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Webm mp3 thread Fren 07/11/2021 (Sun) 08:31:40 No. 293
Itt we listen to snake eater and pretend we aren't
>>294 Heh not bad. I liked the ultimate remix though.
Well I don't have any mp3s but here's an old youtube vid I always liked.
>>293 >pic a modern rifle for a modern child soldier
(4.73 MB 698x480 mg2_intro.webm)

>>294 >>295 I should try the Metal Gear franchise sometime. I played Metal Gear 2 years ago and it was kinda fun. I never got far in it though and I never played another game from that franchise after that. I still remember the intro to that game being so cool for the time!
>>305 Yeah I love the franchise. If you play one only. I would say 3. Snake eater. So much goddamn fun. After that 2, 1, 4, peace walker, portable ops, acid, Babylon, mgs4touch for iPhone, 5.
I listen to this chiptune sometimes. I don't remember where I got it from and it doesn't have a name. It's just some mysterious mp3 I found on my computer one day and it's pretty good.
here's a classic

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