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Recent favorite foods Fren 07/04/2021 (Sun) 11:32:02 No. 17
I went to a local food joint on my way back from an appointment and I decided to get a sub. It was my first time getting a steak egg and cheese sub from them and wow! That's my new favorite sub now! I liked it even better with mayo, cuz I'm a fucking European like that. Any of you guys recently discover any foods or drinks you really like now?
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I don't know if it has a name, but I've become a fan of rice and eggs mixed together. It tastes good, it's cheap and filling, and it's healthy. It's a very balanced food. Adding just a bit of teriyaki sauce I find makes it very enjoyable. The mild savory flavor of the teriyaki blends well with the subtle sweetness of the eggs, especially when the eggs are cooked with butter.
>>18 Terikyaki sauce goes good with eggs? I always thought of that as more of a meat thing.
>>17 I like pretzel buns with nutella.
>>18 Making this for lunch I guess. How is this not just fried rice though?
>>31 How is this not just fried rice though? I'm a little confused. It's not fried rice because there's also eggs in it. The proportion of eggs to rice is higher than you're probably thinking it is. It's not just rice with some egg bits sprinkled in. It's about a 50/50 distribution. I use oil or butter when cooking the rice, so it is being fried, if that's what you mean. >Making this for lunch I guess. Anytime. I've made it for dinner before, and breakfast as well.
Pierogies are pretty good. I was shown them by a friend a few years ago, and they've grown on me. I don't know if a few years ago would be considered recent though.
>>32 To make fried rice you fry 3-4 eggs in butter and then take out the eggs and fry the rice in oil or butter with a little oyster sauce and soy sauce. You can also prior to this fry onions, garlic, etc. Anyway then you add it all back together, and ensuring heated thru, serve. Its a great quick meal, and you can toss a bit of bbqd beef or chicken on top. Or fry beef, chicken whatever. It's good. And it sounds like you have the recipe, and techniques down already really.
>>56 I love pierogies. Baked, fried. Whatever. So tasty. Lately for a quick meal ive been buying a frozen bag of cheese ravioli, then I heat some tomato sauce and boil the ravioli. Strain and then add into sauce. Good stuff. Tomato sauce is easy. Get a can of tomato paste and a can of boiled peeled tomatoes. First you toss olive oil in a pan. You heat it up. Then you toss in sliced garlic very fine, stir constantly for like 30 seconds then toss in sliced. Bell peppers and mushrooms fry it all a little. Then add tomato paste, boiled tomatoes, italian herbs, salt pepper, red chilli flake. A little water and stir til combined. Then set to low heat and simmer for 2-3 hours or until you get bored. Routinely adding a bit of water or red wine as it condenses. Help the tomatoes along while checking every 20 minutes and stirring. This shit will taste amazing but if you let it burn you are fucked. Watch that bottom. Anyway I make it on Monday and freeze the remainder. Its quickly thawed and ready to go throughout the week for a quick meal... If you have ravioli. Or honestly if you just slice up a sausage, fry it, toss it in and serve over spaghetti noodles.
>>32 >It's about a 50/50 distribution I like to add lots of rice to stuff to stretch it out and to add some nice filling starchiness to the dish. Whenever I make tacos I always add rice to the beef after it's been seasoned, and do the same with Hamburger Helper, chili, basically anything with a lot of savory or spicy flavors. It can really save you some cash and it's really good. Also reminder to give >>>/ck/ some love.
>>59 >jewish cooking thread Anon they like matzah there. Lox on the bagels. Knish is a word that is spoken. Bacon is not. Anon unspeakably horrific things are being done to palates. Long before the I heard the JQ I learned of jewish cuisine. At a young age anon I've had such foibles. Nay. Holocausts of flavor and common decency foisted upon me. No anon. That is... Not a good place.
>>66 Be the change in /ck/ you wish to see, my fren... Or just make the cooking threads here I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>67 I mean it's not like we don't need the bumps. We could stay on the front page all week.
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>>68 >being completely exposed for everyone to see >all week
>>69 I think I know what your recent favorite food is, Fren.
Today I cooked hamburgers. I ate one hamburger and some potato salad. It was tasty.
>>69 I got porkchops, egg noodles, butter and some eggs. And some potato salad left. How is this dinner gents? /ck/ says fry the pork. Then let sit 20 minutes then slice fine and stir fry. Hmm. Not a bad idea. I certainly have rice and some bell peppers. But I know theres a dish to be cooked here besides that.
>>17 >cuz I'm a fucking European like that I just tried mayo on chicken strips. How euro am I?
>>101 Yeah that's pretty tasty. Make an aioli.
Well it's time for dinner, and without any additional prompting I guess im gonna go fuck around. Might take pictures. Unless it's a disaster and then I am just gonna say everything was fine and post no pictures.
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>>120 I'm guessing "everything was fine"?
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>>122 Rice and chops went well. Let the chops rest and then sliced fine and stir fryed with green bell peppers. I forgot finished pictures. It was good though. I had put some in the fridge, but my roommate ate it for lunch. I'm kinda pissed because I was counting on that for my lunch. Whatever things happen. At least when I asked him about it he lied to my face. Whatever. So for lunch today I made fried rice with the left over rice. It has eggs, and rice. About 50/50. Wasn't bad. One sec I'll go get a pic.
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Anyway heres lunch. Sad and pathetic. Ugh. I mean it tasted fine, but it needed peas, and some meat. Shoulda fried some bacon in hindsight.
>>149 >>150 Nice pics. >Shoulda fried some bacon in hindsight Make sure to write down what you make and what needed improvement so your recipes can get better over time. I always make things that I end up liking, but forget to write it down so I don't know how to make it again. It's frustrating.
>>154 Oh. Yeah. That's fucking genius! Why haven't I been doing this? Thanks fren!
Okay dinner is coming up. What to do. It is my roommates birthday. So I made brownies. And for dinner I am thinking Salisbury steak, or chicken fried steak. Never made either one before. No idea what it all takes.
>>164 Not sure about chicken fried steak, but isn't Salisbury steak something that usually comes pre-made? I've never seen anyone make it from scratch. Then again I don't have many cooks in my life, including myself. Regardless I usually have mine with mashed potatoes and corn. It's a good combination because of the sauce/gravy mixing with the mashed potatoes.
>>166 Now its just hamburger, breadcrumbs and an egg. The sauce is just mushrooms and the beef dripping. Make some mac and cheese and thats a nice meal. Unfortunately I have no mushrooms, onions, or even canned. Not even condensed french onion soup. So just regular hamburgers tonight. This makes me sad. Tomorrow Im doing some shopping after work. And then ima make a good meal for you guys. Promise. But my roomate wants burgers again tonight. Third time this week. I am getting sick of burger.
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In the end I made hamburgers. Very tasty.
>>17 I used to go to a place that sells subs and get some with my friends. It was a group or 3 or 4 of us that would walk around the town going place and playing at a few playgrounds we liked. When we went past the sub place we'd usually buy small subs and eat them while we're heading to wherever we were going next. Good times.
>>221 That sounds awesome fren! Good times with frens.
>>215 Nice! I always get nervous that I undercooked my burger, so I like to keep a food thermometer handy, even though I know it's unlikely.
>>229 Yeah I used to worry. Just been doing it and eating them so long I guess the fear has mostly left me. Well no I still check for pink habitually I guess. God I love burgers. Anyway today is on heart attack week is bacon sandwiches.
>>231 A friend of mine likes them somewhat pink. He eats them medium rare. I can't do that though, I always gotta have them fully cooked, though I cook them low so they usually don't burn.
>>265 Low and slow gets it done right man. Fuck yeah.
Anons today I go shopping. And then maybe make meatballs, tomato sauce, and some spaghetti.
>>101 I rate ya Finland out of France! >>324 Funny coincidence though because I just made spaghetti. Nothing handmade though. I tried making the meatballs myself but they usually fall apart so I just buy some from the store.
>>325 Awesome. Sucks that they fall apart. I'll see what observations I can bring back.
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>>325 Okay rolled the meatballs. Sauce has been going for an hour. Gonna smoke a ciggarete, go brown the meatballs, toss them in the tomato sauce, and then relax while occasionally stirring for an hour. Pics of garlic.
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And finally we sit back and let the meatballs just chill for an hour. In about 30 minutes I need to start pasta.
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>>337 Finally we cook the spaghetti. /ck/ will notice salt and oil in the water. That's right. Then we plate and eat. It was very tasty. I tossed the pasta with a little olive oil before serving. Tips for next time. Cut the onions and garlic finer. I used 1 pound ground beast 1 pound italian sausage (pork) 2 eggs Idk bread crumbs Parmesan cheese (shaker) Some shredded mozzarella Salt pepper italian herb seasoning And mixed like hell. Then made about 1 inch meatball by hand. Brown meatball in frying pan with olive oil. Transfer meatball to tomato sauce (I always make the same sauce for most recipes. I am sure I posted it before) and simmer for an hour. Stirring. Welp that was dinner ciao.
>>337 Damn, nice meatballs bro.
>>398 Thanks, bro. No homo.
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Liked a Coxinha definitely not spanish food but some of workers there spoke spanish as there were some Latin dishes. I hate that learnt Spanish in college (I can read and understand most of /hosrol/ but role-playing isn't for me) , don't really like spicy food as I am in my 30's and now my stomach can't handle spicy foods any more. I wish I was in my 20's and teens again.
I finished the last of the meatballs off. Well except for a bunch I just froze. Anyway new food tonight. Probably hamburger.
>>403 >>403 >I hate that learnt Spanish in college better to know an extra language than to not know an extra language, right? It might come in handy some day. Spanish is a pretty common language.
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I've lately been taking a liking to waffles. They're basically pancakes but with slots to put butter and syrup in. I recently bought a waffle iron, and since I got it I've pretty much made exclusively waffles instead of pancakes since I see that as a strict improvement, with the only downside being that you need a special appliance to make them, the waffle iron.
>>449 I love waffles, but have no waffle iron. Their crunchy pancaky goodness is denied me.
>>450 Waffle irons are pretty cheap all things considered. I'd recommend it if you like them. I actually find it easier to make waffles with the iron than pancakes in a pan, because you don't have to flip the waffles. You just pour in the batter, wait, then take them out when they're done.
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>>452 Yeah you are so right. I need to buy one. Anyway today was sausage gravy and biscuits. 1lb sausage Butter Milk Flour Biscuits Oh and salt and pepper Brown sausage in pan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over sausage, sprinkle a tablespoon or two of flour over sausage, mix well over heat. After a minute or two add milk, pepper. Simmer til thick. Like five minutes. I used pilsbury biscuits. It was good but salty. Recipe called for salt but I think its fine from just the sausage and butter.
>>67 I like how this thread basically turned into /ck/ anyway. >>30 I love love eating nutella with pretzel buns. The saltiness makes for a good contrast to the sweetness of the nutella. >>488 >Recipe called for salt but I think its fine from just the sausage and butter That's what I was thinking. Butter and sausage are usually pretty salty themselves, so I feel like you wouldn't need anymore with both. >>229 I'm the exact same way. I always poke it with the thermometer and make sure it's at least 160F inside. Food poisoning sucks.
>>491 >I feel like you wouldn't need anymore Right? No idea why the recipe called for salt, seasoned salt, and garlic salt. Like wut. Anyway don't use salt when making this. Garlic powder is fine.
I had dumplings for the first time in almost a decade and they're pretty good! They go nice with a sauce and some chicken.
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>tfw found my meatball thread FUCK YES. God I lost this thread months ago and couldn't find it. I swear it was on /c/.
Asparagus actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wouldn't say it's a favorite or anything, but I like eating it now.
>>26 eggs are a kind of meat, aren't they?

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