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Eddit Fren 07/11/2021 (Sun) 19:08:44 No. 317
Do any of you use reddit in any capacity? I don't necessarily mean casually browsing a frontpage for fun and having an accounts with subscriptions. Just any use at all. Like using it to look up stuff or browsing one specific subreddit that's not shit. If you really don't use it at all, have you ever? It's okay you can be honest. Looking back on your past and cringing is how you know that you've grown as a person.
>>317 It came up on duckduckgo searches occasionally. But it never has good info or links. It is cancer. So I stopped clicking it even then. Thats the extent of my use.
It comes up fairly often in searches for tech stuff, the posts are often useful or at least provide hints that lead somewhere useful. For some games (especially mobile games) it's one of the best or only sources of information, at least in English.
>>317 I have the app and look at memes sometimes to kill 5min. I sometimes look for reddit results when searching for game or tech stuff. Some fan projects have their shit on there like am2r. Reddit terrible for discussions of any kind though, go there grab the shit you need and leave.
Pretty much like >>320 and >>387. I use it to get stuff like answers to questions or memes or porn (but only on the more specific subreddits. General ones like /r/ass and /r/gonewild are too vague to be useful) and things like that. I never use it for discussion though. Reddit's infamy of being a hivemind where disagreeing is punished with so many downvotes that you aren't allowed to makes posts anymore is so true that redditors often make fun of themselves for it.

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