZp0
>>18595 this. the muzzoid thread too. it really ruins the vibe and it has zero content and it's just people shitflinging
You're all cucked faggots.
>>18535 why is it so hard to block bypass
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Are you looking for mods and jannies?
>>20188 Been able to keep up pretty well as is, jannying isn't really something this board is lacking now, just engagement. When we get more activity, then we will need more hands on deck.
>>20191 Good! Honestly, /interracial/ has never been high traffic. We tried increasing traffic in 2020 or so, but a lot of people were scared off by it being a "chan" site, which has "a bad reputation." I'll try to recreate the /interracial/ discord server. It being associated with the board again is up to you.
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'arty niggas on /incel/ are monitoring this board
>>20679 Looks like they're chiefly concerned with the tranny drama, not a big issue.
>>18679 >arbitrarily deleting part of this board's history You are totally not a /pol/ double agent
>>20984 rent free.
Can we have lesbian blacked? Dick sex is so boring trash. BFWF cucks the whiteboy even more than BMWF as he is cucked not only because of his race but also his gender.
>>21199 This board is not about cuckoldry, but you are free to make a thread and see if it will draw activity(it won't)
>>21105 >he didn't deny it

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/interracial/ is formally invited to the 8moe /icup/ Soucalibur6 tournament. >What? Pick a fighter. Send a reference picture. >Where? 8moe /icup/ at >>>/icup/5117
>>22645 Well, I'm kinda curious about it, but before I barge in there, are you sure inviting us is a good idea for the presentation of the tournament? I'm mainly thinking about how to be aesthetically inoffensive while remaining representative. When's the deadline? We don't really have a mascot so we're still working this out for a little bit, and the board isn't fast enough that I expect to scrape something together in a day.
>>22666 You don't really need to have a mascot. For inoffensive content, that's fine. You could send a picture of anything as a reference. >When's the deadline? Preferably tonight (I'm working on characters now). But sometime this week.
Why was the twitch thread deleted?
>>22678 It was redundant and the first post linked to a suitable thread.
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>>22645 >>22668 Thanks How about Elsa Jean in Blacked underwear (Seong Mi Na's fighting style)? The other choice would be 2B in Blacked underwear Shoutout to this based lad https://8chan.moe/interracial/res/13059.html#q20464
Saturday February 17, 2024 ~5pm Eastern Time Zone / ~11pm UTC Thread: https://8chan.moe/icup/res/5117.html Link: https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup Have some fun watching the tournament and cheering on our champion, 2B! 1st Round Roster ... /arte/ Artemis vs /yuri/ Shizuru /leftypol/ Alunya vs /christian/ Christ Chan /ac/ Aurora vs /monarchy/ Grace /tkr/ Lila vs /delicious/ Cake /pol/-tan vs /site/ Asuka punished /v/ vs /pol/ Erika /sp/ Wadina vs smug/a/ Hoihoi /v/ Vivian James vs /av/ Avellana /fur/ n8 vs /interracial/ 2B /eris/ Grandma vs /argentina/ Milei /ac/ Hilda vs /fast/ Sonic /b/ commiecat vs /hispol/ Esther /2dblacked/ Asuna vs /bleached/ Chel /monster/ Ammit vs /2434/ Brosemi Lovelock /ita/ Rita vs /hisparefugio/ Hispita
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In an hour and a half. /interracial/ 2B vs /fur/ n8 https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup
>>22775 nice, we won 5-0
>>22778 won our second match against leftypol 5-0 as well we're gonna win bros
>>22780 won our third match against monarchy 5-1 won our fourth match against bleached 5-0 (would have been a kino final but sadly it was the semifinal) onto the finals we go
>>22781 WE WON 5-4 against /fast/ sonic bbc won
>>22783 just beating bleached and leftpol was worth it
>>22783 Congratulations, /interracial/. We have new re-balancing. To re-balance the next tournament, we will restrict some fighting styles. /interracial/ will have to choose another fighting style (and not 2B). Another rule will be that /interracial/ and /2dblacked/ will have to take turns between tournaments to represent blackedfags. This is mostly because 2B had such a sweep in the 1st tournament and because people weren't happy 1st last tournament was blacked But you did have your moment in the Sun and I hope you anons understand.
>>22796 Didn't 2B only have a 53% win rate on the balance sheet? Last night seems like a fluke.
>>22797 2B has a 63% win rate. https://pastebin.com/raw/p7AT2JVp I'm not exactly sure why it was such a fluke. Might have been that ur contestant was an original character fighting custom characters.
Is there an official /interracial/ discord?
>>22823 Nah.
>>18604 While hilarious, I don't think that's off topic really so long as the content is still primarily focused on bbc.
Tournament is starting around 3 hours. This is our cytube: https://cytu.be/r/8duels
2nd tournament 2nd battles in 2 hours: https://cytu.be/r/8duels
2nd tournament finals in 27 minutes https://cytu.be/r/8duels
Apparent post-nut guilt has been resulting in too much content getting deleted by faggots so I decided to disable self-deletion again. They do it with normal videos for no reason too. Double check your posts to make sure you didn't make any typos and if you want something deleted you can report it
>>23095 >post-nut guilt Lol have to say I sympathize with this feeling, until I accepted the truth. Better this way, white bois have to stop denying their feelings.
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Can I make a celeb fakes thread? Is that against the rules? What about deepfakes?
>>23451 I'm not aware of any reason why not, we already have the voice AI thread
>>23454 >we already have the voice AI thread excuse me sir, where i can find it?
>>23649 lol i found it sorry
Reminder to everyone that the report button exists and can be used to tip me off to low quality or generally undesirable posts when they might escape my view otherwise. Make sure to not tick the "Global Report" option so that they go to me instead of globals. Use Global Report only for illegal content. Local reports don't have to correspond to any particular rules, just briefly explain why a post sucks and I may or may not agree with it.
happy juneteenth
>>23102 There's no way they didn't fuck after this photo shoot

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