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Coffee Fren 07/11/2021 (Sun) 12:41:11 No. 298
Do you frens drink coffee? Tell everyone about it here. Here's some example questions. How do you have your coffee? How much do you normally drink? Have you ever tried iced coffee, cold brew, espresso, or any other unusual kinds of coffee-like drinks? Do you have a favorite coffee cup? When did you start drinking it? I started drinking coffee when I was around 14. I got curious about it so I had some and ended liking how it made me feel more energetic and awake, so I kept going and it became a habit. I normally have my coffee hot in a normal coffee machine, but sometimes I'll put a single icecube in it to cool it down so it doesn't burn my tongue when I drink it. I don't use any sugar or creamer most of the time. Just black. I drank espresso a few times before and you gotta be careful with it. It's kinda like coffee shots because it's very concentrated with caffeine. I typically drink 3 (measuring) cups per day, but sometimes I won't have any and sometimes I'll drink up to 5 cups. My favorite coffee cup is actually a bottle my mom bought for me as a gift a few years back. It seals to prevent spills and it's metal so it's durable. It can hold 4 cups in it too, which is convenient.
I drink pitch black nigger coffee, at least 2-3 10 cup pots a day. I started when I was like 12ish and have been at this level since mid teens. I'm 30 now. If it's not so strong no one can stand it but me it's not strong enough.
>>298 I hand grind my beans with a civil war antique. Boil the water, and brew in a french press. Black. As God, and Eugene Stoner intended. The flavor is all in the roast, water, and grind.
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>>298 >>308 >>309 NCNS gang rise up!
I drink coffee just for the flavor, the caffeine doesn't really do anything for me unless I have a ton of it. There's really no consistency in how I drink it, just depends on what I'm in the mood for. I'll sometimes drink it completely black if it's cold brew (heated before drinking) made with good beans, but otherwise I'll always add something, maybe cream, maybe sugar or another sweetener, maybe both. Spiced coffee is good too, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, etc. Cold brew is what I prefer but I rarely bother to make it, pour over is my usual method if I'm making it myself, or if someone else makes it then it's probably just brewed in a cheap coffee maker. I got myself a nice conical burr grinder a while back to freshly grind my own beans, but honestly I don't make enough use of it to justify the cost, and it's a bit of a waste if I don't spend even more on high-quality beans. Coffee can add some nice flavor to other things too, especially smoothies. Coffee flavor goes really well with bananas and oranges. I just add a bit of freshly ground beans or even cheap instant coffee to the blender. Coffee shakes on their own are pretty good too. I don't remember when I started drinking coffee, I've liked it ever since I was a kid. I've gotten more into it in the past couple years though, being influenced by my previous girlfriend who is somewhat obsessed with coffee.
I don't like coffee very dry and bitter for my palate, I like the taste of really strong wine though.
>>321 Coffee doesn't have to be bitter at all. Try cold brew.
>>321 Fresh espresso is quite sweet I think. In 60 seconds it can turn tho. You gotta drink it fast.
I wish coldbrew took less time to make. I'd be interested in trying it, but I never remember until the morning, and then I'm already on a tight schedule because of work or whatever. It takes like 16 hours to make so I gotta remember to make it the afternoon before. I keep forgetting though. >>309 >civil war antique A real one? That's pretty fuckin cool!
>>465 Maybe you could make a large batch of coldbrew on the weekend to last you through the week? I know someone who will occasionally make a month's supply at once.
>>466 I didn't think of trying that. I'll see if I can try it this weekend. Thanks!
I drink my coffee with an above average amount of cream, but no sugar. I think I started drinking it when I was 11 or so, but not consistently until I was around 15. Back then I drank it with cream and sugar. I never had anything special. No coldbrew or iced coffee or espresso or anything like that. Just normal coffee you make in a machine.
I tried iced coffee once. It was fine with cream and sugar, but it's shit when it's black.
>>466 So I tried that idea like you said and had cold brew for the first time, and wow! I think this is how I'm having my coffee from now on if I can remember to make it beforehand. It's much better than "hot" brew!
>>500 I'm glad! It's always fun when you try something new and find you really like it.
>>500 Now try it with a splash of heavy whipping cream. Not half and half, not light whipping cream, heavy. It's a hair spendy, but is truly wonderful in coffee. Even if you don't like cream in it, please please try it.
>>505 I tried it and I can definitely see what you mean. It's too expensive to me to get every time over half and half, but I'll keep that in rotation probably.
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>Do you frens drink coffee? >you frens drink coffee? >frens drink coffee? >drink coffee? >drink >not snorting lines of instant coffee mfw
>>1008 Instant coffee is honestly the best for me. It's cheaper, much quicker to make, and it tastes almost indistinguishable from ordinary ground coffee to me, plus you don't even need a coffee maker, since you just put in water and you're done.
I stopped drinking coffee because I felt like it was messing with my sleep schedule.
>>1031 The half life of caffeine in the body is around 6 hours, so just drink it first thing in the morning only and don't drink too much of it.
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I used to drink coffee, but I would always drink too much of it even when I knew that was bad and get a bunch of anxiety so I just decided to stop. I need more self control before I can start that again

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