>I would argue you cannot have this fetish without being racist, actually
No this is a fetish of leftists, precisely far left pro race-mixing. And if some far leftists are racist that's anti-whites racism, not the anti-blacks racism of white nationalist, so it's literally the OPPOSITE of you. That's why i specified "WHITE racist" in my sentence.
>You assume I don't and would not want to kill the participants if given the opportunity
You love seeing blacks fuck your women but at same time you want to kill them? You just confirmed that you're a schizo, you confirmed i'm right. And stop talking like you can kills someone please, you are a fag you can't even kill a fly.
>Your intelligence is insufficient to really comprehend what is going on here
No, YOUR intelligence is insufficient to really understand what is going on here. YOU are a retarded, I'M smarter than you. Every word you speak is a schizophrenic contradiction, there is no logic in your shit. I understood perfectly what is happening here, you are a schizo and a CUCK.
I repeat, if you are white and you like to see blacks fucking white women you are NOT racist, you are not a REAL racist. The real racists are disgusted by this, they don't like it. You are not a racist you are a CUCK. A true white racist (not a schizo like you) doesn't like to see white women being fucked by blacks, he hates it, it's logical there's no need to argue about something so logical, end of discussion.
Now shut up, talking to a schizo like you is nothing but a waste of time, end of discussion, stop answering.