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Anonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 07:13:46 Id: 586b9c No. 19055
So why exactly are there so many trannies in a social space that isn't about them specifically?
because emasculation is a pretty major part of this fetish and some niggas take it too literally
>>19055 Not sure, not trans. If I had to guess, it's because of how broad certain internet communities are in their welcoming of people. That's like asking why so many Indians and white males are on a board specifically catering to black men and white women fucking, and so far I've seen a lot more of them than I gave of trannies or gays.
>>19099 I don't know Indians, but white males can actually be found in interracial cuckold videos
Several reasons i think. Trans people wants to feel like women, so they are constantly seeking anything that emasculates them, and something they can self insert into. Hence the we can't compete, we're sissies theme usually. Trans people are also usually struggling mentally, so it's easy to fall deeper into the fetish and get into the whole bnwo, extinction part of it. This fetish is also heavily focused on black men, which is kind of gay when you think about it. It's only natural for trans/gay people to seek out this fetish. I think the straight community is smaller, but definitely needed for this fetish.
>>19055 I thought about writing some fetishy answer but got bored trying to word it right. Serious answer, kind of like >>19135 said, it's largely a way to use external factors to support/reinforce their rejection of masculinity. "Only black men are real men" and such is a convenient way to get rid of any internal uncertainty.
>>19055 The repugnant faggots make me hate this fetish more than anything else.
>>19135 >This fetish is also heavily focused on black men, which is kind of gay when you think about it Nope, that's your homosexuality speaking. For me it's purely about white women being sluts, simultaneously attractive but off-limits in a way that drives me wild.
Because this fetish revolves around severe mental illness, trauma, and inferiority complexes. Trannies tend to meet those standards. I'm not even saying this as an insult. It's just a brutal, harsh fact.
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Every interracial PMV or video these days is either explicitly about sissies, cock cages, men being faggots, or is cuckoldry about a guy jerking off in a corner. The entire fetish has moved away from interracial sex, and into self-hatred BDSM and cock and ball torture. Why did this happen? I used to love interracial, but looking at all this fag shit makes me cringe, it's like someone was deliberately trying to ruin the fetish by making it as gay as possible. The focus is no longer on white women or black men, but entirely on white men engaging in BDSM, that isn't interracial porn, that's homosexual BDSM. The cucks won and made it all about them.
>>19895 >this fetish why did interracial become about homosexual BDSM?
>faggot mod passive aggressively replies to threads then deletes them Kill yourself, faggot.
>>22388 I didn't reply to anything, but there is a guy going around requesting thread deletions that I usually agree with
>>22390 >if I lie they will believe me you ain't slick, jack
Because this fetish is an offshot from sissy hypno
>>22392 It is not and this is not the right board for that.

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