/kin/ - Kind Random

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lounge (/1/ thread) Anon Board owner 07/03/2021 (Sat) 19:33:12 No. 1
Welcome to Kind Random! This board is similar to Random (/b/) by not having a specific topic, but it has 1 rule that users can't be unkind to each other. In short, just don't be hostile or annoying to others here. This rule only applies to how you act towards users on this board. It doesn't apply to people who aren't here. This doesn't mean that I want you to act rude to outsiders, but I can't force outsiders to be kind to /kin/ frens, so it'd be unfair of me to enforce the reverse. This thread has no particular topic. Feel free to post whatever here. Report and ignore offending posts! Don't feed the trolls!
Edited last time by diff on 04/13/2024 (Sat) 17:49:34.
>fucks your ass >beans your ass
>>561 Oh and also pic related is the face I'm making while you watch me, so go ahead and keep watching
>>554 he's got firm goal and determination. I'll give him that. I wonder what he thinks of tomboys though.
>Rules of /kin/ >1 : Using harsh, rude, or negative wording towards another user isn't inherently rule-breaking. It could just indicate passion. So, as I understand it, stuff like "fuck yeah, that's amazing!" is okay whereas "fuck you!" is not?
>>604 Yeah pretty much. This isn't a sfw board, so porn and profanity and all that stuff is allowed, but being mean or annoying isn't, and it's the one rule that separates this board from >>>/b/. Even something like "fuck you" is allowed if it's clear that it's just meant to be a joke or friendly banter. Context matters, but since it relies on me judging good faith (and I'm only human) it's risky to post insults even in jest. It's worth noting that this kindness rule currently only applies to other users of the board. This is because I can't control how people conduct themselves outside of /kin/ so I think it'd be unfair for me to force /kin/ users to be kind to people who don't have to be kind back. I don't want kindness to be mistaken for being a "beta cuck".
>>605 so then we can still call redditors nigger-faggots as long as we're not talking about the ones posting here right?
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boy there sure is a lot of shit going on over on /b/. I work a lot so I haven't been able to keep up with it but I'm also afraid that if I ask then I'll get banned or some shit like that. Anyway kind board is still kind I'm glad that it's not been abandoned since I last came here. Even if it only gets a few posts per week that's still more than most boards here.
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New spoiler image! The default one is boring so I tried to make a custom one for /kin/. It's just an edit, but it's more interesting than a black question mark.
>>637 aww fuck yeah I love apus
Looks guys I drew a thing. I call him: Deedee.
>>522 DON'T DO IT IT'S NOT FUN >t. knower
>>531 I've been requesting this feature forever. I do it periodically. I think it would really help board discoverability on lynxchan imageboards.
I have a headache >~<
>>770 rolling a d20 to kiss it better. 1d20 = 20
>>772 Alright perfect! I kiss with finesse and grace. The pain stops immediately, as if by magic. Your spirit is lifted.
>>773 Nice job Anon. I'm sure he appreciated it! Rolling to slap your ass in praise (you know like in football, no homo) 1d20 = 17
>>782 A nice meaty slap that gets everyone's attention. They don't know what that was about, but they clap anyway. still no homo btw
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Well if we're all gonna just start rolling for things then... >>722 I like that pic of yours Fren. Rolling to give Deedee a class-upgrade, transforming him into ///GIGA DEEDEE\\\ 1d20 = 11
I recently learned from a demonstration that when you apply a shift to a problem in real space-time, (instead of for example, a virtual reality of your own design) it happens mostly to the final step, but not always. determining when and where the outcomes of the 2 change is something most people struggle with, but there's a third axis here that even I struggle with. Trying to see how it all works just makes you want more, and it's fun but tiring.
I wonder why Wikinews isn't more popular. It seems like a cool idea.
Having the power to talk to animals is actually not very useful if the power doesn't also make them smarter, because their low intelligence will prevent them from being able to understand what you mean even if they can understand what you say.
>>869 I think aminals are smarter than we give them credit for tbh
>>916 I think very basic speech could be understood by some animals, but that's about as much as you could communicate with them. Most animals won't understand anything at all.
Do you guys think that urinals should be considered a kind of toilet, or should it be its own separate "thing"?
I hope that as a result of the pandemic, wearing facemasks when you're sick and go out becomes normalized in the future. They do that in east asia and I always thought that was a smart idea. So many less people would get sick if we all (or most, always will be difficult ones) agree to do something simple like that.
/b/'s bo linked to this board along with some others in the board message
>>986 very cool! It's nice for even a low activity board like this one to be noticed every once in a while even if it's only for a little bit. I guess I should add /b/ to the message in turn if there's enough space left, not that a board like it needs any introduction anyway. I think it's because /b/ got a new "owner" due to some drama from a few days ago. I tried to understand what happened, but it was a little too frustrating. I have a rule of thumb that if something frustrates you and it's not important, you should drop it so I did. The only things on this website that are important to me are running my 2 boards. And since they're both low activity, that's pretty easy to do. /blog
>>987 >I tried to understand what happened it turned into a furry board with wordfilters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>986 lol what a lineup btw
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>>991 welcome to the random thread. I can't speak german but I hope that cat is having a pleasant time
It looks like /c/ has been deleted. It was part of the inspiration for me to make this board, so that's a shame. F
>>826 because no one wants to write news
there is merely ice and there is blobcat
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hello anybody home?

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