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Fren 07/10/2021 (Sat) 00:38:02 No. 261
Find any new games you like recently? I don't know if it counts as a game, but I found one called The Powder Toy. It's a little physics simulator where you mess around with a bunch of substances see how they react to each other. It's pretty fun, plus it's open source which is great. It just got a new update which is cool, and it reminds me of that old flash game from way back in the mid 2000s. I think it was called Quick Sand but I'm not sure.
I've been meaning to try dragon quest. I heard that it was a good series so I've been looking into getting an emulator for one of the older ones to see if it's a series I might be interested in. I keep hearing that 5 is a good one for beginners, but I also heard that 8 was good too.
>>269 I think I tried like 15 years ago to try the snes ones. Just didn't hook me.
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I initially wrote off Friday night Funkin as a meme game because of how it exploded in popularity, but I've been trying it recently and it's actually not bad.
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Found this one on Newgrounds recently. Not too shabby for a flash game imho... https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/766745
>>261 Looks pretty cool. Think I may have to check this one out. Is it on PC, and if so, what are the OS requirements needed to run it?
>>872 I tried to play it but it keeps crashing with a bunch of errors. The screenshot looks fun though.

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